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Tides of Mars (Omnibus Version)

Page 43

by Ben Winston

  “It must be pretty nasty for her to want to ask the theoretical kids about it first,” Gr'eis said smiling at her friend.

  Hs'ean winked at her. “I'm going to ask them about the negative energy rule.”

  Gr'eis looked confused. “I honestly can't follow you on this one, Hs'ean.”

  “Dare I ask what the negative energy rule is?” Ariel asked.

  “It's something they taught us in the war college,” Gr'eis said. “A capitol class starship cannot jump to Hyperspace in the midst of battle, nor can it travel hyper through a battle zone. The amount of energy normally released in modern battles is unimaginably high.

  “So high in fact, that it creates a hyperspace dead-zone for many years. The larger the battle, the larger the dead-zone. It's called the negative energy rule because so much energy is released in such a short period of time, it creates the Hyperspace equivalent of a star.

  “In Hyperspace stars are visible as a huge void area caused by the tremendous energy a star releases. In effect creating pockets of negative energy. A battle zone does the same thing; often on a much larger scale.”

  “Why didn't I learn that during hyperspace navigation?” Ariel asked.

  “Because it doesn't have much of an effect on smaller hyper capable craft. I wouldn't recommend stopping in one, but since you have a comparatively small mass it would only slow you down without burning out your hyperdrive.” Gr'eis finished explaining.

  “What brought it to mind was the report on the one that has formed at the Vega terminus of the transit lane; I just got the report on it. The destruction of that Super-carrier has created a hyperspace no fly zone of almost fifteen light hours in all directions and destabilized the wormhole for at least a month,” Hs'ean said.

  “Wait a minute! How large of a negative energy zone does a star make? Are we certain those ships can even arrive at their location?” Ariel asked.

  “They'll be cutting it close, but they'll make it. What I'm having trouble with is the fact that they won't be able to leave once they get here. Two fleets is an awful large force for a suicide mission.” Gr'eis said.

  “In the early days of the Empire, back when there was still fighting between the kingdoms, an atrocity so heinous was committed that banning the use of that weapon was unanimously agreed upon and the King that ordered its use was the first person to be hung on Aldus Forward,” Cr'ale spoke slowly, as if even speaking about such a thing could make it real.

  “It was also at that time that the replicator was invented. King Damiscos ordered an unmanned barge be built and filled with replicator mass. He then ordered it sent to the edge of the N.E. zone of his enemy's star system via hyperspace. They even used the N.E. zone as the method of terminating travel.

  “When it arrived, the rapid increase in mass destabilized both stars in the binary system. Four inhabited star systems were destroyed, along with over a trillion lives. The event not only created the largest N.E. zone so far recorded, but it also distorted n-space as well. For all intents and purposes it is literally dead space.”

  “Sire, surely you don't think they are using those here?” Hs'ean asked.

  Cr'ale shrugged. “Honestly, I wouldn't bet against it.”

  Ariel nodded slowly. “They need to end this war quickly and decisively. As Brenda said, they don't have the popular support of the people behind them so they must break the people's will to fight before they can rise up and destroy them.

  “The fastest way I can think of doing that would be for them to destroy both Cr'ale and I in a way so horrendous that it utterly breaks the people. What Grandfather has described would certainly do that.”

  DL announced that the researchers had arrived, and Hs'ean asked for them to be let in. Room was made for them around the table just as Brenda and Karen brought in dessert.

  “Good Evening Mother, Admiral. What can we do for you?” Denise asked. Obviously, she hadn't seen either Ariel or Cr'ale.

  “I'm sorry to do this to you, but we need a method to destroy a Damiscos ship in Hyperspace before it arrives at its terminus,” Hs'ean said.

  Denise turned to one of the other girls. “Kate? This is your area, wanna take a crack at it?”

  Kaitlin nodded and waved at Ariel which made Denise see her, and she paled as she recognized the man to at the opposite end of the table. However, none of that fazed Kaitlin.

  “I've been doing a lot of research into power systems, as well as Hyperspace since the whole dimension is basically energy. Of course I couldn't help but learn of the Demiscos event. So, by a Damiscos ship I can only assume you mean the Bomb he used to commit that atrocity?”

  Hs'ean nodded. “At least two of them will be arriving in this system in roughly forty hours.”

  Kaitlin scrunched her eyebrows together. “That makes no sense; unless you could get them to reenter n-space at precisely the same instant, it would do no good at all. Once the reaction in the star has begun, it's unalterable.

  “However, I do have a solution on how to stop it. You see, in this instance, brute force is best met by brute force. The ship itself isn't a bomb, it's actually nothing more than a large supply ship. However, the 'trigger' is running into the N.E. zone of the target star.

  “So, all we would need to do is trick it into thinking it has arrived at its location. But if we did it close enough, the ship wouldn't have time to react or even slow down. It would return to n-space at FTL speed and destroy itself. Of course, the same thing can be done to any object in Hyperspace,” Kaitlin replied. “I don't know about you, but that alone has prompted me to look for alternative travel methods.”

  “I assume you mean we need to create an artificial N.E. zone, instantly, directly in the path of the target?” Ariel asked.

  “Exactly Highness,” Kaitlin replied.

  “How large of an explosion would you need to do this?” Hs'ean asked.

  “That is wholly dependent of the mass of the target we want to stop. The N.E. zone need not be large, or even long-term,” Kaitlin explained.

  “Well, the mass is on the order of the planet Mars, with her moons.” Hs'ean said.

  Kaitlin pulled out a small chip, and set it on the table. Taping it once, a holographic terminal appeared. Kaitlin began typing. Since the hologram of the terminal was transparent, several data streams appeared, with more appearing all the time as Kaitlin added more information.

  While she was working, the conversation picked back up. “She's right about the bombs though. There is no way to get them to drop out at the exact same moment. Something else has to be going on,” Gr'eis said.

  “Could we be scaring ourselves for nothing?” Ariel asked, rhetorically. She shook her head and continued. “No, I don't think so, but even if we are the answer is still the same; stop them outside our system. Whether it's just two attack fleets, a fleet and a bomb, or two bombs, we cannot allow them into this system. Admiral, we're going to need a strategy for combating two full enemy fleets.

  “I know the forces we sent to Vega can't make it back for the party, but I think we should get them moving none the less. We are going to need those Guardians and as many ships for them as we can get built. We are also going to need as many missile platforms as we can turn out in the time we have.

  “This one action, more than any other they've taken so far, shows how much they care for the sanctity of life in any form. I can think of nothing more evil. Our Empire has been in darkness for far too long. It's time our people got to see some light.

  “We are going to need as many missile platforms as we can turn out in the time we have. We are going to stop these assholes! We are going to stop them so hard, and so often, their slaving asses are going to wish they'd never heard of the Dolian Free Trade Alliance!”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Command Super Dreadnaught, I.S.S. Divine Light

  Command Bridge (OIC training Commander St'ilits)

  142 degrees north, 62 degrees west trans-solar orbit

  Sol System, Sol (Horon-A) Sect

  Senior Fleet Captain Gr'eis, Commanding.

  “Con, Inbound track change. Target one has adjusted course, while target two has slowed. Target two is still on course. New ETA for Target two is sixty-two point four-four hours. Target one n-space re-entry now indigo eleven with the same ETA.”

  “Holy shit! That's dead center of the thickest concentration of missile pods isn't it?” St'ilits asked.

  “I believe it is, Commander. It looks like we caught a break this time. Would you like me to report it to the Captain this time?” Ops asked.

  “Not just yet, Ops. Can I see the specs for those pods please?” St'ilits asked.

  Ops knew that DL was already relaying the info to the Captain, so she nodded, and sent the data to his terminal, then joined him. “Okay, what are you thinking, St'ilits?”

  “Just an idea, Ops. Everyone knows we really need more of the pods out there to be truly effective but even with all of our replicators running continuously there just isn't time to get them all built.

  “So I got to thinking, what if we ordered the pods to increase their reload capacity to, say four-hundred percent? The spares can simply float beside the launchers until they're needed. The bots could attach small tractor units to hold them in place so the pod can aim.

  “It'll increase the overall mass, but that shouldn't matter much if we keep the pods updated on the expected re-entry position, thereby giving them time to re-orient themselves. With the standard rearming speed of the pods, running full out from the first salvo, it'll increase the attack capability by an order of magnitude.”

  Ops was following his explanation, and working out the figures for herself while he spoke. She was impressed. “Clear it with the Designer first, but that's a damn good idea. I'll make sure the Captain knows of it too. I think you're getting the hang of this.”

  “Nothing major, Commander. Creative thinking is part of the job description down in the re-re bays,” St'ilits said, reminding the Ops officer that he normally worked in the fighter repair and rearm bays.

  “Really? I didn't think it would be, after all, the fighter and weapons designs are pretty standard aren't they?” Ops said as she watched him type in and send the request to the designer.

  St'ilits shook his head. “Oh they're standard alright, but very few of them take battle damage into effect. How do you rebuild a half melted missile launcher in the shortest amount of time so you can get the fighter back into the fight?

  “We usually don't have the time to consult the designers and they don't make it a habit to hang out in re-re during a fight,” St'ilits finished.

  “Maybe they should. If they saw the issues that you folks deal with, they could redesign the systems for higher reliability?” Ops said.

  “Well, to be fair, since we started getting designers and researchers from Earth, they have been coming down to the bays to talk with us. But, we really haven't had any fights yet, so there hasn't been a whole lot we could tell them,” St'ilits clarified. “However, that does bring me to something I can do.” and he toggled the comm to the re-re bays.

  “Chief D'carv here!” said the voice.

  “Hello, Chief, this is Commander St'ilits. Remember how you once said it would be nice if you had more of a warning before a fight?”

  “St'ilits? Aren't you supposed to be on the Bridge learning how to be a Captain or something?”

  “Aye, Sir, and I am. However, I know for a fact we are going into battle soon, and I thought I would give you a heads-up, but keep it to yourself if ya know what I mean?” St'ilits replied.

  “Oh? Aye, I'll not say anything, but the lads are gonna know somethin's up. You lads, always seem to.”

  “That's because the crew bosses talk. If I might suggest, Sir, tell them it's a training squirt. You heard the Admiral might come down for an inspection or something,” St'ilits suggested, getting a raised eyebrow from the Ops officer.

  “Hah! They'd go for that, alright! Been a while since we had one of those. How much time have ya given me, Lad?” D'carv asked.

  “No more than about thirty-eight hours, Chief. Wish it could have been more.”

  “That's gonna be a damn-sight more than we woulda had! Do ya think you could get tha' pretty Ops chief up there to send me an Evaluator? It'd make the tale a wee bit more believable.”

  The Ops officer was standing there listening, and she chuckled silently, but nodded.

  “Consider it done, Chief.”

  “That's a good lad, now hustle up and git yer butt back down here; that lazy band of slackers you call a team is just trippin' all o're themselves!”

  “I thought as much, Sir. I threatened Dan'rit with a month of shining plasma exhaust vents if he screwed up while I was gone.”

  “Ah? Good to know, that,” D'Carv said with an evil laugh. “Re-re out.”

  “Why do I get the feeling there are going to be some very shiny exhaust vents on the ships we launch into battle?” Ops said.

  “I sure wouldn't bet against you on that,” St'ilits said.

  Command Super Dreadnaught, I.S.S. Divine Light

  Admiral's Apartment

  142 degrees north, 62 degrees west trans-solar orbit

  Sol System, Sol (Horon-A) Sector.

  Senior Fleet Captain Gr'eis, Commanding.

  Karen and Brenda ended up feeding the three scientists while they worked. Although Denise and Tara raved about the meal, Kaitlin only ate mechanically and it was doubtful she had even tasted it.

  Embarrassed, Denise began to apologize but Karen waved it off. “Don't worry about it, Sweetheart. Ariel gets the same way when she's involved with something. I've often wondered that, if not for the sense of smell, she would have starved to death as a student.”

  Brenda chuckled but piped up. “That's not exactly true. There has to be something there for us to smell! Most of the time, during long sessions, we simply forgot to eat. Then when we came out of the trance, we ate like we were starving!”

  Ariel nodded while laughing. “College students all over the world are living proof that the human body can survive indefinitely on nothing more than Pizza and Beer!”

  Cr'ale nodded and winked at Ariel. “There! Now I know what I can do when I retire! Open a Pizza and Beer house near a University that has net access to the school, as well as its own attached library!”

  Brenda laughed, “If you installed bunk beds for rent, you'd make money faster than you could spend it!” While she was laughing, she saw that Alex had her assistant taking notes. She had a grin on her face and wondered if she was going to take Cr'ale's suggestions to heart.

  Denise's pocket beeped at her, and she pulled her terminal out and opened it. “Please, excuse me a moment.”

  She checked her messages and got Tara's attention. “I think this is for you, Beautiful.”

  Tara quickly read the message. “Isn't Commander St'ilits a Fighter Tech?”

  Gr'eis ears perked up. “Yes he is, normally. However, today, he's the Captain; Operations is using the quiet time for Advanced Officer Training. What's he sending you a message for?”

  “He's had an idea about the missile pods and was asking if it'd work,” Tara said as she took out her own computer and started to get to work.

  Ariel grinned, but turned to Denise before she could get sucked into working on the questions too. “Denise, may I ask what the idea is before you disappear too?”

  She blushed. “Certainly, M'Lady. St'ilits would like to instruct the pods to increase their reload capacity by creating, then off-loading for storage, missile reloads. Which, if feasible, would drop the reload time from twenty minutes, down to a few seconds.

  “Uh, Tara, look at this; he completely removed the front armor and replaced it with smaller pieces so all the cylinders can fire their missiles at once.” She pointed out to her friend. “Sorry Highness.”

  “That's alright, Dear. Can you possibly translate all of this for us?” Ariel asked.

  “Sure!” Denise said. “DL, would you please
give me a holo of a missile pod over the table so everyone can see it?”

  Divine Light once again obliged and Denise began. “This is the pod as Tara designed it. In this configuration it can deliver thirty-six ship-killer warheads with one missile fired every forty-five seconds. As designed, each missile can be set to target individual ships, or hunt as a pack. They have the same range and accuracy of a capitol class ship, however, the pod, with its missiles, has less mass than an old Harbet class mine layer, and the scan footprint of a powered down fighter.

  “Now, from what I can tell of the proposed modifications suggested by Commander St'ilits, he has replaced the full front armored plate with smaller individual armored covers to protect the control systems located in the center of the pod. He also proposes a software alteration that will enable the pod to fire all thirty-six missiles at once. Which means each pod can engage thirty-six separate targets at the same time.

  “The software upgrade will also allow the repair droids to implement these alterations as well as adding a few more gadgets. He wants to increase reload storage capacity to four-hundred percent, by having the pod eject the full missile cylinder and create a new one, and repeat this until there are three reload cylinders for each of the six new firing points on the pod.

  “These reload cylinders will have small tractor units in them, that will hold the cylinders in position if the pod needs to re-orient itself. Once all the missiles in the first pod are spent, the empty cylinder is ejected and replaced with a full one, enabling more weapons to be brought on target much faster than originally designed,” Denise explained.

  “What's the downside?” Hs'ean asked.

  “The empty cylinders. They can only be reloaded while they're mounted to the pod. In order to reload the empties, we would need to move missile replication and reloading out of the firing position, and put it somewhere else,” She said. “There will also be a significant increase in overall mass. Having the reloads off to the side will also give it a larger overall scan signature as well.

  “However, just having the available reload pods and the faster firing ability significantly increases the effectiveness of the weapon system. Without the ability to reload the cylinders, each pod can fire one hundred forty-four missiles on up to just as many targets in less than three minutes,” Denise replied.


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