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Kiss Of The Night Wind

Page 23

by Taylor, Janelle

  Carrie Sue wondered why she wasn’t surprised by his behavior. “Why would those Apache scouts help the Army track down their own people?”

  “They’re caught in the middle too. And it’s the only way they can ride and live free of reservations. Besides, they’re probably from other tribes and don’t feel they owe this band any loyalty.”

  She wondered if, because of his troubled background, he had a penchant for helping the downtrodden or vulnerable. “Do you always help bad people like us when we’re in trouble?”

  “What makes you think that either side is totally wrong or bad?” T.J. asked. “You both got bad breaks in life and you have to accept them and deal with them. You can’t believe that you or the Apaches are totally to blame for what’s happened in your lives. Everybody makes mistakes and has flaws. Yours just multiplied before you could correct them. I think you and the Apaches are caught in other people’s traps, but there’s little I can do for either of you, except help you both survive until things change, if they ever do.”

  The redhead eyed him strangely. “What’s in it for you, T.J.?”

  He shrugged, then grinned. “With you, I’ll get paid for my trouble and danger by getting to spend time with a beautiful and enjoyable woman. As for the Apaches, I owe them for what they’ve done for me.”

  She argued, “But you’re breaking the law in both cases. I thought you always liked to steer clear of such perils.”

  “I have to do what I think is right and fair, so any more talk will have to wait until later. The Apaches only have a few hours to get packed and get away before those soldiers reach attack position. Right now the Army’s camped during the heat of the day and, when they get going again, they’ll have to move slowly with those heavy guns. Will you stay here until I return? I can move faster alone.”

  Carrie Sue realized he didn’t want to leave her alone, but he wanted to warn his friends. She jested to cease his worry, “Without my protective partner, I have no choice but to await his return.” Her expression and tone became serious when she added, “I’ll keep hidden. You be careful, T.J., and please convince them to leave quickly.”

  “Be here when I return, woman, or I’ll tie you naked to the first cactus I find after I recover you.” The ebon-haired man pulled her tightly against him and kissed her with a feverish force that revealed his hunger for her, and his fear she wouldn’t keep her word.

  Carrie Sue caressed his cheek and jested, “Do you want to take my weapons along to prove I’ll have to wait for you?”

  “Nope, ‘cause you might need them if another rattlesnake shows up, with no legs or with two of them. I’ll get back as soon as I can.”

  Carrie Sue watched him ride off and she sighed wearily. At least this would give her time to relax and recover from her reckless drinking. She left her pinto concealed in the deep arroyo nearby, and she stretched out on her blanket beneath the low limbs of a shady mesquite.

  Time passed as the day’s heat, the lack of any breeze, the near silence of the terrain, and the soothing buzz of insects on the fragrantly flowering tree lulled her into a peaceful doze.

  Suddenly Carrie Sue sensed danger and bolted upright, entangling her braided hair on a mesquite branch. Rapidly her hand had gone to her holster, to find it empty. As she freed her hair, she angrily watched the man who was squatting before her with a broad grin on his face. She realized what had aroused her from her too deep slumber—he had taken her gun. “What is the meaning of this, Martin?”

  The cattle baron and silver mine owner chuckled. “So, I was courting a legend and didn’t even know it,” he murmured. “I should have known you were too tough and sassy to be a schoolmarm.” His brown eyes lazily walked over the beautiful redhead and he laughed again.

  “I suppose you’re here to arrest me so you can collect my reward,” she said with a contemptible sneer. “How did you find me?”

  “Arrest you, my famous Texas Flame?” he leaned back his brown head and laughed almost wildly. “No, Miss Stover, I’m here to capture you for myself. As for finding you so quickly and easily, I have my Apache scout to thank; he’s the best around,” he boasted, nodding toward one of two men nearby. “As soon as Ben Myers showed me your poster Thursday afternoon, I came after you. Naturally our old sheriff didn’t want to call out such a famed gunslinger, even if she is a woman.” He pushed out his lips in a silly pout and said, “But you had taken off with that Rogue. Were you two friends before that bungled holdup?” he asked, his tone now demanding and cold.

  “We’d never met before, but I figured I could use his help in case trouble came along before I could convince everyone I was Miss Starns. Men are easy targets when they think they’ll get something from you out of gratitude,” she remarked, trying to sound poised and cold like he was. If she was going to control this situation, especially get out of it, she had to fool Martin Ferris, to pretend she was like him.

  “What was that little schoolmarm act about?” he questioned.

  Carrie Sue watched the sweat roll down his face, too much for even the dry heat to consume. His cheeks were flushed as red as blood, and his lips were trying to parch. He definitely was not an outdoor man! He looked miserable in his soaked and rumpled clothes. He acted as if he were surrounded by hell’s flames instead of desert heat. And the holster around his waist looked totally out of place on him: She almost laughed at the comical sight, but knew that would be unwise, as he was a dangerous foe. She didn’t think he would believe her story about starting a new life and it wouldn’t matter to a villainous beast like him if he did, so she related what would seem obvious and credible. “I was staking out the town for Darby’s gang. I was supposed to decide if there were any easy, profitable targets there. If Tucson looked good to me, I was to send him a telegram on June first. Seems I messed up this time.” She laughed softly and curled her arms around her upraised knees, wanting to appear relaxed and confident.

  “It was working perfectly until those wanted posters arrived, and I’m not fooled easily. How did you find out about the wanted posters before they reached town? You took off like you had been warned.”

  She sent him a sly smile before answering, “I was, by Curly James, before Mr. Rogue inconveniently shot him. He used to ride with my brother’s gang. We were old friends. We bumped into each other only minutes before his death and he told me my description and sketch had been released and I best get moving. I took off at dawn the next morning, but Rogue saw me leaving and followed. I persuaded him that Darby would ransom me for more than my ten thousand dollar reward, so he agreed to escort me to my brother. Of course, I planned to elude him along the way, after he and his guns had served me well as guards on the trail.”

  Carrie Sue lowered her legs and curled them to the left of her buttocks so she could lean forward, closer to the man’s face. After sending him an enticing smile and seductive gaze, she asked, “Well, Martin, what are you planning to do with your helpless captive?”

  “I have a big ranch and it’s mighty private. No one will find you there unless I want them to. If you do as you’re told, you’ll be safe with me. I don’t care about your measly reward.”

  Carrie Sue watched his tongue lick his lips in anticipation of having her at his mercy. She saw the lust glowing in his eyes, causing his face to redden even more. She heard his breathing alter as he became aroused just by looking at her, being near her, and having control over her. Those were weaknesses of which she could take advantage if she were clever and careful. The intelligent woman knew what this lecherous and wicked man wanted from her, and she. had to pretend she was agreeable. “Since I have either a rope or a cell staring me in the face, your offer sounds most appealing, Martin. In fact, very appealing,” she added, moving closer to him. When T.J. sneaked up, which she hoped was soon, she needed to be close enough to grab the vain man’s weapon. The only problem was, she didn’t know how long her lover had been gone or when he would return!

  Martin extended his hand and helped her from beneath the t
ree. “You made the right decision, Carrie. You will understand if I take precautions with you until we’re home and I’m certain I can trust you?”

  “Of course. What would a woman want with a stupid or reckless man?” she teased. “Where is your ranch? What’s it like?” she inquired to stall for time for her partner to rescue her.

  “You’ll see,” he murmured, eyeing the area between her throat and cleavage where her shirt was opened for air. “Where is Rogue now?”

  Beyond where they were standing, she saw the Apache scout studying the signs on the ground. “He went scouting. There’s a detachment of soldiers miles up that way. He was looking for the safest path around them. I was asleep, so I don’t know how long he’s been away,” she informed him, trying to sound as if she were being totally honest with him. Besides, if these men had been tracking them or observing them, Martin Ferris knew the truth.

  “Does she speak the truth?” Martin asked the Indian.

  The dark-skinned man who was dressed half in whiteman’s clothes and half in Apache garments replied, “The whiteman rode in the direction she said. He returned and talked. He left again and rode toward the Dragoons. He left two hours past.”

  Martin Ferris already knew before reaching this makeshift camp which direction T.J. had taken and when he had left because he had been watching the scene with his fieldglasses from a rocky peak in the distance. He also knew from their tracking that the couple had been captured and released by the renegade Apaches, which he found odd. He just wanted to see what the redhead would say before and after the Indian’s words. “Why would Rogue be heading for the Apache stronghold after he sighted those soldiers?”

  Carrie Sue had sensed trickery in the man, so she was prepared not to look surprised or unmasked. “I wouldn’t know, unless he wanted to warn them of danger. He didn’t tell me he was heading back to their camp, and I’ll be surprised if he can locate it again. I wasn’t feeling well, so he told me to wait for him here. I assumed he was doing what he said, looking for the best way out of this area. He gave me a kiss and galloped off, then I took a nap.”

  “What do you mean he was ‘heading back’?” Martin asked, though his tone and expression made it all too clear he already knew the answer.

  Nonchalantly, Carrie Sue sighed. “The Apaches captured us on the trail, blindfolded us, and took us to their camp for questioning. They seemed to know who Mr. Rogue was and admired his courage, so they released us this morning. For all I know, they could be old friends. I was kept in a separate tepee, so I didn’t hear or see anything to tell me otherwise. He could have made some trade with them for our freedom.”

  “I’m glad you’re being truthful with me, Carrie,” he remarked in a pleased tone. “Let’s get moving out of this heat.” He ordered the Apache scout to stay behind and ambush T.J. to prevent him from following them. “After you’re done here, catch up with us on the road or meet me back at my ranch for payment. I want his guns for souvenirs,” he added, but they all knew he meant he wanted them as proof.

  Carrie Sue had no choice but to do as Martin Ferris ordered, and to pray that her lover wouldn’t ride into the trap set for him. She had faith in T.J.’s keen wits and skills, so he should be fine. She thought she had this lecherous villain at least partially duped, and the odds would be only two-to-one on the road, which might aid her escape. She gathered her things and mounted the pinto.

  “Sorry about this, Carrie,” he said with a falsely rueful grin as he bound her hands before her and took control of her reins. “What the hell are you looking at, Jess,” he scowled at the other man, whose eyes had been glued to her curvaceous form. Jess quickly looked away.

  Her quivering hands clung tightly to the horn, relieved she was such a good rider, skills she tried not to reveal to the two men who rode on either side of her. That idea didn’t work too well since the pace and terrain forced her to use them to remain in the saddle. If she were thrown off at this speed, she could be severely hurt. She wondered if Martin was testing her in some cruel way, or merely assumed she was an expert horsewoman.

  They traveled fast for the perilous terrain and heat, but Carrie Sue didn’t say anything to slow them. When the horses got winded and Martin became overheated, he would be forced to take it easier. She hated to push her animal this hard, but if she suggested a lesser pace, Martin might take it the wrong way and watch her too closely. She had to let him get over-confident where she was concerned!

  They reached the road to Tucson and continued to gallop swiftly. She finally decided that Martin was afraid his Indian hireling might not kill T.J. and the handsome gunslinger would be dogging them any time now. They only halted twice for short breaks before reaching the San Pedro River at dark where they made camp in a sparsely treed area.

  Carrie Sue was aware of how close they were to Tucson, one day’s ride. By using the cleared road and swift pace, they had covered a great distance today. She wondered why they hadn’t met anyone along the public road. Where were all the soldiers, renegades, stages, and solitary travelers? Was T.J., she worried, alive and chasing them?

  She was annoyed when Martin Ferris refused to untie her hands so she could relieve herself more easily behind thick bushes not far away. Nor did he unbind her hands while she ate her helping of canned beans and stale tortillas, a sparse and untasty meal prepared by Jess. Her headache had eased up, but was not totally gone. She blamed the lingering discomfort on the hot sun and swift pace, but tried to ignore it to keep her wits clear. At least their fast ride had prevented any talking on the trail which would have kept her on alert for many strenuous hours. She teased him flirtatiously, “Is this necessary, Martin? You have my weapons, horses, and supplies. Surely you know I’m not going to escape into the desert without them. Besides,” she hinted seductively, “we both know I’ll be safer at your ranch than anywhere else.”

  “Apaches can use this land with ease, and a smart woman like you might have those same skills. I would hate for you to trick me, Carrie, and force me to hurt you. This way, you won’t be tempted to act rashly during the night. Relax, we’ll be home before sundown tomorrow.”

  It was apparent that Martin was exhausted from his uncommon exertions, too fatigued to even make any sexual overtures. No doubt he assumed he had plenty of time to tame her and use her.

  After she was secured to a tree for the night, Martin and his man took turns guarding the camp, with Jess taking the first watch and keeping his lustful eyes on her. She assumed their caution had as much to do with marauding Apaches as with T.J. Rogue. She fretted over what Sheriff Ben Myers was doing and thinking. Had the Tucson lawman sent out telegrams about her presence in and escape from his town? Did the lawman know about Martin Ferris’s pursuit?

  Carrie Sue’s turbulent mind would not allow her to stop thinking so she could get some sleep. She asked herself if T.J. didn’t catch up with them on the trail, would he come to Martin’s ranch to rescue her? Wouldn’t her lover guess that was where she would be taken? Wouldn’t he guess that Martin Ferris would have his men watching for his stealthy approach?

  And what of dear Mrs. Thayer? What had the woman been told? How had she accepted the shocking news about Carrie Sue Stover? One day, she hoped to get word to the woman and explain everything. But right now, she had to worry about escape from this beast.

  The night was strangely still and quiet, and a full moon eerily brightened the landscape which was wild and rugged. It was too quiet, she fretted, because she didn’t hear any bird, animal, or insect stirring about or making noises in the bushes or in the distance! It was as if some evil force had every living creature imprisoned, as if some oppressive and eerie heaviness was covering the landscape. In every direction, tall cactus looked like large fingers or hands pointing heavenward. She glanced skyward and saw clouds increasing on the midnight blue horizon. Maybe, she mused, a storm was brewing. That suited her fine, as it would cool the air and her body and it would release her tension. It might offer a chance for escape and wash away her t
racks from even that Apache’s keen eyes.

  The redhead tested the strength of the ropes again. Too tight, she decided helplessly. She wanted water, but she refused to ask Jess to come near her to bring the canteen. She was exhausted, achy, and hot. The way she was bound to the tree, she couldn’t shift to get comfortable. All she could do was spend a tormenting night on a complaining rump.

  As Carrie Sue reflected on her dire situation, she was amazed by Martin’s pursuit without a large band of men behind him. No doubt the conceited rancher believed no harm could come to him, and he didn’t want anyone to know she was in his possession. Else, the law would take her away from him. Mercy, he was so like Quade Harding!

  She knew it was long past Martin’s watch time when Jess awakened him. She feigned sleep to prevent any conversation between them. While pretending, she dozed lightly.

  After allowing her to excuse herself in the near darkness, Carrie Sue’s hands were untied for a short time so she could eat another sparse meal and rub her wrists. Neither man was close enough to permit her the opportunity to seize a weapon from his holster. She had to figure out a plan to get away and return to Darby. But first, she had to earn Martin’s trust. Maybe she would be forced to remain at his ranch until an opening presented itself, if she could control his sexual demands! As she drank her coffee, she asked her cocky captor, “What did Sheriff Myers say when you told him you were going after me?”

  The brown-eyed man chuckled. “I didn’t tell him anything about my plans. Except I did warn him to telegraph the Texas authorities that you’d left our area long ago so those bloodthirsty bounty hunters wouldn’t pour into Tucson. I believe he was going to tell them you were seen heading northward toward Colorado. Doesn’t matter; well be at my ranch before news gets out and you’re in danger.”

  “What about Mrs. Thayer? What did she say when you went to check on me? She was nice and I liked her. Does she know the truth?”


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