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Kiss Of The Night Wind

Page 38

by Taylor, Janelle

Darby caught the interaction. He warned sternly, “Settle down, boys. We gotta think this through.” He showed them the clippings.

  Kale Rushton remained quiet and alert, sharpening his knife.

  While the men were passing around the newspaper articles with the false stories, Kadry whispered to her, “Ye best stay with us frae nigh on, lass. We should hae seen ye poster comin’. Old Quade willna e’er gie up on ye.”

  Carrie Sue recalled what T.J. had suggested about this man possibly being the one who had released her description to force her back into his reach. No, she concluded, there was no way he could have done it. Not that it wasn’t a clever and daring idea, but Kadry hadn’t been given the opportunity to pull off such a dangerous ruse.

  She divulged, “I’m not staying long, Kadry. I only came to warn Darby and to let him know I’m safe.”

  “Wha’ mean ye, lass?” he asked, staring at her.

  “I’ll tell you what she means,” Darby answered for her. “I’m getting her plenty of money, then she’s hightailing it far from here. I’m sending her to Montana to buy a ranch, or a hotel, or store, or something. If all goes well, we might even join her in a few months.”

  Carrie Sue’s head jerked in her brother’s direction. She returned his broad smile which made him look so boyish. “You will?”

  Darby caught her free hand in his. “I ain’t making no promises, Sis, but I’ll think about it. For sure, you’re getting your butt out of this area. We’ll pull out at dawn tomorrow. We need to make a big hit to let folks knew we didn’t pull those other ones. We’ll head for San Angelo, supply up there, and make a strike a few days later. We can head for Miss Sally’s Parlor House and get some news from her. She always protects us and she knows everything.”

  The men agreed, as always. As breakfast was being cooked by Walt and Tyler, Kadry and Dillon surrounded Carrie Sue.

  “Dinna worry, lass; I’ll take care o’ ye.”

  Dillon’s heavy southern voice refuted, “I do it best. I’m the one who took a bullet in the shoulder to save you.”

  Carrie Sue didn’t want any trouble, so she said, “You’re both good friends and I’m grateful, but I can take care of myself.”

  Kadry’s blue eyes darkened. “I’ll kill him with me bare hands!”

  “If I don’t get the sorry bastard first,” Dillon remarked.

  Trying to make light conversation, Carrie Sue said, “I think he’s the one framing us, but how can we prove it? Even if we catch him red-handed, who’d believe us?”

  “Just kill the sorry trash and be done with him and his troubles.”

  “Ye make that sound easy, Dillon. How canna we do it?”

  “Yeah,” Tyler agreed. “He’s been a pain in our arses fur years!”

  “We can’t risk going after Harding,” Darby told them. “He’ll be on the lookout for us. It’s too dangerous for Carrie Sue. Us, too, if we want to live much longer. Nope, we can’t be reckless or stupid.”

  “I lack Montanee. Sounds good ta me,” Walt murmured.

  Tyler teased, “Ya ain’t never been there, Cuz, so how’d ya know?”

  “Well, I heared it was great,” Walt retorted with a grin.

  Griff hinted, “Yes’m, a man could git lost up thar.”

  Dillon murmured dreamily, “I like the idea of settling down. We been at this for years. I’m tired of running and hiding and having nothing. I may get me a wife, and home, and children up there.”

  “Dinna go ae lookin’ at her, Dillon. She be mine.”

  Dillon chuckled and replied, “That’s up to Carrie Sue, isn’t it?”

  Darby wasn’t one to deceive his friends and he saw trouble was brewing over his sister, so he revealed merrily, “Stop it, boys. Carrie Sue has her sights set on T.J. Rogue, so you’re wasting your breath.”

  Carrie Sue wasn’t totally surprised by her brother’s disclosure as he lived with these men like brothers, and it would halt their sieges.

  Kadry’s blue eyes narrowed. “Wha’ be this, lass?” he demanded.

  “My private business,” she responded in a cool tone, glaring back.

  Tyler asked, “Will Rogue be joinin’ us, boss?”

  “I wouldn’t mind having him, if we run across him.”

  “Rogue ain’t no outlaw. We couldn’t trust him,” Dillon argued.

  The leader explained, “He’s an expert, boys, and he saved her life.”

  “Dinna matter tae me who or wha’ he is. He canna steal her.”

  “Shut up, both of you,” she commanded. “I’ll choose whom I’ll see and not see. I like you both as friends, but nothing more. Get it?”

  Kale spoke up for the first time since returning to camp to announce her arrival, “When we leave, we’ll have plenty to do, so let’s stay limber and alert. We have that other gang to worry about.”

  Walt suggested, “If’n Miss Carrie Sue rides with us, they’ll know we’re th’ real Stover Gang. The other un don’t have no Texas Flame.”

  Kale instantly said, “No. It’s too dangerous.”

  Dillon concurred, “I agree. She stays in camp.”

  Walt said, “I didn’t mean no harm. I just want ‘em unmasked. Them stories in th’ papers are gittin’ us in trouble lack she says.”

  Carrie Sue grinned. “I have a better idea on how to unmask those pretenders. It’s dangerous and we might get caught, but it could work.”

  Chapter Twenty

  “What do you mean?” Darby asked as the men gathered around to hear her suggestion.

  She reasoned, “Since they’re using the newspapers against us, why can’t we use the papers in our favor? When we reach San Angelo, you can kidnap a reporter, bring him to our hideout, and we’ll give him the facts. Any newspaper man would die for exclusive interviews with the Stover Gang, and every paper in Texas and probably in other states will carry his story on us. We’ll tell him our backgrounds and how we got ensnared in this business. That should put Quade Harding and his father in the boiling pot. Maybe other victims of theirs will step forward to give evidence against him. Or get the law to looking in his direction. Quade will be too busy defending himself to give us much trouble. Maybe our story will flush that other gang into the open or make them stop framing us. And…”

  She paused for affect before adding, “It should make the law get suspicious of who and why we’re being framed and start them to investigating the situation. If Quade’s involved, it could get him caught and punished. It’s worth a try since we can’t get near him to avenge Mama and Papa. After reading the truth, most everyone will have sympathy for us and it’ll brighten our reputations. People used to like us, but bad stories and lies have hurt our image. We need to win over the people again. If we get caught, a friendly jury would be a big help. Besides exposing Quade, it may get his huge rewards withdrawn. If so, those two thousand dollar government ones won’t look as good to our pursuers.”

  “You think it’ll work?” Darby murmured, eagerness filling his eyes.

  Carrie Sue smiled at her brother. “We’ll tell the reporter they can be certain of any jobs we pull because we’ll give our target a lock of the Texas Flame’s hair. Before I leave, I’ll cut off a few inches and make ribbon-bound curls. Very few people have hair my color, so this false leader won’t be able to hand out convincing locks. It’s simple: no golden red curl, no Stover Gang responsible. Without locks of my hair, that other gang can’t pretend to be us anymore. This way, the Stover Gang will get blame or credit only for the jobs you pull.”

  Kale grinned. “You are one clever woman, chica. It’s good.”

  “Does this mean we won’t haveta shave, boss?” Tyler asked.

  When Carrie Sue glanced inquisitively at Darby, he explained, “We got new horses and planned to disguise ourselves so we could move about safer. Tyler, Griff, and Walt were going to shave off their beards and mustaches. Me, Dillon, and Kadry were going to grow some here before leaving. Kale’s got too much Indian blood to grow more than a faint shadow,” he jested. �
�We planned to do our hair different, too. Except Kale; he refuses to cut his, but he said he’d tuck it under his hat and stop wearing that red sash.”

  Carrie Sue didn’t ask why the three men involved hadn’t begun their facial hair yet, probably the habit of shaving wasn’t noticed or they had planned to stay here a long time. “That won’t be necessary now. You want people to recognize the gang. Don’t wear masks anymore so they can see that your faces match those on the posters. Your crimes aren’t doing the gang as much damage as those pretenders’ are. They’re killing people and hitting reckless targets. Those big companies will fight back harder and meaner than our usual targets. They have the money and power to hire large bands to hunt us down.”

  “Damn those Hardings!” Dillon shouted and lit a cigarillo.

  “Are ye sure ‘tis him?” Kadry asked.

  The redhead replied, “At first, I thought the law might be tricking me or endangering the gang with false reports by turning everyone against us. They know we have people who give us aid sometimes. Then, I decided those stories are true, just not about us. Who, but Quade Harding, has the motive, money, and guts to pull this off?”

  Kale concurred, “She’s right. Good thinking, chica.”

  Walt queried with a frown, “Won’t it be dangerous ta steal a reporter an’ show ‘im our hideout?”

  “Darby can learn from Sally who’s the best one, where he works, and where he lives. He can take one of you to help him abduct the man from his home or office. You can blindfold him and lead him around in circles to disorient him. He’ll be too excited to be scared or reluctant. This will be the biggest story of his lifetime. He’ll be plenty willing to oblige us with printing the truth. I’ll give him a lock of my hair to use for comparison in future jobs. Think what a famous man we’ll make of him. He won’t turn us down.”

  “You’re right about that, Sis. It’s a damn good idea. It’ll work. We been laying low for weeks. We’re getting restless. This is the perfect first job to pull. Before a week’s out, we’ll have that other gang in a stew. This is gonna be fun. We head for San Angelo at first light. You boys get plenty of rest today, and get everything packed.”

  Carrie Sue added, “If Curly was the one tipping off Quade, his boss will be in a terrible fix when he isn’t warned we’re on the move again and he pulls a job at the same time we do.”

  Late that afternoon, Carrie Sue took a walk with Kale Rushton after his lengthy nap. Kadry was on guard duty, and Dillon wouldn’t approach her while she was in the half- Apache’s company. Walt, Griff, and Tyler were playing poker with Darby. She had talked over old and future times with her brother, a conversation which made her restless.

  “Kale, how is Darby these days? He seems different since I last saw him. He’s quieter and moodier. What’s wrong?”

  “Seven years is a long time to be chased around the countryside, chica. I think he misses what he lost, a home and a family, and he’s missed you like crazy. A long time ago, we could ride into towns for fun and rest. Nowadays, we can’t. What good is money if you can’t spend it somewhere and enjoy it?”

  “Then, why is he so reluctant to go straight some place?”

  “He doesn’t want to admit it, but he’s getting worried about how long he can survive and when he’ll make his first mistake and get us all killed or captured. This kind of life gets tiresome, chica, for men like them. Me, it’s all I’ve ever known. ‘Course, I’m not stuck like they are. I can return to the Apaches or to Mexico and live fine.”

  Carrie Sue spoke softly, “T.J. Rogue was raised by the Chiricahua Apaches in Arizona.” She told Kale about the experiences T.J. had while growing up in the Indian camp. She related her visit to Naiche’s camp and her meeting on the trail with Geronimo. She revealed how T.J. had gone back to warn them of the Army’s approach with Gatling guns, and how Naiche’s tribe had fled into Mexico until it was safe to return. “You two are much alike, Kale; I think you’d make good friends.”

  “Now I see why Rogue is so powerful with his guns and wits—Apache training. You love this gunslinger, chica?”

  Carrie Sue glanced at him and admitted, “Yes.”

  Kale probed, “You trust him?”

  Carrie Sue hesitated before replying, “Because of my existence, Kale, it’s hard for me to trust anybody fully except you and Darby. He had plenty of chances to betray me for money or glory, but he didn’t. He took a lot of risks to help me. I think he loves me, too.”

  “Will he go to Montana with you?”

  “I don’t know. I did run out on him in El Paso. Several times he tried to persuade me to stop searching for Darby and get away. But I had to warn Darby about that other gang and let him see I was all right.”

  “Why did you leave Rogue behind?”

  “Two reasons. I didn’t want him joining us and getting into trouble, and I didn’t want to endanger all of you if I’d misjudged him.”

  Kale liked the honesty of her answer, but wished she weren’t so miserable over her decision. “If he crosses our trail and joins us, I will study him for you. Eyes and voices cannot lie to Apache wits.”

  “If he does lie, Kale, please don’t kill him. He did save my life many times and he helped me get here. Just send him away.”

  “You love him too much, chica, if you do not wish his death even if he is an enemy. That is unlike the woman I helped raise and train. Love must be a powerful emotion, and a dangerous one.” Kale eyed her closely. If Rogue made trouble for Darby, he would have to kill him. No threat to his friend could be allowed to live.

  “When we reach San Angelo, let Kadry and Dillon go with Darby, and you stay in camp with me. After we finish with the reporter and I get some money, I’m gone, Kale. I have to. Understand?”

  “Si, chica, I understand.” He withdrew his knife and whetstone and began passing the blade back and forth along its surface.

  “One day, amigo, you’re going to cut off your fingers,” she teased.

  He chuckled. “A good knife can be your best friend if you take good care of it. I can peel off a man’s hide in ten minutes or less.”

  She grimaced and asked, “Whyever would you want to do a gory thing like that, Kale?”

  “A foe deserves no less than to lose his mask, chica.”

  She swallowed hard. “I wouldn’t want you as a foe, Kale Rushton.”

  “Nor would I, chica, nor would I,” he concurred honestly. “If anyone ever harmed you or Darby or one of the boys, you’d see what me and this shiny blade could do.”

  After a supper of venison stew and Johnnycakes, the camp quieted down. The boys began playing cards, making new plans, and sipping whiskey—especially Tyler Parnell. Kadry went to where Carrie Sue was standing near their brush corral with her new horse and asked her to take a walk with him.

  When she refused as politely as possible, he asked, “Ye willna e’en gie me a chance tae fight fer ye?”

  She focused her violet-blue eyes on him. “It won’t do any good, Kadry. I don’t love you. When are you going to accept that?”

  He ran his spread fingers through his mixed blond hair. His sky blue eyes darkened. “Because o’ this Rogue fellow?”

  “Not really. I’ve known you for years, Kadry, and I haven’t fallen in love with you. I tried it once to make you and Darby happy, but it didn’t work, remember? Even if T.J. didn’t exist, I still wouldn’t love you and marry you. You’re only making yourself miserable and me uncomfortable with this useless pursuit when you can’t win.”

  “If that’s a challenge, me darlin’, I accept it.”

  She frowned to show her annoyance and to discourage him. “It wasn’t a challenge, Kadry Sams, it’s a fact.”

  He stroked her cheek and vowed, “One day, ye might find ye love me an’ need me when this Rogue betrays ye or turns ye down.”

  “Whatever happens or doesn’t happen between me and T.J. Rogue, it doesn’t affect how I feel about you. I don’t love you,” she stressed. “You can’t make somebody love you just
because you want them to.”

  He argued, “I kin love enough fer both o’ us, lass. Gie me a chance. Let me come ta Montana with ye. We kin start a new life. We kin buy a ranch, hae a home an’ family. I kin make ye happy.”

  She shook her head. “No, Kadry, it wouldn’t work. Please stop this. It isn’t doing either of us any good to keep talking about it.”

  “I love ye an’ want ye, Carrie Sue. I canna gie up on ye.”

  “I wish that weren’t true. What can I say or do to make you stop pressing me? You’re only punishing yourself. I don’t want to hurt you, Kadry. Why do you force me to keep rejecting you?”

  He captured her hand and carried it to his lips. “Tha only thin’ I’ma forcing ye tae do, me luv, is face tha truth. Ye canna e’er hae a man like Rogue. He’d ne’er settle down. Men wad always be after him, challenging him. Ye’d ne’er be safe with him.”

  She pulled her hand away and placed it behind her. “The same can be said of you, my infamous friend.”

  “Nae in Montana, me luv, I promise ye, nae trouble.”

  Dillon Holmes joined them and halted Kadry’s earnest pleas for love and marriage. The green-eyed southerner asked, “Why don’t you let it go, Kadry? She’s not going to choose you over me.”

  Carrie Sue groaned loudly. “I’m not going to choose either one of you, so please stop this bickering and pestering. You two are part of the reason I had to get away so many times. You drive me loco.”

  Dillon said, “I can give you anything you want or need, Carrie Sue.”

  She responded, “No, you can’t, Dillon, nobody can. Please, both of you leave me alone. I’m tired. I’m going to bed. We have a long ride ahead of us.” She walked away, leaving the two outlaws bickering.

  In her bedroll, Carrie Sue wondered if there was any way T.J. could track her here. If so, what would she do and say? She hoped he didn’t. Much as she wanted to see his handsome face, she didn’t want to cause trouble with any of the men or for her lover.

  Carrie Sue pondered T.J.’s reaction to her escape. How had he felt? Where would he head to search for her, for surely he would? To Brownwood, she concluded, because that was where the gang was allegedly operating. She doubted that T.J. believed her note’s claim that her brother wasn’t to blame for those recent crimes. Even if he did believe her, he would still head for that area, either to take care of Quade Harding or hopefully to join up with her again. What would happen when Darby and T.J. met, if they did?


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