Kidash (an SS man): kills a baby (1942), 1
Kiddush Ha-Shem (‘sanctification of the Name of God’ by martyrdom): at Kelme (1941), 1; in Wlodawa (1942), 2; in Piotrkow, 3; a ruling on (1943), 4; Ringelblum prefers to go ‘the way of’ (1944), 5
Kiel: death of a Jew in (1933), 1
Kielce: indignities against Jews of (1939), 1; labour camps in region of, 2; and the news of the fall of France (1940), 122; Jews deported to (1941), 3, 4; Jews deported to Treblinka from (1942), 5, 6, 7; forty-two Jews murdered in, after liberation (4 July 1946), 8
Kiemieliszki: all Jews shot at (1942), 1
Kiev: German advance towards (1941), 1; Germans occupy, 2; fate of the Jews at (September 1941), 3; mass murder south of (1941), 4; fate of a Jew born in (1943), 5; a Jewish Major’s journey from (1944), 6; liberated, 7
Kimmelman, Oswald: killed (1943), 1
Kindermann, Siegbert: murdered (1933), 1
Kinster, Ita: dies (1941), 1
Kirshenbaum, Mordechai: organizes mass escape, 1
Kishinev: a poem written after the pogram in (1903), 1 n. 2; riots in (1936), 3; mass murder in (1941), 4, 5, 6
Kislovodsk: fate of Jews of (1942), 1
Kistarcsa (Hungary): a deportation from, 1
Kittner, SS Quartermaster-Sergeant: shot (1943), 1
Klaczko, Jacob: supports resistance, 1; kills a German, 2; killed, 3
Kladovo: Jewish refugees reach (1939), 1
Klajnman, Seweryn: escapes from Treblinka, 1
Kleck: Jews shot at (1941), 1; a mass escape from (1942), 2
Klein, Sara: deported (1944), 1
Kleinman, Josef Zalman: eye-witness to an ‘action’ at Auschwitz, 1; describes an episode at Auschwitz on the Day of Atonement, 2
Klemensow: forced labour at (1940), 1
Klessheim Castle: Hitler’s meetings with Horthy at, 1, 2
Klibanski, Bronia: and ‘new hope’ brought to Bialystok, 1
Kligerman, Rywka: executed (1941), 1, 2 n. 3
Klinger, Alter der: ‘calls for justice’, 1
Klinzmann, Willi: at Treblinka station, 1
Klodawa: murder of Jews from (1942), 1, 2, 3; Jews from, at Chelmno, 4, 5, 6, 7; fate of an escapee from, 8; sewing machines of Jews from, 9
Klompul, Gita: killed (1941), 1
Klompul, Leah: and the fate of the Jews of Kovno, 1; deported to a camp in Estonia, 2
Klompul, Michael: deported to Birkenau (1943), 1
Klompul, Rachel: killed (1941), 1
Klooga: massacre at (1944), 1
Kluger, Ladislaus: attempts to save Jews, 1
Klukowski, Zygmunt: records fate of Polish Jews (from 1940), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,480; and a ‘strange brutalization’ on the part of Poles towards Jews, 9; and the fate of a Pole who sheltered Jews, 10
Knapajs, Szama: executed (1941), 1, 2 n. 4
Knect, Majer: shot (1939), 1
Kneibel, Corporal: murders a child, 1
Knoll (from Izbica): at Chelmno, 1
Kobe (Japan); Jews find refuge in (1940), 1
Kobrowski, Aron: urges Jews to flee, 1
Kobryn: executions near (1942), 1
Koerner, Dr: attempts to save Jews, 1
Kogen, Jacob: commits suicide (1942), 1
Kohan, Albert: his resistance activities, 1; killed, 2
Kohn, Max Hans: killed in Dachau (1935), 1
Kohn, Pinkus: killed (1941), 1
Kohut, J.: remains with his students, 1
Koldyczewo camp: escapes from, 1; a revolt at, 2
Kollman, Dr Georg: deported from Finland to Auschwitz, 1
Kolo: death of Jews from (1941), 1, 2, 3; Jews pass through, on way to a death camp (1942), 4; an alleged work camp at, 5; Jews deported through (1944), 6
Kolomyja: mass murder at (1941), 1, 2 n. 3; Jews deported to Belzec from (1942), 4
Koluszki: Jews said to have been ‘set free’ in (1941), 1
Komoly, Otto: helps fellow Jews, then murdered (1944), 1, 2
Koniecpol: many Jews killed by Poles near (1943), 1
Königsberg: and the ‘final solution’, 1; death of a Jewish fighter near, 2; a massacre near, 3
Konin: labour camp revolt at, 1
Konskowola: a reprisal at (1941), 1; Jews tormented, and shot at (1942), 2
Kopecky, Lilli: recalls scenes at Auschwitz, 1
Kopernik camp: resistance in, 1
Kopf, Abish: tormented (1939), 1
Koplows, the: in hiding, 1
Koppe, SS Police Chief: his circular (1939), 1 n. 3
Kopyl: a Jew from, escapes, 1
Koral (a lawyer): commits suicide (1940), 1
Korczak, Janusz: a play in the orphanage of (18 July 1942), 1; deported to Treblinka, 2
Koren, Arieh: and a German manhunt, 1
Koren, Zipora: describes the perils of life as a Jewish partisan, 1
Korenblum, Szmuel: executed (1941), 1, 2 n. 4
Korn (from Lvov): his escape, 1
Korn, Hans Robert Martin: reaches Warsaw from Finland, through Auschwitz, 1
Korn, Josef: warns his fellow Jews, 1
Kornitzer, Rabbi: killed (1941), 1
Korzec: resistance in, 1
Kos: deportation of Jews from (1944), 1; some Jews from, protected, 2, 3; Jews from, reach Auschwitz, 4
Kosciuszko Alley (Warsaw): synagogue destroyed on (1939), 1
Kosherowski (from Tomaszow): murdered (1941), 1
Kosow Huculski: mass murder in (1941), 1
Kossak, Zofia: helps Jews, 1
Kosow-Lacki: eleven Jews killed in, after liberation (1945), 1
Kostopol: escape from, 1
Kostshevski, David: murdered after liberation (1945), 1
Kotarbinski, Professor Tadeusz: saves Jews, 1 n. 2
Kotin (Hotin): mass murder at (1941), 1
Kotnowski (an engineer): his act of defiance, 1
Kott, Andrzej: the consequences of his arrest (1940), 1
Kovner, Abba: and the fate of the Jews of Vilna, 1, 2, 3, 4; and the Jewish partisans in the Vilna region, 5, 6; and the liberation of Vilna, 7
Kovno (Kaunas): restrictions against Jews in (1936), 1; Jews helped in (1940), 2, 3; the ‘peaceful life’, 4; and Madagascar, 5; mass murder at (1941), 6, 7; a street hunt in (1941), 8; further killings at, 9; Jewish Council set up in (1941), 10; killings in (1941), 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16; German Jews deported to (1941), 17, 18; only 19,000 Jews left in, 19; and a ruling on suicide, 20; and the Casablanca Conference (1943), 21; and a deception, 22; a deportation from, to Estonia, 23; escape and reprisals in, 24; a further escape from, 25; children killed in a camp near, 26; a deportation from Paris to, 27; the final deportation from, 28; a taxi driver from, ‘calls for justice’, 29; reflections of a survivor in, 30; death of a Jewess from, in Stutthof (1945), 31; a Jew from, among the survivors at Dachau, 32
Kowale Panskie: death of Jews from (1941), 1; a further deportation from (1942), 2
Kowel: an act of resistance near (1941), 1; visitors to, 2; ‘recent’ lies about resistance in (1942), 3; an act of resistance near (1941), 4
Kozibrodska, Lonka: her courage (1941), 1; active in resistance, 2; brings ‘new hope’ (1942), 3; dies in Auschwitz (1943), 4
Kozlowska, Helena: leads resistance, 1
Kozlowszczyzna: Jews murdered at (1942), 1
Kozy: two escapees from Auschwitz reach, 696 Kracowski, Dr: killed (1941), 1
Kraft (a German Commander): killed (1941), 1
Krakinovsky, Pinchas: and an escape, 1
Krakinowski, Miriam: saved, 1
Krakowski, Shmuel: his descriptions of the perils confronting Jewish partisans, 1
Kranzberg, Pessah: given refugee, 1
Krasnostavski, Moshe: leads resistance, 1
Krasnowka: Jews deported through, 1
Kraus, Ota: a maintenance man at Birkenau, 1, 2 n. 3
Krausz, Miklos: attempts to save fellow-Jews, 1
Krauwiert (an engineer): hanged, 1
Kravitz, Kalman: see
s his two brothers killed (1942), 1
Kreipe, General: his planned abduction, and a possible reprisal (1944), 1 n. 2
Kremer, Dr Johann: reaches Auschwitz and witnesses an ‘action’, 1; conducts medical experiments at Auschwitz, 2; and ‘terrible scenes’, 3; joined by Dr Mengele, 4
Kremnica (Kremnitz): battle of (1944), 1; three Jews executed at (1944), 2
Kreutzberger, Max: pleads for funds (1935), 1
Kriegel, Olga: a twin at Auschwitz, 1
Kriegel, Vera: recalls Dr Mengele, 1
Krieger (a pregnant woman): deported, 1
Kristallnacht (November 1938): 1, 2
Krosniewice: mass murder of Jews from (1942), 1; sewing machines of Jews from, 2
Krüger, SS Lieutenant-General Friedrich Wilhelm (Commander of the Police and SS forces in the General Government): ordered to carry out ‘a total cleansing’, 1; and the ‘elimination’ of Jews, 2
Krugloje: Jewish women shot at (1941), Krugman, Anna: killed (1941), 1
Krugman, Luba: recalls the passing of a deportation train, 1; recalls a deportation march, 2
Krugman, Tewja: killed (1942), 1
Krumey, SS Lieutenant-Colonel Hermann: and the deportation of Jews from Hungary, 1
Kruszyna: resistance at, 1
Krysia (a Polish orphan): cared for, by a Jewess, 1
Krzemieniec (Kremenets): mass murder and defiance at (1942), 1; further resistance at (1942), 2
Krzepicki, Abraham Jacob: escapes (1942) from Treblinka, 1; killed (1943), 2
Krzepicki, Rafal: shot (1941), 1
Krzewacki (from Klodawa): commits suicide (1942), 1
Ksanskiewicz, Miriam: her act of defiance, 1
Kube, Wilhelm: a protest to, 1, 2; and the murder of children in Minsk (1942), 3; a report from, 4
Kudasiewicz, Julian: saves Jews, 1 n. 2
Kudlatschek (a Sudeten German): helps Jews, 1
Kulka, Erich: a maintenance man at Birkenau, 1, 2 n. 3
Kulmhof: see index entry for Chelmno
Kulok, Josef: his act of courage, 1
Künzel, Captain: report of, 1, 2 n. 3
Kurcwajg, Hersh: escapes from Auschwitz, 1
Kushnir, Shlomo: escapes, caught, commits suicide (1944), 1
Kutno: Jews from, at Chelmno, 1; sewing machines of Jews from, 2; a deception concerning, 3
Kutorgene, Dr Helen: in Kovno, 1, 2
Kuznetsov, Anatoli (A. Anatoli): and an eye-witness to mass murder, 1
Kyron, Sara: and Babi Yar after the war, 1
Lachewicki, Miss: supports resistance, 1; escapes, 2
Lachowicze: mass murder in (1941), 1; ‘the spirit of death’ in (1944), 2
Lachwa: resistance in, 1
Ladino: language spoken by deportees from Rhodes and Kos (1944), 1, 2, 3
Lagedi: a massacre at (1944), 1
Laja (from Plonsk): ‘We are going nobody knows where’, 1
Lammers, Dr Hans: a protest to, about ‘the policy of exterminating the Jews’, 1
Lamsweerde, Baron van: affidavit by, about a death march, 1 n. 2
Lancut: Jews driven from (1939), 1
Landau, Leib: shot (1943), 1
Landau, Ludwik: reports on reprisals (1939), 1
Landau, Margalit: helps an act of revenge, 1; killed (1943), 2
Landau, SS Sergeant: and mass murder of Jews, recorded in his diary (1941), 1, 2
Lange, Jacob: in Stutthof (1940), 1
Lange, SS Major Dr Rudolph: torments a rabbi, 1; meets deportees, 2
Langer, Mandel: shot (1943), 1
Langhort, Pieter: affidavit by, about a death march, 1 n. 2
Laon: deportation through, 1
Lapy: Jews flee from, 1; a Jew from, betrayed, 2
Larissa, Errera de: prepares for revolt, 1
Lask: two Jews hanged in county of, 1; a deportation from, 2; Jews from, in Lodz, 3; Jews from, in Dzialoszyce, 4
Lasko, Shalom: kills a Polish attacker (1936), 1
Latin America: Jews driven to seek new homes in (1946), 1
Latowicz, Janina: recalls scenes of murder at Majdanek, 1
Latvia: 1; anti-Jewish decrees in (1941), 2; fate of a Jewish child from (1942), 3; deportations from (1944), 4
Latvians: auxiliaries, help Germans, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8; help Jews, 9, 10
Lau, Rabbi Moshe Chaim: deported to his death (1942), 1
Lau, Israel: on the day of liberation (1945), 1
Lau, Naftali: protects his brother, 1
Lauenburg: liberation at (1945), 1
Laufer, Jehuda: helps a revolt, 1
Laufer, Leo: recalls torments at a labour camp (1940), 1; recalls torments at a second labour camp (1942), 2; recalls the evacuation of Ohrdruf (1945), 3
Lausanne: fate of a graduate of the university of, 1
League of Nations, the: 1, 2, 3, 4
Lebel, Reb Bunem: killed (1939), 1
Le Chěne, Evelyn: her account of Mauthausen, 1
Lederer, Zdenek: witnesses a ‘census’, 1; and the ‘lot of the Jews’, 2
Leer, Wim van: recalls Kristallnacht (1938), 1; recalls a friend of the Jews, 2
Leftkowitz, Abraham: shot (1939), 1
Legnica (Leignitz): a Jew murdered in, after liberation, 1
‘Lehayim’ (‘to life’): password for a break-out, 1
Lehburger, Karl: murdered (1933), 1
Leibowicz, Abraham Leib: escapes, captured, shot (1943), 1
Leichert, Dr: and plans for revolt, 1
Leipzig: 1; Kristallnacht in (1938), 2, 3; a deception concerning (1944), 4, 5; Jews deported from a labour camp near, to their deaths, 6
Leitmeritz: Jews evacuated to (1945), 1, 2
Lejkin, Jakub: his ‘zeal’, 1; killed as an act of vengeance (1942), 2; the fate of one of his assassins (1943), 3
Lemberg, Dr Jakub: shot (1942), 1
Lenczycki (from Uniejow): killed, together with his son (1942), 1
Leningrad: a Jew born in, deported from Paris to Auschwitz, 1
Lenino: mass murder at (1942), 1
Lentz (a ‘transport man’): at Chelmno, 1
Lerner, Alexander: sends his daughters to safety, 1; not allowed to go to Israel (since 1971), 2 n. 3
Lerner, Ingar: killed (1941), 1
Lerner, Judith: sends her daughters to safety, 1
Lerner, Sonia: allowed to leave Russia for Israel (1972), 1 n. 2
Lerner, Victoria: killed (1941), 1
Leros: Jew deportees reach, 1
Lesek, Moshe: at Chelmno, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Lesko: Jews from, at Sanok camp, 1
Leszczyny: Jews murdered at (1945), 1
Leszno Street (Warsaw): starvation on, 1; a smuggler on, 2; three Jews killed on, 3
Levi, Genia: deported (1944), 1
Levin, Abraham: records events in Warsaw and outside it, 1
Levin, Dov: sets off for Palestine (1945), 1
Levin, Moshe: helps escapees, 1
Levin, Sara: helps resistance, 1
Levinbok, Dr: ‘Nor are we guilty, although we are Jews’, 1
Levinstein, Dr Oswald: death of his son (1942); his own suicide (1942), 1
Levinstein, Paul: murdered (1942), 1
Leviticus, Book of: its commandments broken, 1
Lewenbaum, Avraham: liberated, 1
Lewental, Salmen (Zalmen): an eye-witness of mass murder, 1, 2; an eye-witness of the revolt at Auschwitz-Birkenau, 3; an eye-witness of the fate of six hundred Jewish boys, 4; his notes discovered (1962), 5
Lewi, Dow: normal people ‘cannot possibly understand’, 1
Lewi, Israel: executed (1939), 1
Lewi, Liebe: shot (1939), 1
Lewin, Rabbi Aaron: murdered (1941), 1
Lewin, Yechezkel: seeks help, 1; murdered (1941), 2
Lewkowicz, Chana: shot (1941), 1
Lewkowicz, Pela: and the Palmnicken massacre, 1
Lezajsk: Jews driven from (1939), 1
Liberman, David: his act of defiance, 1
rty Barricade (Warsaw): gives details of gassings at Chelmno, 1
Lichtenberg, Bernhard: his prayers for the Jews, and his death (1941), 1
Lichtenstein: deportation of Jews of, 1
Lichtenstein, Awigdor: shot (1941), 1
Lichtensztajn, Bluma: commits suicide (1941), 1
Lichtensztajn, Izrael: hides archives (1942), 1
Lichtheim, Richard: reports on Jewish fate (1940), 1; forecasts end of the war ‘this year’ (1942), 2; reports on the German intention to ‘kill off’ the deportees, 3
Lichtmann, Eda: and the killing of Jews in Pilica (1939), 1; and the killing of Jews in Mielec (1942), 2
Lichterman, Jakub: escapes from a death march (1945), 1
Lichtman, Itzhak: recalls an incident at Sobibor (1942), 1
Lida: an act of defiance at (1941), 1; mass murder near (1941), 2; further mass murder near (1942), 3; mass murder at (1942), 4; Jewish partisans in region of, 5, 6
Lidice: massacre at (1942), 1
Lidzbarski brothers and sisters: in hiding, 1
Lieberose: a death march from, 1
Liebeskind, Adolf: killed during an act of resistance (1942), 1
Liebeskind, Benjamin: his daughter shot (1942), 1
Liebeskind, Miriam: shot (1943), 1
Liebeskind, Rivka: ‘to save at least someone to relate our story’, 1; recalls a Sabbath in Birkenau, 2
Liepaja: executions halted at (1941), 1
Liesel: reaches Palestine (1939), 1
Liff, Mania: an eye-witness to murder, 1
Limoges: three Jews shot at (1944), 1
Lindenbaum, Shalom: and Jewish self-defence (1936), 1; at Monowitz (1944), 2
Lindenberger, Leon: a survivor, murdered after liberation, 1
Linder (a Warsaw Jew): killed (1942), 1
Lingens, Dr Ella: recalls Dr Mengele’s ‘ruthlessness’, 1
Linkenberg family: a three-month-old baby from, murdered (1944), 1
Linz: 1
Lipke, Alfred: helps Jews, 1
Lipke, Iohanna: helps Jews, 1
Lipke, Yanis: rescues Jews, 1, 2, 3, 4
Lippert, Jules: visits Rumbuli (1976), 1
Lipschitz, Adolf: shot (1939), 1
Lipshitz, Ida: flogged (1942), 1
Lipsko: a deportee to Auschwitz born in, 1 n. 2
Lipszowicz, Eliahu: a former partisan leader, murdered after liberation, 1
Lisbon: 1
Lismann, Hermann: does not survive a deportation (1943), 1
Liszt: his music played in the Lodz ghetto, 1
Litani, Dora: and the deportations from Odessa (1942), 1
Lithuania: restrictions against Jews (1936), 1; Jews flee to (1939), 2; German invasion of, 3, 4; ‘solving the Jewish problem’ in, 5, 6; visitors to, 7; Jewish partisans in forests of, 8; deportations from (1944), 9; a Jew from, enters Dachau at liberation (1945), 10; Jews from, among the survivors at Dachau, 11
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