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The Holocaust Page 115

by Martin Gilbert

  Polek (from Lvov): ‘no longer among the living’, 1

  ‘Polish Conspiratorial Army’: kills Jews after liberation (1945), 1

  Polish-Jewish relations: Emanuel Ringelblum’s summary of, 1

  Polish National Army: former members of, kill Jews after liberation, 1

  Polish People’s Independent Action: its leader arrested (1940), 1

  Polish police (‘Blue police’): and a deportation, 1, 2

  Pollak, Karl: killed, with his wife (1944), 1

  Pollak, Zonka: deported, but escapes (1942), 1

  Pomerania: liberation at (1945), 1

  Pommers, Leon: escapes from Warsaw (1940), 1

  Ponary (Ponar, Paneriai): mass murder at, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7; acts of defiance at, 8; revolt at, 9; last executions at, 10

  Poniatowa (Poniatow): labour camp at, 1, 2; revolt at, 3; massacre at, 4; act of defiance at, 5; buckle and sewing machines from, sent to Lodz, 6

  Porkkala peninsula: three Jews commit suicide at (1938), 1

  Port Bou: a suicide at (1940), 1

  Portet Saint Simon: camp at, 1, 2 n. 3

  Portugal: 1; Jews reach safety of (1940), 2, 3; protection for Jews in Budapest offered by (1945), 4

  Poznan: 1, 2; Jews expelled from region of (1939), 3; Jews from, in a deportation from Dzialoszyce (1942), 4; Jewesses from a labour camp in, shot (1942), 5; complaints concerning clothing sent to (1943), 6; Jews from, deported from Lodz (1943), 7; Himmler’s speech in (1943), 8

  Poznanski, Jakub: mass murder ‘out of the question’, 1

  Praga (Warsaw): a Jew killed (1940), 1; Jews driven from, 2; courage of a Jew from, 3; a postcard thrown out of a train at, 4; Jews in hiding, killed in an accident in, 5

  Prague: Jews flee from (1939), 1; Jews deported from (1939), 2; Jews escape from, 3; further deportations from (1941), 4, 5, 6; death of deportees from, 7; further deportations planned from (1942), 8; Jews from, in Lodz, deported to Chelmno, 9; only a single survivor of a deportation from, 10

  Prajs, Izak: murdered, after liberation, 1

  Prashker, Gershon: at Chelmno, 1, 2

  ‘Preacher, the’: at Sobibor, 1

  Preiss, Izchak: at Chelmno, 1

  Presser, Dr Jacob: and a deportation from Holland, 1

  Preuss, Hugo: 1

  Prilutzki, Noah: killed (1941), 1

  Pripet marshes: and a deception (1942), 1

  Priss, Samuel: killed (1942), 1

  Prochownik, Yechiel: the sole survivor, 1, 2

  Pronicheva, Dina: an eye-witness to mass murder (1941), 1

  Proskurov: Jews killed in (1919), 1; massacre at (1941), 2

  Pruszcz: the ‘redeemer’ reaches (1945), 1

  Pruszkow: Jews deported to Warsaw from (1941), 1, 2; a Jewess hidden in (1943), 3

  Przemysl: Jews killed in (1939), 1; occupied by Soviet troops (1939), 2; Germans deport Jews from (1942), 3, 4; a further deportation from (1943), 5 n. 6; a final killing in (1944), 7

  Przemyslany: mass murder at (1941), 1, 2 n. 3

  Przytyk: two Jews killed in (1936), 1; death of a Jew from (1942), 2

  Pszczyna: a Jew escapes from a death march at, 1 n. 2

  Pultusk: Jews driven from (1939), 1

  Purim, Festival of: and clothing, 1; and a deportation from Minsk (1942), 2; and mass murder at Baranowicze (1942), 3; and a deportation to Chelmno (1942), 4; and hangings at Zdunska Wola (1942), 5; at Czestochowa (1943), 6; at Piotrkow (1943), 7; at Radom (1943), 8

  Purke, SS Corporal Josef: killed (1944), 1

  Przydlowski (of Opoczno): encourages deportees to run, 1

  Putrinia, Wilhelmina: helps Jews, 1

  Puvogel, Hans: and the ‘racially inferior’ (1936), 1

  Pyrenees, the: Jews reach (1940), 1; Jews sent to camps in, 2; Jews deported out of camps in, 3

  Quisling, Vidkun: allows deportation of Jews, 1

  R, Mrs: refuses to undress, 1

  Rabinowicz, Jakub: recalls a deception at Treblinka, 1

  Rachel (a Jewish mother): and Hershl (her son), 1

  Rachovo: testimony of a survivor born in (Sarah Friedmann), 1, 2 n. 3

  Raciaz: indignities against Jews of (1939), 1

  Racine, Mila: killed by an Allied bomb (1945), 1

  Radecznica: Jews shot at (1943), 1

  Radii, Binyamin Pavel: hanged (1942), 1

  Radnoti, Miklos: his death (1944), 1

  Radom: Jewish forced labourers from (1940), 1; visitors to (1942), 2; Jews deported to Treblinka from (1942), 3, 4; resistance near, 5; a deception and a massacre at (1943), 6; a Jew in hiding near, denounced and killed (1944), 7; a Jew deported to Auschwitz from, murdered after liberation (1946), 8

  Radom district: plans for deportation trains from, 1

  Radomsko: a Jew from, expelled from Germany (1938), 1; a ghetto established in (1939), 2; and a German deception (1943), 3; a deportation from, to Treblinka (1943), 4

  Radova, Emma: killed (1943), 1

  Radun (near Lida): mass murder at (1941), 1; further mass murder at (1942), 2

  Radzewski, Kalman: at Chelmno, 1, 2

  Radziwillow: slaughter at (1942), 1; partisans near, 2, 3

  Radzymin: a message from (1941), 1

  Radzyn: death of the rabbi of, 1

  Rajzman, Samuel: in the Warsaw ghetto during the deportations to Treblinka, 1, 2; an eye-witness of the arrival at Treblinka, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

  Rakoscaba: a deportation through, 1

  Rakow forest: Jews shot in (1942), 1; an escapee from, shot, 2

  Rakowski (at Treblinka): shot (1943), 1

  Rappaport, Rabbi: killed (1941), 1

  Rasainiai: mass murder at (1941), 1

  Rath, Ernst vom: shot (1938), 1; his father helps Jews (1940), 2; a street named after him, 3

  Rathenau, Walter: 1; assassinated (1922), 2

  Rats: and Jews (in an anti-Semitic film, 1940), 1

  Rauca, SS Commander: in Kovno (1941), 1

  Rauff, Walter: rewards and condemnation for, 1

  ‘Ravens’: their cruelty (1942), 1

  Ravensbruck: a death march to, 1; Jews evacuated to, 2; an escape from, in vain, 3; a death march from, 4; seven thousand women to be released from, 5; a hundred and fifty women sent to Sweden from, 6; reached by Soviet troops, 7; Jewesses evacuated from, at a camp near Lübeck, 8

  Rawa-Ruska: rumours of electrocutions at (1942), 1

  Rebhun, Maria: witness to a death march (1944), 1; recalls the moment of liberation (1945), 2

  Récébédou: camp at, 1, 2 n. 3

  Rechstein, Yitzhak: killed (1942), 1

  Red Air Force: flies over Treblinka (1942), 1

  Red Army, the: 1, 2; ‘we’ll be back’, 3; acts of sabotage of, 4; Jews shield soldiers of, 5; rumours of advance of (1942), 6, 7, 8; partisan activities of, behind German lines, 9, 10; partisans of, reached by a Jew, 11; Jews join partisan units of, 12, 13, 14, 15; Jews in combat in ranks of, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 n. 22; veterans of, lead a death camp revolt (1943), 23; advance of (1943), 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44; and the liberation of towns and camps (1944), 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56; reaches the site of Treblinka, 57; reaches Chelmno, Budapest and Warsaw, 58; reaches Blechhammer, 59; final liberations by, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70

  ‘Red Friday’: in Bialystok (1941), 1

  Reder, Rudolf: a survivor of Belzec camp, 1; his testimony, 2, 3, 4, 5

  Regensburg: arrest of Jews in (1933), 1

  Regina (at Auschwitz): helps a revolt, 1; arrested, 2; hanged (1944), 3

  Rehmsdorf: a death march from (1945), 1

  Reichenau, Field Marshal Walter von: and Jewish ‘sub-humanity’, 1

  Reichstag Fire, the (1933), 1

  Reik, Havivah: captured (1944), 1; executed, 2

  Reilly, Patrick: and Jews ‘who panicked unnecessarily’ (1939), 1

  Reims: deportation through, 1

  Reiss, Raffi: executed (1944), 1

  Rejoicing of the Law (Simch
at Torah) Jewish Festival: and the Warsaw ghetto (1940), 1

  Rejowiec: a deportation through (1942), 1

  Remba, Nahum: his courage, 1

  Rembertow: a deportation from, 1

  Reprisals: 1; a deterrent to resistance, 2; and a ratio of 1,200 to 1 (in Lvov), 3; at Sobibor, 4; near Vilna, 5; in Vilna, 6; at Babi Yar, 7; at Kovno, 8; near Lyons, 9; at Oradour, 10; at Chelmno, 11; at Auschwitz-Birkenau, 12, 13; their scale and effectiveness, 14

  Resistance and revolt, acts of: in 1940, 1; in 1941, as an excuse for reprisals, 2; in Belgrade, 3; in Warsaw, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8; in France, 9; at Lubieszow, 10; at Nowogrodek, 11; on the Kowel-Luck road, 12; urged, at Vilna, 13; at Dubossary, 14; near Balta, 15; in Vinnitsa region, 16; at Starodub, 17; in Minsk, 18; rumours of (in Nowogrodek), 19; near Wlodawa, 20; in Paris, 21; Ringelblum’s anguished discussion of (17 June 1942), 22; at Rowne (13 July 1942), 23; at Nieswiez (2 July 1942), 24, 25; at Szarkowszczyna (18 July 1942), 26; at Kleck (20 July 1942), 27; in the forests of White Russia (1942), 28; near Odessa (1942), 29; the final act of desperation, 30; discussed (in Warsaw), 31; at Zdzieciol, 32; at Lachwa, 33; at Tuczyn, 34; at Serniki, 35; at Korzec, 36; near Opoczno, 37; the impossibility of, at Wlodawa, 38; preparations for, in Bialystok, 39; preparations for, in Grodno, 40; in Cracow, 41; at Marcinkance, 42; near Siemiatycze, 43; a spur to (in Warsaw), 44; at Kruszyna, 45; in Minsk Mazowiecki, 46; in Cracow, 47; in Radom (preparations for, unsuccessful), 48; at Luck, 49; at Czestochowa (1943), 50; in the Volhynia, 51; in Warsaw (January 1943), 52; outside Bialystok, 53; in Bialystok, 54, 55; in Warsaw (April 1943), 56; at Poniatowa, 57; at Czestochowa, 58; outside Vilna, 59; at Treblinka, 60; at Konin, 61; in Bedzin, 62; in Vilna, 63; at Tarnow, 64; at Sandomierz, 65; at Sobibor, 66; at Koldyczewo, 67; at Ponary, 68; at Auschwitz-Birkenau, 69; and ‘the defenceless remnants of life and youth’, 70; see also index entries for Courage, acts of, and Defiance, acts of Reval: a deportation through, 71; three Jews deported from France to, and shot, 72

  Reznik, Josef: and the digging up of bodies at Borki, 1; and an escape from Borki, 2

  Rhineland, the: alleged Jewish crimes in, 1; remilitarization of (1936), 2, 3; a deportation from (1942), 4

  Rhodes: deportation of Jews from (1944), 1, 2, 3; a Jewess from, in Dachau and Belsen (1945), 4; a Jewess from, dies in Belsen after liberation, 5; a Jew deported to Auschwitz from, liberated, 6

  Ribbentrop, Joachim von: and deportations from Croatia, 1; and the need ‘to hurry’ with deportations from Europe, 2; complains personally to Mussolini (1943), 3

  Richborough Camp (Kent): 1

  Riga: and poison gas (1941), 1; Jews murdered at, including Simon Dubnov, 2, 3; German Jews deported to, 4, 5, 6 n. 7; acts of rescue in, 8; Jews selected for death in, 9, 10; use of gas vans at (1942), 11; a reprisal in (1943), 12; Jews hidden near, 13, 14; Jews sent to Auschwitz from, 15; killing and evacuation in (1944), 16, 17; killing on the eve of liberation in, 18; a Jew returns to (1979), 19; a war crimes trial in (1946), 20 n. 21

  Rigoletto: an aria from, whistled by an SS doctor, 1

  Ringelblum, Emanuel: begins collection of historical material (1933), 1; gathers information (1938), 2; describes daily life in the Warsaw ghetto (1940), 3, 4, 5, 6; and the establishment of the Warsaw ghetto (October 1940), 7, 8, 9, 10; gives details of torments outside Warsaw (1940), 11, 12, 13, 14, 15; and the Warsaw ghetto during 1941, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21; and Ukrainian guards, 22; and news from a labour camp, 23; and news from Lodz, 24; and the Warsaw ghetto (during 1942), 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36; learns of the mass murder of Jews at Chelmno, 37, 38; describes two courageous Jewesses, 39, 40; and an act of ‘sanctification of the name of God’ by martyrdom, 41; receives further news of events outside Warsaw (1942), 42; and the question of ‘sheep to the slaughter’ (17 June 1942), 43; and a German extermination ‘plan’ (25 June 1942), 44; and a BBC broadcast (26 June 1942), 45; and the deportations from Warsaw to Treblinka, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50; and the killing of Jewish policemen, 51; and Polish-Jewish relations, 52; and a spur to resistance, 53; at Trawniki, 54; in hiding, in Warsaw, 55; caught, and killed (March 1944), 56; his work and legacy, 57; the recovery of the archives of (1946, 1950), 58; his self-imposed task, 59; and ‘the quiet passive heroism of the common Jew’, 60

  Ringelblum, Uri: betrayed, 1; in Pawiak prison, 2; executed (1944), 3

  Ringelblum, Yehudit: betrayed, 1; executed (1944), 2

  Rio de Janeiro: an Auschwitz guard born in, 1 n. 2

  Rischel (a German): helps Jews, 1

  Risiera di San Sabba, La: Jews murdered at, 1

  Ritual Murder charge: (in 1934), 1; and its use as propaganda (1943), 2; revived in Poland after liberation (1945), 3, 4

  Rivesaltes: camp at, 1, 2 n. 3; two Jews awaiting ‘transfer’ to, 4; a Jew interned in, 5

  Roatta, General: refuses to deport Jews, 1

  Robota, Roza: and the revolt at Auschwitz-Birkenau, 1; arrested, 2; hanged (1944), 3

  Rochele (from Opoczno): ‘I am terribly afraid’, 1

  Roey, Cardinal Van: his intervention, 1

  Rogoza (a camp guard): his cruelty, 1

  Rohatyn: the search for survival in, 1

  Rois, Abraham: escape of, from Chelmno, 1, 2

  Rokitno: ‘Jews… run!’, 1; the fate of Jews in, after liberation, 2

  Rollfinger, SS Major: at Majdanek, 1

  Rolnik, Mrs: murdered, after liberation, 1

  Roman (Bessarabia): and a death train (1941), 1

  Rome: Jews deported from (1943), 1; a massacre in (1944), 2

  Roosevelt, Franklin D.: and Pearl Harbor, 1; and a spurious agreement with Hitler, cited as part of a deception, 2; at Casablanca (1943), 3; and the War Refugee Board (1944), 4

  Rosani, Rita: killed in battle (1944), 1

  Rose, Benjamin: a survivor, murdered after liberation, 1

  Rose, Gerda: deported (1942), 1

  Rosemann, Julius: killed (1933), 1

  Rosen (from Warsaw): shot (1942), 1

  Rosen, David: and the fate of the Jews of Kiev (1941), 1

  Rosen, Hadassah: an eye-witness to an ‘action’, 1

  Rosen, Lisa: killed (1941), 1

  Rosen, Tolik: killed (1941), 1

  Rosenau (a Jew from Gunzenhausen): killed (1934), 1

  Rosenbaum, Rozika: dies, after liberation (1945), 1

  Rosenbind, Dawid: killed (1939), 1, 2 n. 3

  Rosenberg, Alfred: receives a protest, 1

  Rosenberg, Benjamin: shot (1939), 1

  Rosenberg, Helene: deported, 1

  Rosenberg, Jankiel: executed (1939), 1, 2 n. 3

  Rosenberg, Mikla: pulled from the pit, 1

  Rosenberg, Uszer: executed (1939), 1, 2 n. 3

  Rosenblum, Joel: murdered with his wife and five of his sons (1942), 1

  Rosenblum, Martin: recalls a deportation, 1

  Rosenboim, Dora: an eye-witness to an ‘unheard-of crime’ (1942), 1; and a public hanging (1942), 2; and the murder of a thousand Jews (1942), 3

  Rosenbusz, Maximilian: deported to Auschwitz (1940), 1; his family saved (1942), 2

  Rosenfeld, Oskar: notes an incident in the Lodz ghetto (June 1944), 1; and reality versus rumour, 2

  Rosenfeld, Sonia Reznik: recalls the day of liberation, 1

  Rosenfelder (a 75-year-old Jew): killed (1934), 1

  Rosenfelder, Dr Albert: at Dachau (1933), 1

  Rosenfrucht, Moshe Hersh: witnesses a deportation (1942), 1

  Rosensaft, Yossl: recalls a death at Auschwitz, 1; recalls the liberation of Belsen, 2

  Rosenstrauch, Salomon: shot (1933), 1

  Rosenthal brothers (of Riga): help Jews, 1

  Rosenthal, Aharon: at Chelmno, 1, 2

  Rosenzweig, Dr Artur: arrested and deported (1942), 1

  Rosenzweig, Shimon: killed in action, 1

  Rosin, Arnost: escapes from Auschwitz, 1, 2

  Roskiskis: two day massacre at (1941), 1, 2

  Rosier, Major: an eye-witness to mass murder (1941), 1

  Rostov-on-Don: and the
leader of a revolt at Sobibor, 1

  Rotbel, Edward: deported, 1

  Rotblatt, Lutek: in the Warsaw ghetto revolt, 1

  Rothke, SS First-Lieutenant Heinz: and deportations from Paris, 1

  Rothschild Old Age Home (Paris): patients from, deported and killed (1942), 1

  Rottenberg, Aizik: and the impossibility of resistance, 1

  Rotterdam: occupied by German forces (1940), 1

  Rowne (Rovno): occupied by Soviet troops (1939), 1; first acts of the German occupation forces in (1941), 2; further mass murder at (1941), 3; mass murder at (1941), 4, 5 n. 6; an eye-witness to mass murder at (1942), 7

  Rowne Brigade: commanded by a Jew, 1

  Rozanski, Eliyahu: his act of vengeance, 1; killed (1943), 2

  Rozen, Simcha: escapes, 1

  Rozenberg, Dwojra: shot (1941), 1, 2 n. 3

  Rozenblum (a thirteen-year-old boy): shot (1942), 1

  Rozenfeld, Bluma: commits suicide (1942), 1

  Rozenfeld, Semyon: escapes, and fights, 1; enters Berlin (May 1945), 2

  Rozenson, Haim Henryk: his partisan group, 1

  Rozensztajn, Matla: shot (1942), 1

  Rozes, Michel: deported (1942), 1

  Rozes, Sarah: deported (1942), 1

  Rozlubirski, Lieutenant: in action in Warsaw (August 1944), 1

  Rozwadow: Jews driven from (1939), 1

  Rozycka, Maryla: and plans for resistance, 1

  Rubinowicz, Dawid: and ‘this terrible bloodshed’, 1; and a cart ‘full of blood’, 2

  Rubinstein, Dina: in the ghetto, 1; murdered (1942), 2

  Rubinstein, Grigory: killed (1941), 1

  Rubinstein, Maria: recalls massacres in Khmelnik (1941), 1, 2, 3

  Rubinstein, Polina: in the ghetto, 1; killed (1942), 2

  Rubinstein, Victor: shot (1944), 1

  Rubinsztein, Abram: survives a deportation (1942), 1

  Rubinsztein, Haim: killed (1942), 1

  Rubinsztein, Malka: killed (1942), 1

  Ruchocki Mlyn: labour camp at (1940), 1, 2

  Rudashevski, Yitshok: reports on a deportation and a massacre (1943), 1

  Rudicer (a Jewish Council member): 1

  Rudki: an incident near, 1

  Rudnicki (in Warsaw): shot (1942), 1

  Rudnicki, Peisach: his grave, 1

  Rudnicki, Yitzhak: escapes (1941), 1; survives, 2


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