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The Holocaust Page 116

by Martin Gilbert

  Rudniki Forest, the: escapes to, 1, 2

  Rueff, Georges: escapes (1942), 1

  Rumaner, Leibl: dies (1942), 1

  Rumania: 1; Jewish immigration to Palestine from (1934), 2 n. 3; anti-Jewish riots in (1936), 4; anti-Jewish legislation in (1938), 5; British pressure on (1939), 6, 7; Jews escape through, 8; further anti-Jewish legislation in (1940), 9; Jews killed in, 10; grim reports from (1940), 11; further killings in (1941), 12; and the occupation of Odessa (1941), 13; Jews of, listed (1942), 14; and the ‘final solution’, 15; and the Jewish tombstones of Odessa, 16; and a German propaganda proposal, 17; Jews returned from Transnistria to, 18; Jews from, in a labour camp in Warsaw, 19

  Rumanians: kill Jews (1941), 1, 2

  Rumbold, Lady: in Berlin (1933), 1

  Rumbold, Sir Horace: reports on ‘bestiality’ (1933), 1

  Rumbuli forest: executions in (1941), 1; becomes a place of memorial and meeting (after 1960), 2

  Rumkowski, Chaim: ‘Eldest of the Jews’ in the Lodz ghetto, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; and the events of 1942 in the Lodz ghetto, 6, 7, 8; ‘I simply must cut off the limbs’, 9; takes in a deportee who jumped from a deportation train, 10; and a further deportation, 11; a call for volunteers from (June 1944), 12; an appeal for ‘discipline’ from (July 1944), 13; and the final ‘resettlement’ (August 1944), 14; his fate, 15

  Runda, Mrs: shot (1941), 1

  Ruppin, Dr Arthur: in Berlin (1923), 1

  Russak, Yehuda Leib: shot, with his wife (1942), 1

  Russia (under the Tsars): 1

  Ruthenia: 1, 2; Eichmann’s complaint about Jewish partisans in, 3

  Ruttenberg, Mrs: her strange fate, 1

  Ruzomberok: a deportee passes through, 1

  Rybnik: Jews shot at (1945), 1

  Ryki: fate of Jews of (1942), 1

  Rzepkowicz, Mania: joins children (1942), 1

  Rzeszow: labour camps in region of (1939), 1; fate of a Jew from (1941), 2; fate of Jewish resistance group near (1942), 3; a Jew from, witnesses the Auschwitz revolt (1944), 4; a ritual murder accusation in, after liberation, 5

  SA (Sturmabteilung, Stormtroops): founded (1921), 1; murder Jews in Berlin (1930), 2; attack Jews during election campaign (1930), 3; in Berlin (1933), 4, 5; at Dachau (1933), 6; in Vienna (1938), 7, 8; in Berlin (1938), 9; in Leipzig (1938), 10; and the Kristallnacht (1938), 11, 12; and the deportation of Jews to Poland (1939), 13; and a massacre at Stanislawow (1941), 14

  SD (Sicherheitsdienst, Intelligence Service of the S.S.): established (1931), 1; and a deportation (1942), 2

  SS (Shutzstaffeln, ‘Protection Squad’): established (1925), 1; and Dachau (1933), 2; in Vienna (1938), 3, 4; its ‘protective custody’, 5; and the Kristallnacht (November 1938), 6, 7; and the invasion of Poland (1939), 8, 9; and the deportation of Jews to Poland (1939), 10; and deportation of Jews from western Poland (1939), 11; and a death march (1940), 12; at Stutthof (1940), 13; shown an anti-Semitic film (1940), 14; at Sachsenhausen (1940), 15; near Kalisz (1940), 16; in Amsterdam (1941), 17; at Jassy (1941), 18; and the eastern killings (1941), 19, 20, 21, 22, 23; at Osowa labour camp (1941), 24; in the Kovno ghetto (1941), 25; statistics of, at Ponary (1941), 26; command Ukrainians at massacre near Uman (1941), 27; at Vinnitsa (1941), 28; at Kiev (1941), 29, 30; at Vilna (1941), 31; at Rowne (1941), 32; at Kovno (1941), 33, 34; in the Warsaw ghetto, 35; at Treblinka (1941), 36; at Riga, 37, 38, 39, 40; at Chelmno, 41, 42, 43 passim, 44; in Minsk, 45; at Baranowicze, 46; at Belzec, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51; and a deception, 52, 53; at Zamosc, 54; at Auschwitz-Birkenau, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83; at Sobibor, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90; during a deportation from Cracow, 91; at Rowne (1942), 92; during the deportations from Warsaw to Treblinka, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98; at Treblinka, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103; a ‘very grave order’ to (28 July 1942), 104; in Radom, 105; at Maly Trostinec, 106; at Zagrodski, 107; and the search for ‘a more toxic and faster’ gas, 108; at Kielce, 109; at Lodz, 110; at Kremenets, 111; and the property of ‘evacuated’ Jews, 112, 113, 114; and a massacre at Budy (1942), 115; in Dubno, 116; at Szczebrzeszyn, 117; at Chorbrzany, 118; in Bialystok, 119; in Cracow, 120; at Ciechanow, 121; at Majdanek, 122, 123; at Kopernik camp, 124; at Stary Ciepielow, 125; in Piotrkow, 126; on the Belgian-German border, 127; during the Warsaw uprising (January 1943), 128; at Lublin, 129; at Sobibor, 130, 131; at Plaszow, 132, 133; at Ponary, 134, 135; and the Warsaw ghetto revolt (April 1943), 136; at Majdanek, 137; at Sosnowiec, 138; at Czortkow, 139; at Lvov-Janowska camp, 140, 141; during the Treblinka revolt, 142; at Theresienstadt, 143; at Babi Yar, 144; in Denmark, 145; Himmler describes the ‘page of glory’ to, 146; in Trieste, 147; and the ‘Harvest Festival’ massacre (November 1943), 148, 149, 150; and a ‘census’ in Theresienstadt, 151; at Skarzysko-Kamienna, 152; at Mauthausen, 153; in Kovno (1944), 154, 155; at Blechhammer, 156; in Hungary (1944), 157; at Oradour, 158; at Chelmno (1944), 159; at Schwarzheide, 160; at Stutthof, 161; at Rhodes, 162; at Piraeus, 163; in Slovakia, 164; at Mauthausen, 165; in Estonia, 166; and the revolt at Auschwitz-Birkenau, 167; and the death of six hundred boys at Auschwitz-Birkenau, 168; at Dachau (1944), 169; at Stutthof (1944), 170; at Neumark, 171; at Torun, 172; at Blechhammer, 173; at Miedzna, 174; and the last hours at Birkenau, 175; at Monowitz, 176; on the death marches, 177, 178, 179, 180; their ‘property’ rescued, 181; and a massacre at Palmnicken, 182; at Ravensbruck, 183, 184; at Belsen, 185, 186; at Seeshaupt, 187; cruelties of, recounted, 188; thoroughness of, 189; at Neustadt-Glowen, 190; at Lübeck, 191; at Mauthausen, 192; flee from Theresienstadt, 193; near Leitmeritz, 194

  Saar, the: and the Jews (1935), 1, 2; Jews deported from (1940), 3

  Saarbrucken: 1

  Sabac: Jewish refugees held at (1939), 1

  Sabaoani: and a death train (1941), 1

  Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp: established (1933), 1; a horrific account from (1938), 2; Jews reach Britain from (1939), 3; barrack chiefs sent to Auschwitz from (1940), 4; fate of Jews at (1940), 5; Jews shot in (1942), 6; a deportation to Auschwitz from (1942), 7; Jews to be experimented on, at (1943), 8; Jews deported to (1944), 9; death of a captured parachutist at, 10; a death march to, 11; Jews evacuated from, 12; Jews evacuated to, 13; a death march from, 14

  Saint-Claire-à-Caluire (Lyons): two Jews executed at, 1

  Saint-Gingolph (Switzerland): Jews turned back to France from (1942), 1

  St. Germain, Treaty of: 1

  St Louis: its futile voyage (1939), 1

  St Valentin: a camp at, 1; evacuation from, 2

  St Vincent, General de: refuses to help round up Jews, 1

  Sakkis, Leon: killed (1944), 1

  Sakowicz, W.: reports on mass murder near Vilna (1941), 1; and a further massacre (1943), 2

  Salamovitz, Medea: saved (1942), 1

  Salmonovitch (at Auschwitz): his defiant words, 1; gassed, 2

  Salomon, Alice: shares fate of her orphans (1943), 1

  Salomon, Dr Erich: deported to his death (1944), 1

  Salonica: death in action of Jews from (1940), 1; Jews born in, deported to Auschwitz (1942), 2; Jews deported from (1943), 3, 4, 5, 6; murder of eight hundred Jewish girls from, at Auschwitz, 7; some Jews from, reach safety in Spain (1944), 8

  Salonica, Governor-General of: praises Jewish ‘heroism’ (1941), 1 n. 2

  Salvador: fate of (1940), 1

  Salzburg: Hitler’s meetings with Horthy near, 1, 2

  Sambor: a deportation from, 1

  Samchuk, Ulas: on need for Jews and Poles to ‘disappear’, 1

  Samek (of Warsaw): and his two-year-old daughter Miriam, during a deportation, 1

  Samuel, Lord (Herbert Samuel): a report smuggled to (1938), 1 n. 2

  Samuel, Professor: forced to do medical experiments, 1

  Samuel, Henriette: saved, 1

  Samuel, Chief Rabbi Julius: his courage, 1; deported, 2

  San river, the: 1, 2, 3; a deportation from the region of, 4

  Sandomierz: resistance at, 1; J
ews shot at, 2

  San Francisco: a Warsaw Jew reaches (1940), 1; ‘sad’ recollections in (1980), 2

  Sandberg, Moshe: and a postcard deception, 1; and the perils of endurance, 2; and the coming of liberation, 3

  Saneh (an abattoir worker): betrayed (1942), 1

  Sanok: Jews from, at Zaslaw camp, 1; Jews deported from, 2

  Santorini: death of Jews off, 1

  Sarah (from Parczew): killed (1942), 1

  Sarajevo: synagogue plundered (1941), 1; a Jewish family born in, deported from Italy (1944), 2

  Sardinia: Jews of, listed, 1

  Sarfati, Sadia: killed (1942), 1

  Sarny: a mass escape from, 1

  Sarona (Palestine): and a deception, 1

  Sarvar: Jews deported from (1944), 1

  Satanowska, Miss: raped (1940), 1

  Satoraljaujhely: Jews try to resist in, 1

  Satzkis, Lily: her emigration refused, 1

  Sawicki (a labour camp foreman): organizes a revolt, 1

  Scandinavia: Jewish refugees in, 1

  Scaramella, Rosetta: aged five, deported to her death (1944), 1

  Schade (manager of a textile mill): helps Jews, 1

  Schall, Jakob: killed (1942), 1

  Schechter, Rabbi Herschel: enters Buchenwald on the day of liberation, 1

  Scheiber, Rabbi Lajos: his wife killed (1944), 1

  Schertzer, Dr: shot (1943), 1

  Schillinger, SS Sergeant-Major Josef: and a Jewish act of defiance, 1; dies (1943), 2

  Schindel, Sol: and the revolt at Auschwitz, 1

  Schindler, Emilia: helps Jews, 1

  Schindler, Oscar: protects Jews, 1, 2, 3; a Jew saved by, returns home, 4

  Schloss, Louis: murdered (1933), 1

  Schmelt, General Albrecht: and labour camps (1941), 1

  Schmidt (at Belzec): a ‘brute’, 1, 2

  Schmidt, Sergeant Anton: his courage, and fate, 1

  Schneidemuhl: Jews deported from (1940), 1

  Schneider, Gertrude: eye-witness to deportations (1942), 1, 2; and the clothes of the dead, 3

  Schneider, Moise: killed (1942), 1

  Schonebeck: Jews evacuated from (1945), 1

  Schubert: his music played in the ghetto, 1

  Schultz, Fritz: fails to protect his employees, 1

  Schulz, Bruno: killed (1942), 1

  Schulz, Dr Ulrich: shot (1941), 1

  Schumann, Professor (an SS doctor): and medical experiments, 1

  Schumm (a Jew from Kiel): killed (1933), 1

  Schwartz (a guard at Belzec): tortures a Jew, 1

  Schwartz, Meir: dies (1943), 1

  Schwartz, Moshe-Yossel: leads an attack on German and Ukrainian guards, 1

  Schwarzbard, Shalom: his act of vengeance (1926), 1; his vengeance avenged (1941), 2

  Schwarzbart, Ignacy: learns of the fate of many Jews in hiding (1943), 1

  Schwartzman, Getzel: plans revolt, 1; his death (1942), 2

  Schwarzheide: Jews sent to factories at, 1, 2; Jews evacuated from, 3; fate of the Jews evacuated from, 4, 5

  Schweinberger, SS Officer Horst: and the ‘hunters’, 1

  Schwenningen: labour camp at, torments in (1942), 1

  Seck, SS Sergeant: and a deportation (1941), 1

  Seeshaupt: the eve and moment of liberation in (1945), 1

  Seforim, Mendele Mocher: his anniversary celebrated (1941), 1

  Segal, Berish: an act of defiance by, 1

  Seidman, Hillel: recalls a deportation, 1

  Selahettin, Bay: seeks to help Jews, 1

  Serbia: murder of Jews in, 1

  Serbs: murdered (1942), 1

  Serebianski (Jewish police commander): 1

  Sered: a deportee sends a message from, 1; Jews in liberation of, 2; Jews deported from, reach Auschwitz too late to be gassed, 3

  Serelman, Hans: sent to a concentration camp (1935), 1

  Sereni, Enzo: executed (1944), 1

  Serniki: a break-out at, 1

  Seweryn, Tadeusz: recalls Jewish act of defiance, 1

  Sfax: homes plundered in, 1

  Shadur, Bluma: and a German raid into the Warsaw ghetto (January 1943), 1

  Shalit, Levi: recalls the Day of Atonement in Dachau, 1; recalls the days after liberation, 2

  Shanghai: Jews seek refuge in (1939), 1; Jewish refugees in (1940), 2

  Shanster, Dr: a convert to Christianity, 1; deported (1942), 2

  Shapiro, Rabbi (of Kovno): and the confrontation of mass murder, 1

  Shashkovka: mass murder site near (1941), 1 n. 2

  Shavuot (Festival of Pentecost): Jews killed during (1942), 1

  Shchepkovski, Jacob: killed (1942), 1

  Shchepkovski, Yehiel: killed (1942), 1

  ‘Sheep to the slaughter’: the question of (17 June 1942), 1

  Sheinkinder, S.: and a dead man’s ‘obstinacy’, 1

  Sheptitsky, Metropolitan Andreas: helps Jews, 1, 2

  Sheptitsky, Father Superior Clement: saves Jews, 1

  Sheptitsky, Sister Josepha: saves Jews, 1

  Sherpski, Hanna: in Poland (1939), 1

  Sherpski, Ze’ev: reaches Palestine (1939), 1

  Sheyenson (in Riga): rescued, 1

  Shirer, William: 1; and situation of Jews of Berlin during air raids (1940), 2

  Shklarek, Moshe: recalls a deportation (1941), 1; a witness to mass murder (1942), 2

  Shkolnik, Sara: hanged (1941), 1

  Shmueli, David: finds his father in Dachau, after liberation, 1

  Shmulian, Dr: shot (1944), 1

  Shnayder, Yuter: shot (1944), 1

  Shufftan, Leopold: in Stutthof (1940), 1

  Shulman (a carpenter): and a labour camp revolt, 1

  Shumert, Zvia: sheltered, 1; honours the man who sheltered her, 2 n. 3

  Shurek, Hava: and a ‘happy day’ in the ghetto, 1

  Shusterman, Rabbi Gabriel: escapes but dies (1943), 1

  Shusterman, Yisrael: in the Nieswiez revolt (1942), 1

  Shvetz, Abraham: commits suicide (1941), 1

  Shyapeltoh, Victoria: and an account of Babi Yar, 1

  Siauliai (Shavli): only 4,500 Jews left in, 1; children deported from, 2; murder in and deportation from (July 1944), 3; a Jew from, recalls the Day of Atonement at Dachau, 4; a Jew from, liberated near Dachau, 5

  Siberia: a route of refuge (1940), 1; and Poland, 2

  Siedlce: and Treblinka death camp, 1

  Siedliska: a ‘round-up’ of Jews near, 1

  Siemiatycze: a Jew shot in (1939), 1; occupied by Soviet troops (1939), 2; ‘bombs began to fall’ (1941), 3; fate of the Jews of (1942), 4, 5; resistance in region of, 6

  Sieradz: Jews shot in (1939), 1; fate of an elderly woman from (1942), 2

  Sierpc: Jews from, wear ‘badge of shame’ (November 1939), 1

  Sievers, Dr: seeks skeletons, 1

  Silber, Gershon: punished (1938), 1

  Silberberg, Freda: deported to Auschwitz (1944), 1

  Simferopol: mass murder at (1941), 1, 2

  Simhat Torah (Rejoicing of the Law), Jewish Festival: in Warsaw (1940), 1; at Auschwitz (1944), 2

  Simitli: deportation through, 1

  Singer (a prisoner): escapes, but killed in action (1943), 1

  Singer, Katherina: warns of an imminent massacre, 1

  Singer, Oscar: and ‘horror’ in Lodz, 1

  Siwek, Stanislaw: helps Jews, 1

  ‘Skala’: helps Jews, 1

  Skalat: anti-Jewish petition in (1941), 1; a deportation from (1942), 2

  Skarzysko-Kamienna: an ‘action’ in, 1

  Sklar, Moshe: shot (1942), 1

  Skotnicki, Lieutenant Aleksander: killed (1944), 1

  Skovia, Hirsh: dies (1942), 1

  Skridlewe: mass murder at (1941), 1; a second massacre at (1942), 2

  Slamovich, Henry: returns to his home town (1945), 1

  Slapak, Moshe: killed (1943), 1

  Sletten, Inge: helps Jews to safety, 1

  Slobodka (Kovno): ghetto established in (19
41), 1; survivors from, liberated at Dachau (1945), 2

  Slobodka (Odessa): deportations from ghetto in (1942), 1

  Slonim: mass murder at (1941), 1, 2 n. 3; mass murder at (1942), 4; an alarming message from, 5; revenge for murder at, 6; a rabbi from, celebrates the Sabbath in a labour camp, 7

  Slovakia: Jews attacked in (1938), 1; declares independence (1939), 2; ‘Jew-baiting’ in (1939), 3; deportations from (1940), 4; fate of Poles seeking to escape to (1940), 5; Jewish forced labourers from (1940), 6; Jews seek safety through (1940), 7, 8; Jews of, listed (1942), 9; the ‘key questions… already resolved’, 10; and the ‘final solution’, 11; deportations to Auschwitz from, 12, 13, 14; Jews from, at Auschwitz, 15; recollections of Jews deported to Auschwitz from, 16, 17, 18; renewed deportations to Auschwitz from, 19; Jews from, deported from Lukow to Auschwitz, 20; Jews from, in a Warsaw labour camp, 21; a Jewess from, warns of an imminent massacre in Birkenau, 22; trains from Hungary pass through, 23; Jews in uprising in, 24, 25; Jews deported to Auschwitz from (August 1944), 26; the fate of Jews in a town in, 27; death of a leading Zionist from, 28; a Jew from, killed at Mauthausen, 29

  Slutsk: a protest about ‘horror’ in (1941), 1

  Smallbones, R. T.: a witness (1938), 1

  Smorgon (Smorgonie): deportation of Jews from, 1

  Sobibor: Jewish prisoners-of-war executed near (1940), 1; a death camp set up near (1942), 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; the first gassings at (April 1942), 7; further deportations to, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12; and ‘Operation Reinhard’, 13; a new rail link planned for, 14; death toll in, 15; Jewish orphans gassed in, 16; Himmler visits, 17; a deportation from Paris to, 18; resistance of Jews reaching, 19; a deportation to, witnessed, 20; Jews from Minsk deported to, 21; Day of Atonement at (1943), 22; revolt at, 23; death of a leader of the revolt in, after liberation, 24; a survivor of the revolt in, enters Berlin (May 1945), 25

  Socha, Leopold: helps Jews, 1; his death, 2

  Socha, Magdalena: on liberation day, 1

  Sokolovo: Jews in battle of (March 1943), 1

  Sokolow Podlaski: railwaymen from, at Treblinka, 1; a train to, 2

  Sokolskaya, Bertha: recalls the Bialystok ghetto revolt, 1; recalls a deportation from Bialystok, 2; deported to Auschwitz, 3

  Sokolskaya, Eva: her fate unknown, 1

  Sokolskaya, Menachem: his fate unknown, 1

  Sokolskaya, Ovsey: killed (1941), 1

  Sokoly: murder of Jews at, after liberation (1945), 1


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