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Claimed (Vegas Nights Book 2)

Page 8

by Rayanna Jamison

  “That,” Jase said contentedly, throwing bills down on the table for a tip, “is none of your damn business. “

  He paused, long enough for Pax to nod, acknowledging begrudgingly that he knew his friend was right. “But for the record,” he continued, “no, I did not sleep with her. Yet. As far as what the future holds, I’m optimistic. I make no promises, and I will not be answering any more questions.”

  An hour later, when the crying stopped, and as much of the story as she was willing to share came out in incoherent fragments between sobs and hiccups, Diamond wrapped Ruby in a blanket, force fed her bites of steak, and plied her with mimosas before declaring that she was suffering from ‘sub drop.’

  It was another seemingly ridiculous term that meant nothing to her, and didn’t seem to do justice to the depths of emotion she was feeling.

  “Subspace, subdrop, what are all these ridiculous words everyone keeps using and why won’t anyone explain them?” Ruby cried, bursting into a fresh round of sobs while Diamond stared at her in silent bewilderment.

  “Oh, honey,” her sister cried, pulling her into a hug, and rocking her back and forth. “You experienced subspace last night? I’m like, kind of so impressed. It took me months to get there.”

  It was Ruby’s turn to stare in surprise and she pulled away to do so. “Really? I’m not like just some crazy twit who can’t handle things?”

  “Oh, baby, no!” Diamond exclaimed, looking at her sadly. “Not at all. And probably the reason no one has taken time to explain it is that it is hard to explain. It really is so different for everyone. And for some people, it never happens at all. Others it takes years. Experiencing it on your first night, is rare, and probably a little scary. But I’m sure Jase took good care of you. Trust me when I say that he is a good man, even though he wants people to think otherwise, and as far as Doms go, they say he’s one of the best. So I knew you were in good hands. The best really. Although,” she mused, “I’m quite frankly a little pissed that he didn’t bother to check on you this morning. He had to know the drop was coming.”

  “Don’t be mad at Jase please! It’s not his fault I’m being a stupid emotional wreck. He took great care of me last night.”

  “Fine,” Diamond agreed, sighing exaggeratedly. “But he better at least ask how you’re doing when he sees you later, or it’s off with his head.”

  “Agreed. He can at least do that.”

  “Now, are we going to sit around here eating, and crying all day, or are we going to get off our asses and celebrate your birthday?” Her enthusiasm was infectious and soon Ruby was dressed and ready for the day. The hot water in the shower stung her body, and she was thrilled to see the faintest of marks on her back. Battle wounds. Souvenirs. Whatever they were supposed to be called, she loved having the tangible reminder of her night, however short lived it would be.

  And tonight was after all, a brand new night. With her first experience behind her in a big way, she might even find the confidence to play a little. Although, she knew in her heart that no Dom, and no experience would ever compare with her first.

  Chapter 7

  Ruby hadn’t packed for a night out at a highly rated BDSM club, especially not for a night out as the owner’s guest on opening weekend, but that didn’t matter. The new and improved Rojo now boasted a large boutique full of club wear, as well as every BDSM tool and sex toy imaginable. Ruby fully planned to make another stop there before she left, without her sister this time.

  After purchasing their club gear for the night—Ruby’s outfit consisted of a red spandex mini dress and some wicked hooker heels—they had moved on to pampering themselves in the spa, getting the full treatment. Diamond had insisted they go full Brazilian, even though Ruby insisted it was a waste, being as she no longer had anyone to show it off to. That was the other thing. Even after listening to her wax sentimental about her session with Jase the night before, her sister did not seem to believe her that she was completely done with Trevor. Not that Ruby could blame her; they had had their ups and downs over the last decade, so it wasn’t the first time Diamond had heard that old song and dance.

  This time she meant it. It didn’t matter if anyone else believed her. For the first time ever, she believed herself.

  She was a mixture of nerves and adrenaline as they entered the club, one of them on each side of Pax, who immediately left them, and made a beeline for the far door, she assumed to talk with the security guard who was stationed there. Ruby had to stop herself from gasping in awe at the scene that greeted her. She had seen the club last night with Jase and in the photos Diamond had sent. But now, full of people, kinky people to be exact, it was a whole different ball game.

  Her eyes darted around the space not knowing where to look first. Décor, always décor. Details calmed her. Even the second time around. The bar was stunning, glass shelving boasted bottles from floor to ceiling behind a beautiful glass bar. The stools were your basic retro bar stools, white and chrome from what she could see. Black and white tiles on the back wall between the shelves formed a pattern that she knew was the symbol for BDSM. Her breathing slowed as she took in each and every detail of the room from the mundane things like paint colors to the ornate spanking benches and St. Andrew’s cross on the far wall. Only then, when she had the entirety of the décor memorized could she look at the people.

  She must have stood staring for too long, because just then, Diamond grabbed her by the elbow and began to guide her through the room.

  “Watch the floor, always,” Diamond whispered.

  It seemed like such an odd thing to say. If she was watching the floor, how could she see where she was going? But Diamond’s eyes were cast downward. Maybe it was a submissive gesture? Ruby wondered, quickly following suit, just in time to avoid stepping on a curvy blonde with fully exposed breasts that were covered only by two silver clamps connected in the middle by a small chain. Black pleather hot pants barely contained her rolling curves, and the red leather collar she wore around her neck looked nothing like the tasteful piece of jewelry Diamond wore as a symbol of her relationship with Pax. No, this looked more like an expensive dog collar; a fact which was compounded by the discovery that it did indeed seem to be attached to a leash.

  “Don’t stare,” Diamond whispered a second instruction, giving her arm a little tug to keep her moving. Ruby’s eyes were wide, ricocheting between the floor and the tables as she allowed Diamond to pull her along.

  On the floor, were women and men alike in all manner of stages of undress. Some were sitting on their knees before their Dom, or Domme as the case may be. Some were bound by ropes. Others knelt prostrate, face to the floor, asses in the air, as if praying in an ancient ceremony.

  Not staring was difficult, as Ruby wanted to take in every detail and minute of the night to save for later. But Diamond was on a mission, cutting a straight path through the crowded club, like a woman with a goal, ignoring the lewd looks and even a few catcalls as they went. Then, and only then, did Ruby realize that they were almost the only women there without escorts. Still, didn’t these people realize who Diamond was? Besides being the infamous daughter of a Hollywood starlet, she was Pax’s wife! There must have been a few newbies in the crowd who didn’t realize this, or they would not have had the guts to be so brazen.

  Anxiety rolled through her in waves and she suddenly felt sick. She saw instantly what Jase had meant when he referred to ‘wannabes’ and she hoped they were as obvious as they seemed. She knew instinctively that getting into the wrong scene with one of the misogynistic assholes could have disastrous effects, and she was even more grateful that Jase had taken her under his wing last night, and taken care to make sure her first experience was a good one. The thought instantly calmed her; a needed reminder, that just as much as there were narcissists and wannabes and abusers on power trips to watch out for, there were also the diamonds in the rough, the true Doms, the men like Jase and Pax.

  Her sister came to an abrupt stop in front of a g
roup of intimidating Nordic looking men dressed all in black, and introduced them only as ‘The Tanners.’

  Her eyes widened as the men stepped forward one at a time, introduced themselves, and their subs in turn. These men, she knew just by looking at them, and observing the casual yet loving dominance they exerted over their women, were the real deal. She could also tell by looking at them that they were not the type to be seeking out partners for casual play. Which was just as well. One glance from their smolderingly dominant gaze had her nearly melting into a submissive puddle on the spot. These men were safe, but dangerous as fuck.

  She found it hard to concentrate as they stood there, making casual small talk with Diamond—they clearly considered her and Pax to be dear friends, and they seemed to like and respect her by proxy, because of her relationship to Diamond, but standing here in the vicinity of all these real deal, real life, hot as hell Doms had her struggling to breathe. Diamond had promised to take her around and introduce her to people, but right now, all she wanted was a drink.

  She no sooner had the thought than one was thrust in front of her from behind. She wasn’t sure how, but she knew instinctively that it was Jase, and felt her entire body flush in response to his proximity. Holy shit, that man was trouble. If she stayed around here much longer, she would turn permanently into a lobster.

  She awkwardly accepted the drink, and closed her eyes as she drank it, even though she knew it was pointless. When she opened them, he would be there, and she would have to look at him without the haze of arousal and submission in the light of day. This whole scene was a lot more complicated than it seemed, and for a split second she considered cutting her trip short, and running home to Trevor.

  As if on cue, her phone rang from the depths of her small clutch purse, and she reached in and silenced it without looking. She knew who it was, he had been calling all day, and he had yet to leave a message, which probably meant that whatever he had to say it went a long way beyond a simple ‘happy birthday.’

  “Do you need to get that?”

  Without thinking, she opened her eyes before answering, and nearly screamed when Jase stood there, merely inches from her face. “No. No. I’m good.”

  He looked at her with obvious curiosity, but decided not to push. He was still close enough that she could smell him—a mix of minty mouthwash and musky sandalwood. The mixture was oddly arousing. Or maybe it wasn’t. Maybe it was just him.

  “I meant to call you this morning, and check in, but Pax kept me pretty busy, and I couldn’t get away from him most of the day.” Jase laughed. “I’ll be glad when this weekend is over, and I can go back to worrying about my own business.”

  “Yeah.” Her own laugh was nervous, and she discreetly stepped back. Being that close to him was nerve racking.

  “Have you been to Aubergine?” he asked conversationally, causing her to wonder how he was able to converse normally and casually with her after last night. She, on the other hand, was having trouble remembering the simplest things like how to breathe, or her own name. She concentrated on answering his questions.

  “Once. A few years ago. When Diamond worked for you.”

  “Oh. Yeah. Right.” He faltered, and she wondered if he too felt a little awkward. The thought was oddly comforting. But it didn’t last. Jase recovered quickly, his dominant nature once again shining through, as he took ahold of her wrist and pulled her closer, closing any semblance of distance she had created between them.

  “It’s loud in here, and it’s about to get much louder. I’d like to buy you a drink for your birthday. Do you think we could sneak up to the VIP area and see if it isn’t a little quieter?”

  He asked instead of demanded, and she appreciated that. Even if she wasn’t sure what he offered was a good idea. It probably was, in fact, a really bad idea. But she still wanted to.

  Live a little, she silently chided herself.

  As it turned out, Jase didn’t wait for an answer. His hand found a home on her lower back, and he guided her away from the crowd, towards the bar, ordering two shots of the same top shelf whiskey they had shared the night before, and handed one to her.

  Holding his own up for a toast, he motioned for her to do the same.

  “To a beautiful woman on her birthday. May her weekend be only the beginning of a wonderful new life full of experiences she has only dreamed of.”

  The simple toast touched her, as if he had seen right through to her heart and understood her hopes, dreams, struggles and everything that had held her back to this point.

  She held her glass briefly to his in agreement, then drank it quickly, fearing that if she didn’t she might start to cry.

  Jase took the empty glass from her, and plunked it down on the bar, signaling the bartender that he wanted two more, which were quickly produced.

  He took them in one hand, and returned his hand to the small of her back, sending shivers of anticipation down her spine as he led her up the stairs to the VIP balcony. It was quieter and less crowded, but not by much.

  Setting the glasses down on a small table for two in a dark corner towards the back, he pulled out her chair for her, only sitting after she was seated. Inwardly she sighed. She couldn’t remember the last time Trevor had done that. Probably not since they were in high school.

  Then, and only then did Jase lean towards her with that devilish grin he had. She had a love/hate relationship with that smile. On one hand, it meant trouble of some sort. On the other hand, oh those dimples.

  She braced herself wondering what would follow.

  “How’s your ass?” he asked.

  Unable to help herself, she rolled her eyes with a laugh, and shifted in her seat. “Well, I thought I was doing fine, until I sat down in this hard ass chair.”

  “Yeah. Pax chose these for exactly that reason.”

  “I’m sure.”

  “But other than slightly tender, how are you? Do you feel okay about last night?” Jase was suddenly serious.

  It was a hard question, because the answer was no, but to explain why it was no would have led down a line of emotions she wasn’t ready to share, so she went for the lighthearted answer. “I’m mostly okay. A warning about sub drop would have been nice though.”

  “Sorry about that. Truly.” He grabbed her hand across the table and she could tell he was sincere. Too sincere. It suddenly made her feel bereft. Jase may have had a rep. He may have been a bit of a player. But all in all, he was a true Dom. One of the good ones. She blinked and shrugged, trying to stave off the emotional response threatening to spill.

  Jase seemed to get all that, and took the conversation in a new direction.

  “Is there anything else you want to experience or has your curiosity been fully satisfied?”

  The sheer dominance in his expression took her breath away, and she had to force herself to answer.

  “There’s things,” she admitted breathlessly. Damn this man. The things he could make her body do with just a look, the way he could wet her panties with just a word.

  His eyes darkened, boring into her as if he could see straight into her soul. “You need to be spanked. Well and thoroughly spanked. And you need to not be able to say no.”

  “I…” She licked her lips, aware that her mouth had gone suddenly dry. “I’m sorry?”

  “You heard me. Don’t bother denying it. That’s your ultimate fantasy. Be honest.”

  “I need to be able to say no.”

  “You need to be able to. You also need to know you won’t need to. I can give you that. You trust me, don’t you?”

  The look in his eyes sank her on the spot, and she could do nothing but nod her stunned agreement with an open mouth. Ruby had never before known a man to be able to look at a woman and know exactly what she wanted and needed to hear, but Jase did it every single time.

  And then, while she was still gaping, he did it again. His hand reached across the table and caught her underneath the chin, gently closing her mouth, before his rough callo
used fingers stroked her cheek. “I’m going to spank you tonight, Red. Until your bottom matches your hair. At least once. And you might even want to say no, and while you very well could say no, you and I both know you’re not going to. Isn’t that right?”

  It sounded like a command, but it wasn’t one. It was just balls to the wall confidence. This man oozed it. Inside and outside of the playroom, he commanded attention, but when he was in Dom mode, he was in his element, and everyone around him could see it.

  Ruby was speechless for a moment, every inch of her body standing at attention to this man’s casual dominance. When she was finally able to speak, there was only one response, and it came out in a breathy whisper.

  “Yes, Jase.”

  “Oh, Roo, let’s walk around and see if we can find Crystal. You remember Crystal right?” Diamond nodded goodbye to the Tanners and turned around to find her sister gone.

  “She left with Jase. A while ago. I think they headed over to the bar.”

  Diamond’s body nearly shook with relief. If she was with Jase, she was safe. It was rather odd that neither of them thought to tell her they were going, but they must have figured that someone would.

  Shaking her head, she continued her rounds through the club, stopping every few feet to greet an old friend, or meet a new one. The regulars were out in droves, but Doms and subs from all over the world had made it out for this event. Some she had only heard of, and some she had corresponded with online prior to the event. She had to admit that some of the men, and the women too were super intimidating.

  One in particular, made her sub side cower just from looking at him—a reaction that was very unusual for her. She knew who he was. In the BDSM circles he was a highly revered and widely known professional Dom who was often called a gentle giant. At 6 foot 5, with biceps the size of her head, he most certainly was a giant, but she failed to see how hands attached to that body could ever be described as gentle. His hands, like the rest of him, were ginormous. Master O, they called him. Pax said O stood for Omar, but in the sub circles it was rumored to stand for orgasm. Either way, just looking at him made her stomach flip in a way she wasn’t familiar with. Best to avoid him at all costs. She pulled her gaze away, and then and only then did she see her husband standing next to him. Frozen in place, her eyes darted around the room, looking for another familiar face, but it was too late. She had been spotted, and her husband was now motioning her over. Which meant not only did she have to meet the gentle giant, but she had to be in full submissive mode when she did so. Reputations and the state of her ass were at stake. She knew without a doubt that if she was anything but fully respectful and obedient tonight, Pax would not hesitate to punish her on the spot. And why not? It was a BDSM club after all, even if she was the first lady.


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