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Claimed (Vegas Nights Book 2)

Page 18

by Rayanna Jamison

  “Don’t leave, Ruby. Don’t ever leave. I’m more in love with you than I ever dreamed possible, and the thought of not having you here every day scares me shitless. These past eight months have been the best of my life and I finally believe in love—not just that but my own capacity for love—and that in itself is a miracle I thought I’d never see. You’re a miracle, Ruby—my miracle. I can’t promise forever, not yet, but I’m working on it. I finally see it as a possibility for my future. But only if that future includes you. A wise woman once told me that houses and décor were your love language. I’m not ready to give you a ring, so I thought I’d give you this house. I bought it for you, Ruby. Will you turn this into a home for the two of us?”

  The memory of Jase laying his heart on the line was one of the favorite reels of the movies of her life. How could she have said anything other than yes? The answer was simple. She couldn’t have. And she didn’t want to. And of course, she hadn’t.

  That had been the night everything had changed. Things had gotten serious. She had closed her office in the Hollywood hills, for good, and eventually opened a new one in North Las Vegas. And finally, finally she had begun to make the transition from Jase’s girlfriend to his submissive. Well sort of. They were taking that slow too. Much to her chagrin.

  They had moved into the house earlier this week. Every single detail had been chosen with her and Jase in mind, and stepping over the threshold and into this space that so perfectly reflected the two of them, always felt like stepping into his arms.

  She walked through the house, reveling in all the little details, as she ditched her shoes, jacket and pantyhose on the way to the bedroom. What she saw when she got there stopped her in her tracks. Jase’s favorite belt lay prominently displayed on the bed, along with the small silver plug, a blindfold and cuffs, and the dreaded naughty girl paddle. He had been telling her for days that it was time for her first ever punishment spanking, but she had been waiting so long, she hadn’t wanted to believe anything he said because as much as she dreaded the experience, she craved it even more.

  She looked at the items on the bed with her heart in her stomach and knew that if it didn’t finally happen just the way she had been fantasizing for years, she would be disappointed, even if she tried not to be.

  As she looked around the sanctuary that was their bedroom, an idea began to form. Smiling wickedly, she chucked her clothes and began to dig her own grave for the night. What a wonderful grave it would be.

  She quickly showered, pulled up the newest naughty book on her Kindle and settled happily onto the chaise in the corner of the room, where she planned to stay until he told her otherwise.

  A short time later, the door to the master suite closed. Her stomach jumped as she questioned the wisdom of her plan, but it was far too late to back out now. She forced herself to stare at the page displayed on the screen, even though there was no possible way she could concentrate on reading the words. She didn’t even look up or acknowledge him in any way until a dark shadow cast across the screen, making it hard for her to read. The dominant look on his face was equal parts terrifying and arousing. Her mouth fell open and she gaped up at him, her jaw popping as she searched for a cheeky line or excuse, something that would make him laugh. She loved his laugh.

  “Reading again, eh? Is that what you are supposed to be doing?”

  Her mouth went dry as she stared up at her love, the tall man in the designer suit who was frowning at her expectantly, as he carefully and deliberately loosened his tie and rolled up his sleeves advancing on her with a glint in his eye that meant business.

  “No, Sir, I mean. I um.” Knowing she was surely in for it, all she could manage to do was squeak out a slew of incoherent excuses. Her eyes never left his hands, watching as he expertly rolled one sleeve and then the other, knowing that within a matter of minutes, those large sexy hands would be wreaking the ultimate havoc on her backside, and possibly other parts as well.

  “You were supposed to meet me at the door when I got home. If you get home before I arrive, that is my expectation, is it not? I don’t like to be kept waiting, little one. I tried calling your phone, but it went straight to voicemail. Is it dead again?”

  Her eyes bugged out at the realization that she had unwittingly committed multiple offenses far past the ones she had intended. “I… it must be.”

  “I see.” Her Dom, spoke casually, as if her responses were of no importance, all the while slowly unthreading the belt through the loops on his trousers. An act that she knew was just for show. The belt he would use on her bottom lay coiled on the bed in wait.

  “Have you been touching yourself while you read those naughty stories?”

  “I didn’t come!” she squeaked out, thinking that he had finally found one rule she had not broken.

  His brow quirked up in amusement, but he said nothing. With a snap of his fingers, he pointed at a spot on the ground in front of him, and she jumped up, crossing the room quickly to kneel at his feet. His fingers weaved their way through her tight red curls. He grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulled back, using her hair as a lever until she gazed up at him.

  “Such a naughty little sub.”

  Shivering, she nodded slowly, waiting for further instruction. She wouldn’t speak unless she was asked.

  “Tonight, you will be punished. But first, you will give me pleasure.” He snapped again, and she quickly went to work, unbuttoning his trousers, watching the soft fabric puddle at his feet as it glided down muscular thighs and calves. Black boxer briefs bulged in the front, showing off his growing need for her. She pulled them down too, licking her lips when his cock sprang free of its restraints. Cupping her hands around his balls, she formed a cup for it to rest in, and slowly leaned forward, teasing the head with only the tip of her tongue, watching him as he closed his eyes and rolled his shoulders, the first sign that he was relaxing after a long day.

  Smiling, she got to work, licking the length up and down with slow soft swirls of her tongue, teasing him until he was throbbing and ready. Sucking Jase’s cock was her greatest submissive pleasure, and she reveled in the feeling of service as she took him wholly into her mouth, until her lips rested at the base. She could go deep, and she was always rewarded greatly for it when it was her turn. She worked in a slow rhythm, drawing him in, and slowly pulling him back out, constantly working with her tongue as she sucked greedily on his throbbing member. She felt when his upper body tensed and knew he was close to release. Applying pressure to the base of his cock with one hand, she grabbed his sack and tugged gently, scraping him softly with her teeth as she did so. The only time she could get away with it was when he was right on the brink. Something about the tugging, squeezing and scraping combined sent him over the edge. Just as he always did, he screamed out, grabbing her hair to guide her as she suckled every last drop of his pleasure from the tip, licking and sucking greedily until he released her.

  When it was done, she rocked back on her heels and smiled up at him, careful not to speak.

  “Damn, you’re good at that. Your skill in that department, however, is not going to save you from the consequences of the areas where you are lacking.”

  “Yes, Sir.” She agreed demurely, biting back a smile, as she pulled his trousers back into place. His threat was a fact she had been counting on.

  “Kneel in the corner and wait for me. Think about all the ways you deserve to be punished. I expect a full list of your transgressions when I return. If something is missing, your punishment will be double.”

  Still on her knees, she crawled to the corner, knowing that it was what he expected, and sat there facing the wall in a position of high protocol. Upturned hands rested on thighs that were spread wide for easy access. Her chin nearly touched her chest as she stared at the dark wooden floor and waited, listening as he made his way to the restroom to clean up.

  “Come.” With one word, he beckoned her to the chaise where she had previously lounged. He sat on the side of it, and
patted his knee. She was careful not to show her excitement, but over his lap was her favorite place to be and a position not often used by an experienced Dom such as himself.

  At his signal, she crawled to him, standing only to place herself across his lap, resting her head on the cool leather of the chaise.

  “Not so fast, little one. We’re getting ahead of ourselves. What new naughty things did you do today?”

  She ticked off a list that had her bottom clenching in anticipation and waited.

  “You were a very naughty little sub today,” he informed her, pinching the underside of her bottom as he spoke. “I’m going to have to punish you severely I think for blatant disregard of your rules.”

  She trembled in his lap. “Yes, Sir.”

  “While you were in the corner, I grabbed your naughty girl plug and got it ready for you. He waved it in front of her face, and she squirmed in his lap. The tell-tale pop as the bottle of lube opened had her throat drying in anticipation.

  Jase was as anxious to move forward with this important milestone in their relationship as she was, and he didn’t make her wait any longer than was necessary. She gasped when the cold metal pushed past the barrier of her private entrance.

  “This plug will serve as a reminder to you whom you belong to during the duration of your very first punishment paddling. I like how sweet and submissive you tend to be when you have a plug in your naughty little bottom hole. And I think you’ll need the reminder to be sweet and submissive once you get a good taste of the naughty girl paddle. A sub’s good sense seems to go out the window with that first good taste of wood.”

  Her only reply was a pithy whimper as she began to question why it was she had wanted so desperately to reach this point in their relationship. At this point, she had been over Jase’s knee getting her bottom smacked a good many times, but never for a real punishment. Writhing under the pressure as he pushed the plug into position between her cheeks, she silently repeated her familiar mantra. Trust. Experience. Enjoy.

  The enjoying the punishment might be a bit of a stretch, but she trusted Jase to make sure she was okay, and that the experience of her first punishment spanking was a memorable one.

  “You have been a naughty, naughty girl this week, Ruby. Do you know what happens to naughty girls?”

  Grinning to herself, she shook her head, rather than give him the answer he was seeking. She could tell he was smiling at her cheekiness when he answered for her.

  “Naughty girls get their bottoms punished inside and out.”

  The words were delicious. The reality, she suspected, would not be.

  From the very first swat, she could feel the difference. Where the spankings she was used to usually started slow and sensual, his hand fell hard and unforgiving across her bottom, and she shrieked in surprise.

  “Jase! That hurts! Like a lot!”

  “And it’s going to hurt a lot more before we’re finished,” he agreed. “Buckle up, darling, you’re in for one hell of a rude awakening. You’re about to find out what it’s really like to be my sub.”

  “Yes, Sir.” The words fell from her lips in a soft whimper, and she braced herself, as his hand met her bottom once more. What followed was an onslaught of punishing blows, each one seeming to fall slightly harder than the one before, until she was gasping for breath.

  “Jase, please, I’m sorry! I’ll be good! I’ll follow all the rules! Please stop!”

  “Begging me to stop already?” Jase’s voice was laced with incredulity. “Oh, babe, I haven’t even begun. This is just the warm up.”

  Ruby buried her face in her hands with a low whine. What had she been thinking wanting this so badly?

  “Jase? I… Jase?” There was a desperation in her voice that made him pause his task, resting one hand on her waist and the other on her hot bottom. “After will you? Are you? Can we…” She couldn’t even bear to finish the question; she was so scared that the answer would be no.”

  She didn’t need to worry. Jase knew her and could read her like a book. He quickly found her soft folds, and stroked her there, testing for wetness. “You want to know if I’m planning to fuck you afterwards?”

  She nodded vigorously, her face flaming with embarrassment from the combination of his crude language and her own precarious position.

  “If you take your spanking like a good girl, I will. If you’re a really good girl, I might even let you come.”

  She resolved to take whatever he dished out with a lot less whining than she had been, and the least amount of wiggling she could manage to achieve under the circumstances.

  Jase began again then, continuing with his hand, spacing the swats out and letting them fall with leisure. She breathed through each one, unsure which way was worse. Fast and hard, or slow and steady.

  Finally, she felt his shift, and she knew he had picked up an implement. She wasn’t sure which one.

  The crack of the naughty girl paddle against her ass was unmistakable, and the shock of the deep pain made it impossible for her to not cry out.

  “Hurts, doesn’t it? There’s a reason we reserve this for punishing naughty bottoms.”

  She forced herself to squeak out a meek yes sir in answer. To her own ears, it sounded unrecognizable, but Jase must have heard it.

  “You’re getting fifteen with this, and fifteen with my belt. I’m going to go fast and hard, and I’ll keep count. If you move out of position, I’ll start over, and it will be a mark against you for later.”

  Explanation wasn’t necessary. She understood. Her release was at stake, as was her poor bottom.

  She had thought she had a high tolerance for pain—until she had felt the unforgiving kiss of the wooden paddle. Jase kept his promise. Each swat fell hard and fast, with nearly no room to breathe between them. She couldn’t focus on the pain. She had to focus on keeping still, and fighting her body’s natural flight response. She clawed the soft suede fabric of the chaise, pummeled it with her fists, and grunted after each swat fell, but she didn’t move.

  Her bottom ached. She could almost feel the tender skin swelling up after each blow from the nasty wooden paddle. She kept count in her head. When the fourteenth one connected, she dug her nails into her hands and braced herself. She couldn’t stop from crying out, and she reared up, arching her back against the pain of the last one, but she stayed in place across his lap.

  Jase leaned down and set the paddle on the floor at his feet, then warm clammy hands began to message the tender skin on her throbbing backside. “Being naughty doesn’t pay, does it sweetheart?”

  “No, Sir.” Tears threatened as she squeaked out her agreement.

  “The bite of the leather is going to complement the dull ache left by the paddle nicely. I’m going to enjoy watching you squirm with each lash.”

  They had moved on to the torment phase of the night it seemed. Jase always enjoyed a good mindfuck. She enjoyed it too except when the fate of her poor bottom was the ammunition being used to torture her apparently.

  She bit back a whimper. He loved it when she whimpered, and she didn’t want to give him the satisfaction at the moment.

  His hands worked her throbbing flesh in a way that had her squirming for an entirely different reason. Who knew such pain could leave her aching for the pleasure of his touch? Her pussy throbbed with need. She knew she would take whatever else he dished out with as much courage as she could muster, soothing herself by mentally moving on to the more enjoyable portion of the evening.

  Finally, he tapped her bottom with his hand. “Stand up, and bend over the back of the chaise.”

  The simple command had her breathless with want. Her bucket list fantasy was about to be realized. So it had never happened at Rojo—not the way she had envisioned it. Tonight it would. With Jase. Nothing could be more perfect. He helped her to her feet and she quickly scampered to obey. The hard stiff back of the chaise pushed against her midsection. It was the perfect height, but she had known that before she purchased it. It had b
een her main requirement.

  He cracked the belt with both hands, testing the pliability of the leather just to make her cringe.

  She felt dizzy with anticipation as he moved into position behind her. She heard the whoosh of the leather cutting air a split second before it connected with her ass, leaving a thick line of fire in its wake.

  Ruby wrapped her arms around the top of the chaise, willing herself not to react. At least not in any way that would get her in trouble.

  The leather was worse than the paddle, at least in the way that he couldn’t control it as well. It cut across her backside with reckless abandon. It took much longer between lashes than it had for the paddle to fall. She could feel the welts rising, and knew she would feel this in the morning. She didn’t mind. There was something oddly comforting in knowing she would bear the marks of his own belt, the one that would grace his waist in the days that followed. She imagined seeing it there. A tangible reminder of tonight for days and weeks to follow, long after her own marks had faded.

  The pain of leather seemed much easier to take with that delicious image in her head. She clutched the chaise tightly and concentrated on breathing, picturing the scene that was playing out as if she could see it in her mind’s eye. She didn’t even notice at first when he stopped, nor did she notice that the tears had begun to fall, hot and wet across her cheeks.

  Finally, strong hands grabbed her shoulders, and turned her, pulling her out of her trancelike state, as Jase folded her into his arms, and kissed the top of her head.

  “You took that well, my little sub.”

  She beamed up at him. “Was I a good girl? Did I earn my treat? Do I get to come?”

  Jase’s face transformed from stern Dom to indulgent lover as a slow grin spread across his face. “Multiple times,” he promised. Pulling her across the room, he gently pushed her onto the bed, lowering himself over the top of her so that his body covered hers.


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