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Meddle in a Marquess’s Affairs: How to Reform a Rake

Page 7

by Andresen, Tammy

  Camille let them be. Her own thoughts were spinning to dizzy heights as she allowed herself to imagine what it might feel like if she truly allowed herself to be ruined. It was rather a delicious proposition.

  * * *

  Rex lay in bed, an arm over his eyes. What a disaster tonight had been. First, he was worn out from all the activity. But now, Key had met Victoria. Hell and damnation, this was a mess. Then again, neither of them had been too keen on the other. In fact, it had seemed the opposite. Something strange had been in the air.

  This feeling had hung about them, tangible tension that he could almost taste. Metallic in its tanginess.

  While he was proud of Camille this evening, she hadn’t spoken a word to him. He wasn’t a man who usually talked about feelings but in her case, he’d have to try. He’d clearly hurt hers.

  A soft knock at the door made him drop his arm. “Come in,” he called.

  The door creaked open and Camille slipped in, then clicked it shut once again.

  She was still in her evening attire and his body tightened at the vision she made before him.

  “Are you doing all right? I can’t believe you were up out of bed and socializing.” She crossed the room and began to fuss over him. Tucking in the covers, feeling his forehead, and finally plumping the pillows.

  As she did so, she leaned over him, her vanilla scent wrapping about him even as her bosom hung a few inches from his face. He was in heaven or hell, depending on how one looked at it. A rush of blood surged down his body. It was a sweet torture to be this close.

  “I’m fine. Healing nicely,” he said through clenched teeth.

  She placed her hands on either side of his shoulders so that she leaned over him. Her cleavage was still exposed and her face suspended above his. If he just pulled at her waist, she’d be on top of him. “You’re sure?” she asked. “It was a lot of activity.”

  “I’m sure.” Rex tried to decide where to begin. Should he start by explaining the bet or should he ask her about Victoria and her feelings for Key? He lifted his fingers from the bed to brush her hip. It was a light touch that made his body cry out for more.

  Camille leaned down a little closer. “How soon until you return home?”

  Her nose twitched. Was his answer significant in some way? “I don’t know but likely a few days.”

  She focused on the wall behind him, no longer meeting his gaze. “Do you think that we’ll see each other ever again after you’ve gone?” Then she pushed up and away from him. He wanted her back close. Actually, he’d like her closer. “That’s a silly question, isn’t it? You’ve fulfilled the terms of the bet, why would we?”

  He pulled his hand from under the covers and managed to just catch hers before she was out of reach. He held tight as she tried to pull away. “You are so much more than some ridiculous bet.”

  She relaxed her arms. “Then why did you make it?”

  A sigh— part frustration, part resignation—escaped his mouth as he pulled her closer. Drawing her in, he reached up his other hand to guide her hip until she sat next to him. “I have made it my mission over the last ten years to take very little seriously.” He kneaded her hip with his hand. “In my defense, much of this life seems like a game compared with life on the streets and I’ve lived it as such. A series of conquests, altercations, and injuries, as well as financial victories, have been like chess pieces on a board to me.”

  She gazed at him, her beautiful green eyes unwavering in their focus. “I think I understand.”

  “What I didn’t know, until very recently, was that it was mostly meaningless. Or I made it so.”

  She sucked in her lower lip, then released it with a pop. “What has changed your mind? Your injury?”

  He laced his fingers through hers. “Partially, I suppose. The injury led to me to an angelic nurse who made me realize how shallow my existence had become.”

  She let out a little gasp even as he pulled her down for a kiss.

  She pressed against him the moment their lips met. Not wasting any time, he slanted her mouth open and ran his tongue along the inside of her lip. She moaned as hers met his.

  The beads sewn on the front of her gown pushed into his bare chest as he pulled her closer, their mouths feverishly trying to devour one another. She reached her fingers into his hair, scraping along his scalp and pulling at the strands in a most satisfying way.

  Before he even thought to move her, she was pressed down his length as she lay on top of him. He wanted to mold her body to his but the layers of fabric between them kept them apart. As he pulled at her gown, he heard the distinct sound of the fabric tearing.

  They both stopped. “Oh dear,” she murmured but he felt her smile against his lips.

  “How bad is it?” He tilted his head to the side to see around her. The gauzy fabric over the skirt had torn near in half. “I’ll have to buy you a new one.”

  “You can’t.” She pushed her upper half away so that her pelvis sank deeper into his and her cleavage was exposed to him. He was going to have to kiss every inch of that skin very soon. “I’ll just have to hide the dress but if Max sees this or catches you giving me a new one…”

  She didn’t have to finish. His friend would insist that they marry. His muscles clenched in anticipation. He decided he didn’t care as he ran his hands up and down her back. “I’ll take my chances.”

  She shook her head. “You don’t want to marry and we don’t have to.” She stopped licking her lips and then licking them again. “I’m already ruined and you’re a rake. I may as well be thoroughly ruined since society considers me to be so anyhow.”

  He stilled, his hands resting on her backside. “Are you saying that you will give yourself to me without the bonds of marriage?”

  She gave a tentative bob of her chin. “I’ve tried to marry after Michael, but I just don’t think it’s meant to be. This might be my one chance to be with a man.”

  He rolled her to the side and then sat up, pulling her with him. “Camille, you are undervaluing yourself. You are not giving yourself to a known rake without some sort of commitment. It’s mad.”

  “You mean, I shouldn’t give myself to you,” she answered in a clipped tone but her shoulders hunched over.

  “Love, you shouldn’t give yourself to any man.” He squeezed her hips possessively. The thought of another man touching her made anger swell in his chest. “You are too special to be a casual affair.”

  She scooted off the bed, as she untangled his hands from her hips. “Is that your way of saying that you don’t want me?”

  “That isn’t what I’m saying at all.” He tried to pull himself to sitting as she backed toward the door. “Don’t leave, Angel. We need to talk about this.”

  She shook her head from side to side as several strands fell loose. “I don’t want to talk anymore. I’m sorry I asked you.” Then she spun about and opened the door, disappearing from his view.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Rex hauled himself out of the bed and, not bothering to shrug on a shirt, followed.

  He heard her door click closed as he reached his. Making his way down the short distance of the hall, he knocked on hers. Sweat broke on his forehead. He touched his bandage, feeling his wound throb with awareness. He’d been too carefree when he rushed out of his room. “Camille,” he roughly whispered.


  Clearing his throat, he knocked a little harder. “Camille.”

  When she still didn’t answer, he gave a firm knock. “It’s not as though I don’t know you’re in there.”

  “Go away,” she answered, her voice breaking.

  He leaned his forehead against the cool wood. “I won’t. We need to discuss—”

  “You will leave her alone at once,” Max commanded, his voice sharp and loud.

  Rex slowly pushed off the door. “I only wish to apologize.”

  “For what?” Max crossed his arms over his chest.

  He gripped his cane tighter. Rex wan
ted to yell out his frustration. Or hit something. Maybe both. “Bloody hell, Max. I am just trying to talk to the woman.”

  Max took a step toward him. “You are, under no circumstances, allowed in her room at this time of night. Or any time before or after. If you do not heed me, I will either shoot you myself or see you to the altar. Your choice.”

  Rex pushed out a long breath as he raised his hand to run it through his hair. He was tired. His body ached and his heart wasn’t much better. “Can we finish this conversation in my room? I need to lie down.”

  Max’s arms dropped instantly and then he reached a hand for Rex’s elbow. “You shouldn’t be out of bed at all. You’re mad for pushing yourself so much.”

  “What do you care?” Rex smiled. Max had a hard exterior but it masked a warm underneath. He’d always known it. It was in the way Max helped people when they really needed it. The way he was hell bent on protecting his wife and punishing the man who’d tried to hurt her. “You’re going to shoot me anyway, remember?”

  Max gave him a sideways look. “I’d prefer not to, so perhaps you could behave yourself.”

  “Noted,” Rex answered as they reached the side of his bed. Max helped him lay down and then went to pull the covers up over Rex. Rex held up his hand. “I’ll do it myself.”

  “Why?” Max asked as he dropped the covers.

  Rex reached down and pulled them over his body. “You won’t do it as well as Camille, anyhow.”

  Max pulled a chair closer. “So what is it you have to say?”

  Rex took a steadying breath. “I’ve thought about your offer of either being shot or marrying the eldest Ducat and I’ve chosen.”

  Max stilled. “Bloody hell, don’t tell me you want me to shoot you.”

  “Why would you assume that?” Rex closed his eyes. This conversation with Max was the easy one. Tomorrow he’d have to make things right with Camille. That conversation would be far more difficult.

  “Because you’re always going on about violent deaths.” Max leaned forward.

  He supposed so. But his time on the street had prepared him for that end. He expected it even. “I guess, in my wildest dreams, I never thought I’d be living this life. I don’t always know how to go about it. But I do catch on eventually.” He opened his eyes and looked at his friend. “God drops an angel at your door only once in your life, I’d imagine, and that’s what she is, Max. I won’t squander this opportunity, I want to marry her.” He swallowed a lump in his throat. “I love her.”

  There, he’d said it. Put it out into the world.

  Max gave him a wide smile. “That’s a good chap.”

  “Promise me one thing,” he said as he reached for and held tight to Max’s forearm. This was important. “She deserves a good man. The kind who will love her. Honestly, it’s not something I’ve got much experience with.” He picked his head up off the pillow, giving Max a long stare. “If I am bullocksing it up, promise me you’ll give me a good beating.”

  Max clasped him on the shoulder. “I promise.” Then he patted his upper arm a few times. “And I expect you to do the same for me. These Ducat sisters…” Max trailed off. “They are a different type of woman entirely.”

  Rex lay his head back down. “We’ll have to protect the others from our friends. Has Chase always been so crass? I nearly knocked the man senseless tonight.”

  Max stood. “I think he has but we can plan while we breakfast in the morning. For now, you need your rest. Tomorrow will be a big day.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Camille woke with the first rays of the sun, despite having slept little in the night.

  After dragging herself from bed, she dressed and styled her hair. She paused mid-brushstroke and looked in the glass. She’d made a complete fool of herself the night before. Rex had been very kind in his dismissal of her but, in truth, he had turned her down.

  It was a sign. She wasn’t meant to have an affair or be a mistress. Apparently, she wasn’t cut out to be a wife either. No man actually wanted her. She saw no choice but to find a position. Live her life as a spinster.

  She made her way down to breakfast, and finding the house empty, she headed to the front parlor and rang for a cup of tea.

  A pot had no more arrived when the front bell rang.

  She stood, wondering who could possibly be at the door at this early hour. Crossing to the window, she saw her family’s carriage in the drive.

  Straightening, she heard the front door open. She’d barely moved when the butler ushered her mother through the door. Camille’s stomach sank into her knees. “Mother?”

  Her mother gave her a glowing smile. “Darling,” she answered as she crossed the room to kiss Camille’s cheek. “You look stunning as always.”

  Camille smoothed the front of her skirt. It was a lie. She’d seen herself in the mirror, and she looked awful with dark circles under her eyes. It wasn’t like her mother to hold back. Camille drew in a ragged breath. What was her mother up to? “Thank you. As do you.” She gestured to the chair next to hers. “I was just about to have tea. Would you like some?”

  “Please,” her mother replied as she folded her hands in her lap. “I haven’t had a thing today.”

  Camille poured the tea, then handed a cup to her mother. She wanted to ask her what she was doing here but it wouldn’t be polite. And she’d been raised to always behave with decorum. “That isn’t like you.”

  Her mother accepted the cup. “I wanted to speak with you and I know you’re an early riser.”

  Ah. That made sense. She’d come on purpose, knowing Lily would still be asleep. “What did you wish to speak to me about?” She ignored the butterflies flitting around her stomach.

  “I’ve an invitation for dinner tonight. It’s a friend of your Aunt Mildred’s and you’ve been included as well.” Her mother took a sip of her tea. “I could make your excuses of course, but I think you should attend. There will be several eligible men there who might make a good match for you.”

  Camille pursed her lips. “I don’t want to make a match now. All my attempts have been nothing but folly.”

  Her mother set down her cup as she huffed a breath. Then, she stopped and gave Camille a bright smile. “That’s not what your sisters say. Doesn’t Lily have several candidates lined up?”

  Camille drew in a sharp breath. So that was what this was about. Her mother thought Lily might succeed where she had failed. Her mother hated to be bested. “I told her exactly what I just told you.”

  Her mother reached for Camille’s hand. “Then don’t worry about making a match. Come and show your face in public and see if we can’t repair some of the damage. It will be good for you no matter what you do.”

  Camille’s nose twitched. She might be able to talk to some of her contemporaries about possible positions. And she’d like a little time out of Lily’s house. Facing Rex today filled her with dread. “I’ll do it, but I need to come home with you so that I might find something suitable to wear.”

  Her mother gave a satisfied smile. “Excellent choice, darling. You’ve always been my most obedient and sensible child.”

  Camille leveled her mother with a stare. “No, I haven’t. Lily was always your most obedient. Which is why you owe her an apology, Mother. You treated her terribly and you tried to prevent her marriage.”

  Her mother turned her face away, staring at a spot on the wall. “I’m not ready.”

  Camille clasped her hands. It wasn’t the answer she’d hoped for, but it was progress. “Fair enough. Give me a few minutes. I need to write Lily a note so she doesn’t worry.” Camille stood, crossing to the secretary. She hoped Lily wouldn’t see this as a betrayal. Camille loved her sister dearly, she’d just secure her future and she needed…well, she wanted time away from Rex and his rejection.

  * * *

  “She’s bloody gone where?” Rex nearly spit the words as Lily’s eyes widened. Max reached over and put his arm about his wife, glaring at Rex. He’d pulled him
self from bed to come down to breakfast and talk with her. Now she was gone. He tilted his chin down and rubbed the back of his neck.

  “To dinner with my mother at the Havershams’.” Lily rubbed her forehead, her expression growing serious. “I don’t understand either. Why would she leave with mother after everything that’s happened?”

  Nerves, like cold water, made him shake. It was because of him and what had happened last night. She’d run away and now she was out there without him. What if someone tried to hurt her? What if some man propositioned her?

  He forced himself to calm down, taking several deep breaths. She was under her family’s protection, she’d be fine. But he didn’t have the opportunity to apologize or express his feelings. Would her parents approve of his suit? What if they didn’t? He ran his fingers down his face.

  Rex didn’t care about her dowry one bit. Money was one thing he had in spades. Drawing in another breath, he looked at Lily. “I need to see her. Can you bring me to your family home?”

  Lily’s throat worked, visibly, then she touched her chest. A shade of pink stained her cheeks. “I’m afraid I can’t. I’m…I’m not welcome.”

  His brows drew together. “Not welcome?”

  Max spoke for the first time. “She ran away to marry me, Rex. Remember?”

  Rex scratched his head. “What parents are angry that their daughter married a duke?”

  Lily cleared her throat. “My mother supported one of her daughters marrying Lord Longley, just not me. She thought I’d be better suited to a baron’s son.”

  Rex let his back fall into the chair. Bloody hell. He’d hoped his status as a marquess might win over the Ducats. Because his past and his current reputation wouldn’t. “So if your mother doesn’t approve of me, then Camille would have to run away to marry me?”

  Lily gasped. “You want to marry Camille?”

  Rex looked at Max. “You didn’t tell her?”

  Max’s skin turned a deep shade of red, nearing the color purple. “We were otherwise engaged.”


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