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The Selkie's Song

Page 8

by Nancy M Bell

  “This is all of us?” Bella asked. “I just can’t wait for classes to start.”

  “Are you the one that’s from Cornwall?” One of the girls whose name Bella couldn’t remember spoke.

  “From the south-west,” Bella told her.

  “Isn’t there one of the nurses who just graduated from Cornwall?” Lydia frowned as she tried to recall the gossip that she had stored.

  “I don’t think there’s anyone here that I know,” Bella lied.

  The last thing she needed was bloody Elaine Kerris finding out she was here and ringing her friends in Penzance to tell them. Da would be up here like flies on honey and Bella would be back in Penzance before she could blink.

  “Oh, yes! I know her, she’s from Penzance,” a tall girl with blue-black hair said.

  “I don’t know anyone in Penzance—I’m from up Bude way,” Bella lied harder.

  “I thought Bude was in north Cornwall?” The brunette named Larissa frowned at Bella. “You said you were from the south-west.”

  “Well, it’s all south from here innit?” Bella laughed hollowly.

  “More eating, less talking!” Claire pushed her chair back and led the way to the food queue.

  Thankfully, Bella rose to her feet and followed her, careful to keep a good distance away from Larissa.

  The evening passed quicker than Bella thought possible. Before she knew it was time for lights out. She laid one of the new blue and white nurse-in-training uniforms over the back of the lone chair and sponged it to remove the creases from being folded. On the desk she arranged Joseph’s sister’s books and regarded them with happiness bubbling inside her. It was really and truly happening. Tomorrow morning she would begin to learn how to be a nurse. Bella hugged herself and danced around the tiny room. Dreams can come true. They can. The little clock on her bed table read 10 o’clock. She changed into her night shirt and climbed between the crisp linen sheets. Bella snuggled into the narrow bed and even though she wanted to think about all the things that had happened during the day, the excitement had worn her out and her eyes fluttered closed.

  A sliver of bright sunlight woke her before the alarm went off. Quickly, she jumped out of bed onto the chilly floor. She dressed in her uniform and with one last proud look in the mirror Bella stepped out into the hall to join her classmates on their way to the cafeteria for breakfast.

  The classes passed so quickly Bella was astonished when four o’clock came around and they were dismissed for the day. Arm-in-arm with Claire, Bella hurried down the wide hospital hall to change. Her thoughts were so full of the events of the day and everything she had learned. Bella didn’t look where she was going and ran headfirst into Elaine Kerris.

  “Oh, excuse me!” Bella exclaimed without looking up.

  “That’s okay. Just look where you’re going next time,” Elaine said and then stopped short as she took a good look at the girl who had knocked into her.

  “Arabella Angarrick?” Elaine’s voice was sharp with surprise.

  Bella turned brick red and cursed herself for not being more careful.

  “It’s all right then, innit?” Claire asked.

  “What the devil are you doing here at King’s College?” Elaine’s eyebrows rose as she spoke.

  “Training to be a nurse,” Bella muttered without looking up.

  “Last I heard you were supposed to be married to Daniel Treliving. Then your da was raging all over town that you’d up and disappeared.” Elaine turned a thoughtful look on Bella.

  “I won’t marry Daniel. I’ll jump off the cliffs of Lamorna Cove first!” Bella spat out and glared at Elaine.

  “That’s what your da was crying in his pint over at the Arms the other night,” Elaine told Bella sternly. “You need to let him know that you’re all right and where you are.”

  “What do you mean?” Bella asked.

  “Your da thinks that you really have jumped off a cliff somewhere like you threatened. What with the Waters girl finding your pony wandering about on the moor over near Lamorna Cove,” Elaine’s voice trailed off and she looked at Bella with a kind of grudging respect.

  “You jumped the train and got the Waters chit to lay a false trail with the pony and throw every one off your track.” Elaine made the question a statement.

  “I did nothing of the sort!” Bella lied. “The Waters had nothing to do with me running away. I got accepted to train here and I came.”

  “So you say,” Elaine drew the words out thoughtfully.

  Elaine turned and hurried to catch up with the group of friends she had been walking with. She stopped just as she turned the corner and gave Bella one last knowing look.

  “Bother and damn! Why couldn’t I just look where I was going?” Bella moaned.

  “What’s so bad about meeting someone from home?” Claire asked.

  “Because no one at home knows where I am, and they can’t find out for a little while longer,” Bella said fiercely.

  “Why is that?” Claire was puzzled.

  “Once I’ve reached the age of majority Da doesn’t have a say in what I do after that.” Bella’s face crumpled a bit and her lip trembled.

  “Well, let’s just hope she doesn’t say anything to anyone at home until after that,” Claire said cheerfully and linked her arm with Bella’s. “C’mon, it’s time for tea and I don’t want to miss the sweet.”

  Bella allowed herself to be towed along to the cafeteria, her thoughts in turmoil. The smell of the food made Bella’s stomach turn on itself and she was afraid she might lose her lunch. Courage, Bella. She was in the habit of addressing herself when she was upset. Maybe Elaine wouldn’t think it important enough to mention to anyone at home. Bella wondered if she should ring Sarie but decided against it as the old busybody Mrs. Trevithick would hear the call go through and listen for sure. Bella sighed; she might just as well take out an ad in The Cornishman as call home.

  “Are you all right, Bella?” Lydia asked from across the table.

  “You do look a might peaky,” Carolyn observed Bella’s pale face.

  “I’m fine.” Bella forced a bright smile. “Let’s get our tea before it’s all gone.”

  Soon, the bright chatter and the antics of her classmates made Bella push the incident with Elaine to the back of her mind. After all, what was it to Elaine that Bella was here? She assured herself that if there was anything afoot Sarie would find a way to let her know in plenty of time to formulate a plan, and if need be, a way to escape before Da set foot off the train in London. Her stomach curled at the thought of Daniel showing up to haul her off back home.

  Bella spent the better part of the evening studying in her room with the small lamp on her desk spilling a pool of yellow light onto the pages of the books. Bella made notes in her neat hand in the notebook she had purchased at lunch earlier in the day. Her small purse of money was getting thin, but she was sure she would make out just fine. There was no need of anything fancy. Tomorrow she must inquire with Matron about the job she had mentioned earlier supplement her savings. Bella was feeling very happy and proud of herself as she climbed into bed that night and smiled into the darkness as she turned her face into the pillow and gave a great sigh.

  Mid-morning found Bella and her classmates gathered in a room of empty beds with a stone-faced older nurse instructing them on the proper method to make up a bed with hospital corners. Bella grimaced and turned to the bed that the grey-haired nurse assigned her and picked up the stiff cotton sheet. Carefully, Bella smoothed the sheet over the mattress and began her attempt at making a suitable hospital corner. Her heart leaped in her throat when the supervising nurse came to watch her. Bella’s hands shook and sweat bloomed across her back. The nurse stood impassively while Bella struggled with the stiff sheets and the heavy mattress. Finally, she put the pillow into a crisp white pillowcase and set it on top of the bed, being carefully to place it precisely in the centre of the head of the bed. She stood back to allow the grey-haired nurse to inspect her work. Be
lla twisted her hands nervously in her apron. Finally, the nurse turned and looked Bella up and down.

  “An adequate job,” the nurse said with a sniff and proceeded to the next bed where Carolyn was waiting anxiously.

  Bella allowed herself a small smile. She stood beside her made-up bed and waited for the rest of the class to be inspected. Carolyn’s eyes were shiny with tears and frustration when Nurse Craigmyle, moved on to the next bed. Bella gave her an encouraging smile but didn’t dare open her mouth to say anything. The sun through the windows of the ward was strong and hot. Bella felt perspiration run down her spine and trickle down between her breasts.

  “Nurse Craigmyle?” one of the second year nurses called from the doorway.

  “What is it?” Nurse Craigmyle barked over her shoulder at the young nurse, who blanched, but held her ground.

  “Matron asked me to come and get you straight away. Begging your pardon, ma’am.” The young nurse blushed uncomfortably as she spoke.

  “Very well, then.” Nurse Craigmyle turned with a huff and marched toward the door. Her hands irritably straightening her uniform apron as she went.

  “No one leaves this ward until I return.” Her icy voice brooked no disobedience from her charges and they wisely offered none. “You stay and observe them until I return. You do remember the correct way to make at bed, do you not?” Nurse Craigmyle addressed the young nurse who moved hastily out her way in the doorway.

  “Yes, ma’am.” She visibly relaxed as Nurse Craigmyle swept past her and down the corridor in search of Matron.

  No one spoke a word, just stood rigidly by their assigned beds and exchanged puzzled looks. Bella tried to relieve her boredom by counting the tiles on the floor under her feet. The young nurse jumped back from the door as Nurse Craigmyle sailed in. Bella kept her gaze on the floor, better to escape notice and the risk of having the instructor find fault with her manner. Bella’s heart skipped and stopped abruptly and then thundered into life. Nurse Craigmyle stopped behind her.

  “Nurse Angarrick, Matron would like to see you immediately,” Nurse Craigmyle’s voice was icy. “Nurse Percy will direct you there.”

  “What…?” Bella started to ask what she had done wrong, Nurse Craigmyle’s searing look made her clamp her lips shut and follow Nurse Percy out of the ward.

  The young nurse smiled weakly at Bella and led the way to Matron’s office on the second floor.

  “Here you are then, love. Good luck.” Nurse Percy gave Bella an encouraging smile and squeezed her arm before hurrying away back to her own duties.

  Bella had trouble getting her breath, tight bands of fear bound her chest and she couldn’t get air into her lungs. Bella was sure that the pigeons on the window sill could hear her heart pounding through the mullioned glass. She knocked on Matron’s door with a shaking hand and hoped fervently that she wouldn’t faint from anxiety. It was probably nothing, maybe a form she forgot to sign, or payment was needed for something she had neglected.

  “Come.” Matron’s voice was firm.

  Bella opened the door and blinked in the sunlight that filled the room.

  “You asked to see me, Matron,” Bella’s voice quivered.

  “Sit.” Matron indicated the chair in front of her desk. For the longest moment Matron said nothing but studied Bella intently. Bella was afraid to say anything and sat ramrod straight doing her best not to let the tears escape her eyes.

  “I received a phone call, rather late last evening,” Matron finally spoke. “Inquiring as to your whereabouts, Miss Angarrick. Would you know anything about that?”

  “No, Matron.” Bella shook her head. Damn Elaine, she must have said blabbed to someone down home.

  “From a gentleman calling himself Barney Angarrick, insisting that I tell him where his daughter is. He heard from a friend that she was here, at my hospital, under age and training without his permission. Is that true, Miss Angarrick?” Matron’s voice cut like steel through Bella’s resolve. Tears spilled down her cheeks and spotted her uniform.

  “It’s only until my birthday! Please Matron. I’m of age on my next birthday and Da can’t stop me from training then. Please, don’t give me away!” Bella pleaded.

  “You’re asking me to break the law and jeopardize the reputation of this hospital, Miss Angarrick. You have also lied and provided false information on your application and consent forms, which information we used to admit you to the nursing program. Your father is on his way to collect you, I suggest that you go and gather your things from your room.” Matron regarded Bella sternly.

  “But, Matron, please….” Bella wiped her tears with back of her hand.

  “That will be all, Miss Angarrick,” Matron said bluntly. “You may go now.” Matron indicated the door with a nod of her head and turned her attention to the papers on her desk.

  Bella gathered her wits and wiped her eyes again. Carefully, she stood up and smoothed the apron of her uniform. Bella hesitated and opened her mouth to thank Matron for her time, and then decided against it and shut her mouth with a snap. After all, what help had she been? Da was on his way right this instant to collect her and drag her back to Penzance to marry Daniel Bloody Treliving. Fear quickened her steps as Bella fled from Matron’s office and raced to her dormitory. She unlocked the door and threw her suitcase on the bed. Quickly Bella crammed her belongings into the case and scooped up her precious textbooks from the desk and plunged them in as well. Bella’s pulse hammered in her ears. Desperation brought beads of sweat out on her forehead and neck. There now, everything done except to change. For a second Bella paused and caressed the skirt of her uniform, then the thought of Da and, God forbid, Daniel on their way to drag her home lent speed to her fingers as she peeled off the lovely white and blue uniform and threw it on the bed. Seconds later, Bella buttoned her coat and clutching her bags hurried down the corridor towards the stairs. Bella emerged into the great high lobby of King’s College Hospital and took one last look about her. Biting her lip to stop the tears, Bella allowed herself a breath of relief. Neither Da nor Daniel were anywhere in sight. The first order of business was to get away from the hospital as quickly as possible and then find a phone box and call Sarie. Sarie would know what to do.

  Bella walked quickly across the polished floor of the lobby and through the glass and wooden doors. At least it wasn’t raining, she thought absently. Bella turned in the opposite direction of the train station, better to take a roundabout route then head straight there and run into Da. Her case was heavier than she thought and before long Bella’s arms were aching. She stopped at a phone box and scrounged in her purse for some change. Mrs. Trevithick was going to love listening in on this conversation, Bella thought grimly as she waited for her call to be connected to the Waters’ line. After what seemed like hours Mrs. Waters answered the ring.

  “Mrs. Waters, its Bella. Da’s found me out. Where’s Sarie?” Bella gasped.

  “Slow down, child. Sarie’s out getting Raven into hiding, your da is ranting about selling her once he gets you home. It’s all over the village, love,” Mrs. Waters tried to soothe her. “Where are you at, my flower?”

  “I’m not sure.” Bella peered at the street sign through the grimy glass of the phone box. “Somewhere near Denmark Hill, I think. Can you meet me in Plymouth? I can’t take the train to Penzance, Da or Daniel will be meeting every train, I’m sure.”

  “You know your da is on his way up to London to fetch you, don’t you? He should be there now, he caught the early train,” Mrs. Waters’ voice was rough with worry. “He’s not a bad man, your da. Bella, he just has this blind spot about Daniel and can’t be seeing any harm in him.”

  “Yes, he rang Matron last night and I got sacked this morning,” Bella said bitterly. “I’m going to go now and catch the Plymouth train. I should be there late this evening. I truly appreciate you meeting me,” Bella finished.

  “If I can’t meet you for fear of being followed, Joseph says he will go and collect you and bring you h
ere until we can decide how to handle this mess,” Mrs. Waters’ promised.

  Bella rang off and picked up her bags again. The sky outside had begun to darken and soon fine misty rain was obliterating the tops of the buildings. Bella turned into the Denmark Hill station entrance in relief and set her case down to wipe her face and push her hair out of her face. As Bella bent to pick up her case a large work-worn hand closed over the handle. Startled, she raised her head and looked straight into the glowering face of her da. Bella snatched her hand back and whirled on her heel to run, but Barney caught her coat and stopped her flight. Fighting for breath, Bella glared back at him. Barney tightened his grip on her arm and picked up her case with his other hand. She still clutched her handbag. Without a word, Barney Angarrick towed his wayward daughter to the train that would take them back to Penzance. Bella knew that it was useless to try to talk to him when he was in this mood. All she would get for her pains was abuse.

  Numbly, Bella allowed herself to be loaded on the train. Barney closed the compartment door with a bang and pulled down the shade. Pointedly, Barney settled himself by the door and indicated with a grunt that Bella should sit by the window. Bella dropped onto the seat cushion while she fought to hold back the tears of frustration. Damn Elaine. Bloody busybody. Why couldn’t she have just kept quiet? Bella risked a quick glance at Da. He was staring straight ahead, glowering blackly at the seat across from him. Bella shrank a little further into her corner by the window. She had never seen Da so angry before. With a sinking heart Bella felt the train lurch into motion, beginning her journey back to Penzance, and she supposed, inevitably the marriage to Daniel Treliving. The thought of Daniel even being near her made her want to be sick. The thought of being married to him had her twisting the buttons on her coat in anxiety. Bella watched London roll by her window in a miasma of soot and smoke. Every click of the wheels shortening her hours of freedom.

  There must be a way to reason with Da about Daniel. Bella thought desperately of a way to broach the subject without getting her head bitten off for her troubles.


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