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Fire Born (The Guardian Series Book 1)

Page 5

by Rayanne Haines

  Of course, now she regretted her impulsiveness.

  Her stalker was impossible to miss, wasn't even trying to hide. He walked toward her with a casual indifference.

  Easily six-foot four-inches tall, he sauntered, more than walked. A devastating angel, he looked like he was carved from gold. His hair flowed down his back in a cascade of white silk. His ice—green eyes pierced her from across the room. He was lean, and perfectly, impeccably, dressed. His chiseled jaw (that of an old English aristocrat) and his bearing practically screamed Old World. Maybe he was forty? As he stepped closer, she swore she heard Eminem's Monster blasting from his iPod. Maybe not as old world as she thought then.

  He stopped inside the boundary of her personal space and removed his ear buds. “Hey, Alex. Crazy day, right. It's time to go home. Where are your bags?”

  The words slid like butter through the chaos in her mind. “Excuse me?”

  A single eyebrow raised on his unlined face. “I'm Domhall—your grandfather. I'm sure you've heard all about me by now. Don't worry, I'll fill you in on everything Collum screwed up, once we are on the plane. Now where are your bags? We have to move before the others show up.”

  Alex closed her mouth, blinked her eyes, looked him over and promptly turned around to hightail it to wherever the hell Collum might be. Only, he stepped in front of her before she'd barely moved.

  He raised his hands in a symbol of surrender. “Come on now, don't be like that. No games okay? I'll pour you a whiskey, top grade. We can catch up on the plane.”

  Alex stopped before slamming into him and looked up. It was a long look up. “I don't know who you are, or what game you’re playing, but there’s no way you’re my grandfather and I’m not going anywhere with you. Now, I'd rather not make a scene in the middle of the airport. And if you know Collum's name, I'm sure you know what he’s capable of, so back off.”

  The guy laughed. “I knew you had spirit. But c’mon, you’re made of smarter stuff than this. Take a second look at me before running. No matter what that dragon told you, I'm here to help. That overblown jerk tried stealing my wife four-hundred years ago and now he thinks he can take you too? Pompous ass. I'm sure the tales of my insanity have been incredibly detailed, but he can go screw himself. So, how about we get moving?”

  “Do you think I'm stupid? Isn't my grandfather one of the oldest Elementals alive? How can you be my grandfather? You were listening to Eminem.”

  “What? An old guy can't get into RAP? What can I say—I've aged well, like that fine whiskey I have on the plane.”

  Alex burst out laughing. She was standing in the middle of the airport, having an absurd conversation, with a man claiming to be her possibly insane, possibly out to kill her, grandfather, and no one was paying them the least bit of attention. She felt no fear. He was simply . . . weird.

  “Still not convinced, hey? Okay, if you want me to fit a mould, try this on for size.” The man adjusted his posture. “I have followed you for your whole life my child, though all fought to keep me from you. I've known, in all ways, where to find you. I grieved the passing of your mother and grandmother with my whole heart. Yet, I knew in order to protect you and your aunt from the wrath of the council, I must keep to the silence. I come to you now because the Guardian Collum, thinks he is strong enough to protect you. He is not. We have but minutes. I beg of you to come with me, now, before we are found.”

  Domhall stepped closer and gently placed his hand on her shoulder. “Is that how you want me to sound, kiddo? Old? Stoic? I've been many things in my life. But however, I sound or look, you can be certain of who I am and that I will never harm you.”

  The heat from his palm soothed her. The only thing that made any sense to her anymore was her gut. And her gut said to believe him.

  “Well, Grandpa, I might or might not believe you. If you truly want to help you can come with us, but I'm not going without Collum. We aren't leaving him, or my clothes behind.”

  “Are you kidding me? I'm not taking that ass anywhere. Who do you think you’re bargaining with?”

  “I think I'm bargaining with my grandfather, who told me he loves me beyond all measure and wants to keep me safe. So, let's quit jabbering and go get my guardian.”

  She prepared for him to argue with her but instead he took her hand, gifted her with a lazy smile and said, “My fierce blood, I would never dream of telling you no. Let's go find the ass. I can't believe he left you alone this long anyway. Sorry bloody excuse for a guardian if I ever saw one.”

  Chapter 8

  Collum searched for her as he exited the gift shop. Of course, she hadn't been waiting outside the men’s room when he finished. Not that he'd expected her to listen to him. He'd seen her walk into Starbucks for a coffee, felt no danger and took the minute to pick her up something for the flight. He couldn't say why it mattered to him. The reality was he knew nothing about her or how her powers would eventually manifest. Hell, she could wake up tomorrow with horns, or an insatiable need to suck his bone marrow. Getting emotionally entangled wasn't smart and Collum prided himself on being smart.

  As he considered the stuffed animal in his hands, he admitted that wasn't entirely true concerning the women in her family. He'd made a fool of himself with Kaylen years ago; prancing and preening, like an untrained whelp just entering transition. Making moves on a married woman. Kaylen treated him with respect while turning him down. In the end, he’d loved her like a sister. He’d never stopped making stupid choices for her though. With Domhall, he’d crossed a line he shouldn’t have.

  A wave of unease hit him on the walk back to the Starbucks. He shoved the bear in his jacket and started running when he sensed them. He felt their intentions, knew they were between himself and Alex. He rounded the corner at a dead run, ready to kill anyone in his way. His diversion was about to cost Alex her life.

  He skirted around the corner with raised hands, ready to strike—only to be confronted by the site of Domhall holding Alex’s hand. Those entwined fingers were the only thing that kept Collum from losing control. He skidded to a halt, watched as Domhall directed pulsing blue energy at two Elemental soldiers. The scene was oddly soothing, yet ultimately terrifying.

  The humans felt nothing, saw nothing, but what Domhall wanted them to. Whoever sent these soldiers had had no idea Domhall would be at the airport, or entirely underestimated the old man's power. His eyes glowed with the fires of Valhalla as he chanted in the old language. The Elemental soldiers were young and unschooled and had no hope of blocking their minds to him. Collum almost pitied them. Within seconds their eyes glazed over and they vanished.

  Collum notice a third soldier approaching the couple from behind. A sword bulged under the man’s jacket. He swung behind the fool on silent feet. Death was on the soldier with one twist. A slight crack. A moment to break a neck and quietly place the body in the nearest chair. It was over within seconds and no one around them noticed a thing. Collum hardly broke his stride. A second later he stood next to Domhall.

  The old man nodded slightly. “Well, it's about time you fucking showed up. I told her we didn't need you, but she insists we drag you along. We better move before dumb and dumber,” he nodded to the corpse in the chair, “and even dumber’s, friends return. The next group might not be so easily swayed by my charms.”

  Collum gritted his teeth. He pointed to the dead man in the chair and said, “Do you want to cloak the body to buy us a bit more time?"

  “See,” Domhall said to Alex as he cast a cloaking spell over the dead Elemental, “the man has no couth whatsoever.” He grinned triumphantly. “My plane is waiting, let's move.”

  Collum refused to give him the satisfaction of a thank you. He stared directly at Alex, waited for her nod of approval and said, “I have my own plane,” before adding quietly, “If you damage her, Dom, I’ll kill you like I did him.”

/>   Domhall laughed and plugged his headphones back in. Above the sound of Nirvana blasting out his ears, he replied, “Same goes here . . . beast.”

  Collum led them across the tarmac to the waiting plane. He trusted Domhall about as much as he trusted . . . well he didn't trust him at all. Too much had happened, but they needed to reach Europe quickly and he knew Alex would never leave without the man now. Maybe his power could cloak them until they reached his land. As soon as their feet touched his estate Domhall’s interference would no longer be tolerated.

  Domhall strode forward holding Alex’s hand. “Quit making stupid plans. I can feel your eyes burning into my back and you're making it hard for me to concentrate on my music. You aren't taking my granddaughter anywhere without me. Get used to it.”

  “Your granddaughter?” Collum sneered. “Kaylen worked hard to keep her from you. You expect me to believe that you've suddenly changed into a doting grandpa?”

  “You’re so goddamn pompous. Kaylen didn't tell you everything, you know. I was her fucking husband. You were just some guy who kept getting in the way. Get in my way now and I'll take you down.”

  “Don't forget who you’re dealing with, boy,” Collum growled.

  “Oh, oh big man on campus. Losing your constant cool, are you?” Domhall laughed. “Don't forget who I am, lizard—who I was.”

  “You know what, you crazy shit, I've changed my mind. You aren't coming anywhere with us.”

  Alex finally wrenched her hand out of Domhall’s. “Stop. Both of you, stop! I don’t know, or trust, either one of you completely at this point. I’m literally betting my life that you are both here to help me. I’m trusting my instincts. I’m not going to listen to this crap for much longer though. So, can you both get back to the job of saving my life and deal with your personal issues later? God, for two guys who are supposed to be so old and powerful you are acting like children. Now, would you shut up and get me to England, and to whoever can tell me what I am.”

  Alex stomped to the plane, while grumbling something about boys, and egos, and why did she have to get stuck with these two.

  Domhall followed quickly after her, smirking at Collum. “You heard her, get on the plane and quit acting like such an infant.”

  Chapter 9

  Alex flopped into a seat as far removed as possible from Domhall and Collum. As the adrenaline from the day wore off, she dissected everything that had happened, studied the two men she shared the plane with. What her grandfather had done in the airport was unbelievable. She wouldn’t have thought things like that were possible twelve hours ago. When he'd grabbed her hand, she'd been afraid, until he pushed her slightly behind him and winked at her. He'd calmly told her, “Don't let go of my hand, kid. I got this,” before obliterating the two soldiers sent to kill them.

  Alex hadn't noticed them—they simply appeared out of nowhere. Domhall protected her with an energy field before the two men had a chance to verify her appearance. She'd felt the energy before she saw it, which was utterly amazing. The energy glowed the same color as her grandfather’s eyes. The power felt impenetrable. Alex hadn't even noticed Collum or the third assassin. Apparently, Domhall hadn't either. That confirmed her choice to stay with Collum, no matter what Domhall said.

  Her instincts had proven right most of her life. But right now? She had to remain vigilant. Couldn’t leave her future up to these men, no matter how much she wanted to be sure of them. Maybe good ol’ grandad was playing her. She was also self-aware enough to recognize that her desire for Collum could easily be clouding her judgment. But her aunt vouched for Collum and she was the one-person Alex trusted completely.

  She studied both men under her lashes. They were doing their best to ignore each other, while giving her the space she desperately needed.

  Looking at Collum made her belly ache. She wanted to climb on top of him and beg him to kiss her until she screamed. She had no idea what the full extent of his powers were, but there was no doubt he’d kill anything in his way.

  And then there was Domhall. Her grandfather was a fourteen-hundred-year-old warrior, who controlled the elements and who could disintegrate men by looking at them? She rested her head against the window and drifted off. There would be time to dissect more in the morning. The journey had only just begun.

  ~ ~ ~

  Alex smelled oranges. It was a strong and tangy scent. It smelled clean, healthy. She opened her eyes to find herself in a garden surrounded by citrus trees. The light was intense. A slight breeze wafted crisply, yet her body felt heavy. Alex tried to raise her hand to her face. Everything appeared clean and clear . . . except her. Alex was weighted. She knew her body remained on the plane while her soul traveled here, wherever here was.

  “Hello, Alex, welcome home.”

  She observed the man standing a few scant steps away. He was the blood pounding under her skin, hot and fluid. There was feline presence to him. She had the distinct impression that he belonged to her. He was easily as tall as Collum, but in place of Collum's muscle there was a lean and composed strength. She sensed he harnessed a dormant savagery. His yellow eyes glowed with secrets she didn't want to know.

  “Where am I?”

  “You are home, Alex. We are waiting for you to join us.”

  Alex weaved, tried to steady her mind. “Who are you?”

  He approached her with ease, a slight smirk on his lips. “I am Neeren.”

  “Why am I here, Neeren?”

  “In England, I'll be coming for you. Your fathers' people want you home. When you see me, come to me.”

  “Who are you, Neeren?” She shook her head, tried to clear the cobwebs. “I know you.”

  He grinned. “Your family awaits, Alex.” He reached his hand to her arm and laid his fingers lightly against her skin.

  For a mere second, Alex became corporeal. He leaned in and stared directly into her eyes. A half-moon glowed inside his eyes. A jolt reverberated up her spine and a tingling sensation flowed behind her retina.

  Neeren gently kissed her forehead before stepping away. “Come willingly to me, Alex.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Alex woke up crying. Tears poured down her face.

  Collum was at her side in an instant, touching her, questioning her.

  She hesitated, overwhelmed with a desire to keep her dream secret. More often than not, Alex’s dreams were premonitions. Who was to say this wasn't a new manifestation of her powers. The dream had felt more real than any before—like she was on the verge of pushing her body through a mist to another side. A fiery sensation burned up her leg to her shoulder but she kept silent. She knew she'd see a tattoo engraved on the flesh that burned. It pulsed under her hand as she rubbed her arm. She understood she’d been branded. The burning sensation stopped where Neeren’s had touched her shoulder.

  Alex grasped Collum's hand while looking to her grandfather. “Domhall, can the Elementals speak to each other telepathically?”

  “What did you dream, Alex?”

  Both men stared at her with concern, but also, curiosity.

  She might trust them with her life, but she wasn't ready to trust them with her strange introduction to Neeren.

  “I'm just wondering. There’s so much about myself and my family that I don't know. We've been so busy running that I haven't had a chance to assimilate anything. Or to ask all the questions I want.”

  “You're right,” Domhall said before glancing at Collum. “We have the time now and the girl deserves to know more about what's going on. For that matter, so do you.”

  He settled in the seat closest to them. “Gray, was fierce from the moment she was born. A true warrior. In our culture, Alex, women are revered for their strength. We place no distinction between men and women when it comes to the ability to protect our race. Most immortals feel this way.”

/>   “This is true for dragons as well,” Collum interjected. “Most female dragons are better warriors than their male counterparts.”

  Domhall nodded. “I was already an old man before Gray came along. I taught her everything I learned during my many years on earth. Your grandmother thought I was starting too young with her, but I knew she was born to be a leader. And she had so much passion, I didn't want her to waste it. I was a thousand years old and taught her all I knew. It was too much.” He smiled. “She'd always been a trouble maker. As a warrior, though, no one worried much. She would take out her aggression on whichever mission she was assigned to. Once, we lost track of her for almost two years. I’d had a thousand years to learn to temper my abilities to those around me. She thirsted for knowledge; much as I did and still do. You all think I've gone insane, but, don't you see? That touch of insanity is all that holds me together. I need to forget who I am and what I'm capable of from time to time."

  “But if you are so powerful, why didn't you stop her?” Alex asked.

  “Cause, kiddo, she was my daughter and I loved her. I would deny her nothing. I also don't think it was so terrible for her to have so much power. We’ve been fighting wars for longer than I've been living and where has it gotten us? I no longer see in black and white. My world is colored with my experiences. Not all the Elementals are as perfect as they present themselves. Collum knows that. Your grandmother knew that. That's why she hid you.” He petted her curls before saying, “If I’d stopped Gray, you wouldn't exist. That would be too great of a tragedy for me to live with.”


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