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The Lucky One (Carolina Connections Book 3)

Page 20

by Sylvie Stewart

  “I’ll recommend some books and websites you might find helpful. But, be warned, don’t read too much—you’ll just freak yourselves out.” He smiled.

  Well, at least he had that part right. I thought about our eleven-toed alien and then forced the notion aside.

  “Questions?” The doctor looked at us. Neither of us responded. “Okay, then. I’ll get the paperwork and those recommendations sorted while you do your blood test. Sound good?”

  We both nodded. I was sure we’d have a million questions down the line, but right now I was still consumed with that sound. My baby’s heart. Our baby’s heart. Damn, now wasn’t that something.

  We went to grab a bite to eat before both of us had to return to reality. There were stolen looks over our sandwiches, all followed by stupid grins. For two people who had no business having a baby, we sure were taking this pretty damn well. I was impressed as shit with both of us.

  I drove Bailey to Mark’s work site where we’d left her car amidst all the drama the day before. After a slow kiss, she took off and I went in search of my little brother.

  “Not good. The specs call for three-quarter inch. You’re gonna have to hold off till we get our hands on some,” he was saying to one of the crew when I finally found him inside an apartment.

  “Hey, man!” I called out.

  “Hard hat!” he responded. “How many times do I have to tell you? I’m in enough trouble already, dickhead.” He motioned for me to exit the building and followed me out. We headed to my truck where I leaned against the door and faced him. He had his hands on his hips and his lips were tight.

  “So, any progress with the lawyer?”

  He blew out a breath. “Yeah, we have a meeting set up on Monday with Germaine and his lawyer to talk about the ‘incident.’ In the meantime, my lawyer’s gathering more information so we can prepare for settlement negotiations.”

  “Shit. That doesn’t sound good. Settlement sounds a lot like ‘expensive.’”

  “He’s hoping they don’t have a case.” Mark shook his head. “But I don’t know how that’s possible. Fiona says to trust him, though, so I guess I will. What choice do I have?”

  I put my hands in my pockets. “I feel really shitty about this, little brother. I mean, it could have been either of us to throw that punch. If memory serves, I was the one to threaten him.”

  “Don’t worry about it.” Mark’s face lost its dour expression and split in a half grin. “It felt good to give that fucker some of what he deserved.”

  I chuckled and nodded. “Can I do anything to help?”

  He shrugged. “Actually, Bailey may be the person who can help the most since she knows that pigfucker best. I’ll let you guys know.” I nodded again, determined to help in any way possible. I owed him that and a hell of a lot more.

  A crazy-ass grin suddenly overtook Mark’s face. “Speaking of the mother-to-be, what the fuck, man? Haven’t you ever heard of a condom?”

  “Haven’t you ever heard of the dreaded two percent?” I pointed a thumb to myself.

  “That’s some shitty luck, big brother. Us Beckett boys are not swimming in good karma these days.” He shook his head.

  “I don’t know if I would say that.” I couldn’t help my smile as I squinted in the midday sun.

  “Ah, so it’s like that, huh? I mean, I knew you were hot for Bailey, but being a daddy? I would never have guessed.” He punched my arm a bit too hard. I pretended it didn’t hurt.

  “I’m as shocked as you are. I just came from a doctor’s appointment—don’t get me started on the doctor, though. We heard the baby’s heartbeat. It was freaking nuts.”

  “Well, look at you, big brother. Getting all domestic and shit. How’s Bailey taking all of this? I mean, no offense, but she’s about as maternal as a cactus.”

  I scowled in her defense. “I don’t really think it’s hit her yet. We’ll figure it out, though.”

  “So, it’s true? You really did ask her to marry you?”

  I rocked on the heels of my boots. “Yup. Can you believe it?”

  “Not even a little.” He grinned.

  “Yeah, well, she said no, so I still have some work to do.”

  “Oh, this should be fun to watch.” He threw his head back in a cackling laugh.

  “Hey, you didn’t tell Fiona, did you?”

  Still snickering, he replied, “No, but Nate can’t keep a secret from Laney to save his life, so the clock’s ticking, man. Tell Bailey to gird her loins. The psycho female train is approaching the station and there’s no stopping it.”

  “I figured as much.” I winced at the thought of Fiona and Laney losing their ever-loving minds over the news. “I gotta run to work, but keep me updated on the lawyer stuff, okay?”

  “Sure thing. Thanks,” he said and turned to walk back to the building. Then he paused and turned around again. “Hey, bro!”

  “What?” I opened my door and sat in the driver’s seat, glancing back at him.

  “Congrats!” He waggled his eyebrows like a douchebag and smiled as he continued back to the apartment.

  After going home to change into fresh clothes, I went to the Vaughn’s house where we spent the remainder of the day finishing up the central portion of the yard. It was looking fantastic, and it was going to make the perfect venue for the family wedding next summer. We tidied the entire site and loaded up the trucks since we’d be temporarily shifting our focus to the McGuire project the following week. I was praying the next week would fly by so I could return to safer waters and the company of a client who didn’t want to eat me for breakfast.

  I went back to my mom’s house to clean up and make a few calls. I was working on securing another two clients and Jax was throwing numbers at me left and right. Apparently, Mrs. Vaughn had some friends.

  My mom wasn’t home, but she had left me a smart-ass note about my whereabouts the night before, along with some welcome news of Italian leftovers in the fridge. I finished my work between bites of cheesy lasagna and then called it a day.

  Jake: Have you had dinner? I can bring you lasagna…

  Bailey: I’m good. Already ate.

  I waited for her to continue, not wanting to make assumptions about where I was sleeping tonight.


  Jake: So, do you want to do something tonight? It’s Friday, after all. Date night?

  Bailey: I think I’m just going to turn in early.

  Hmm. I didn’t know if I should take this at face value or read something into it. I decided to call her.

  “Hey there. You feeling okay?” I asked when she picked up.

  “Yeah, just tired. You know.”

  No, I really didn’t know.

  “Okay. You want me to leave you in peace or should I come over?”

  There was an awkward silence. I was guessing that was my answer. I didn’t really understand this after last night and this morning—not to mention the heartbeat.

  “I’ve just got a lot on my mind, Jake.”

  That was never a good thing to hear from a girl. It usually meant something along the lines of, “I’ve got something to tell you and you’re going to like it about as much as hot sauce on your pecker.”

  I had to remind myself that I’d promised to take things slowly for the time being. I let out a breath, forcing myself to relax. “Okay. Can I call you tomorrow?”

  I could hear the relief in her voice. “Of course.”

  “Get some sleep, Irish. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

  “Goodnight, Jake.” She hung up, but not before she could hide the affection in her tone.

  I woke up to the sound of a screech owl in the living room. I stumbled out of bed and promptly tripped over my boots in my attempt to reach the door. In my mind, I could see my mom battling the bird with a broom, feathers flying everywhere. I was picking myself up off the floor when the door swung open and a tornado of colorful silk and blond hair tackled me back to the ground.

  “Oh my God! A BABY!!!” F
iona screamed in my ear as her arms tightened in a choke-hold that could rival one of Mark’s.

  I appeared to be the only one aware that I was dressed in just boxer briefs as my brother’s girlfriend plastered herself to me and rained kisses down on my head.

  “You have the sperm of an Olympic champion, my friend!”

  I managed to catch a glimpse of my mother in the doorway, a smile spread wide across her face. “I tried to stop her, but, well…” There was no need to finish that sentence.

  “Laney called me first thing this morning and we decided to split up to cover more territory. She and Nate and Rocco headed over to Bailey’s and I headed right here to see you and Kelly. I can’t believe this!” She kissed my cheek this time and beamed at me.

  “Um, Fiona.”

  “Yes, daddy.” Okay, that wasn’t weird at all. Ahem.

  I glanced meaningfully at the position of our bodies on my floor, and only then did she seem to comprehend my state of undress and her seat on top of me.

  She blushed and scrambled off immediately, smoothing down her dress and stepping to the side.

  “I mean, what would Mark think?” I couldn’t help teasing her after the heart attack she’d nearly caused.

  She sneered. “Don’t even talk to me about Mark. He’s dead to me.” She turned briefly to my mom. “Sorry, Kelly.” My mother just tsked and shook her head, maintaining her grin. “He’s known since Thursday and didn’t tell me—I had to find out from Laney! At least Nate knows how to treat his woman right.” Then she eyed me. “You’d better not take any relationship advice from your brother or you’ll find yourself thrown out on your ass!”

  “Noted.” I stood and shuffled over to my dresser to get some pants while she turned back to my mom.

  “Do you want a boy or a girl?” Fiona asked my mom, not even letting her answer before continuing. “I’m dying for a girl. Just think—we’ll buy her all kinds of cute clothes and take her for mani-pedis. Oh, and we’ll teach her just where to kick boys when they get out of line. It’s going to be so great!” She squealed again.

  “I don’t really care which it is, as long as it’s healthy,” said my mom.

  “It’s a boy,” I told them.

  Their eyes swung to me.

  “Sweetie, I’m pretty sure it’s too early to tell that,” my mom responded. Fiona frowned.

  “I’m just telling you. Oh, and he’s definitely healthy.”

  My mom smiled indulgently.

  “We went to the doctor yesterday and heard the heartbeat,” I told them, pride filling my chest inexplicably.

  “Aww,” they both responded.

  I proceeded to tell them about the visit with the overly handsome doctor, leaving out my resentment over him seeing or touching any part of Bailey. They listened with rapt attention and asked tons of questions, none of which I knew the answers to. Bailey and I had a lot of research ahead of us.

  Fiona then decided to pay Bailey a visit before she and my mom reconvened later for a cocktail party they were catering. I showered and headed for the bookstore, the list of recommended reading in hand.

  A huge part of me wanted to accompany Fiona since I knew all this attention had to be making Bailey uncomfortable, but I needed to keep the big picture in mind. Slow and steady wins the race. I was also guessing being a well-informed partner on all things baby-related wouldn’t hurt either. So off to the bookstore I went.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Adam and Eve Have a Lot of Explaining to Do


  I shut the door behind Nate and Laney and leaned against it. It was only noon and I was already exhausted. They’d paid me a surprise visit this morning—although it really wasn’t much of a surprise. After my dad’s stunt on Thursday, I knew it was only a matter of time before everyone in the Triad was informed of the bun in my oven.

  Fiona had also stopped in briefly just to squeal in my ear and squeeze me half to death. Then she took off saying she had some investigative work to do. Normally, one would question a friend about something so bizarre, but this was Fiona, so we all let it go.

  Laney had been similarly ecstatic about the baby, and Nate had offered more than once to kill Jake and hide the body. I told him to hold off, citing my need for Jake’s earning potential to raise the kid. Nate seemed to find that answer acceptable. What I didn’t tell him was that my need for Jake had very little to do with money and everything to do with Jake himself. And then there was the baby, of course. Which was terrifying to contemplate. All of this was the reason I kind of blew Jake off the night before.

  I’d needed time to think. But every time Jake’s face popped into my head I got all swoony and turned on. I was a little ashamed of myself, as I’m sure that’s not appropriate mom-to-be behavior. But then I just said fuck it and had myself a little fantasy or two. Are you allowed to use battery-operated assistance while pregnant? You’d think the notion of impending motherhood would have killed the mood, but no. I wasn’t really letting myself think about the end result of this pregnancy yet. I was afraid I’d have a full-blown anxiety attack if I did, and I was not ready for that. So my selfie stick and I had gone to bed together and focused solely on Jake’s hot bod.

  Once everyone left, I debated about calling Jake. I knew I had to pull my big girl panties up and make some decisions. Before I could even step from the door, though, I got a text from cheekbones himself.

  Jake: Mind if I stop by? I’ve got something for you.

  I sighed. How could I say no to a mind-reader bearing gifts?

  Bailey: Sure. You just missed the crazy train.

  Jake: Oh, believe me, it made a stop at my mom’s too.

  Of course it had.

  Bailey: I’m hopping in the shower, so let yourself in.

  I hit send and then realized too late how incredibly suggestive that had sounded. Shit. I dropped the phone on the entry table before he could respond, and I headed straight to the shower.

  Ten minutes later, I emerged clean and dressed, to find Jake in all his handsomeness lounging on my couch. A large plastic bag rested on his lap and he was looking at me like he was trying to decide which part of me to snack on first. My knees buckled a bit and I grabbed onto the wall.

  “Hi, Jake,” I said, suddenly feeling shy.

  “Well,” he replied, “since I missed the shower, do I at least get a kiss or something?”

  I felt like this was a test of some sort since I’d left things so vague the previous night. I suddenly had flashbacks to the wedding night when I wouldn’t have hesitated to pin him down like a calf at a rodeo. Summoning all the courage I had, I walked slowly to the couch in what I hoped was a sexy manner. His pupils dilated and his jaw twitched, which I took as a good sign.

  When I was about a foot away, he tossed the bag off his lap and pulled me forward until I sat straddling him. The next thing I knew, his lips were on mine and I melted into the kiss as he adjusted to the perfect angle. His tongue delved in and I didn’t hesitate to meet it with mine as I threaded my fingers through his thick hair. He pulled me in firmly so I could feel the evidence of his arousal under me. I moaned and stroked my tongue against his again.

  He tasted like mint and a hint of chocolate, and I wanted to pour him all over a giant bowl of ice cream and dig in. At that bizarre thought, my stomach rumbled loudly. We both pulled back, startled.

  “That wasn’t…the baby…?” he trailed off.

  I scrunched my eyes shut in embarrassment.

  “No. Not the baby. I guess I forgot to eat,” I confessed, opening my eyes once again.

  He reared back, a crease forming between his eyebrows. “You haven’t eaten anything today?”

  I just shook my head. He motioned for me to get off his lap. Damn.

  “That’s it. I’m taking you out to lunch and then we’re going grocery shopping,” he declared.

  I did not like this turn of events. I wanted to get back to the kissing part.

  “Come on,” Jake coaxed, “you he
ard what the doctor said—plenty of fruits and veggies and lean protein.”

  That sounded unpleasant at best. “I thought one of the perks of being knocked up was that I got to eat whatever I wanted. You know, the whole pickles and ice cream thing?”

  “Urban myth. I just read about it. Broccoli and Greek yogurt for you.”

  I wrinkled my nose at that, but he just helped me up and held out a hand. Trying one more stall tactic, I asked, “What’s in the bag?”

  “Ah!” He smiled, bending down to retrieve it. I peeked inside and it was full of books. Okay. “The books the doctor recommended,” Jake prompted.

  I’d kind of been hoping for cheesecake, but I looked at his face and he seemed so pleased with himself. Not to mention it was all kinds of sweet that he’d gone and bought these books. I put one hand on my stomach and used the other to balance on Jake while I gave him a light kiss.

  “Let’s take them with us to lunch.”

  “This doesn’t make any sense,” I said for the sixth time in thirty minutes. “The baby grows lungs and starts breathing, but doesn’t drown in there. How is that possible?” I looked to Jake.

  His dark hair was a rumpled mess. We were back from our outing, and he sat beside me reading his own book, a similar look of perplexity on his face. “You don’t even want to know what I just read. Word to the wise, do not read the chapters on the actual birth.” He scrubbed a hand through his hair again.

  “Don’t worry about that,” I responded, lifting my water bottle to take another sip—I’d been ordered to hydrate. “I’m taking a box cutter to those chapters.” I closed my book and sank back into the couch. This was worse than I thought. I could feel my blood pressure start to rise.

  Jake closed his book as well and turned toward me. “Hey, we’re in this together.”

  “Fine, then you carry this baby,” I pouted.

  “If I could find a way to do it, I totally would.”


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