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The Lucky One (Carolina Connections Book 3)

Page 29

by Sylvie Stewart

  The Fix:

  My life is a friggin’ fairytale—just not the kind any single girl would ever want to star in.


  Like any good heroine, I have challenges to face. Getting my son to wear pants is one; dealing with my snooze-fest of a job is another. Then there’s the Beast, my freeloading brother who’s worn a permanent dent in the couch at my new place. And no fairytale would be complete without a smoking hot prince, of course. Too bad he’s a complete ass.

  My instincts scream at me to steer clear of Nate Murphy. Because, if life has taught me anything, there is no such thing as happily ever after.


  I may not be a superhero, but I do my best to come to the rescue when I’m needed. And, hey, I just moved halfway across the country after a single phone call from my mom. But being back home and taking on the responsibilities involved makes me a bit cranky at times. Unfortunately, the one time I completely lose my cool is in front of the hottest girl I’ve ever met. I’ve got my work cut out for me if I’m going to fix this. But I will fix this.

  I’ll be anything Laney Monroe needs me to be … a superhero, a prince, or just a guy she might take a chance on.

  Order your copy of The Fix today!

  The Spark:

  Mark Beckett is the most annoying, patronizing, arrogant jerk on the face of the earth. So, naturally, I can’t get the damn man out of my head.


  Like the old saying goes, I’m a jill of all trades but a master of none. What I lack in skill, however, I make up for in enthusiasm—something certain people (ahem) find irritating. But I have my reasons for living my life the way I do, for diving into one project after another and trying to make a difference. And if Mark Beckett doesn’t like it, he knows where to find the door. I don’t need his approval … or his panty-melting kisses.


  I enjoy the simple things in life: a job well done, a cold beer, a hot woman … you get the idea. But there’s nothing simple about the mess I just found myself in. The last thing I need is a pint-sized princess sticking her nose in my business and pushing every damn one of my buttons like it’s her job. But Fiona Pierce may be the only one with the tools to solve my problems—and the power to change everything.

  Order your copy of The Spark today!

  The Game:

  They say opposites attract. Someone needs to tell that to Emerson Scott.


  All I ever wanted was to play ball. When an act of sheer stupidity took that dream away, I thought I’d never bounce back. But now I have the opportunity to coach an up-and-coming phenom, and I'm giving it all I've got. The fact that I've been lusting after his smoking-hot sister only sweetens the deal. Emerson may be buttoned up like a school librarian, but I play my best when I’m under pressure … and I always bring the heat.


  Never lose focus. Never lose control. Those are the first two rules in my carefully calculated plan for success. Finding myself thrown into the role of guardian for my little brother was not part of that plan. But I can adjust for Jay’s sake; I’m not about to let one change make me lose sight of my goals. Too bad Jay’s hot young baseball coach doesn’t seem to give a fig about my plans. He has one of his own—and it includes me. Gavin Monroe may play like a pro, but that boy will never win this game.

  Order your copy of The Game today!

  Then Again:

  They say the first step is the hardest one. Even more so when it takes you right off a cliff.

  Jenna Watson never saw her divorce coming until the papers smacked her in the face. Left to pick up the pieces and maintain an upbeat front for her daughters, she struggled to make it through the months that followed.

  But it’s been two years now, and it’s past time to start again.

  Encouraged by Jill, her meddlesome sister, Jenna embarks on a mission to dive back into life. Step one: find a romance-novel-worthy man for a hot summer fling. How hard could it be? But disastrously bad flirting, a failed honky-tonk hookup, and a mix-up with one of Sunview’s finest have Jenna seriously doubting if this is all worth it. Maybe she’s better off leaving the world of love and sex to others—or maybe she’s just looking in the wrong place …

  Then Again is part of the groundbreaking Juniper Court Series. Learn more about the books and their authors on our website:

  Order your copy of Then Again today!

  Sylvie Says

  Let’s Get Real about The Lucky One

  Hello, fabulous reader! Here’s the part where I get to babble on with no editing and no filter, so grab your wine and let’s chat …

  Sooooo, whatcha drinkin’? … okay, fine, I’ll get on with it.

  Oh, Bailey. That’s the first thing out of my mouth whenever I’m asked about The Lucky One. I just want to give her a big squishy hug and smack her at the same time! She is her own worst enemy most of the time, but I totally get it. She’s like a lot of us.

  When I started this series, I knew there had to be a tomboy in one of the books. I’ve always been part tomboy, and while I don’t like playing with bugs and rolling in the dirt anymore, I think it’s more a matter of age than disposition. It would take me about thirty minutes to get up from a roll in the mud at this point. And bugs? Uh, no thanks. Except I do handle crickets on a regular basis—more on that in a minute. I love that Bailey wears gym shorts and t-shirts and no makeup. And that Jake finds her natural beauty so captivating. Ah, Jake. In my head, Jake finds my lack of makeup and fashion sense super attractive too. *wink

  Family plays a huge role in the entire Carolina Connections series, whether it’s in the form of blood relatives or the family we create with our close friends. Bailey and Mark’s relationship sometimes makes me want to cry because I feel like Mark is Bailey’s lifeline, and I love that she has that. They don’t do bullshit. But it’s her relationship with her dad that does make me cry. There’s just something about an Irish father and the love of his life—his daughter. And the way Jake and Kelly are together is so precious. But these close bonds can come with strings, even if some of them are of our own creation.

  The power of belief! Can you believe in yourself enough to risk another heartbreak by putting your heart and trust in another person’s hands? Not an easy thing to do, but it’s worth it in the end. I knew Bailey would struggle with this, but she pushed through—and so did Jake! I love the two of them together. And, of course, I had to add the baby in to piss Bailey off. I knew she could handle it, though.

  The baby. Okay, so it was fun taking a woman who would pretty much rather be a guy and making her pregnant (Wow—I feel so powerful!). I do feel it added more depth to Bailey’s journey. But I think I really did it for Jake. He struggled so much with regret, and I wanted him to have his huge opportunity to not let the past dictate the future. He need a chance at redemption and I kinda like him, so I gave it to him.

  Pickles. I started writing this book around the time my kids somehow convinced us to buy them a lizard. After many promises to feed it and care for it and clean up after it, we caved and bought a bearded dragon (not a gecko like Pickles, but close enough). Since my boys had a lizard, I figured Rocco needed one too. Oh, and this brings me back to the crickets. Guess who feeds, cares for, and cleans up after the lizard? Yup. You guessed it. My husband won’t even go near it (*insert dirty curses).

  Danny’s Song (a.k.a. my favorite song in the world). I’m so bummed that it costs so much to be able to quote song lyrics. I totally would have printed the entire song. But, instead, you’ll just have to sing it in your head like me. I swear it’s on repeat up there.

  Gardening. I have a black thumb. Well, technically, I’m just lazy. I start off every season planting seeds and lovely little green plants in the garden, envisioning a grand harvest of healthy fruits and vegetables which I will consume daily, feeling so proud of myself for not only treating my body well, but living off the land like a freaking pioneer! And then about three we
eks in, I forget to water. And I always mean to buy the plant food—sometimes I even do, but it sits in its container waiting for a day when it’s not so fucking hot outside. The weeds begin to take over, and I pull a few now and then, but the population seems to explode overnight and the weeds are taking over the entire garden. Except the cucumbers, because those motherfuckers won’t die no matter what I do—or don’t do. Then the bugs come. And my plants aren’t really producing much anyway (apart from the damn cucumbers) so I figure the bugs needs them more than I do. I mean, I’m the only one in the family who even likes cucumbers, and I don’t need more than a couple. The season ends with me picking the last few bits of basil and pretending I’ll use it, before the frost sets in and everything turns brown. So, what, you ask, is the purpose of this dissertation on my gardening skills? No reason, really. I just wish I knew what I was doing like Jake. Oh! And I totally want that backyard he created for the Vaughns! But then I’d have to hire him to tend it shirtless so it would stay looking nice … you’re welcome to come over and watch with me. I’ll have popcorn.

  Pregnancy. Personally, I loved my belly when I was pregnant. That thing was awesome—and HUGE since I had twins. I could take people out just by turning around. But, yeah, pregnancy can be super gross and super scary too. I’m glad Jake was so into the whole process. Cuz Bailey definitely needed it.

  If you haven’t already, you should come visit Greensboro. You can have dinner at Freeman’s and shoot some pool at Jake’s or have a beer at M’coul’s. And you can go for a jog in the park near Bailey’s place. These spots exist in real life, so come on over to North Carolina!

  Now for what’s up next. Obviously, you have to read the rest of the novels in the Carolina Connections series if you haven’t already. Gavin’s story is next and OMG - love him! But I’ve got tons of other stuff coming up too, so you’ll want to sign up for my newsletter and/or join my Facebook group for sure. I make new plans all the time in my little author world and you don’t want to miss anything.

  Here’s a short list of what’s coming up this year:

  The Fix is becoming an audiobook! Release date is later this month.

  Carolina Connections just got a new makeover and will have two full-length releases (books 5 and 6) and one novella!

  A group of authors and I are releasing a boxed set of stories all centered around one royal theme. More info to come on that, but the preorder is up very soon, and it’s only 99 cents!

  I have a story in a FREE anthology of hot romances coming out this summer. The fabulous Skye Warren is one of the other ten authors in the anthology. What?! Yeah, you heard that right! And my story is about one of the Carolina Connections guys. Hmm, who will it be?

  A new series is on its way! And, of course, it takes place in North Carolina. It also involves hot dudes and alcohol, but that’s all I can say for now (*wink).

  If you’ve read Then Again from the groundbreaking Juniper Court Series, you’ll be happy to know Jill is getting her own book, but that has to wait until 2019.

  Something a bit spicier is on it’s way… mwahahaha!

  Phew! I’d better get back to work if I’m going to get all that done! Thanks for hanging out and being the awesome reader you are. None of this would be possible without you guys! Keep in touch. Mwah!



  Bonus Scene



  “For the love of God! What is that?!” I pulled my t-shirt up to cover my nose as I began to approach the source of the dreadful odor. Then I chickened out and ran back to the kitchen to get Jake. It was only fair. I had carried the little mess-making machine around under my organs for the better part of a year. The least he could do was check out whatever was lurking in the kid’s diaper.

  Okay, so maybe I’d used that excuse one too many times since Dani came along, but still. It was a valid point.

  “Your daughter just shat herself and I think it’s time to call Guinness. Is there a category for worst smells ever?”

  Jake looked up from his phone and took another sip of coffee while he considered me. Then he set the mug and phone down and folded his hands on the table. “Why is she only ‘my daughter’ when she does something nasty?”

  I shrugged. “That’s just the way it works.” Duh, everybody knew that.

  His lips twisted and he stood. “Fine. But you’re coming with me.” He pointed at me.

  I crossed my arms. “Why in the world should we both suffer?”

  Jake started to lower himself back into the chair.

  “Wait! Okay, okay. Let’s go.” My shoulders slumped as I trudged down the hall to Dani’s nursery with Jake at my heels.

  “Jesus!” Jake’s muffled voice sounded from behind me and I turned to see that he too had pulled his shirt up over his nose. We both stood in the doorway, our faces half covered as we peered into the room.

  A grunt came from the crib.

  I grabbed Jake’s arm. “I think she’s making more!”

  “I’m thinking she has a future as a frat-house mascot. She’s already mastered the big five—drinking, belching, farting, pooping, and puking.”

  I nodded. Truer words had never been spoken.

  Jake inhaled deeply from under his shirt and squared his shoulders, as if preparing for battle. Then he stepped into the room. I followed reluctantly.

  Our beautiful little girl lay in her crib, feet flailing and little fists dancing. Her eyes were bright as she focused on Jake. He dropped his shirt—because it’s hard to do baby-talk with cotton shoved against your mouth.

  “Hey, baby girl,” he cooed. It was all kinds of adorable when he talked to our daughter like that, and it made my stomach really melty. “Did you make a present for Mommy?”

  I scowled at Jake, no longer finding him adorable. He chuckled and reached into the crib to get Dani. Only when he picked her up did we both realize she had pooped herself all the way up her back and onto the sheets of her mattress. There was shit everywhere. It was quite literally a shitshow.

  Jake made a little gagging sound and it was hilarious watching him try to maintain his smile for Dani and not deposit his breakfast on the front of her little pink pajamas (courtesy of my mother, of course). I bit my lip under the cover of my shirt and tried not to laugh as Jake stood holding our daughter as far from his body as possible, smiling painfully and looking like he was handling a grenade.

  “What do I do now? I can’t set her down!” His eyes were wild and I couldn’t help it. A laugh escaped, triggering Jake to step closer to me and nearly stick Dani’s shit-covered butt in my face. I scampered out of the way and quickly cleared off the changing table.

  “Here! Set her down and we can clean it up later.”

  He did just that, causing our daughter’s bottom lip jutted out in an expression I’d learned was generally followed by anguished sobbing. Despite carrying my genes, it seemed I’d birthed a drama queen. I dropped my shirt and smiled at her, trying not to breathe through my nose. “Hey, baby bird. Don’t cry. We’ll get you all cleaned up and ready for a cuddle.”

  “I don’t know if I can do this, Irish.” Jake was beginning to look a bit green. “It’s never been this bad.”

  I shook my head. “Laney warned me, but I didn’t really believe her.”

  We’d started Dani on formula the previous day. The breastfeeding had not gone well and, according to her doctor, she wasn’t gaining enough weight. My boobs, on the other hand, were picking up her slack. They’d turned into these giant fun bags that ached like a bitch and were firmly on the Do Not Touch list for Jake. Despite our best efforts, our little bundle of stinky joy was not a boob girl. So we were weaning her—and apparently turning her into a weapon of mass destruction in the process. While breastmilk poop didn’t smell like daisies, it was nothing compared to this disaster.

  I unzipped her pajamas and pulled her little feet out while Jake gathered three hundred wipes and held them at the ready. I shook my head at him
again. “I really don’t understand you. You get downright filthy for a living, yet you tiptoe around a dirty diaper.”

  “That’s different. Soil doesn’t come out of someone’s butt. Well, unless you count earthworms.”

  I held a hand up, not in the mood for a lesson in agriculture. At this point, it was clear none of us were escaping without getting elbow deep in shit, so I swiped the PJs out from under my baby and shoved them toward Jake. He used the wipes to grab them and promptly dropped the outfit in the trash. I didn’t protest since I was not a fan of all the pink.

  Dani whimpered and squawked, and Jake did his best to soothe her by singing her song, which made me forgive him for any squeamishness. I opened up the diaper and marveled at my child’s ability to shit half her body weight. Gold star for her. The next five minutes were spent wiping her up, watching her squirm in her own poop, re-wiping her, and finally getting to the point where we could give her a bath. She did not enjoy any of it, but then again, neither did we.

  It still took both of us to bathe her since we were total newbies and were convinced our every misstep would result in irreparable harm to our little girl. Once she was cleaned up and her bedding had been changed, Jake made her a bottle and I settled in to feed her. It was hard to believe this placid little ball of cuteness was the same one who’d stunk up the whole house and screamed her little heart out in the process. I kissed the top of her head and leaned my own head back against the chair. I was exhausted and it was only eleven in the morning.

  This baby stuff was no joke. Our kid woke up every two or three hours during the night and had absolutely no respect for our schedule. We were trying our best to limit her daytime naps so she’d learn to sleep through the night, but you try reasoning with a baby. Not only are they terrible listeners, but they are so easily distracted. Oh, and they think the world revolves around them. Which it does.


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