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Passions Wild And Free

Page 30

by Janelle Taylor

  The storm did not subside until late the next morning. When the rain halted and the sun came out, Marsh roused himself from Randee’s side and went outdoors to look around and to flex his stiff body. Sleeping on a hard floor was much different from the soft earth, he decided, as he rubbed his aching back and neck.

  Randee joined him, stretching and yawning lazily. She inhaled deeply and smiled at her enchanting lover as he drew water from the well for their morning coffee. What a blissful night she had spent in his arms, and she craved many more like that one. She watched Marsh as he labored effortlessly. He was wearing jeans and boots, with his shirt rolled and draped around his neck, wrinkling it beyond any form of neatness. He possessed a hard, firm, smooth physique. He was so strong; yet so gentle. Clearly he went shirtless often, because his torso was bronzed like his arms and face. The sun obviously adored him, for it seemingly caressed his face and body each time they were exposed to its loving glow. She felt her body warm as her gaze followed the hairy pattern on his chest and stomach. He was such a skilled lover, such a tender and giving one. How she would love to spend the rest of her life with this special man… .

  Together they prepared their morning meal, and ate it while making their plans for the next few days. Then, they reluctantly packed to leave the serene homestead. They had made love nearly all night before the entrancing blaze, then dropped off to sleep just before dawn to claim six hours of slumber. It was nearly two o’clock when they saddled their horses and rode away from the towering tree with its broken swing. They rode until dusk, then made camp. Tonight, Marsh was back on alert, and they slept separately.

  On Tuesday, the Epson Gang made a daring and bloody raid on a ranch near Jacksboro, one within a few miles of where their friends had been slain and where Fort Richardson stood… .

  Randee and Marsh scouted the area gingerly as they made their way back toward Fort Worth. It was a beautiful day. Everything was lush and green following the much needed rain. The sky was a clear blue overhead. The air smelled clean and fresh. Wildflowers grew in abundance and brightly colored the landscape.

  Around five, they came upon evidence of a large herd of cattle moving northward. Cautiously they followed the tracks until dusk, then sneaked up to the nocturnal grazing area.

  Marsh recognized the brand of a huge ranch in southern Texas. Using his field glasses, Randee eyed the drovers and trail boss. She looked at Marsh and shook her head, sighting none of the raiders amongst that group. He motioned for them to move out before they were spotted and fired on as would-be rustlers.

  They traveled a safe distance from the cattle drive and made camp. He told her, “If nothing comes up, we’ll make Fort Worth by tomorrow night. We’ll check with Willard to see if he has any more clues about that land company and-Marshal Timms. Then, it’s time to get bolder.”

  “What do you mean?” she questioned eagerly, worriedly.

  “It’s time we do something to flush those raiders into the open.”

  “Like what, Marsh?”

  “I’ll explain when we get together with Willard.”

  When they reached Fort Worth, it was after dark. They rode to Willard Mason’s house, but the newspaperman wasn’t home. They headed for his office, but it was empty too. Marsh scowled.

  They returned to the man’s home and waited for two hours. Marsh knew they were both tired and hungry. Finally he said, “If he was out for the evening, he’d be back by now. He’s one of those early to bed and early to rise people. I don’t like this, Randee. Somebody could have gotten annoyed by Willard’s inquisitive nature. If anyone’s on to us, the hotel would be dangerous. I want you to stay with a friend of mine tonight while I do some snooping around.”

  “Who? Where?” she asked. “Why can’t I stay with you?”

  “Women aren’t allowed in saloons, and that’s where I’ll pick up any information available tonight. Please, trust me and bear with me.”

  “Darn it, left behind again,” she grumbled jestingly. Seriously, she concurred, “I’ll obey you once more, if you promise to be careful.”

  “I have to be, or my partner will kill me,” he jested.

  When they reached their destination, she eyed him oddly and reminded, “I thought you said women weren’t allowed in saloons.”

  “A good friend of mine owns this one. It’s the nicest in Texas or anywhere else. Hopefully this is the last place anyone would think to look for you. Just remember to behave yourself after I leave.” “Very amusing,” she scoffed, punching him in the side.

  Randee waited just inside the back door while Marsh went to locate and speak with his good friend. Through slightly parted curtains, she viewed the lush interior of the fancy saloon with its numerous lanterns and elaborately carved furniture. She saw men playing a variety of games. She saw pretty girls in lovely dresses serving them liquor and laughing with them. It wasn’t what she had expected, especially after the sight she had witnessed near Fort Richardson recently. She eyed the opulent establishment and realized there must be a lot of money to made with prostitution, gambling, and whiskey. She listened to the music, a combination of piano and a lovely female voice. Soon, she decided that Marsh’s friend owned and ran a nice … house of masculine pleasures. She couldn’t wait to meet this friend of Marsh’s, as a man didn’t usually grin like that when referring to a male!

  At last, Marsh returned to where she was waiting in the shadows. Behind him was a ravishing female with flame-colored hair, fiery sapphire eyes, and skin as white and as soft as cotton. She be in her mid-thirties, but Randee wasn’t certain. The woman was dressed in a sexy dark-blue gown with black lace trim, but she wore very little face paint. Twinges of jealousy stabbed at Randee as she wondered what their past and present relationship was. She had known there had been other women in his life because he was a very virile and handsome man, but she had not expected to meet any of them! Doing so made her remember that carefree side of Marsh Logan, and her tenuous hold on him. Yet, she smiled genially as Marsh introduced them.

  The beautiful woman shook Randee’s hand firmly and smiled. Miss Sloan Peters told her, “If you’re wondering where I got a manly first name like Sloan, I was named after my mother’s family. But you can call me Pete; most everybody does, especially my friends.”

  Randee caught her hint and smiled. “Thank you, Pete. It’s a pleasure to meet a close friend of Mr. Logan’s.”

  Sloan Peters playfully shook Marsh’s arm as she teased the man, “I’m glad Marsh rescued you from those kidnappers and is escorting you back home safely, but this extra good deed surprises me. Marsh is a born drifter, who usually minds his own business. Surely your parents must be wealthy and he’s expecting a fat reward.”

  Aware that Randee didn’t know what story he’d told the woman, Marsh quickly injected, “I didn’t have any choice but to save her after I practically rode over their camp in the dark. They didn’t want any witnesses, so they tried to gun me down. Afterwards, I couldn’t just leave a pretty girl like this in the wilds, especially after she promised me her parents would pay hefty for her rescue and return.” He chuckled before saying to Randee, “Begging your pardon, miss, but no offense intended. Miss Hollis is a real lady, Pete, so you treat her that way while I’m out tonight. She’s been through a rough time, and doesn’t need anyone poking her with embarrassing questions. Just tell the girls she’s the daughter of an old friend, who’s passing through town and wanted a short visit with you. Like I said, two of those varmints got away and they won’t be kind at all if they locate me again. Just hide her for the night so she can get some rest, and I’ll pick her up by noon tomorrow.”

  The flaming redhead replied, “Don’t you worry, Marsh, she’ll be just fine here. She can bunk with Flossie, one of my best girls. It’ll do Flossie good to have company. She’s been sad lately. You don’t mind sharing a room with another woman, do you, Miss Hollis?”

  The blonde smiled and shook her head, and used the good manners which her mother had taught her
. “Please, call me Randee, and of course I don’t mind sharing Miss Flossie’s room, if it’s all right with her. I don’t want to inconvenience anyone, but I’m grateful for your kindness and help. Mr. Logan said he could depend on you.”

  The surprised woman glanced at Marsh and mischievously rolled her sapphire eyes. “He did, did he? My goodness how we’ve changed, my handsome loner. Whatever’s happened to you since our last visit?”

  “Don’t you go teasing me unmercifully, Pete. I’m too exhausted to defend myself. One good deed doesn’t change a man like me.”

  “But it’s a start, isn’t it, Randee?” the woman coaxed merrily.

  The blonde gazed at Marsh as if evaluating him in looks and conduct. “I wouldn’t know about Mr. Logan’s past character, but he’s been absolutely wonderful to me,” she remarked, sounding like a young girl who was smitten by her handsome champion, as she should be.

  Marsh realized that Randee was having fun with this game. He teased, “You’re prejudiced, Miss Hollis, because I saved your hide. Don’t you fret anymore; I’ll have you home safe and sound real soon.”

  “I can hardly wait, Mr. Logan. Trail life is very hard and demanding. I cannot imagine why you love it so dearly, or why you think badly of yourself. You’ve been so kind and polite, and you’ve taught me so many things. I shall never forget you and this experience.” Sloan Peters was astonished by the passionate undercurrents she perceived passing between Marsh Logan and this radiant creature. Their desire for each other was as evident to her as the sexy shadow on Marsh’s strong jawline. Sloan was amused, warmed, and pleased to find the man’s heart softening toward a female, especially toward one as nice as Randee Hollis. She had known Marsh for years, and she liked him more than most men. This blonde was perfect for Marsh, but did he realize that fact? If she pointed it out to him, he would become defensive and would strengthen his resistance, so she smiled happily and kept silent.

  Marsh said, “That’s awfully sweet of you, Miss Hollis, but I couldn’t live any other way. Trail dust is in my blood.”

  The older woman told him, “Go on about your business, Marsh. I’ll take good care of Miss Hollis for you. She’ll be safe here.”

  For hours, Randee sat cross-legged on the double bed in Flossie’s room, listening to the girl talk eagerly. The flame-haired owner of this plush establishment had given the brown-haired girl the night off and had sent a bottle of champagne to the room for them to enjoy. Randee had never drunk the bubbly spirits before, but liked the taste. Nor had she sat in her nightgown on a stranger’s bed, savoring girl-talk with another female of her own age who was a professional lover. Her curiosity got the best of her, and she asked Flossie numerous questions.

  The attractive brunette had downed most of the champagne to lighten her sagging spirits. Slightly inebriated and thoroughly relaxed, she laughed and teased, “Before you leave in the morning, you’ll know as much about men as I do. Lawsy, they love their women well-trained and loose-thighed, and ignorant of the word no. But I get tired of no choice in the matter and person. Half the time I don’t get the ones I like, and the other half I get the ones I don’t like.” She fell backward on the bed giggling. “Lawsy, Randee, but I wish some handsome rogue like your Storm Hayden would come along and rescue me.”

  Randee concluded that Flossie didn’t know Marsh’s real name. Assuming everyone knew Marsh’s other identity, she used it, “His name is Durango, Flossie. Surely you’ve heard of the Durango Kid. I don’t have a lasso on him; I doubt any woman ever will.”

  Flossie pushed herself to a sitting position and laughed wildly. “He’s joshing you, girl. I’ve spent many a night in bed with the Durango Kid, and that isn’t him. Don’t you know who you’re traveling with? He calls himself Marsh Logan, but his real name is Storm Hayden, a real tough critter who shoots straight and fast and asks questions later. How’d a lady like you get tangled up with an outlaw like that?”

  Randee gently corrected the girl, “You’re mistaken, Flossie; he really is the Durango Kid. I’ve been traveling with him for weeks, so I know I’m right about him.”

  Flossie eyed her sympathetically. “I hate it that he’s got you fooled, Randee, ‘ticularly since your blood’s hot for him. Like I said, I’ve had the Kid inside me several times, and I’ve seen him in showdowns in that street outside. He’s one of Pete’s best friends and customers, so I know the Durango Kid by sight and feel. Your man ain’t him; I swear it. I saw one of your sweetie’s old posters in Pete’s desk; I guess she saved it as a souvenir. It said Storm Hayden, said he was wanted Dead or Alive. He had a real big reward on his head. Best I recall, the poster was from Kansas or Nebraska.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Randee stared at the mildly, intoxicated female with brown hair and eyes. How, she asked herself, could Marsh not be the Durango Kid? She thought hard for a minute, and realized no one had confirmed who Marsh had claimed to be; no one had called him by that legendary name. She had accepted his word about his dual identities, but why would he lie to her? How could her love be an outlaw, a wanted man, a criminal with a price on his head? How could he dupe her so easily and for so long? Even if he had deceived her in the beginning, why continue the deception after knowing he could trust her, after they had become so close? Yet, Flossie had no reason to make up such a wild story, and there had not been time and opportunity for either Marsh or Pete to have instigated a cruel ruse like this. She needed more information before Flossie passed out for the night.

  She shook the brunette’s arm and asked, “Are you sure that ‘wanted’ poster was for Marsh Logan? Maybe it’s only someone who looks like him. Please, Flossie, think hard,” she pleaded.

  Flossie responded confidently; “I don’t have to think again; I know it was him, because I heard them joking about the reward poster one night. And, I’ve seen her tickle him and call him Storm. But don’t let on to him or Pete I told you the truth. I ain’t got no business being in her office and desk nosing around. Pete would be furious; she’d fire me. Promise me you won’t tell them what I did.”

  “I won’t say a word to either of them, Flossie. But I need more facts. What did the poster say about Marsh, I mean Storm?”

  While trying to clear her wits, Flossie answered, “Something about murder and robbery. I remember it was a big reward, thousands of dollars. I looked at it a long time because I was shocked to learn such terrible things about a man I knew. A real good artist drew it. He looked so handsome and scary in that picture. And I know it said Dead or Alive, because that worried me. I was always scared some lawman would shoot up this place trying to capture him while he was here with Pete. Since he changed his name and he ain’t from Texas, I guess few people in these parts know him as Storm Hayden. Pete’s crazy about him, and so are you, Randee, so I guess he’s not all bad. I surely wouldn’t turn him in for no reward, big or little.” Flossie sighed deeply before telling why. “Because he ain’t no man to betray. Lawsy, Randee, I’ve seen him make more than one man back down just by glaring at him with those icy blue eyes. Lawsy, girl, he can put the fear of God and death in you with just one stare. A man like that can be as heartless as he can be hot-blooded. You never know which mood you’ll find him in, and the wrong one can cost you plenty.”

  “Can you remember which state or territory he’s from? It’s real important to me,” Randee probed, hoping it wasn’t …

  Flossie saw how upset the girl was, so she complied, “It seems like I read Kansas on the poster. But I remember hearing them joke about what he did in Nebraska, so I could be wrong. Who knows? Maybe he’s wanted in both places, or lots of places. Or maybe he ain’t wanted anywhere anymore. It could be that he’s served his time in prison and is free now. I can’t imagine Pete befriending a criminal.”

  Randee shook her head and refuted, “He’s too young to have served a prison term for murder and robbery. Why would he tell me he’s the Durango Kid? Why not stick to using Marsh Logan?”

  Flossie admitted, “He favors the Kid a
. lot, so I can see how some folks might get fooled, by mistake or on purpose. Maybe he lied to you because he was trying to impress you, Randee, or maybe he was scared you wouldn’t like him if you knew he was an outlaw. Pete told me you’re real special to him and to take good care of you. Lawsy, what have I done?” she murmured fearfully. “I shouldn’t have opened my mouth. Darn that champagne for clouding my brain!”

  “Please don’t be upset. I’m glad you told me about Storm. He’s been tricking me for weeks. I believed everything he told me. It isn’t right for a man to trick a woman and use her badly. Damn him!” That statement hit Flossie forcefully. “That’s right, girl; men shouldn’t use us badly, but they do if we let ‘em. Sometimes they say crazy things when they want a woman to do certain things,” Flossie murmured, staring into blank space with a sad look in her eyes.

  “What’s wrong, Flossie?” the blonde asked gently. “Why were you snooping through Pete’s desk? Were you looking for money to run away?”

  “Steal from Pete?” the prostitute scoffed incredu lously. “Never! Pete pays us girls good and gives us a home and protection. It’s not like it is in most saloons. I love Pete, and I would never harm her. I was looking for information about her daughter. I didn’t even know she had one until a customer of mine …” She hesitated and looked afraid. “You can’t reveal this to anybody. Swear it, Randee.”

  Randee realized that the girl needed to talk desperately, talk to someone who would be gone soon with her secrets, someone who would understand and honor her confidence. “I swear, Flossie.”

  The nervous female glanced toward the door and lowered her voice before she revealed, “I have this customer I don’t like. Like?” she echoed, then laughed coldly. “I hate him. Pete doesn’t allow the men to harm us, but I can’t tell her about this bad man. He threatened to kill me, Pete, the other girls, and Pete’s daughter. He’s big and mean, and he has lots of friends just like him. He would do it, Randee, honestly he would. That’s why you have to keep your mouth shut about him. I was going through Pete’s desk to see if I could find any pictures of her child, maybe with the father. If this man knows her secret, then maybe he’s the father. I didn’t find anything. If I had, then I could have told Pete about him and his threats. His name’s Carl Bush, he has hair redder than Pete’s, and cold black eyes. He injured his right leg in the war, so he walks with a limp. When it’s paining him, he’s meaner than a cornered badger. He comes in every so often and I have to let him use me like he wishes and keep my mouth shut or we’re all dead. This is my home, Randee; I can’t leave Pete’s place. What am I going to do?” she wailed.


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