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A Billionaire Finessed My Heart 3

Page 4

by K. Renee



  Zelan and I was sitting across from Santiago Vega, he arrived in New York this morning.

  “So, tell me all you know about Ramone being your father?” Santiago asked.

  “Well, we were only told that he was our father, nothing more than that,” I stated.

  “This gentleman is Dr. Jaminez he has been a long-time friend of mine, and a prominent doctor. If you would like to take the time to review his medical intelligence, please do so now. He is here to test the three of us, and we will have the results later today,” Santiago said, and me and Zelan looked at each other. Jeff was in the room with us also and was already researching the Dr. Samuel Jaminez.

  Jeff nodded his head giving me the ok, to go ahead and proceed.

  “We are good to go,” I responded to Santiago. We all stood and did as the doctor asked Santiago decided to go first, and then Zelan, and I followed. Once we were all finish with the DNA process, we agreed to meet later to discuss the results.

  “I guess this will give us all, the answers we have been low key looking for,” Zelan said.

  “Yeah, I guess it will,” I responded looking out the window at the landscaping of this house. I had so many memories here good, and bad but I was ready to make all good new memories with my beautiful woman and children.

  “Did you see the amount of security that nigga had, damn I thought our shit was crazy, but his shit was damn insane,” Zelan stated.

  “Bruh, when you got that much power, and money that is how you can live. That man is crazy powerful, and rich. He makes my bank account look like we are struggling,” I told him.

  “I don’t want to be that rich fuck that, more money more muthafucking problems. I’m cool with my millions. I don’t think I want to be a billionaire look at all the shit you going through. Every time I get to nine hundred, and ninety-nine million, as soon as I make that extra million I’m giving that shit to Kari, and the babies. Fuck that, and when I have kids all the kids will go in rotation,” Zelan said with his face scrunched up. I just looked at this damn fool and shook my head, this simple nigga was serious about that shit.

  “You know after we deal with all this shit, I want to have Ciera a baby shower at the club. I’m going to have Ari put it all together, and hire her a planner to help,” I said to Zelan.

  “That sounds really good Ci needs to be in her happy place, enjoying her pregnancy. I know when Ari get pregnant, she better hope I let her ass walk. That’s my muthafuckin queen right there, she give a nigga some kids, man I’m straight marrying her ass,” Zelan said.

  “I feel you bruh, I feel the same way.” I never thought I would hear that shit coming from him or me. My phone was ringing, and I looked at it and answered placing it on speaker.

  “What’s up beautiful woman?” I stated.

  “Boy what the hell you doing?” Ma Lai asked.

  “What you want lady?” Zelan said.

  “Zelan, why the hell you didn’t answer my call earlier?” Lai yelled.

  “Ma, we have been busy, what you got going on?” Zelan asked.

  “I need y’all to come take this ride with me. I heard on the streets that ole boy Mark, has a brother that is going around telling people I hit him up.”

  “Say word, we will handle it tonight,” Zelan stated.

  “Alright, make sure y’all call Meek, I want him to come to. This shit is going to be fun,” Lai said ending the call.

  “That lady man, she is for real a gangsta. We should have put her on our team,” I said to Zelan.

  “Nigga what you talking about, we need to ask if we can be on her damn team. She let me in the gang bang crew after we came down on you, you better do a good job or you not getting in,” Zelan said with his dumb ass. Ciera didn’t want to step foot in this house because Kenya had been living here nor did she want Kari back here. I have to say I couldn’t blame her, and because she felt the way she did is the reason I decided to sale the place. I would do anything for her comfortability, and safety.

  Chapter Eleven


  “Girl, Meek, not playing with your ass he didn’t say shit to you on the way back from Grand Turks,” I said to Toya. We were sitting on my patio having girl time, and a couple of drinks.

  “Nope, he not talking to me at all. I tried to call him, and I even sent him a text apologizing, but he never responded. I don’t know what else to say to him, he acting real childish about everything,” Toya shrugged.

  “I’m not going to come down on you friend, you already know how I feel about what happened. Just give him some time to come around,” I said, and got up to go in the house to get more wine for us.

  “Hey babe, when did you get here?” I asked Zelan, he was standing in the kitchen pulling food out of bags.

  “I just walked in, what you got going on?” Zelan responded.

  “Me, and Toya having some drinks on the patio. Come out and Join us, and bring that food with you,” I said, as I walked off.

  “Alright, with your greedy ass!” Zel yelled from behind me.

  “Zelan just came home he is coming out with some food,” I told Toy.

  “Maybe I should get out of here, so you can spend some time with your man,” Toya said, and I shut that shit right on down. Zelan, and I were fine. I enjoyed having my friend over.

  “You are fine and if you can’t drive after we knock the rest of these bottles off, you can stay the night,” I advised her.

  “Thank you boo,” Toya responded, just as Zelan came out with the food and plates.

  “Hey Z, how are you doing?” Toya spoke.

  “I’m good baby girl, how you been?” Zelan asked Toya.

  “I have been good, I can’t complain,” Toya said, just as our doorbell sounded off.

  “Oh, shit that’s Meek, I forgot he called me and said he was going to stop by,” Zelan said and jumped up to go answer the door.

  “Oh shit, here is your chance Toy,” I screeched.

  “I will try to talk to him, but if he on that same shit. Then I’m cool, and we can end whatever friendship we were trying to build,” Toya said shrugging her shoulders. A few minutes later, Zelan came back with Meek following and I couldn’t believe he had some chick with him. Well damn this shit was going to get ugly real fast.

  “What’s up everyone, this is my friend Misha. Misha this is Zelan’s girl Ari, and her friend Toya,” Meek said.

  “Hey, it’s good to meet you,” I said, and Toya dumb ass said nothing. She just sat there and sipped on her wine, looking at Meek. Oh, she on some real good bullshit tonight, I hope she don’t act up.

  “Ari, I’m going to go ahead and get out of here, I will see you tomorrow at lunch. Zelan, I will see you later,” Toya said, and got up from the table to leave.

  “Why you leaving Toya, stay and finish your visit,” Meek said.

  “I’m good,” Toya rudely stated, and walked away.

  “Hold up friend, I will walk you out,” I said getting up going after Toya.

  “Toya, you don’t have to leave. Why you gone let that nigga run you off, that’s not you,” I told her.

  “Yeah, I’m good Ari he seems to have moved on and I’m not with the back and forth bullshit. Besides I have a man at home that I’m fucking things up with because I was feeling this dude,” Toya said with tears in her eyes.

  “Friend, it’s going to be alright. Just give it some time, he is just still mad about what happened in Grand Turks,” I spoke. Just as Toya was getting ready to respond Meek came walking in the house, and straight up to Toya pressing her body up to the door.

  “Why you leaving, you leaving because that shit made you feel bad huh? To see me with another woman, right? You feel bad Toya, is your feelings hurt? Now you know how I felt, get right baby,” Meek said, to Toya and kissing all over her damn neck and talking shit all at the same damn time. This shit was too damn erotic for me, I think I need to head back to check on my man.

  “See you later Ar
i,” Toya said and opened the door to leave and Meek was right behind her. I hope they can work it out, I think Meek is good for her and I want her away from that bitch ass nigga of hers.

  Chapter Twelve


  It was going on eight in the evening, and we still haven’t heard from Santiago. I was geeking to know the results of that DNA test. Meek and his friend had just left, and now I was sitting here waiting on Z to call me, and of course we had to ride out with Ma Lai later.

  “Babe, what you thinking about?” Ari asked.

  “I’m just wondering why we haven’t heard from Santiago, he said we would hear from him later today. My phone lit up, and it was a text from Juelz telling me he was outside. I jumped up, and kissed Ari, and told her what was up.

  “What’s up man?” I said to Juelz as I got in the car and we pulled off.

  “I was at my house when I got the call from Santiago to meet him at his hotel. So, I decided to swing through and pick you up,” Juelz stated.

  “Where he staying at?” I asked.

  “He is staying at the Waldorf Astoria,” Juelz said, and we talked about all the shit that was going on. Thirty minutes later, we pulled up to the hotel. Valet parking, we went in and went up to the Penthouse suites. Juelz, knocked on the door, and a few minutes later a guard opened it and allowed us in.

  “Come in and have a seat, would you like a drink?” Santiago asked.

  “No sir, I’m good,” Julez responded.

  “I would like one,” I stated and got up to pour my drink.

  “The test results are back, and I have them here in this envelope. Would you like to do the honors Juelz?” Santiago asked. Juelz took the envelope and opened it. Shit I have never been this nervous in my life, and I don’t know why the hell I’m so damn nervous now.

  “It says that we are your grandsons,” Juelz stated, handing the documents to Santiago. I blew out a long sigh, and watched my brother do the same. I was holding a breath that I didn’t even realize I was holding. Mone was really our father, and we were members of the largest cartel to grace the globe. Santiago stared at the paperwork, and it seems as if his eyes were watering.

  “I don’t know why your father rebelled the way he did. I loved my son very much, he was my only child, but he was so hard. He didn’t want to listen to a damn thing I had to say. Ramone’s mother was a beautiful black woman, when she found out she was pregnant she was against having the baby. I begged her for months, and told her I would raise our child and she could see him whenever she wanted to. She agreed, and when he was born he came home with me to Cuba,” Santiago stated.

  “I have been working for Mone since I was thirteen years old, and he took me under his wings. When he was murdered that devastated me, and Zelan because we both were so close to him. Now we both know why he took to us so quickly, he knew he was our father. I’m not going to lie we are still pissed that he or our mother didn’t think of us when deciding to hold that information from us. But we forgive them and want to move on with our lives,” Julez explained.

  “So, you told me that someone was trying to harm you?” Santiago asked, getting down to business.

  “Yes, we ran into some trouble,” Julez said, and ran every detail that has happened to him, down to our grandfather.

  “Your troubles will soon be over, setup a dinner so that I can meet my granddaughters to be, and my granddaughter Kari. I will be in town for the next couple of days, now that I have two grandsons I have some business to handle here,” Santiago stated. We said our goodbyes and Juelz and I left.

  “Man can you believe that shit, Mone was really our father,” Juelz said.

  “It’s some crazy shit, but it’s true and I’m kind of happy about it. Mone wasn’t a bad dude, he was just set in his on ways, but he was good to us,” I told Juelz, and he agreed. We were now on our way over to Lai’s house. I shot Meek a text, and he was going to meet us over there. We pulled up to Lai house about thirty minutes later, and Meek was walking up on the porch. What’s up y’all, what Lai got us over here for?” Meek asked.

  “She said Mark brother been running his mouth about her shooting Mark in the legs before he got murked,” I told him.

  “That will get you murdered quick, and we don’t need that shit coming down on Lai,” Meek stated.

  “Why you niggas out here talking, bring y’all asses in the house,” Lai said, and we walked in. Ms. Cynt was sitting on the couch.

  “Hey boys,” Ms. Cynt greeted, we all walked over and hugged her and Lai.

  “Ma do you know where this nigga be at?” Meek asked.

  “Yeah, I know where he hang at, but we got an issue. I was just told he was in the hospital, so we gone have to wait,” Lai said.

  “Well you need to let us know what’s up, and we will be ready to ride when you ready,” I told her. We kicked it with Ma for a little while and we left and headed home.

  The Next Evening

  I’m so happy to be here and meeting all of you,” Santiago said, as he looked at Ari, and Ciera. “We are excited to meet you as well,” Ciera stated, and the doorbell sounded off. I got up to go answer the door, and it was Ma Lai.

  “Boy what the hell took you so long to answer the damn door?” Lai yelled as she walked in the house.

  “Lady, you were not waiting that long,” I told her, as I turned to walk in to the family room. “Hey everybody, Lai here so we can eat now,” I yelled.

  “Ohhhhh, hey sexy who the hell are you?” Lai asked Santiago.

  “Well, I’m whoever you want me to be sweetheart. My name is Santiago Vega, and I’m Juelz and Zelan’s grandfather,” Santiago replied.

  “My name is Laila, and you fine as hell. I’m Ciera, and Ari’s grandmother. Boys I’m about to be y’all grandmother for real, and I’m going to have a baby!” Lai said, and I damn near spit my drink out.

  “Grams!” Ciera yelled.

  “Ciera, sit your pregnant ass down somewhere, and let grown folks talk. So, Santiago tell me do you have a wife, girlfriend, baby mama, side piece, or a weekend hoe? I’m just trying to see where I can fit the fuck in,” Lai said and walked over to Santiago, pulled out her phone, and started taking selfies. Me and Ari was laughing so damn hard because this lady was the fucking truth man. She didn’t care who you were, she was going to say what she wanted to say.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Two Months Later:

  We were moving into the home that Juelz bought me, and I couldn’t be more excited. I was now seven months pregnant and I damn sure felt like I was going to burst. The babies were growing, and Juelz didn’t miss a beat, he was at every doctor’s appointment. It was back to business as normal for him, but he stayed home more than he was away. We were moving in together, and I was a little scared, but I have decided to get back with him. When we came back from Grand Turks, I continued to stay with Zelan and Ari. Juelz stayed at his penthouse with Kari, of course I spent some nights with them. That man was so close to his daughter now, it was like he was afraid to let her go anywhere.

  “Hey beautiful, are you ready to go?” Juelz asked, as he walked in the room.

  “Yes, I’m ready. Are we going straight there or are we picking grams up?” I asked.

  “Zelan is picking her up. I can’t wait for you to see your home, now that it’s decorated,” Juelz stated as we left the house.

  “For some reason the new house seems so much bigger than your old house,” I said.

  “Yes, it is bigger, I wanted you and the kids to have space,” he responded as we were riding through the streets of Hoboken.

  “Where is Jeff, I’m surprised he is not driving us today,” I said looking at the new driver we had. I have never seen him before and was just curious.

  “Jeff is gone on vacation with his family, he goes every year around the same time. So, I always have someone from the team drive me during the time that he is gone,” Juelz stated as he grabbed my hand to kiss it. Ssssssskkkkkkkkkkkkrttttttttt BOOM! I
felt the car jerk, and gunfire erupted the truck was swerving and another BOOM! More gunfire erupted.

  “Ciera, I need you to crawl in the back. The windows are tinted, and bullet proof. Cover your body with whatever you see, no matter what happens do not get up until you think the coast is clear! Do you understand?”

  “Yes Juelz, but I’m scared,” I cried out.

  “I know baby, but you have to get back there now! Ci, I love you baby!” I climbed to the back of the truck and got down low, I covered myself with some clothes that was in a bag. I continued to hear gunshots and they sounded closer, the driver was yelling that the tires were shot out and I was scared out of my fucking mind. I sent up a prayer for me, Juelz and our babies. I heard commotion because the truck was no longer moving, gun shots were still going, and it sounded as if Juelz and the driver were shooting as well.

  “Fucccckkkkk,” I heard Juelz yell out. The door had to be open because I heard men yelling with Spanish accents.

  “Zelan is going to kill Javier, you pussy ass bitch!” Juelz yelled out, minutes later I heard tires screeching. I waited for what seemed like hours, and I heard police sirens and I lifted up a little to see if I could see Juelz. Looking out of the window as police cars were coming from everywhere, I didn’t see Juelz at all. I jumped up and crawled across the seat as a police officer ran up with his gun drawn on me.

  “Ma’am are you hurt?” he asked as he put his gun away to help me out of the truck. “Juellllllllzzzzzz,” I screamed, as I looked around and didn’t see him. When I looked in the front of the car, I saw our driver on the ground dead. There were so many bodies on the ground, noticing some of them as Juelz security team. They were all dead, and my man was gone. Everything started looking blurry, and then it went black. I heard talking and beeping sounds, I tried to open my eyes and when I finally got them open. I saw Zelan, Meek, Ari, Grams, and Ms. Simone standing around talking.

  “What happened, why am I here?” I asked out loud. Everyone turned at the sound of my voice.

  “Ciera, oh my god, I’m so glad you’re alright,” Ari yelled as she walked up to the bed. “Baby, are you ok?” Grams asked.


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