A Billionaire Finessed My Heart 3

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A Billionaire Finessed My Heart 3 Page 11

by K. Renee

  “Yeah Lai, hold on let me show you,” I said, pulling the plastic off the wording. This lady wanted all this shit on her scooter and made me put some shit on mine or else she didn’t want it. Ma had hashtags quotes, all over her shit. #Gangbangcomingforyou, #Gangbangcomingthrough #Wedontfuckwithyou, #Gunsupniggasdown, and I don’t know what the hell she was thinking when she said this. #Gangbangcrewreloadedwithmykingpinbabydaddy. I showed her, and just shook my head at her theatrics. When we ordered them Kari, was in the room with us so we had to order her one too. Her shit says #Babygangbangalldayerrrday. Juelz was going to kick our ass.

  “Yessssss son, that shit is litty. Let me see yours, you better had put on what I told you too,” she said, raising her brow. I turned the phone back to my scooter, my hashtag was #Gangbangcrewfineedition. I must say the shit was hilarious, we had rims on all of the scooters and stereos, we were ready for that damn museum.

  “That’s it right there, they gone know about us, son!” she yelled through the phone. “Babe, what you got going on?” Ari asked, as she came off the elevator. Ari, was no longer allowed to take the stairs, and I put a lounge chair in the elevator for her to sit in. I don’t play about mine, I love that woman.

  “I’m talking to Ma Lai,” I told her.

  “Oh my god, y’all didn’t buy this shit. Look at what it says, who scooter is this? Oh shit, look at Kari scooter. I’m officially done with y’all asses, I know this, Juelz gone fuck y’all up,” Ari said, cracking the hell up.

  “Ain’t nobody scared of Juelz’s ass. He don’t won’t no problems out of the Gang Bang Crew. Now I got to go my baby waiting on me. I will see y’all tomorrow,” Lai stated ending the call.

  “Yo, these is tough though, I’m low key jealous that she let you in Gangbang but tells me I have to fill out an application,” Ari said pouting. Lai was a mess with the whole Gang Bang Crew shit. She had all my damn niggas on the street wanting to get in the crew, since Meek told them what happened. Lai, gone have more hittas than me and Juelz in a minute.

  “Bae, as long as I’m in Gang Bang, you can be in it too. My lil gangsta, just don’t tell Lai you in it,” I told her cracking up. It was time to get my day started and to deliver our toys to Juelz house. I texted Meek to bring his truck over so I could drop them off.

  Chapter Thirty-Five


  One week later

  I was tired of my mother’s shit already, she hasn’t seen her grandbabies and missed Ari’s wedding. All because she was not ready to sit down with Zelan and meet Julez. I picked up the phone to dial her number.

  “Hey baby, how are you doing?” my mother said answering the phone sounding like she was sleep.

  “I’m good mom, I called you because It’s time you met your grandbabies. I’m coming to get you for dinner tonight with me, Ari, and Grams. Don’t worry the guys won’t be home, they are out of town,” I told her, which was a lie the guys were here, but they would be at the club until late tonight. So, it shouldn’t be a problem with her coming.

  “Ok, I will come, what time should I be ready?” she asked.

  “I will be there at six to pick you up,” I told her.

  “Ok, I will see you then,” she stated, and ended the call. I called Ari and Grams to let them know my plans. Grams is so in-love with papa Santiago, and I’m happy for her. She told me that he wanted her to move to Cuba with him, and I don’t know how I feel about that. I need to see my grandmother all the time, but I didn’t want to be selfish. If she chooses to move, I will be happy for her. It’s not like we can’t go see her, and I know she will come home often. I don’t think me, and Ari will be her problem, she got to worry about her road dog Ms. Cynt. Those two ladies were thick as thieves, and I know it was going to be painful for the both of them if Grams decided to leave.

  “Hey, my beautiful lady, you good?” Juelz stated as he stepped in the bedroom, with only a towel wrapped around his fine ass body.

  “I’m good baby, you know I miss you when you are gone,” I spoke, and he turned around.

  “I miss you to sweetheart, what can I do to make it better?” he asked, as he walked up to the bed and pulled me to him. When he gripped my ass, I knew I was getting ready to be blessed with the best sex. When I tell you me and my man have sex every day, we have it every day. “Mmmm I don’t know, I’m sure you will figure it out,” I replied, as I looked at him smiling.

  “I love you beautiful, I can’t get enough of your ass,” Juelz said, as he began taking my tank top and panties off, licking and kissing up and down my body. Every kiss to my skin felt as if he set a fire there, and I needed him in me, fuck all the fourplay.

  “Baby, I need you now, I can’t wait,” I moaned.

  “Why do you need me now?” he groaned as he slammed in me and pulled out, then repeated the action. “Juelz, don’t fuck with me, give me my dick!” I yelled, and he slammed into me again and began deep stroking me and playing with my pearl.

  “You like that shit baby? Dammn, this pussy is my all-time favorite. There is nothing like good pussy from the woman you love, and I damn sure love your ass. Fucccccck, aaaaaaaahhhhh!” Juelz growled out. He was fucking me so good, I knew I was going to lose it.

  “Ahhhhhhh shitttt, oh baby fuck me right there!” I screamed, as he pounded on my spot over and over. We went at it for a good hour, and after we finished we jumped in the shower.

  “I’m headed out for the day, I got a lot of shit to handle. I will be home after the club closes, but if you feel the need to hangout you know you can come see me,” Juelz stated, as he got dressed.

  “Yooooo, what y’all doing?” Zelan yelled through the intercom. My brother-in-law was an entire mess along with Grams. When he came over and dropped those scooters off and we read what they said, I was on the floor crying laughing. Juelz wanted to ring they neck for buying Kari a scooter. Her ass was jumping up and down screaming with excitement when she saw hers. Running around screaming “Baby Gang Bang, all day, errrday!” When she screamed that shit, we knew Grams taught her that and all of us fell out laughing. Juelz told her she is just a princess, don’t say that no more. Kari said she wanted to be like her grandma Laila because Lai was cool.

  “I’m leaving beautiful, see you later,” Juelz stated, as he jolted me from my thoughts, and kissed my lips.

  “Ok, love you handsome,” I responded, and he walked out the door. I went to check on my babies, and they were sleeping up a storm. They were getting so big and ohhhh myyy god they were the most adorable babies. I loved being a mother. Kari was my baby too, she loved helping me with her brother and sister. I looked at my watch, and it was going on four, so I went to the kitchen to talk to our Chef and gave him the menu for dinner tonight. He said everything would be ready by 7 pm.

  I went back upstairs and got myself together, by the time I was done it was already five. I went to tell the nanny I would be back, and then headed out to go get my mother. When I pulled up to her house she was already on the porch. She came and got in the car, and she looked decent which I was glad of.

  “Hey mom, you look good,” I told her, as I pulled off headed back to my house. Ari and Grams should be there by the time I got back there.

  “Thanks Ciera, you look great and this is a really nice car. You must have you a rich man, because this is an expensive car,” my mom stated.

  “Juelz is a business owner mom, and we live alright,” I replied. We finally made it back to my house, and I parked before we got out.

  “You live alright my behind, girl this house is beautiful,” Mom boasted about my home as we got out and went in. I heard Grams and Ari laughing about something. It sounded like they were in the family room.

  “Hey y’all, look who is here,” I stated happily, and Ari and Grams rushed over to my mom.

  “Hey baby, it’s good to see you. You look good too, I love what you did to your hair,” Grams told mom.

  “Hey mom, I’m happy to see you,” Ari stated.

  “Hey you two. I’m glad
to see you both. Mom, you look so good. You don’t look a day over thirty. Ari, congratulations baby, I’m so sorry I didn’t come to your wedding,” Angela said, as she looked at Ari.

  “It’s ok, you are here now mom,” Ari replied.

  “Hello, I’m Kari. What’s your name?” Kari asked.

  “My name is Angela, Kari. It’s nice to meet you,” my mother told Kari, pinching her cheek.

  “Mom come on and I will introduce you to the babies,” I spoke, as we went to take the elevator up to the nursery.

  “Ohhhh Ciera, they are so beautiful! What are their names?” my mother asked.

  “This is Ms. Laila Simone, and this handsome fellow is Julez Tristen Kassom,” I explained, and she looked at me with a weird expression and then smiled.

  “You named her after mom? That is beautiful, where did you get Simone from?” she asked as Kari came in the room.

  “Ms. Voss, I’m leaving. Are you going to be okay until Marisol gets here?” Sadie asked.

  “Yes Sadie, I will see you tomorrow,” I told the nanny, her shift was over so the other nanny would be coming in a couple of hours. Turning my attention back to my mom to answer her question. “The middle name Simone is from Juelz’s mother, that is her name,” I stated, and I watched as my mother’s facial expression changed.

  “So you name your baby after my fucked-up mother, and a bitch you don’t even know. You just said fuck your own mother, huh?” she yelled.

  “Look, I don’t know where your hostility is coming from, but I named my baby after my grandmother and my man wanted to name her after his mother. You see kids in this room, so don’t use that type of language around them!” I yelled.

  “Ci Ci, are you ok?” Kari asked, with a worried expression on her face.

  “I’m fine sweetie, go down stairs and hang with auntie Ari, okay?” I said to Kari, as I heard the click of a gun.

  “She not going nowhere you snotty, uppity bitch! I’m so sick of you, your sister, and my mother thinking the sun rises and sets around y’all ass. Well it doesn’t. I have been waiting for the right time to make sure you bitches never breathe again. I was hoping that Kenya would have got the job done, but your man killed her ass. When she approached me about you, I thought she was playing until she kept me laced with drugs and money. I told her I couldn’t stand you three, and she could do what she wanted to do with y’all. I didn’t really give a fuck what she did to y’all. When she told me all the shit about your man and who he was, I knew I would help, because Ari’s bitch of a boyfriend was his brother. She told me how he loved his daughter, and that she knew a way to break him and make him weak. But she just disappeared, and then one night I got a visit from this Spanish dude Javier. He told me that Kenya told him all about me. He said, that I was going to help them get Juelz out the way, and he would pay me to get clean and work my way back into your lives. He wanted his granddaughter, and he would give me two million dollars to get her to him. So, I’m going to take pleasure in killing y’all’s ass and taking her to Javier. I have been trying to reach him, and he has not called me back. But I know he would be happy to know that I have his precious grandbaby,” she stated, and my mind was blown away.

  “What? Why are you doing this to your own mother and children? You can’t possibly be this fucking lost that you would harm us and team up with the enemy!” I cried out, afraid for my children’s safety but she was going to have to kill me first. I was not going to just let her harm my kids, my grandmother, or my sister. Lord help us get out of this situation. My mother just started a fire that she was not going to be able to put out.

  Chapter Thirty- Six


  I was at the club, sitting at the bar with Zelan and Meek chopping it up, when I felt a hand massaging my back. I turned quickly, and my face went from a smile to an instant mug.

  “Get your fucking hands off of me, Asia!” I roared.

  “What is your problem? I was just coming over to say hello. Damn, you got to be all in your feelings because you got a bitch now!” Asia yelled, and I wanted to choke the shit out of her.

  “Disrespect my woman again and they won’t be able to identify your remains. The things I don’t play about are my woman, kids, family, and money!” I yelled.

  “Fuck you Juelz, you just calling me to tell me you can’t see me anymore was fucked up!” Asia screamed angrily.

  “At least I gave you that much respect. There are many that wouldn’t have called your ass at all. Now please get out of my personal space and don’t come back,” I stated, and she walked away. I don’t have time for no bullshit, and no one will ever go back to my woman saying I did anything with them. Ciera was my life, each day I fell more in-love with her. Before I came to the club, I got a call from Stan telling me that the ring I had made for Ciera was back. I stopped by to pick it up, and I have never seen anything like it. The clarity of the stones alone was just crazy. I had already planned how I was going to propose to Ciera, and I can’t wait to see her face.

  “Damn, that bitch was bold as fuck. She know you got a woman, and she still tried to shoot her shot with you,” Zelan said, as he downed his drink.

  “Yeah, she doesn’t care, but I do. I love my girl, so there was nothing her ass could do or say to get my ass,” I explained.

  “Meek, what’s up with you man, why look so pissed?” I asked.

  “Nothing, I’m good my G,” Meek stated.

  “No his ass not, he in his feelings about Toya because she sitting over there with her man,” Zel pointed out, and I turned until I spotted Toya.

  “Oh shit, let’s go say hi,” I suggested. “I’m with that bullshit,” Zel replied, and jumped up.

  “I’m cool on her,” Meek said, and stayed put. Zel and I made it over to Toya’s table and there were some other people sitting there as well.

  “Toya, what’s up, how you doing?” Zel asked her, and Toya looked at us smiling.

  “Hey you two, what y’all up too?” Toya responded.

  “We chillin, what’s going on with ya?” I said.

  “Just out hanging with my man and some friends that’s all,” Toya said, and I looked over at her dude. He had a mug on his face.

  “Toya, who the fuck are these niggas?” ole boy yelled, and Zelan was on it.

  “Yo, my man, you need to calm that shit all the way down. We just came over to speak to our home girl, which is my woman’s best friend. Don’t get your punk ass beat the fuck down in here tonight!” Zelan yelled.

  “Who gone beat me down my nigga?” dude yelled, as he stood up from his seat.

  “Baby, sit down, this is Ari’s husband and Juelz is Ciera’s boyfriend,” Toya tried to explain.

  “I don’t give a fuck who they are, I want to know who you gone beat homeboy!” dude yelled again looking at Zelan. I was about tired of this nigga, he obviously doesn’t know who we are, and I know Zelan was trying his hardest to give him a pass because of Toya.

  “Zelan, Juelz, I’m sorry we will leave. Shad let’s go!” Toya stated clearly upset with her man.

  “We ain’t leaving, the owner ain’t tell us to leave, fuck these dudes!” this Shad nigga yelled. “My man, you got to get out of my establishment,” I barked.

  “Yeah, nigga this our shit! Get your bitch ass out of my shit!” Zelan yelled. “Yo, we good over here?” Meek asked as he walked up.

  “No, we not good. This nigga got to go, with his bitch ass,” Zel responded to Meek.

  “Man fuck all y’all, and I got your bitch ass….” Shad said. WHAP! Meek hit that nigga so hard and all hell broke loose. Meek beat that nigga ass so bad, Toya was crying and screaming for him to get off of her man. Zel and I finally pulled them apart, and Toya was crying because I swear dude was fucked up. The people at the table helped Toya with her man, and they all left in a hurry. Meek was pissed and walked out, I guess he needed to calm down. Zelan and I went upstairs to my office, still pissed about that nigga trying to boss up on us.

  “That nigga was straig
ht crazy, Toya looked like she was scared as hell. What was that shit about?” Zelan asked.

  “I’m not sure but, something tells me we haven’t seen the last of his ass,” I told him, as I sat down to call Ciera, and check on her and the kids. I called her phone three times, and I got no answer. I decided to look in on them to see if she was busy with the kids, when I pulled up the cameras from the nursery, I saw her talking to a woman, and Kari was in the room. The woman looked familiar, so I blew the screen up and I jumped up, because she had a gun in her hand.

  “Yo this the bitch I saw at Javier’s house, and now she in my house holding a gun on my woman!” I yelled giving the phone to Zelan as we made our way out of the club.

  “You said you saw her with Javier? That can’t be right because that lady is Ciera and Ari’s mother!” Zel yelled, as we got in the car speeding out of the parking lot. We had to get from Harlem, to New Jersey quick. Zelan, was trying to call Ari and Ma Lai but they didn’t answer. He put in a call to the security team at my house. They wouldn’t suspect anything, if they knew that was Ciera’s mother. Damn, I’m going to kill this bitch!

  Chapter Thirty-Seven


  This was going to be a good night. My mom was finally here, and she was getting to know her grandkids. Grams was on the phone caking with papa Santiago and I was hungry as hell. I went in the kitchen and grabbed me some cookies, and as I walked back to the family room, I could have sworn I heard yelling.

  “Grams did you hear that?” I asked her.

  “Hear what? I didn’t hear nothing,” she replied.

  “I thought I heard yelling, and what is taking Ciera and mom so long?” I asked Grams, as someone yelled again. She ended the call with Santiago.

  “Oh, I heard that shit,” Grams stated, as she got up and grabbed her gun out her bag putting it in the back of her pants. We took the stairs and went to the level where the nursery was located. As we got closer, we heard my mom yelling and going on about how she hated us, and she was working for Kenya. Grams, and I walked in the room, and my mom was holding a gun on Ciera. Kari was crying and the babies were in their beds.


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