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After The One (The One Series Duet)

Page 9

by Danielle Allen

  “Damn,” he swore quietly.

  I peeked over my shoulder and his eyes were glued to my ass as I moved it from side to side seductively. “You like?”

  Julian grabbed my arm and spun me back around. He put my hand over the dark denim bulge in the front of his pants and I inhaled sharply.

  “I don’t like. I love,” he growled as my fingers gripped him and maneuvered over his thickness.

  As seconds passed, my heart raced and my chest heaved. He had me pinned with his eyes as he moved my hand up and down over the growing bulge. I was tempted to drop to my knees and wrap my mouth around his dick, but the sound of my phone going off inside my clutch gave me pause.

  Once everyone gets here, we have to leave and Lenny is always late so that’s probably a text from her telling me she’s on her way. Hmmm… maybe there’s time.

  “What time will everyone be here?” I asked, unzipping his jeans slowly and snaking my hand inside. Only the thin cotton of his boxer briefs separated me from what I really wanted.

  Julian wrapped one hand around my neck and ran the fingers of his other hand across my collarbone, giving me chills. “Everyone’s here, but they can wait twenty more minutes,” he whispered sexily before he leaned in for a kiss.

  I dodged his parted lips and my overeager hand froze mid-stroke. “Everyone’s here?”

  “Yeah, but you don’t have to stop.” His fingertips came in contact with my hard nipples before he palmed my heavy breasts. “They can wait.”

  He tried to kiss me again and I swatted him away as I removed my hand from his pants and reached for the doorknob. “Julian! I didn’t know everyone was here already!”

  He chuckled from deep in his belly at my panic and even though I wanted to narrow my eyes at him, his laugh spread warmth through me.

  I could feel the confusion on my face as he continued to look at me in total amusement. “Even Lenny is here?”

  “Even Lenny is here.”

  “I haven’t seen my best friends in forever and I’m being a terrible host! I thought just your boys were down there.” I threw my hands up in the air in mock frustration. “You can’t come up here looking like that and seduce me when we have a house full of guests!”

  He made his way to the mirror and adjusted himself. “I seduced you? You were the one waving that ass around. You know how I can’t resist it.”

  I eyed him. “And you know I can’t resist you.”

  His dark denim jeans, plain white t-shirt, and fitted grey blazer looked incredible on him.

  Julian was undeniably sexy. From the way he moved to the way he spoke to the way he dressed, Julian managed to make everything he did call out to my mind, my body, and my soul. On top of that, the clothing he chose to adorn his magnificent body always looked like it was custom made just for him.

  Well the blazer was custom made just for him, but still.

  He adjusted the crotch of his jeans once more as he turned to face me. His grin stretched from ear to ear. “Well if you can’t resist me and I can’t resist you, maybe we should stop putting up a fight and give in to the feeling.”

  With a giggle, I picked up my clutch from the carpeted floor; I didn’t even realize how or when it had ended up there. “But,” I paused, letting the clenching feeling deep in my core pass. “They’re waiting on us.” I sounded breathy and unsure…and completely horny. I ripped my eyes from his lips and tried to look more convincing than I sounded.

  Yep. Saved it.

  I gave myself a mental high-five until Julian licked his lips as if he heard the hesitation in my voice.

  I swallowed hard.

  Without warning, Julian lurched toward me and I squealed before attempting to take off running out the door. As soon as the door opened, the music thumping through the house greeted me. Julian grabbed me from behind, pulling me into his body, my back to his front. He had one hand splayed across my belly and one over my heart.

  “Don’t run. I don’t want you to slip and fall.” His lips skated across the back of my neck before landing right behind my ear. He kissed and nibbled on my skin for a second before he added with his voice lowered, “I don’t want anything to happen to you or our baby.”

  I melted. He made my heart swell.

  “I got you.” Julian lifted me and held me steady until I could get back on my feet. “You okay?”’

  I looked back at him. “I was swooning.”

  He laughed loudly, smacking me on my ass as he let me go.

  “I love you,” I said, intertwining my hand with his. I looked at him, attempting to have a serious moment as he continued to be entertained by my swoon. “And I love that you said that, because I am so enamored with…our poem.” I stretched out the word ‘poem’ hoping Julian would understand that I was using it as code for ‘baby’.

  “Poem?” Julian questioned, his brows furrowed as we descended the staircase.

  Come on, love. You did not have that much to drink.

  I touched my belly. “Our poem.”

  His eyes widened. “Oh!” He nodded as he grinned at me. “I like that.”

  “I was worried you weren’t on the same page as me.”

  “Well, counselor, in my defense, this is the first time you’ve ever referred to our…poem as a poem.”

  I poked him in his side as we landed on the first floor of the house. “Or Scott must be playing bartender because he always makes the drinks extra strong.”

  “Speaking of extra strong drinks, how are you going to distract from the fact that you’re not drinking?”

  “I’ll just say I can’t afford the empty calories.” I winked. “See, I have a plan.”

  “Oh speaking of a plan, the honeymoon is planned and booked.”

  All the air left my lungs as I stopped on the bottom step. My heart pounded. “What?”

  “You’ve been busy looking for dresses and giving ideas to the wedding planner so I wanted to do something for you—well, for us.” His eyes were full of excitement and his smile was boyish. He closed the gap between us, teasing, “Don’t you want to know where we’re going?”

  With him on the marble landing and me on the last step, I was eye to eye with the love of my life. The love I felt for him was reflected back to me through his eyes and the apprehension I was feeling was forced down, out of my consciousness.

  “Where are we going?” I whispered.

  “Italy. A few days in Venice, a few days in Rome, and finally we will spend the rest of the time relaxing at Lake Como.”

  Maybe it was the alcohol, but he was beaming and I could tell he was thrilled. His energy was infectious.

  “That sounds amazing, Julian! Thank you.” I threw my arms around his neck and he held me close, nuzzling my hair.

  “Anything for you. Thank you for accepting my proposal.”

  I pulled away from him slightly so I could look into his eyes again. “Thank you for proposing. Becoming your wife is an honor.”

  I wasn’t surprised by the sweetness of him planning our honeymoon, but I was just a little surprised he didn’t remember I had to return to work by January third.

  Our lips met softly, lovingly before I ended it in a series of pecks. I stepped down onto the landing and looked up at him. “That trip sounds amazing, but I have to be back at work soon after the wedding.”

  “No, you don’t,” Julian replied distractedly as we walked toward the music. “If they won’t let you take the time off, fuck them.”

  I stopped, my mouth dipping into a slight frown. “What do you mean?”

  “You don’t have to go back. You don’t have to work. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.” He cupped my face and gazed into my eyes. “You’re about to be my wife and you’re having my baby. I’m always going to take care of you and make sure you’re okay.”

  He’s drunk…or at least tipsy. He’s not implying that I… I shook my head, unable to finish the thought. He’s tipsy.

  The nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach was de
finitely there, but the look he gave me soothed me until I forgot about it.

  He brought his lips so close to mine that if I moved at all, we’d kiss. The electricity between us was palpable and I felt myself succumbing to my feelings. I knew I’d have to talk to him about what was bothering me, but I couldn’t do it right then.

  Our friends are here… He’s been drinking… And I don’t want to. Not right now. I just want to stay in this moment.

  Having Julian so close made it hard to think straight, let alone have a coherent conversation that strictly followed logic and went against what my heart wanted me to do. Inhaling his scent, feeling his touch, and staring into his eyes rendered me powerless. In general, I knew I had to tell him that I’d worked too hard and too long to just abandon my goals to solely be a wife and mother. In actuality, I knew that over the last two weeks creating and cultivating our family had somehow become the most important thing to me. If Julian asked me to choose between being his wife and taking care of our child or pursuing the goals I’d had since I was a little girl, I would choose our family.

  And that scares the shit out of me.

  Julian’s lips came in contact with mine and the fear, anxiety, and nerves that sat heavy in the pit of my stomach dissipated. All I felt was love, hope, devotion, and commitment as my heart thudded in my chest and my skin tingled.

  “I love you,” I murmured against his sweet lips.

  Before Julian could respond, I heard my best friend before I saw her.

  “Zoe Elise Jordan!” Koko screamed loudly over the music.

  Julian and I backed away from each other and I grinned. “Kumiko Liane Green!” I yelled back as she came barreling toward me.

  With her long, jet black hair mostly streaked with teal framing her heart-shaped face, Koko looked amazing. Her makeup was impeccable, highlighting her porcelain complexion and she wore a short black dress with thigh-high black boots.

  Julian let my hand go as soon as it was clear Koko was not slowing down. My eyebrows flew up as she threw her arms around me at a solid five miles per hour.

  “I’ve missed you so much!” Her squeal mixed with her laugh, amusing me. “And you look hot!”

  I giddily returned, “So do you and I’ve missed you too! This is the longest we’ve gone without seeing each other.”

  “We’ve never been apart for this long. It’s been what? Six weeks? Seven?” She let me go and stepped back to look at me. “You look good. You look the same.”

  I knew she meant I wasn’t showing and I nodded. “We have to figure out how we can fix our schedules so we can see each other more often. We’ve been so busy lately.”

  “Yeah, I know what you have been busy doing.” She cut her eyes to Julian before thrusting her slim hips against me repeatedly.

  The pointed look she gave Julian was hysterical.

  Julian and I cracked up. I tossed my head back and with my eyes closed and I felt carefree and a little sentimental. I’d missed her so much. Going almost seven weeks without seeing the person who had been there for me my entire adulthood and who I’d lived with since I moving to California was rough.

  During the break between the first and second sessions of The One, Koko showed up to my office with dinner. That was the night I discovered the break in the case. I told her the next day on the phone that it was due to her mom’s home-cooked stir-fry and yakitori.

  “Are we humping Zoe now? Is that how we’re saying hello?” Lennon asked as she walked up on us.

  Throwing open my arms, I embraced my former coworker that I hadn’t seen in months. “Lenny!” I took a step back. “You look gorgeous.”

  Lenny’s shoulder-length auburn hair had so much body as she sashayed and spun in a circle. Her black pencil skirt on her full figure gave her a sexy pinup look. She wore a red cropped top that was both low cut and managed to show off a small section of skin right below the breasts. The glow of her honey-toned skin combined with her signature winged eyeliner and bright red lipstick just added to her overall beauty and style.

  “Thank you, thank you.” Lenny grinned. “And you, you are stunning. Turn around, let me see you.”

  As if I was a runway model or at a fashion show, I took a few steps and then posed before turning and posing again.

  “Yasss, honey!” Lenny cheered. She looked at Julian with a quirked eyebrow. “If I were you, I would marry this one before we get to the club. Someone is going to try to take her.”

  “Right,” Koko added, tilting her head to the side, assessing my outfit. “You look flawless and your ass is going to inspire a few rap songs tonight.”

  Julian ambled over to me, a sexy smile on his face. His eyes were bright with adoration as he winked at me before looking at my friends. “I’m a lucky man.” He planted a soft kiss on my lips and with his back to them and his eyes on me, he told them, “She’s mine, and I’m lucky to have her. I’m not worried about anyone taking what’s mine.”

  The feminist in me would’ve cringed at the reference to ownership if my panties weren’t completely soaked.

  Well damn… I exhaled.

  Julian placed another sexy but swift kiss against my lips and then took a step back. Leaving me speechless and a little breathless, he turned and walked toward the music, leaving me alone in the foyer with two of my closest friends.

  I stared wide eyed as he turned the corner, I couldn’t deny the truth in it.

  I was his. I had never given myself as completely to anyone and I didn’t think it was possible to love someone as fully as I did. My mind was consumed with thoughts of him. My heart was full of love for him. My body only called out for him. As much as I hated the terminology, it was true. I was his in every way.

  “Zoe…” Koko’s voice had a hint of exasperation as if she’d been calling my name for a while.

  I shook my head and snapped out of it. I looked at them and we all started laughing at the same time.

  “I’m a stone cold bitch and even I was a little into that,” Lenny joked, putting her hand on her hip. “And to think I wanted to fix you up on a blind date with my cousin.”

  The music from the living room happened to turn off at the same time Koko laughed at Lennon’s statement. Her gasping giggles were high-pitched and shrill and somehow managed to echo throughout the house. It didn’t take long for me and Lenny to start laughing with her.

  “Zoe!” Keisha greeted me as she sauntered over to me, leaving Omar and Scott salivating behind her.

  My jaw dropped. With rich brown skin and large almond shaped eyes, Keisha had always been a gorgeous woman. She had a permanent glow about her that radiated through her pores. Over the last few years, with our strict study schedules and then crazy work schedules, Keisha and I never went out to a club or lounge together. Even in our undergraduate years, Keisha didn’t ever want to go to the club because she opted to study so seeing Keisha in club attire was shocking.

  “Keisha, you look hot!” I exclaimed, forgoing a proper greeting. We embraced. “I mean, really hot.”

  Wearing tight black cigarette pants and a black and sheer cropped corset, Keisha was definitely bringing sex appeal.

  “I needed a night out so I went shopping and…here we are.”

  I looked her up and down and then looked at Koko and Lenny. “Are you guys seeing this?” I gestured to her curvy body that was scantily clad. “Our little girl is growing up.”

  My friends laughed.

  “I was shocked she didn’t come in here with one of her power suits,” Koko chimed in.

  We all laughed hysterically as she pointed to Scott. He was holding the jacket that matched her pants.

  Keisha was a professional and while I prided myself on my business attire and professionalism, I liked to toe the line and let my personality shine through my clothes. Keisha kept it traditional and owned a ridiculous amount of pantsuits. They looked good on her and fit her body well, but it seemed like every single picture of her that would float down our newsfeed on the rare occasion she’d pos
t on social media was of her in a pantsuit.

  I greeted Julian’s best friends and then took a step back and looked around at our bridal party.

  This is a good-looking bunch of bridesmaids and groomsmen.

  I hugged Scott first because he was closest. With olive skin, hazel eyes, and short brown hair, Scott looked like he was a model for one of those name brand clothing stores where rich teens shopped. He had a charming, easy going smile and gave off a friendly, good guy vibe.

  Next, I hugged James, the quintessential bad boy of the group. He had that sexy, bad boy look which he used to his advantage for the women who were into that sort of thing. Even though he looked the part, he was really a good guy. He had dark brown shoulder-length hair that he kept pulled back into a bun. He had a beard, mustache combo that added to his allure and gave him a mysterious vibe. His skin was the color of desert sand and his voice was deep, yet soft, especially when he spoke Farsi.

  Last, but not least, I hugged Omar. Julian had grown up with him so out of the three, Omar was his best friend. He was the epitome of tall, dark and handsome. He had black hair that was cut close and he was always clean shaven when I saw him. His chocolate brown eyes and dark caramel skin tone added to why he was strikingly handsome.

  They were all tall, and very attractive, each with a very unique style, but tonight all of them were wearing their own spin on pretty much the same outfit.

  I’d never tell them that though. I wouldn’t hear the end of it.

  “Are we finally ready?” I asked jokingly since I was the reason we were late.

  Groans and laughter mixed as we streamed out the door and all the way down the driveway. After passing through the gate, we piled into the spacious stretch Hummer limousine. Once we’d gotten on the highway, I passed a bottle of champagne around as I took a bottle of water.

  “I’d like to make a toast,” I started, lifting my water bottle up.

  “With water?” Omar asked skeptically.

  “Empty calories. I have a wedding dress to squeeze into.”

  They hooted and hollered as I tried not to laugh. I waited until everyone finished their cheers and joined me in the toast.

  “First and foremost, to Julian who proposed to me two weeks ago today, I love you with every fiber of my being.”


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