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Ladies of Deception 02 - Misleading Lord Martineau

Page 7

by Ginny Hartman

  Elliot answered for him, “When he was trying to get out of marrying you actually.”

  Hope gave her husband a frosty glare to which he quickly responded, “It wasn’t like that at all. I had thoughts of fleeing to America after I had won Noelle’s hand in marriage in a game of piquet.” He took Hope’s hand in his, raising it to his mouth and giving it a gentle kiss. “I hadn’t even met you yet, or Noelle for that matter, I was just feeling uncertain about marrying a girl I didn’t even know. The thought of going to America sounded more tempting than that fate I can assure you.”

  “What made you decided to stay and face your fate?” she asked him, curious about this part of the story she had never heard.

  “Elliot actually, he convinced me it was better to face up to my problems than to flee.” Turning back to Elliot he said, “Wouldn’t you agree that was sage advice you gave me?”

  Elliot gestured towards the couple with his hand, “Apparently you have me to thank for your happy union. In your case it’s apparent that it was to your advantage to stay. We’re in different positions though and I think it’s in my best interest if I go.”

  Pierce stared at him long and hard before speaking. “Well as much as I hate to say it, you are a grown man and fully capable of making your own decisions. Though I disagree with the rashness of your plan there’s nothing I can do to dissuade you from going. Maybe Hope and I will come visit you someday. We plan to pay her sister a visit in the future and could possibly see you then.”

  Elliot only nodded. Hope spoke up then to fill the silence that had settled over them. “You’re actually quite in luck Elliot, Soren is expected to sail into London any day now.”

  Elliot sat back and cocked one brow, “It seems a sign that this is all meant to be.” But though he said it with assurance, he couldn’t say that he felt completely confident in his decision and was once again pained at the reason behind his leaving. He would have to put Felicity from his life and heart forever and he wasn’t sure if it could be done.

  Following dinner, the men retired to the study for port. Once they were behind closed doors, Pierce didn’t waste any time probing Elliot for answers. “Now that it’s just the two of us I demand you tell me what’s going on, and don’t try to hide anything from me, I know you better than you think.”

  Elliot took his glass of port and sat lazily on the arm of the leather couch. “If you know me so well than you’ll know that I’m likely to do whatever I want whenever I want, simple as that. I got a wild hair to go to America so that’s what I intend to do.”

  “I don’t believe you for one second. What are you hiding?”

  “Nothing. Quit trying to complicate things with your overanalyzing.”

  “Please tell me this has nothing to do with a girl. You haven’t been dallying with a married woman have you? Tell me you’re not trying to flee an angry husband; is that what this is all about?”

  Elliot cringed, “Heaven’s no! I’m glad to see you think so highly of me.”

  “But it has something to do with a girl, right?” Pierce eyed Elliot shrewdly and watched as he averted his gaze and squirmed in his seat. “I knew it! You haven’t acted this irrational since—”

  Elliot sprung to his feet, every nerve in his body taut, “When will you quit referencing everything back to Felicity’s disappearance?”

  “When you finally get over her, that’s when.”

  “Well you’ve figured me out, that’s the real reason I’m going to America. It’s a desperate attempt to get over her once and for all.”

  Pierce shrugged out of his jacket and placed it on the back of his chair. “But why now man? Why didn’t you do it four years ago? Can’t you just find a lovely young girl in London to marry so you can finally move on with your life? Do you really have to move thousands of miles away to get over Felicity?”

  Elliot gulped down the last swallow of port before setting the empty glass on Pierce’s desk and sprawling out face up on the leather couch. He stared at the wood beamed ceiling above in thoughtful reflection before he answered Pierce. “Felicity’s back in London.”

  Pierce spit out the mouthful of port he had just drunk. “What?”

  Elliot felt weary as he rubbed his tired eyes before explaining. “She’s back and she’s posing as the Marchioness Davenport, a widow.”

  “How come you never told me?”

  “I’m telling you now. I confronted her about her guise and she refused to admit who she was.”

  Pierce took a handkerchief out of his pocket and began wiping up the port he had spewed over his desk. “What makes you so sure that it’s Felicity then?”

  “All it took was one look, I’d know that face anywhere.”

  “Are you sure, I mean is it possible that it’s just someone who remarkably resembles her?”

  “I’m positive. I finally got her to admit that it was her, though why she’s pretending to be somebody she’s not is still beyond me.”

  “Is it possible that she really is the Marchioness Davenport?”

  Elliot shrugged. “Anything’s possible I suppose. She never did explain all of that to me.”

  “Where has she been all of this time? What happened to her?” Pierce was firing off questions, anxious for answers.

  “I don’t rightfully know the answers about that either,” Elliot admitted dejectedly.

  “Then what do you know?” Pierce was getting frustrated by the lack of information Elliot was sharing.

  Elliot swung his legs over the side of the couch and sat up, looking at Pierce pointedly as he spoke, “I know that she doesn’t want anything to do with me,” he said, his voice getting louder with every word. “I know that she doesn’t love me the way I love her and that I’ll most likely never have the answers I’ve been searching for. There, now you know why I’m going to America, because I can’t stay here and see her and not be able to have her. I’ll never get over her if I stay.”

  Pierce felt like he had been stabbed in the heart. He knew firsthand how Elliot’s whole heart had been invested in Felicity, the love of his life. He had put his life on hold these last four years; first searching hopelessly for her and then biding his time, refusing to move on and settle for a love that would be less majestic than the love he had already experienced. After all these years to have her back in his life and to have her reject him so harshly would certainly be like living a nightmare. Pierce could only imagine how he’d feel if Hope had done that to him. He’d be broken.

  Broken. That’s exactly what Elliot was and in light of recent events, Pierce could feel nothing but sympathy for his oldest and closest friend. “I agree,” he finally conceded. “You need to go to America.”


  Elliot felt emotionally drained by the time he finally left Pierce’s townhouse. He heaved a long, weary sigh as he lowered himself onto the seat in his carriage. When his eyes finally adjusted to the darkness he nearly jumped out of his skin as he noticed somebody sitting opposite him.

  Clasping his hand to his heart he said irritably, “What are you doing Miss Ogglesby? Shouldn’t you be in bed by now?”

  He watched as she nervously twisted the ties of her cloak. “I had to talk to you, please just promise me that you’ll hear me out.”

  “We have nothing to say to one another. I insist you get back in there before somebody realizes you are missing.”

  Elliot’s gruff manner rankled Miss Ogglesby but it wasn’t enough to discourage her from her purpose. Ignoring his commands that she go back in the house, she instead leaned forward and spoke in a loud whisper, “You’ve got to let me come with you.”

  Elliot looked at her appalled, “There is absolutely no way that I’m letting you come with me. You can’t come to my house at this time of night, it’s highly improper.” For the first time he noticed the small satchel sitting on the seat next to her and he cringed—she was serious about leaving with him!

  “I’m not talking about tonight, I’m talking about when you leave for Ameri

  “There’s absolutely no way that I’m letting you come with me.” Elliot repeated his earlier refusal, still utterly shocked that she thought he would take her request seriously.

  “Lord Martineau, you don’t understand. There’s nothing for me here in London, and as you’ve pointed out multiple times yourself, I’m not very good at being a lady. I don’t belong in society.”

  “You’re mistaken, I never said that.”

  Miss Ogglesby smiled sadly. “Maybe not directly but you’ve implied it enough, always reminding me of my lack of manners. I’m not cut out for all these rules society inflicts upon young women. I don’t understand what’s so appalling about me wanting to ask a gentleman to dance, or feeling the need to get out once in awhile without the constant supervision of a lady’s maid.”

  “It’s just the way things are. I’m sorry that I may have been too harsh on you but with time you will learn all that you need to know to fit in comfortably with the ton.”

  “No,” Miss Ogglesby said bluntly, not bothering with an explanation, for she was sure he wouldn’t listen to one anyway.

  Taken aback Elliot glared at her, hoping to intimidate her. When he realized she wasn’t going to back down he said, “I know that going to America may sound like a grand adventure, but it’ll be a completely different way of life than what you are accustomed to. Besides, it wouldn’t be proper for us to travel together unwed on such a journey and…”

  Before he could finish she cut him off, exclaiming animatedly, “Marry me then.”

  Elliot couldn’t believe his ears. He choked and sputtered before he could finally form a coherent response. “With all due respect, that is not an option.”

  “Why not?” she asked innocently.

  “Please do not make me list off the many reasons why that isn’t an option, just know that it isn’t.”

  Miss Ogglesby’s face fell but she wasn’t ready to give up. “I don’t understand why we can’t help one another out. I’m sick of being trapped, of being forced to live a life based on petty rules and endless restrictions. I want to go somewhere where I can make my own rules, live my own life.”

  “Marrying me would not grant you the freedom you seek,” Elliot pointed out. “Besides getting you to America, you’d then be forced to follow me wherever I go, to set up house and eventually have a family. You wouldn’t be free to run wild pursuing whatever interests strike your fancy.”

  Miss Ogglesby slumped back in the seat. “I hadn’t thought of that,” she whispered solemnly.

  “Clearly.” Elliot observed dryly. “Look, if I thought your idea wise I might consider assisting you, but I can tell you that it is only foolishness. You may not be able to see the big picture now, but with time you will come to realize that your place is here, in England. You will find a young man soon enough who will fall in love with who you are, faults and all, and start off on the biggest adventure of your life. Just be patient.” It felt out of character to be offering someone advice, it felt much too mature for Elliot and suddenly he felt even more exhausted. “You better get back inside before somebody starts to worry.”

  “Well if you won’t help me, I’ll just have to find somebody who will.” Miss Ogglesby snatched her satchel off the seat and made to leave the carriage but Elliot grabbed her arm and spun her around.

  “You can’t mean that.”

  Smiling at him impishly she replied, “Oh but I do.”

  Before Elliot had the chance to try to talk some sense into her, she had alighted from the carriage and was rushing up the walk towards the house.

  Chapter 10

  Saturday April 23rd, 1814

  It was the second day in a row that Elliot had been to the docks anticipating the arrival of Soren Johanssen’s ship. Hope had told him that Soren was expected any day and he hadn’t wanted to risk missing him. He had come first thing in the morning both days, eagerly hoping to speak with him and make arrangements to sail off into his new life. He quickly scanned the vessels that were docked hoping to see an American ship in port.

  When his eyes rested on a new ship christened Lady Noelle he knew he must’ve found the right one. He got as near to the ship as he could and waited anxiously for the passengers to begin disembarking. It wasn’t hard to identify Soren as he walked down the gangplank towards where Elliot was waiting. Though his memories of the man were foggy, there was no mistaking the woman on his arm; she was the exact replica of Hope.

  As the couple neared he stepped towards them causing them to halt. Lady Noelle looked puzzled before recognition set in causing her expression to become one of disdain. Elliot felt a pang of guilt as he remembered the last and only time he had spoken with the girl. Pierce had been set to marry her when she had decided to up and run off to America with Soren, leaving her lady’s maid, Hope, behind to take her place and marry the duke instead.

  Everyone had been fooled by the scheme and eventually Pierce and Hope had fallen in love. When Lady Noelle had been mistakenly informed that Soren had been killed in a fight one night at the docks, she had come back to take her place and marry the duke as originally planned. Nobody could explain her sudden mood change and disinterest in Pierce and Elliot had taken it upon himself to inform her of his resentment at the way she was treating his friend. The conversation had not been a pleasant one and he regretted that now that he was there to ask a favor of her husband.

  He quickly bowed before her and said sincerely, “Lady Noelle, I must beg your forgiveness.”

  Soren looked down at his wife on his arm. Smiling he said, “Darling, whatever does this gentleman mean?”

  Noelle bristled. “Soren, this is a friend of the Duke of Kerrington, you may remember meeting him at Hope’s wedding. Anyway, the last time we spoke he was horribly rude to me.”

  Soren turned questioning eyes on Elliot. “I’m sure there’s a reasonable explanation.”

  Lady Noelle fanned herself with one hand, affecting an air of disinterest. “I suppose.”

  Elliot decided he didn’t much like the spoiled twit any more now than he did back then. Gritting his teeth he tried to ignore her immaturity. “I suppose I spoke out of line, but I hope you realize that my intent was only to protect my dear friend. Please accept my deepest apologies.”

  Lady Noelle stuck her bottom lip out in a pout before saying, “Oh I suppose we can let bygones be bygones. Now surely you didn’t arrange this meeting solely to seek my forgiveness, did you?”

  “I was actually hoping to speak with your husband about sailing to America.”

  Soren’s eyebrow rose in surprise, “Really? Why the interest in America?”

  Elliot shoved both hands into his pockets. “I’m actually looking for a change of scenery, a fresh start if you will, and I thought that America would be the perfect place to start. I was hoping that you might be able to accommodate my passage over to the continent as well as give me some information on what to expect once I’m there.”

  “I’m sure that can all be arranged, although we had anticipated spending some time in London before returning.”

  “I understand. Just let me know when you plan to set sail and I’ll be there. I have a few affairs to get in order but it shouldn’t take long.”

  “We are scheduled to sail in a fortnight,” Soren offered helpfully.

  “Excellent.” Elliot smiled, eagerly anticipating the newest adventure in his life, though suddenly a fortnight seemed not much time at all to prepare for such a drastic life change.

  They spoke for a moment longer, just long enough to make arrangements to meet up and discuss further travel plans and to see to all the details before Elliot bowed before Lady Noelle in departure then shook Soren’s hand, all the while thanking them profusely for being willing to assist him in his endeavors.


  Felicity pulled the light cloak snuggly around her body. It was early in the day but already the temperature was rising. She wished she could shrug the cloak off and let her skin breath but she knew she
had to stay as inconspicuous as possible. She fingered the diamond pendant in her pocket to insure it was still there.

  As she approached the docks she spotted a trio conversing politely and couldn’t resist watching. The man standing separately from the couple reminded her of Elliot. He had the same dark hair and confident stance. As she got closer her breath caught. It was Elliot! And he looked happy. She suddenly felt irritated at seeing him and with a smile on his face no less. There was some part hidden inside of her that hoped he was as miserable as her. Clearly he wasn’t as heartbroken at her insistence that he stay out of her life as she thought he might be.

  She was never quite sure how to read Elliot—whenever she had expected him to act a certain way he always seemed to contradict her and leave her feeling confused and oftentimes hurt. She quickly averted her eyes and picked up her pace as she passed by the group, hoping to not draw any sort of attention to herself. The last thing she wanted to do was to talk to Elliot and have to explain her reasons for being in such a shady locale.

  As she wandered further and further away from Elliot her thoughts turned from him and settled on the task at hand. She had spent some time questioning the young lads who hung around the docks about a man who supposedly purchased valuable family heirlooms and other priceless artifacts while remaining discreet. He was noted to be fair in the price he paid while also keeping quiet about who he obtained his treasure from.

  At this point in her life, Felicity had been completely humbled, she had no pride left. All she knew was that if they were to keep surviving they needed money for food. She had been leery about selling the few family jewels that still remained in her possession. Not because they held any real sentimental value, but because since her father died and cut her out of his will completely, technically the jewels belonged to her cousin, her father’s heir, Clinton. She shuddered to think of what the consequences would be if he found out she had taken some of the prized pieces and was now selling them for money.

  Her fist was clamped tightly around the diamond pendant as she drew closer to the place she was supposed to find the man in question. She had reluctantly given one of the young lads her last shilling in exchange for informing this man of her interest in speaking with him. The boy had returned within minutes telling her that he would be willing to bargain with her the very next morning. She had been oddly relieved that he hadn’t insisted she come in the middle of the night which she had thought might happen. At least in the bright, early dawn of the morning she felt safe.


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