My Billionaire Boss

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My Billionaire Boss Page 18

by Gold, Bella

  Finally, Delia pulled away.

  “Okay,” she said. “I’m going to go now.”

  “Just call me,” Rosalyn said. “I won’t tell our parents. Not yet. Unless you’re dead.”

  Delia gave a half-hearted chuckle.

  “Funny,” she said. This time, Rosalyn walked her to the door.

  “You know what?” Rosalyn said, something different coming into her eyes. “I’ll give you a ride.”

  Chapter 4

  Delia took a deep breath.

  This was crazy.

  Now that she was sitting alone at the airport it was all hitting her all at once.

  She didn’t know where she was going. She didn’t know who this guy was. She didn’t even know if the house sitting site was legit!

  All she knew was that she had to get out of there. She needed a change.

  Delia sat at her gate. It was the first time she was sitting in first class. She could have gone to the airport lounge but she didn’t feel like she belonged there. She was just an unemployed black girl wearing leggings and oversized t-shirt. Maybe she should have dressed up for the plane. Was that something people did anymore?

  She pulled her phone out of her pocket.

  Marc Wang. It was an interesting name. Of course he was Asian but she wasn’t sure where he was from. She decided not to say that. She’d probably sound ignorant and then get fired on the spot.

  Could you get fired from a house sitting job? What were the duties anyway? Did you literally just sit there?

  Obviously, there was a lot Delia didn’t know about this opportunity.

  Then she got an idea. It should have come to mind from the beginning. She had a name.

  Delia typed Marc Wang into the Google app on her phone.

  There were a lot of Marc Wang’s. A lot more than she’d been anticipating. She narrowed down the choice to California. Then she scrolled, tapping on the links when she thought they were interesting.

  Finally, something caught her eye.

  Marc Wang, China’s newest billionaire, makes the move to California.

  Delia nearly spit out her drink.

  Did that say billionaire? It certainly did. And the article’s location matched the address on Marc’s ID.

  Whoa. No wonder Marc Wang had managed to put her on a first class flight cross country on less than 24 hours notices.

  When you’re a billionaire, ten thousand dollars for a weekend is nothing.

  Delia’s heart started to beat a little faster. She was beginning to understand how things worked now.

  She was dealing with some real money now. And he was Chinese. That was surprising to her. Over the phone, he sounded perfectly American.

  This situation was getting more interesting by the minute. Delia didn’t know if that was a good thing or not.

  The plane boarded soon enough. Delia wandered on the plane with the first group of people. It was an early morning flight full of important looking business men. And then there was Delia, still wearing her dumb outfit. Still, the flight attendant greeted her graciously with a smile and a choice of water, coffee or a mimosa.

  “Oh, mimosa,” Delia said. “Don’t mind if I do.”

  She was already enjoying a mimosa with a blanket wrapped around her body and a pillow behind her head while the people in coach were still boarding. That was a really nice feeling. She downed the mimosa in about two minutes so now she was just feeling relaxed and loose.

  Then her phone rang.

  It took her a moment to recognize the number. The memory kept flooding back all of a sudden.

  Delia bolted upright in her seat.

  It was Marc.

  The plane was still on the ground. She picked up the phone, hesitantly, pressing answer.

  “Hello?” She asked.

  “Hi, this is Marc Wang,” said the billionaire on the other end. She was seriously talking to a billionaire. Delia felt her heart pounding in her throat.

  “I just wanted to confirm that you’re on the plane,” Marc said.

  Delia chuckled, nervously. “Yeah, I’m here,” she said. “Wow, first class.”

  “Good,” Marc said. “See you in a few hours. I’ll have someone pick you up.”

  Then the phone was dead. Delia pulled her cellphone away from her ear and chuckled to herself.

  This was the craziest thing that had ever happened to her.

  The mimosa hit her harder than she thought. Then all of a sudden, she was asleep.

  Chapter 5


  Delia jolted away as soon as the plane's wheels touched down. The window was right there. She saw California, bright and wonderful, before her. Even though she was just at the airport she could see the palm trees and the smog in the blue sky.

  Totally Hollywood.

  It was easy getting off the plane when you were seated near the front. Delia’s bag seemed to have come off the carousel right towards the front. She took her bag and looked towards the doors that led straight to LA.

  She saw her name.

  A short man wearing a suit and a cap held up a sign. She walked over to him, feeling a bit dazed. This was like something she’d seen from the movies. She thought she was dreaming.

  “Delia?” The man said.

  “Hi,” Delia said. This couldn’t be Marc Wang? No, this was a Hispanic guy. She shook her head to clear out the cobwebs from sleeping on a plane cross country. Even in LA, it was still really early.

  “Hello, my name is Manuel,” the man said. “I’m Mr. Wang’s driver. He told me to pick you up. Welcome. Can I take your bag?”

  He took her suitcase before she could say much about it.

  “Thank you,” Delia said. She walked after him. “You work for… Mr. Wang?”

  “Yes.” Manuel nodded, leading her through the maze. She followed, looking around. LAX was such a big airport. She could get lost in here easily.

  “So what do you know about him?” Delia asked. This was the perfect opportunity to get the scoop. After all, she still didn’t really know what she was getting herself into when it came to this guy.

  “I know many things,” Manuel said. “Don’t worry. He’s a good guy This is your first time house sitting for him, yes? His usual woman had to go out of town unexpectedly. One thing I will say about him. He doesn’t like surprises. So we are grateful you could come on short notice.”

  Delia had so many more questions. What emergency? How often did he need a house sitter for? What exactly was a house sitter anyways?

  “Here we are,” Manuel said, after leading her to a sleek, black BMW.

  “You get to drive this?” Delia asked. “Not a bad job.”

  Manuel seemed to blush a bit as he put her bags in the trunk. Delia had to laugh. He opened the front door for her and she slipped inside.

  “You will enjoy house sitting,” Manuel said as he pulled out of the parking lot. “The house is a very nice place. It’s very safe and comfortable. You will see.”

  “This is crazy,” Delia admitted. “I’ve never done anything like this before. I mean, usually only white people do this kind of shit, like say, oh well, let me go stay at a stranger’s house thousands of miles away! I’m like in the bad part of a horror film.”

  Manuel stuttered out some laughter and she felt proud of herself. At least talking to him was making her feel more relaxed.

  Delia had read about LA traffic. Now she was living through it.

  “Rush hour,” Manuel explained. That made sense because it was still eight in the morning.

  The creeped along. Delia took the opportunity to look out of the window. She couldn’t see much from the highway but cars and more highways and the hint of buildings far away. Downtown LA was in the distance. They continued driving on until Manuel finally took an exit. Manuel cruised them down the streets. Delia gasped when she saw a familiar sign.

  “90210!” She exclaimed. Welcome to Beverly Hills was a sign already in the distance.

  “Yes, he lives here,”
Manuel said.

  They drove off the main street onto the side street, twisty streets that went up into the hills. It seemed like everything was purposely complicated and hidden.

  Finally, they rolled up into a driveway. There was a gate. Manuel punched in the code. The gate lifted and he drove them up to the front of a massive house.

  Delia gasped.

  This wasn’t a house. It was a mansion. And it wasn’t one of those McMansions in the suburbs. This was a real one. This was what they showed on TV, only they could never show this side of it. This entire view. It was bigger than any film crew. It was like living in an episode of Entourage, only this was real life. This was someone’s home. The house seemed to live in a zip code of it’s own. Maybe 90211. It was wide, it was deep, it seemed to have a million stories. Delia couldn’t watch that house if she tried. She couldn’t even look at it. There was too much house for her eyes.

  This time, Delia gulped.

  What was she doing here?

  “Whoa,” She said. There really wasn’t another word for how she was feeling at the moment.

  “Big, huh?” Manuel asked. “I’ll show you where you are going.”

  Delia got out of the car. It even smelled different. This was the smell of money. It was rich and strong and earthy. Then Delia noticed some men doing some mulching a little ways away from her, in the massive yard.

  Manuel had her bag again. He didn’t lead her through the massive front door. Instead they went through a smaller door on the side. They walked into a kitchen. Delia wrinkled her nose.

  She hoped no one expected her to cook. They would be highly disappointed.

  “This way,” Manuel said. They continued walking. The ceilings were so high, it seemed like a plane could land in this house. They went up a staircase.

  “We’re in the west wing,” Manual said. “There’s the west and east wing. Most of the staff stays in the west wing.”

  “There’s staff?” Delia said. “I’m staff?” Wow. She had never thought of herself with that big of a role. She thought she’d be sitting in front of a TV and that was it.

  “Yes,” Manuel said. “Mr. Wang left the house rules in your room.”

  They turned another couple of corners. Then Manuel was opening a door. Delia had to stifle yet another gasp.

  The room was massive and the bed seemed ever bigger. She had an excellent view of the Hollywood sign from her room.

  “Is this for real?” Delia said in disbelief. “What is going on?”

  “It’s real,” Manuel said, a matter-of-factly. “You will be staying here. The rules are over there.”

  He pointed to the elegant desk in the room. There was a three ring binder there, waiting for her.

  “Please review,” Manuel said. “Mr. Wang has left on business. You will now be in charge. The book will tell you all of your duties. All of the other staff are off this weekend so you will be here completely alone. Do you have any questions for now?”

  “Yeah,” Delia said. “You’re seriously going to leave me here, in charge of everything? That just seems sort of crazy.”

  Manuel gave her an amused look. “Well, Mr. Wang has checked your background extensively. He must see something he likes. I am not worried. If you need anything, there are instructions in the book.”

  Delia waved as Manuel let himself out.

  Then she jumped on the bed, flopping down and giving a little squeal of delight. This was crazy.

  She called Rosalyn.

  “Are you there?” Her sister asked.

  “I am in a crazy massive house!” Delia reported. “He’s a billionaire. This guy is the real thing. He is loaded. Like, he’s got stacks for days. You should see this house. It’s crazy!”

  “I’m just happy nothing has happened to you,” Rosalyn said.

  “Don’t worry. This guy is totally legit,” Delia said. “I’m really going to enjoy looking after his house. The first thing I’m going to do is run around naked.”

  “You’d better not!” Rosalyn exclaimed. Delia laughed.

  But she wasn’t joking.

  Chapter 6

  Delia didn’t bother with the book.

  At least, not for now. She needed to go exploring.

  In the nude.

  See, one thing Delia never got to do at her sister’s house was simply enjoy herself in her own skin. Delia was a fan of being in the nude. She couldn’t help it. She loved her body. Her dark skin, her full breasts, small waist and pert ass. That was the part of her body she liked the most. She remembered one guy said he wanted to take a bite out it like an apple. Honestly, she was about to let him before he turned out to be just another wannabe gangsta jerk.

  Delia could be so tired of men sometimes.

  But she didn’t have to worry about it now. The house was empty. It was hers to explore.

  This was her first taste of freedom in a long time.

  “I’m so glad I came here,” Delia muttered to herself as she slipped off her shirt.

  The house was the perfect temperature. It wasn’t warm but it wasn’t too cold with air conditioning either. Her nipples were hard once her breasts were bared, but it was in a sexy way, not a painful way. She folded up the leggings on the bed along with her shirt.

  She hadn’t been wearing any underwear. That was just her secret.

  Delia kept her socks on. Everything was hardwood floor and her feet were sensitive. Delia spun around in her room, her socks slippery on the smooth, waxed floors.

  Yes, she was going to have a lot of fun here.

  It didn’t take long until Delia found a stereo. Well, it was more than a stereo. It was a state of the art sound system. It looked like a control system that belonged in a Boeing 747. There were so many buttons and lights and options. The thing that gave it away was the sound bar on the bottom of it all. At least she could recognize that. She found a remote and began pressing buttons. Sure enough, she was able to turn it on. She found the radio and began switching stations. A strong hip-hop beat blasted out of the speakers and she squealed. This was one of her favorite songs.

  Delia slid away from the stereo in her socks and shook her hips.

  “Awwww yeah!” She said to herself.

  By this time she’d explored most of the house. It was massive. Rooms on rooms on rooms, all of them elegant and beautiful and mostly untouched. She wondered what Marc did here. It didn’t look like he lived in it. There was one hallway blocked off by a large barn door. She tried the door. It was locked.

  The main kitchen was stocked with food and most importantly booze. Delia didn’t touch it yet. Instead, she felt like dancing.

  So she did, moving around the room, shaking her hips, twerking her ample ass. It had been a long time since she felt so free. She ran her fingers through her fro and shook it out. She felt her breasts bouncing as she skipped around. She put her palms on the wall and pretended it was a hot sexy man underneath her.

  It had been a while since that happened she thought.

  The song had a deep resonating bass and she was feeling sexy. She swiveled her hips in a slow circle and rolled them forward to the beat. She imagined them moving together on a crowded dance floor in a hip club with dozens of people crowding around them. But even with all the noise, a lot of eyes would be on her. And the man would feel it too.

  His hands were all over her. They were moving together in tandem to the beat. When she moved forward, he moved back. And then his hips would thrust towards her and all of it was just a preview of what was yet to come.

  She imagined the man whispering in her ear. Turn around.

  Delia turned slowly, now imagining her ass grinding against his crotch. She twerked her ass lightly in the air, her imaginary man behind her. Then she slowly wound her way to the ground, moving her hips side to side and then up and down as she got lower, bending over to give the man to complete experience. As the beat pounded harder, she took her moves to the next level. She was breathing hard, grunting to the beat as she danced in a way th
at was probably more suitable to the strip club than the actual club.

  Then she heard someone clearing their throat.

  Delia jumped. Actually jumped straight in the air like she was Michael Jordan. Then she came straight down. And she slipped in those slippery socks.


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