My Billionaire Boss

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My Billionaire Boss Page 19

by Gold, Bella

  She fell face forward on the floor.

  Chapter 7

  It sounded like an actual splat, actually the sound of bare skin on the wooden floor. Delia didn't even have time to gasp. The wind was knocked straight out of her. She laid there, breasts flattened, ass in the air. For a moment, she wasn’t even sure if she could move.

  “Oh wow,” a voice said. It was a man. “I’m so sorry. Are you okay?”

  Delia had her eyes closed. She was waiting for the pain to come but it hadn’t hit her yet. She felt like she was in shock.

  “I didn’t mean to scare you like that. Can I help you up? Can you move?”

  A hand entered her field of vision. Finally, Delia could take a breath. She sat up and gasped.

  She looked up at Marc Wang, crouching before her, with his hand outstretched towards her.

  She was horrified.

  “Oh my God,” she said. “I am so-- sorry.”

  Marc gave her a small smile, although he was slightly red faced.

  “‘I’m Marc,” he explained, though he needed no introduction. She would recognize that face anywhere.

  “Oh my God,” Delia said, again. “I’m usually not like this.”

  She wasn’t quite sure what she meant. She usually wasn’t clumsy enough to fall on the floor or she didn’t usually dance around the house naked.

  Because both of those statements were false.

  “Don’t worry about it.” Marc seemed to be keeping it professional. “But are you okay?”

  She was going to feel it for sure, but for now the humiliation was all the pain killer she needed. Delia nodded. She tried to push herself up. Then she realized she was naked again. She wrapped her arms over her breasts and stared at him. She wasn’t sure what to do.

  She couldn’t help a thought from popping into her mind. She hoped he liked what he saw.

  “Let me get you a blanket,” Marc said, like he could read her mind. Delia say with her legs tucked tightly underneath her, arms over her breasts, until Marc came back with a blanket and handed it over.

  “You should be more comfortable now,” he said.

  “Thank you,” Delia muttered. “I am so sorry.”

  “It’s interesting meeting you like this,” Marc said. This time his smile was much more genuine. “At the very least.”

  “I am really embarrassed,” Delia murmured. She got the blanket around her and managed to stand up. She let out a gasp of pain. It didn’t hurt like that until she stood up. Then she looked down.

  Blood trickled down her shin.

  “Oh,” she said. Marc looked down and blinked.

  “It’s okay.” He said.

  “Yeah, it’s okay.” But Delia was starting to feel light-headed. She never did do well with blood. Her eyes started to close on their own. Then she felt herself being scooped up into someone’s arms.

  Her eyes shot open again.

  Marc was carrying her, bridal style. They went down that hallway with the locked door. This time, Marc unlocked it.

  It opened into a huge room.

  Almost all of the walls were windows. They overlooked the grounds, the tennis court and the swimming pool, the palm trees and the green grass. The view of the Hollywood sign was better here. The sky was brighter even, the smog nowhere to be seen.

  Immediately, Delia knew that this was his room.

  “I’m--” Delia started, but Marc laid her on the bed. She made sure the blanket was tucked underneath her. She didn’t want to get blood anywhere.

  “Hold on,” Marc said.

  He disappeared into another corner of the room.

  Delia laid back, her heart beating hard. This was unreal. One moment she was in her sister’s house, the next she was in a billionaire’s bedroom. Billionaire. And she was bleeding all over the place. Get a hold of yourself she thought.

  Marc came back a few moments later with a first aid kit.

  “You really skinned your knee,” he said. “It used to happen to me all the time as a kid.”

  “While you were dancing naked?” Delia asked, with a wry grin. Marc gave her an amused look. She sat up to finally assess her wound. Her knee was a bloody, skinned up mess.

  “Damn,” she said. “That’s gross.”

  Marc laughed gently. Then he carefully wiped at the wound with a gauze pad. Delia hissed and tried not to wiggle.

  “I’m not too good with pain,” she warned him.

  “Don’t worry,” Marc said. “I’ll be gentle.”

  Delia smiled. In any other circumstances, this would be considered flirting. But they weren’t in any regular circumstances right now.

  She wiggled her toes as Marc continued to clean her wound. After he blotted up most of the blood, he sprayed antibacterial spray on it. Delia sucked in her breath at the sting.

  “Oh fuck,” she murmured. “Shit, sorry. I know that’s unprofessional.”

  “So is dancing around naked,” Marc said.

  Delia’s mouth dropped open. She felt horrified once again. But when she finally peeked at Marc again it was clear he was merely joking. Delia barked out a relieved laugh and reached out to swat at his arm.

  “Please!” She said. “You were supposed to be away, remember?”

  “And you were supposed to read the manual,” Marc reminded her. “I guess that you didn’t.”

  Of course, that part was obvious but Delia didn’t want to admit it.

  “I wrote that I would be in to meet you around this time,” Marc said. “I don’t like to leave my home with just anyone, even if they do have a clean background check and everything.”

  “Well you certainly learned a lot about me in a short time,” Delia murmured. Marc looked at her, still with that small amused smile on his face.

  “I certainly did,” he mused.

  “But it’s not who I really am!” Delia blurted out.

  “It’s okay?” Marc sounded curious.

  “I mean, I’m a lot of things,” Delia said. “I just don’t want you to think I’m ghetto or trashy or something. I just enjoy having fun.”

  “I never thought that,” Marc said. He seemed genuine. It distracted her enough that when he put a large bandage over her knee she didn’t flinch that much.

  “Good,” Delia said. “I went to college. I just graduated from law school.”

  “Really?” Marc asked. He turned to face her fully on the bed. “Your knee is all fixed. Just take it easy with the twerking for a little while.”

  They stared at each other. Then Delia burst out laughing.

  “What are you doing here?” She asked. “Just to check on me?”

  “Well,” Marc said. “Yes and no. I do check on my new sitters because I think that’s the best thing for me to do.”

  Delia looked him over. Marc had jet black hair but it was slightly curly and fell into his eyes. His eyes were kind with crinkles around the sharp corners and he had a dimple in his left cheek. They looked like they were the same age. She forgotten the birthdate on his license. He had strong arms. She’d felt that when he picked her up.

  He was definitely cute. More than cute.

  Marc was hot.

  Chapter 8

  He was tall too. That was something else she hadn’t been expecting.

  “Well what do you think?” Delia asked. “Do I pass inspection?”

  Marc smiled. “Not sure yet.”

  “Um, what?” Delia pressed her hands against her chest. “Are you kidding? What else do I have to prove?”

  “Well, your dance moves are great but I haven’t seen the house sitting moves yet.”

  Delia burst out laughing. Marc just sat there, dimple denting that left cheek as he smiled. It was the most adorable thing.

  “Give me a chance!” Delia said. “You haven’t even left yet.”

  Marc looked down. The dimple went away. His whole demeanor seemed to change.

  Delia sat there quietly. She didn’t know what she said.

  “Well,” Marc said. “I did leave but
I came back.”

  “To check on me,” Delia prompted.

  Marc nodded. But there was obviously more.

  “You see,” Marc started. “It’s so short notice because… I was going to a funeral. Back in China. For my father.”

  Delia sucked in her breath. She couldn’t imagine losing her parents. It sounded so sad.

  “I’m so sorry,” She said, placing her hand on Marc’s back very lightly.

  Marc swallowed and nodded. “Thank you,” he said. “But… I don’t think I’m going to make it.”

  “Why not?” Delia gasped. “Did I make you miss your plane? I’m so sorry. I was stupid. You don’t have to worry about me. You should go! They can put you on another flight. Especially if you tell them about your father. I’m sure they would be happy to…”

  She was babbling. Marc just shook his head, once again.

  “No,” he said. “It has nothing to do with you. See, my family told me not to come.”

  Delia’s mouth dropped open once again. Who didn’t want their son at their father’s funeral.

  Marc seemed to sense her thoughts as he continued. “It’s a long story. There’s a lot going on. It hasn’t always been smooth sailing between my mother and I. I am their only son but I have spent most of my life in America. Because of this, my views on a lot of things are different. My mother didn’t agree with my father gave me the company, but what choice did he have? She wanted him to give the company to her sister’s son, my cousin. He’s always been very dutiful in China. I would do that as well but I had to be here. My father always said America would be better for me. Now that he’s gone… my mother is furious. She’s angry that he’s dead and she’s taking it out on everyone. Especially me. She wants to sue me to get the company back. And she banned me from the funeral. I just found out on my way there.”

  Delia sucked in her breath. She couldn't imagine hearing that. Marc must be going through so much right now.

  “I’m sorry…” she said, her words feeling inadequate. “Is there anything I can do?”

  Marc shook his head. He took a deep breath. She felt his back rise and fall. He felt so small and vulnerable even though he was a big guy. Delia wrapped her arms around him from behind, her blanket slipping lower down her breasts.

  He seemed to lean back against her. She felt his body relax. He needed this. He just needed someone to hold him.

  She held him closer. And then something came over her. He smelled so good. She leaned around to kiss the side of his cheek… Wait, what was I doing? I just met this guy.

  He didn’t move away. Phewf!

  They stayed like that for a few moments. Delia took a deep breath and let it out slowly. She knew this was unprofessional. But he felt good in her arms. She didn’t want to stop.

  Then he turned her face towards her and kissed her.

  She was completely surprised. He was sad and vulnerable. He needed some comfort. But she expected it to be a sad kiss. Instead it was like… a kiss. A real kiss. His lips on hers, firmly.

  A kiss full of longing.

  Delia was taken by surprise. She didn’t kiss him back right away. But she didn’t pull back. His lips remained on hers, searching.

  Finally, she kissed him back.

  He had soft lips. They certainly weren’t thin. They had a resonating warmth and taste. She parted her lips just enough to invite his tongue. She moaned lightly when their tongues met and mingled together. Marc turned to face her fully and they kissed harder. He slid his tongue over hers. She tilted her head to the side to take him in deeper.

  Marc pulled away and she took a stuttering breath. He whispered into her ear. “You’re beautiful.”

  She felt a shiver run through her entire body.

  “I thought that when I saw you dancing,” he was still speaking in her ear. “Is this okay?”

  Delia could only nod yes.

  Marc pushed her slowly back over his bed. The blanket slipped down to her stomach but she didn’t care. She looked up at him, his dark eyes staring back down at her. She’d never hooked up with an Asian guy before. She hoped the rumors she’d heard about them weren’t true. But Marc didn’t give her much time to focus on that. Soon he was kissing her again and her toes curled.

  It had been so long since she was touched like this. Of course, there wasn’t much time for hooking up when you were stuck in your sister’s one bedroom apartment. This was a pleasant surprise.

  Marc’s lips moved skillfully over hers. She had been kissed this hotly in forever. She couldn’t remember a time when she was getting wet just from kissing. She brought her legs up to wrap them around his hips. He had a strong back. She felt that as she pushed her heels back against his t-shirt.

  When he pulled up from her mouth again, she gave a gasping groan. She was feeling him everywhere. Her body buzzed with pleasure. Then his mouth was on her neck. She patted and scratched at his back through his dress shirt. She was hot underneath him. He was wearing entirely too many clothes. She wanted to see him with nothing on at all.

  But his mouth on her neck was heavenly. He pressed his soft lips everywhere, giving her a nip here, a suck there. He traced the tip of his tongue along the dip in her collarbone and she jumped and wiggled with pleasure underneath him.

  “Shit,” she said.

  “Ohhhh…” He moaned, his breath hot against her skin. She was craving more. She needed more of him. She tugged at his shirt, untucking it from his dress pants. Finally, Marc got the hint. He sat up and tugged his shirt open. She gasped when she saw. He had defined pecs and rock hard abs, so many that she got dizzy trying to count if he had a six pack or a 12 pack or a 24 pack.

  Marc was ripped.

  “Oh my God,” she murmured. Then his lips were on hers once again. She raked her fingernails up and down his strong back. She could feel his muscles rippling under the surface. She hadn't seen such a ripped Chinese dude since the last Jackie Chan movie she saw and she was grateful she got to experience this in person.

  Now she was grinding with a hot wealthy Asian man, something she would have never imagined.

  She could feel his hardness through his pants, rubbing up against that sweet spot between her legs. She craved more.

  “Shit…” she muttered. She knew he was feeling it too by the frantic way he kissed all over her body. She shivered as he pulled the blanket off her. She was lying under him, naked and ready. He kissed over her breasts and sucked at her nipples. She clawed at his back and groaned loudly, feeling herself growing damper by the moment.

  “You’re so hot,” he muttered against her skin.

  She couldn’t speak. All she could do was moan. Especially with the way he was kissing between her breasts and letting his mouth latch onto every available space. Her nipples were so hard. He certainly knew what he was doing.

  “I need more…” She murmured as he kissed lower. Her stomach jumped as he buried his face against it and kissed all over. He found her small dolphin tattoo over her hip, traced it with his tongue and then sucked her there.

  Right before he sucked her somewhere else.

  Delia cried out loudly. “Shit!”

  It usually took her boyfriend a while to put their face between her legs. In fact, Delia wasn’t even sure if she liked it. But Marc didn’t hesitate to dive in. You could tell he was confident.

  And what a dive it was. He would be rated a ten on an Olympic scale. His tongue slid all the way inside of her and started working without abandon. He knew what he was doing. He knew where to go, how to move, what to kiss, what to suck. The motion was consistent, yet he was able to speed up and slow down according to her reactions. It was like being on the best rollercoaster ride of her life. She was holding onto the bed, jerking, her hips jumping, rocking side to side, screaming, her stomach falling out from the bottom. She couldn’t breathe. He was doing so much to her. His tongue pressed hard on her g-spot and that was all it took.

  Delia felt like she was going to shoot right up off the bed into the ceiling,
she orgasmed so hard.

  And then she laid there, holding her chest as she looked up at him. Marc sat back on his knees and wiped his mouth, smiling at her.

  “One of my favorite things to do,” he told her.

  “Shit!” Delia sputtered out. “You should be a billionaire just for that!”

  Marc laughed hard. “How do you know about that?”


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