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Page 2

by Kristine Rolofson

  "Hey," the nephew said, as she finished the last of the trays and turned off the hose. "How's it goin'?"

  "We can't leave until we count the silverware," she told him. "He thinks some of it ended up in the garbage."

  "Cripe." The boy picked up all four racks of glassware as easily as if they were filled with paper cups. "He's on that kick again?"

  "I'm afraid so."

  "I'll help," he offered, "as soon as I get the truck loaded up. I'm about halfway done."

  "Don't worry about it." Lorna picked up a lantern and swung it toward the piles of garbage bags. "With any luck it won't take me long. The forks would sink to the bottom of the bags, right?"

  He lowered his voice. "My uncle's a real prick sometimes."

  "I just want to get paid," Lorna said, setting the lantern on the bed of a truck. "He promised cash."

  "Yeah," the boy said. "I know what you mean. Good luck."

  Good luck. Was there any such thing? Maybe, maybe not. "Luck" would be having the man of your dreams finally notice you. "Luck" would be landing a job with health benefits and a three-week vacation. Lorna untied the nearest garbage bag and put on a pair of yellow rubber gloves. "Luck" would be never having to work for Texas Tom again.

  * * *

  Chapter 2


  "You're not driving, are you?"

  Jess shook his head at the bartender. "Walkin'," was his reply. He would walk to his truck and sleep in the cab. Wouldn't be the first time, though those days were years ago. In his misspent youth.

  Those were the days. Now, at thirty-seven, he couldn't drink much whiskey – or anything else alcoholic for that matter – without hurting himself. It was hardly worth it, but today's wedding preceded by yesterday's divorce were events worth trying to forget.

  He set down his last empty glass and, stepping over the bodies of a couple of cowboys who couldn't hold their liquor, managed to exit the tent without embarrassing himself by falling flat on his face. Most everyone had gone home – or on to the bars to finish what they'd started. Even the musicians were packing up, and over in the far corner of the park, lights highlighted the removal of Texas Tom's traveling barbecue feast.

  Jess thought he'd parked somewhere over there, but he wasn't sure. He remembered passing the Grange on his way in, so he figured he was heading in the right direction if he walked toward the lights. As he got closer, he was surprised to see that pretty little waitress rifling through the garbage like a starving dog.

  "Honey," he drawled, keeping his voice low so he wouldn't scare her. She jumped anyway, then turned around and stared at him.


  "Honey," he tried again, reaching for the wallet in his back pocket. "You sure as hell shouldn't be in this pre-pre-predicament." He pulled a couple of twenties out of his wallet and handed them to her.

  "What are you doing?" She didn't look too happy to take the money. In fact, she tried to stuff it back into his palm. And succeeded, too, before she took a step backward.

  "Buy yourself a decent meal," he said, holding out the bills again. "Decent meals," he said, correcting himself. With forty dollars she ought to be able to eat for three days, if she was careful. "No reason to go through garbage for something to eat. Doesn't that cheap bas – Texas Tom give you supper?"

  He thought she was going to laugh, but he couldn't see her face too well now that she'd stepped away from the lantern. He'd caught a glimpse of big blue eyes and a set of lips that were made for – well, just about anything a man could think of, he figured.

  "I'm looking for forks," she said. "And I'm not hungry, thank you."

  "Forks," he repeated, hoping he sounded sober. He'd gotten a little dizzy a second ago when she'd smiled. "What for?"

  "Texas Tom is counting the silverware." She retied the garbage bag and set it off to one side with two others. "I have to see if any of his precious forks got thrown out before I can go home."

  "Or he'll dock your pay?"

  "Probably." She reached for another bag and then shook her head. "I'm done. I found two of them." She pulled them out of her apron pocket to show him. "I guess I've done my duty."

  "Maybe some more will turn up in the grass tomorrow," he said, hoping to be helpful. He wasn't so drunk that he couldn't be helpful, after all. And the woman was so damn pretty.

  "Yes." She gazed up at him, real friendly and nice. Almost as if she knew him, but Jess didn't think so. A man would remember her, that he was certain of. "You're Jess Sheridan, aren't you?"

  "Yes, ma'am." So she did know him, or at least knew who he was. Most folks in town did. He went to take off his Stetson, but realized he was bareheaded. Damn. That hat had cost him a bundle six months ago. And it was probably stomped flat in the beer tent now.

  "You've had a lot to drink," she said. "Where are you going?"

  "To sleep it off, ma'am. In my truck." He pointed to where he hoped his truck was parked. "Somewhere over there."

  "Can you find your truck?"

  He didn't want to lie to the woman, but then again, a man had his pride. "Yep. No problem."

  "Lorna! You wanna stop flirtin' with drunks and start countin' my damn forks like I'm paying you to do?" A short bald guy, built like an Angus bull, came roaring up to the waitress and stopped just short of crashing into her. Jess wasn't so far gone that he didn't see the man's gaze drop to the little lady's chest.

  "Who you calling a drunk?" Jess straightened to his full height, which he knew was damn impressive, even in Texas, and glared at the screaming lecher.

  "Never mind," the waitress said, and she handed the man the forks. "Here. That's all I found, Tom. And now I'm going home."

  "Not so fast, missy," the man said, shaking the forks at her. "We're not done here."

  The woman put her hands on her hips. "I've been either basting, chopping, grilling, serving, carrying, cleaning, washing or going through garbage since nine this morning. The place is cleaned up, the day is over and I want my money and I want to go home and go to bed. Now."

  Jess stared at her. He'd missed a few of the words, but he got the general idea. The little lady was tired.

  "Bed?" Texas Tom grinned at her, but it wasn't a real nice expression. "I'll tuck you in, Lorna, if that's what you want."

  "I want today's pay. Eight dollars an hour, plus tips." She wasn't about to back down, something that didn't surprise Jess. When a woman put her hands on her hips like that and started talking, it meant a man better listen. Or run for his life.

  Tom glanced at Jess and took his life in his hands. "Get lost, cowboy. Lorna and me have business to take care of."

  "Nope. I'm staying right here." Jess wished he hadn't had that last glass of Jack Daniels. "I think you'd better give the lady what she wants."

  "You do, huh?" Torn reached into his shirt pocket and pulled out a thick wad of bills. He counted out several and handed them to the waitress. "Hundred bucks plus fifty for the tip. Happy now?"

  "Yes." The money disappeared into her apron pocket and her shoulders sagged with relief. "Good night," she said to Jess, and took a step backward.

  "Night," Jess answered, realizing he couldn't put off the search for his truck any longer. Besides, he was starting to get hungry. If he couldn't find his truck maybe he could find the café and get some sustenance. He'd moved out of the circle of light when he heard Texas Tom's voice again.

  "Not so fast, babe," the BBQ King said, stepping closer. He lowered his voice, but Jess had hearing like a fox. "There's more where that came from, if you know what I mean. A woman like you could play her cards right and wake up with some money on her pillow."

  "Oh, for heaven's sake," the lady sputtered, then Jess heard a gasp. "Stop that!"

  He was on Texas Tom in two seconds flat, plucked him by the back of his collar and held him away from the waitress, who looked like she wouldn't mind a piece of him herself.

  "The lady said no," Jess drawled. "So I think it's time for you to get into the truck and get out of here, Tom

  Tom kept talking, and nothing was flattering to either Jess or the waitress, so Jess finally got tired of the noise and flung the man into the garbage bags, where he lay gasping for breath and more than a little stunned.

  "Thanks." The waitress smiled at him again, and Jess wobbled a little on his size thirteen feet.

  "No problem, ma'am." He wished he hadn't lost his hat. He would have held it in his hands and begged her to keep smiling at him. "You need an escort home?"

  "I'll be fine," she assured him, after looking over at Tom, who was struggling to get on his feet. "He'll leave me alone now and I have the money he owed me."

  "I could walk you home," Jess offered, hoping she lived somewhere in the direction of his truck. Or that he would see the truck on the way.

  "Thank you, but—"

  Jess barely knew what hit him. But in the moment before he blacked out he realized Texas Tom was the revengeful type.

  * * *

  Lorna sat in the grass beside the man of her dreams and thought a little bit more about luck. Was this good luck or bad luck? She'd had a crush on Jess Sheridan since she was thirteen and now, years later, she was spending the evening with him. Just because he was snoring and unconscious didn't discount the fact that they were together at last.

  Here she'd always hoped he'd notice her, and when he did he thought she was digging for food from the garbage. It wasn't what she'd call good luck, but she'd enjoyed talking to him, even if he'd had too much to drink and acted a little silly and wouldn't remember her in the morning.

  She liked looking at him. Lorna peered into his face, which had always been handsome. His dark hair was a little too short, but it waved nicely on his forehead. He had a large nose that fit his face, and lips that were neither too thin or too plump. His skin was tanned, as if he spent a lot of time outside, and she loved his chin. There was a faint dimple there; she could see its shadow from the corner streetlight and she'd touched it with her index finger just to make sure. His skin was smooth underneath her fingertip; he must have shaved right before the wedding.

  He didn't look as if he was in pain. Or dead. He looked peaceful, like he was taking a nap. His breathing was even and sometimes noisy. There'd been no blood. She'd thought about going for help, but that would mean leaving her rescuer alone near the pile of garbage. Which didn't seem at all like the right thing to do.

  Texas Tom had left in a hurry, especially after she threatened to call the police. Lorna thought it was her screaming that made Tom run to his truck, with the oversize metal tongs he'd used to hit Jess in the back of the head still in his hand. She'd screamed loud enough to wake the dead, but oddly nobody in Beauville came to her rescue. It was Saturday night and she could hear the music blasting from one of the bars around the corner. The beer tent was still standing, but it looked deserted, as if they'd left the cleaning up for tomorrow and gone to party somewhere else tonight.

  Lorna looked back at the man sleeping on the grass. She couldn't leave him here and he was too big to drag home, even though she didn't live that far away. She could have gone to the sheriff's office, but she didn't want Jess to get into trouble. And she couldn't sit here all night hoping that someone would come along and help her out. No, she was going to have to deal with the man all by herself.

  "Jess," she said aloud, inches from that handsome face. "Jess? Jess Sheridan, wake up." She tried shaking his shoulder, but she was too gentle. She spoke louder and shook harder and managed to get a muttered oath out of him before he went back to sleep. She supposed the amount he had drunk had more to do with his condition than the blow dealt by a pair of barbecue tongs, but she still felt responsible for his predicament. He'd tried to give her money. How sweet was that?

  So Lorna kept talking and prodding until Jess Sheridan opened his eyes and said, "For God's sake, woman, leave me alone!"

  Victory was hers, until she tried to get him to sit up, and then stand. He was heavy and sleepy and wobbly, but he put his arm around her when she told him to and she managed to lead him across the grassy park and across the street. There were lights on in most of the houses that lined the residential end of West Beaumont Street

  . They crossed Comstock without any problem, though Jess was a large man and Lorna was beginning to wonder if she had made a mistake in her plan of action. Screaming herself hoarse yelling for help might have been better than risking a broken back.

  By the time she coaxed him up the three stairs to the front porch of her aunt's narrow yellow house, Jess had begun to walk under his own power.

  "Where are we?" he asked when she settled him against the front of the house so she could get the key out of her pocket and unlock the front door.

  "My house." She swung the door open and urged him to enter the living room.


  "Because I couldn't leave you there in the park," she explained as she turned on a light. "Not after everything you did."

  "Oh." He looked confused.

  "How's your head feeling?"

  "I'll live."

  "I hope so." She smiled up at him. "I didn't know if I should take you to the hospital. I'd be glad to drive you home now if you'll tell me where you live."

  He frowned and felt the back of his neck, then looked around the curtainless living room. Boxes were stacked neatly against the walls and the wood floor was bare. "Are you coming or going?"

  "I just moved in," she said, and would have explained about her aunt and her job and probably blabbed the complete unabridged story of her life, but Jess began to sway again. She caught him before he toppled over, then hurried him to the bedroom off the living area, a room she hadn't had a chance to paint, and the only bed in the tiny house. Thank goodness she'd had time to make it this morning before leaving for the park.

  "Sorry," he managed to say. "The wedding – the whiskey – " He stared at her as she pushed him backward against the pillows. "Funny hair," he muttered, touching one of the loose tendrils that had fallen on her cheek when she bent over. "Who are you?"

  "Lorna," she replied. "And we may have to go to the hospital after all to get your head examined."

  He grinned at her, making him look devilishly handsome and causing Lorna's heart to beat a tiny bit faster. "Honey, do I look crazy to you?"

  He looked as if he belonged there, was her first thought. And then she caught herself. "You look like a man who has had too much to drink. Sleep it off and I'll drive you home later."

  "Home," he repeated, then yawned. "Good idea," was the last thing he said before leaning back against the pillows and dosing his eyes.

  Lorna watched him for a moment and then decided he was asleep and would likely stay that way until she woke him to take him home. And she'd wake him, all right, as soon as she scrubbed off the barbecue sauce and washed her hair. She may have had a big crush on Jess Sheridan, star football player of the Marysville Marauders, when she was thirteen. She may have worshipped the rugged sheriff's deputy who didn't give her a speeding ticket the first day she got her driver's license, arid she may have even secretly hoped that Jess wouldn't marry snippy Sue Miller, who didn't deserve him, and instead would notice that the girl down the street had grown up.

  But she didn't expect him to remember her, even if tonight he was actually in her bed. Aunt Carol would roll over in her grave at the very idea, since the elderly woman hadn't exactly thought a whole lot of men and had held very loud opinions on the kind of women who took men into their beds before their wedding days.

  "Well, Aunt Carol," Lorna explained aloud as she headed toward the bathroom, "I'm sorry, but I didn't know what else to do with him."

  * * *

  His own snoring woke him up. That, and the pain throbbing at the back of his neck. Jess opened his eyes and expected to be in his motel room, but his motel room didn't smell like vanilla and hadn't been shared with a woman. And there was definitely a woman curled up in the bed beside him. He was afraid to move for fear of waking her up, but his eyes gradually adjusted to the dark
ness and he saw a faint light at the other end of the room that he hoped led to a bathroom.

  He lifted the sheet and saw that he was fully dressed, which only added to his confusion. When he slid out of the bed, he knocked over his boots. The noise didn't appear to bother the woman, though. She lay curled away from him, long curly hair covering most of her face, her body relaxed and quiet.

  Jess managed to find the bathroom and, realizing he smelled like someone had spilled booze all over him, took advantage of the pink-tiled shower and some vanilla-scented soap. He found mouthwash on the counters, towels in a narrow closet behind the door, and aspirin in the medicine cabinet above the sink. And since he didn't know where he was and didn't particularly care about it in the middle of the night, Jess went back to the bedroom – and found the sleeping woman sprawled across his side of the bed.

  Who was she? He remembered a wedding. Jake's wedding. But he was a little fuzzy about the rest of the day and night leading up to being in bed with a beautiful blonde. He wasn't sure whether or not to untie the pink bath towel from around his waist and climb into bed with her, or if he should put his clothes back on and get the hell out of town.

  If he knew what town he was in. The throbbing in his head lessened, but Jess figured he was better off staying where he was, which – before he woke – was in bed with Blondie here, if he could get back into it without waking her up.

  His body definitely awakened the moment he touched her. Oh, he didn't mean to make getting into bed an erotic experience, but he couldn't explain that to the part of his body that reacted the moment he kneeled on the bed and attempted to scoot Blondie over a couple of inches. She moved easily, curling on her side again. She wore something soft, something with little flowers on it, and her arms were bare.

  And her skin was soft. So soft that Jess dropped his towel on the floor and decided that the woman – whoever she was – must have invited him here, into her bed, and he damn well was not putting his jeans back on. He'd be a gentleman – or die trying – but he wasn't going to be uncomfortable. He'd never be able to get his pants over his erection now anyway.


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