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Espero (The Silver Ships Book 6)

Page 44

by Jucha, S. H.

  “Fascinating discovery, Julien. I suppose you have this data in a tidy package ready for transmission,” Alex said, smiling.

  “Able and waiting,” Julien said, adding his own smile.

  “Yes, but who do we send it to?” Alex mused.

  “I vote for President Drake,” Julien replied.

  “Logical choice, but his hands would be tied if he tried to use Haraken data obtained through back doors.”

  “I vote for Charlotte Sanderson,” Alex said. “She could embarrass a good many people with this information.”

  “But is embarrassment enough, Ser?” Julien asked.

  “Both,” Alex and Julien said at the same time, and laughed uproariously at what they intended to do.

  “Anonymous, I presume,” Julien said, dropping an image over his face.

  “The Venetian mask,” Alex exclaimed, recognizing the image Cordelia projected during Founding Day. “No, not this time, Julien. I think we need to make a point. Send it from ‘Friends of New Terra.’”

  “Done,” Julien said. He projected a small fedora, but then changed it. Then he changed that one.

  Alex watched hats flip over faster and faster on Julien’s head, with the SADE’s eyes staring up at them as if he was examining each one. “Stop, stop, you’re making me dizzy,” Alex yelled, between bouts of laughter.

  Julien settled on an ancient, straw panama hat, a contented smile on his face. “That information should keep the government, the media, and the populace entertained for quite a while.”

  “Definitely help them with their vermin infestation,” Alex replied, but he wasn’t content to exit the system without a final warning to Kadmir and O’Brien. Soon after both men became aware that they were personally devoid of funds, each received a message on his reader. The anonymously sent text hardly gave either man an opportunity to read it before it disappeared in an intricate swirl of color, the reader recording no trace of the message or sender.

  The text read: We are aware of you now. Send your people, drugs, or weapons into Haraken space or anywhere in the Confederation, and we’ll hold you personally responsible. Expect our retaliation to be swift and absolute.

  Cordelia took delight in sending Alex’s message. Of all the SADEs, she was the most incensed by the events on Espero. That young people could be given dangerous drugs and kidnapped gave rise to a mounting outrage. The emotion was driven by her reorganized kernel hierarchy acquired during her time at Sol and dominated by what was akin to a maternal instinct.

  After Alex had dictated his message to Cordelia, he crawled into bed beside Renée, who snuggled against him. As Alex held the love of his life, his thoughts turned to the future. Never one to seek public attention, nevertheless he had been proud to be considered a favored son of New Terra. But that was no longer true. In fact, it was quite the opposite for many powerful and influential New Terrans.

  Realizing his presidency might now be a hindrance to the future of Haraken’s relationship with New Terra, Alex reviewed his intention to refrain from another term in office. In a year and a half, his presidency would end, and he had to believe it was the right decision. Time for someone else to lead, Alex thought.

  In truth, Alex welcomed the opportunity to remove the weight of an entire world from his shoulders, but his intuition sensed that the universe wasn’t done throwing challenges at him. He chuckled at the thought that the stars might be warning him.

  The rumblings of his chest caused Renée to murmur something unintelligible in her sleep, and she stretched an arm over Alex’s chest and a leg over his thighs. Alex hugged her close, the warmth of her body and love flooding through him. Time for a new job too, Alex thought. Wonder if anyone needs a good explorer-tug captain?

  Alex’s thoughts made him smile. He was no longer a lone captain operating in the deep dark of Oistos. He had friends … good friends, loyal people, who were ready to follow him wherever the next adventure lay. The smile remained on Alex’s face as he fell asleep, his arms wrapped around Renée’s slender form.

  * * *

  Before the jump to Hellébore, Julien aided Z with the transfer to his director’s avatar. Unsure of the best time to initiate the subsuming of Miranda’s persona, Z had left it to Julien to signal the code that would result in his resumption of control.

  Julien waited until Miranda retired to her cabin before he sent her Z’s code, which returned the SADE’s kernel to Z’s control. Then he gathered up Z’s personal possessions from his cabin and took them to him. None of Miranda’s mannerisms were evident in the avatar, as Z moved around the cabin, storing the clothing and accessories Julien brought him.

  Installing the necessary cabling between the avatars, Julien waited until Z’s director avatar opened its eyes, and his fellow SADE confirmed a successful transfer before he left. What originally was intended to be a perfunctory transfer process now left Julien with a sense of loss.

  Z was left alone in his cabin with the Miranda avatar, which lay on the cabin’s second bunk. She was dressed in the subtle Haraken wrap she last wore, her eyes wide and staring. Time passed while Z stared at her still form, and, in an uncharacteristic move for him, he stood up and gently closed her eyes.

  Sitting down on the edge of his bed, Z reviewed Miranda’s memories. Rather than playing the files at his optimum processing speed, he frequently slowed to real time to appreciate some of the nuances of the events. Normally, he would have deemed this action extraordinarily unnecessary, but he couldn’t help himself.

  At one point, Z wondered if he had become jealous of the Miranda persona and the intimate relationship she enjoyed with humans and the other SADEs. Then, as he examined that response, he realized it wasn’t jealousy or envy. Z wanted to be with her.

  What have you done? the SADE asked himself. You’ve created an alternate persona who attracts you, but you’ve only the one kernel.

  Z was still wrestling with the emotional impact of his discovery, when he reached the last file in Miranda’s memories. Oddly, it was encrypted, which drew his curiosity. His efforts to crack the code were proving futile until he paused to consider Miranda’s persona and applied a simple salutation, “Z, dear,” which allowed him access to the file.

  It was a vid. Miranda stared into a mirror, and her eyes, appearing wistful, recorded her reflection.

  “If you’re viewing this file, dear Z, then I’m gone again,” Miranda said. “Lately, I’ve wondered where I go. Why don’t I meet you? I find these worlds and my existence terribly exciting, and I will miss them.”

  Z stopped the vid to concentrate. He never meant for the Miranda persona to have such longevity, which had enabled her to build a robust personality. It was an experiment that proved a valuable escort for the Haraken threesome. Now, Z saw his efforts as an error in judgment, an incredible admittance for a SADE, especially for one such as him, who prided himself on the accuracy of his calculations.

  Z recalled the words he had often heard from Alex, Julien, and Cordelia — the messy world of humans. And now I’ve joined them, he thought. It occurred to Z to erase the persona rather than store it for another day, but that seemed like cowardice, erasing your mistake so it wouldn’t stare you in the face. Unable to come to a decision, Z returned to playing the vid.

  “I see the continuity the other SADEs enjoy,” Miranda said, “and I’ve come to believe that I may not be a whole entity, despite feeling that I am. My greatest fear is that I will never return, and, if that’s meant to be, know that most of all I will miss meeting you. Be well, dear Z.” Miranda blew him a kiss and closed the vid.

  Z sat on the edge of the bed for hours, wondering what he had created — mistake or miracle. Deep in his kernel, Z began to devise scenarios by which the miracle might come to pass. After all, he nursed a century-long desire to become mobile, knowing the possibility was extremely remote, yet he walked among humans. His hope was that one day Miranda might too — beside him.

  — Alex and friends will return in the novella, Allora. �



  Alain de Long – Director of security, twin and crèche-mate to Étienne, partner to Tatia Tachenko

  Alex Racine – President of Haraken, partner to Renée de Guirnon, Star Hunter First (Swei Swee name)

  Amelia Beaufort – Close friend of Christie Racine

  Benjamin Diaz – Minister of Mining, “Rainmaker,” Little Ben

  Bibi Haraken – Ex-Assembly member, matriarch of the Haraken clan

  Brace – Svetlana’s companion for a search of Toyo’s domes

  Cedric Broussard – Z’s powerful New Terran avatar

  Central Exchange – Haraken financial banking system

  Christie Racine – Alex Racine’s sister

  Claude Dupuis – Engineering tech, program manager for SADE avatars

  Cordelia – SADE, Julien’s partner

  Dane – SADE

  Deirdre Canaan – Wing commander

  Dubois – Haraken (New Terran) on duty at McCrery Orbital Station

  Duggan Racine – Alex Racine’s father

  Edmas – Teenage boy from Idona adopted by Julien and Cordelia

  Ellie Thompson – Wing commander

  Eloise Haraken – Close friend of Christie Racine, Fiona Haraken’s great-granddaughter

  Eric Stroheim – Assembly Speaker

  Escobar – Captain, ex-TSF officer, friend of Tatia

  Espero – Haraken capital city

  Étienne de Long – Director of security, twin and crèche-mate to Alain, partner to Ellie Thompson

  Fiona Haraken – The Harakens were named in memory of her

  First – Leader of the Swei Swee hives

  Flit – Single person grav-drive flyer

  Founding Day – Celebration of the founding of Haraken

  Francis Lumley – Earther who immigrated to Haraken, Rêveur first mate

  Franz Cohen – Wing commander

  Ginny – Deaf child from Idona, adopted by Julien and Cordelia

  Hatsuto Tanaka – Pilot killed at New Terra

  Hive Singer – Mutter, who sings to the Swei Swee in their language

  Jason – Burn-scarred child from Idona, adopted by Julien and Cordelia

  Jason Haraken – Bibi Haraken’s son, Assembly member

  Jodlyne – Teenage rebel from Idona, adopted by Julien and Cordelia

  José Cordova – Rêveur’s captain

  Julien – SADE, Cordelia’s partner

  Katie Racine – Alex Racine’s mother, Haraken Assembly member

  Libre – Celebration day on Haraken for the ex-Independents

  Lisbon – Haraken tech searching Toyo’s domes for the missing girls

  Mallory – Haraken carrying a plasma rifle

  Mickey Brandon – Senior engineer, partner to Pia Sabine

  Miranda Leyton – Z’s femme fatale avatar

  Mutter – SADE, Hive Singer to the Swei Swee

  Nestor – Trooper killed at the barricade

  Nua’ll – Aliens who imprisoned the Swei Swee

  Olawale Wombo – Senior scientist who fled the UE to Haraken

  Oren Gestang – Haraken killed at Toyo’s dome

  People – Manner in which the Swei Swee refer to their collective

  Pia Sabine – Assembly member, partner to Mickey Brandon

  Rainmaker – Benjamin Diaz, also called Little Ben

  Reiko Shimada – Captain of the sting ship Tanaka

  Renée de Guirnon – First lady of Haraken, partner to Alex Racine

  Rosette – SADE

  SADE – Self-aware digital entity, artificial intelligence being

  Security Directorate – New Espero security building, twins are co-directors

  Sheila Reynard – Commodore

  Shera Beaufort – Amelia’s mother

  Star Hunter First – Swei Swee name for Alex Racine

  Svetlana Valenko – Wing commander

  Swei Swee – Six-legged friendly alien

  Tatia Tachenko – Admiral, ex-Terran Security Forces major, partner to Alain de Long

  Teague – Ten-year-old son of Alex and Renée

  Terese Lechaux – Medical expert

  Tomas Monti – Ambassador to New Terra

  Tyree – Deirdre’s companion for a search of Toyo’s domes

  Willem – SADE

  Yoram Penzig – UE scientist who fled the UE to Haraken

  Z – SADE


  Confederation – Collection of Méridien worlds

  House – Organization of people headed by a Leader

  Independents – Confederation outcasts, originally exiled to Libre, rescued by Alex Racine

  New Terra

  Azul “Mr. Blue” Kadmir – Criminal boss on Udrides

  Barber – Peto Toyo’s gang team leader

  Barnett – Lisa Sparing’s alternate voice

  Blondie (Jessie) – Aboard the Bountiful and killed on Jolares

  By-Long Media – Media station Alex and Christie used for their broadcasts

  Boker (Scar) – Toyo’s man, who later changed his allegiance to Kadmir

  Busty – O’Brien gang member killed by Cherry

  Charlotte Sanderson – Director of By-Long media station and reporter for Alex’s news story

  Charles Stratford – Lead biochemist who designed the hallucinogenic drug

  Cherry – Roz O’Brien leader on Espero

  Chestling – Lenny’s friend supposedly killed by the Harakens, according to Toyo

  Clayton Downing – Former president of New Terra, convicted and imprisoned

  Consuela Ortiz – Wife of Orlando, orphanage owner

  Dar – Boss of the Espero club crew

  Darryl Jaya – Minister of Technology

  Davie – Orphan child, first to test the anti-addiction compounds

  Desmonis Distribution – O’Brien company warehouse at Espero

  Dillon Jameson – Toyo’s head of dome security

  Dolan Oppert – TSF general

  Downing, Clayton – Former president of New Terra, convicted and imprisoned

  Elman Ripard – TSF captain at Jolares

  Embracing Arms Orphanage – Orphanage run by Orlando and Consuela Ortiz

  Emile Billings – Senior lab chemist

  Fangs – O’Brien gang member killed by Cherry

  Finian Egan – Assembly representative

  Fredericka Tillman Olsen – Investigator for Maria Gonzalez’s company

  Geron Hanley – TSF prison therapist

  Government House – Official residence of New Terran president

  Hailey Timmion – New Terran shuttle captain

  Henry (Wheezy) – O’Brien gang member

  Hezekiah Cohen – Father of Franz Cohen, ex-Joaquin Station director

  Janine – Wife of the biochemist Billings

  Jessie (Blondie) – Aboard the Bountiful and killed on Jolares

  Lacey – Receptionist at illegal Espero club

  Legs – O’Brien gang member killed by Cherry

  Lenny – Toyo’s plasma rifleman

  Lisa Sparing – Kadmir’s mistress

  Lunar Restaurant – Dining facility on Toyo’s dome where the Haraken girls are found

  Lydia Zafir – Assassin on Toyo’s team

  Maria Gonzalez – Security consultant business president, ex-New Terran president

  Marty – Toyo’s receptionist at dome’s landing bay

  McMorris – Former New Terran president who was murdered

  Mincie – Billings’ daughter

  Omi Yakiro – Kadmir’s security chief

  Orlando Ortiz – Husband of Consuela, orphanage owner

  Oslo – Security officer Lydia captures

  Peters – TSF major Alex first met during Downing affair

  Peto “Craze” Toyo – Criminal boss on Jolares

  Portis – TSF colonel

  Prima – New Terra capital city

  PT Mining Concern – Registry of Toyo’s mining

  Roz “Sniffer” O’Brien – Criminal boss on Desmonis

  Sarah Laurent – Investigator for Maria Gonzalez’s company

  Scar (Boker) – Aboard the Bountiful and on Ganymede’s moon

  Serian – Boy who introduces Jodlyne to the dance club on Espero

  Sol-NAC – New Terran language

  Stan – Lab shift supervisor

  Steve Ross – Investigator for Maria Gonzalez’s company

  Terran Security Forces (TSF) – New Terran system police force

  Tessie Bernoulli – Judiciary counsel for the government of New Terra

  Trembles – Muscle at the illegal club in Espero

  Udrides Resources – Kadmir’s mining company

  Will Drake – New president on New Terra

  Yance Deere – Senior security person with Toyo

  United Earth (UE) and Earthers

  Bunaldi – Hand of Justice mission commander, UE high judge

  García – Reunion mission commander, UE speaker

  Nikki Fowler – Director of Idona Station at Sol

  Patrice Morris – Assistant director of Idona Station at Sol

  Stars, Planets, Moons, and Stations

  Cressida – Moon orbiting Ganymede, heavily mined

  Desmonis – Moon orbiting Ganymede, location of Roz O’Brien’s domes

  Flides – Kephron moon

  Ganymede – Huge gas planet in the Oistos system

  Haraken – New name of Cetus colony in the Hellébore system, home of the Harakens

  Hellébore – Star of the planet Cetus, renamed Haraken

  Idona Station – An outer rim station at Sol

  Joaquin Station – New Terra orbital station

  Jolares – Moon orbiting Ganymede, location of Peto Toyo’s domes

  Kephron – Second planet outward from Ganymede in the Oistos system

  Libre – Independents’ ex-colony in Arno system, home to the remaining Swei Swee hives

  McCrery Orbital Station – new Haraken station built to handle freighter shipping between systems

  Méridien – Home world of Confederation


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