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Page 7

by Nicety

  “No...but besides I’m not dressed for anything fancy.” She looked down at her calf high black boots.

  “Goddess, just relax. We’re both adults. It’s just eating, alright. Nothing more.” Truth assured her as they drove down the road.

  After a silent thirty-minute drive on the expressway, Truth finally brought the car to a halt in front of the valet attendant standing in the doorway of the parking garage. He hopped out of the car and tossed the guy the keys as Goddess exited the car. Truth grabbed her hand and escorted her to the front door of the restaurant. The lights and ambiance of the place mesmerized her. There were dozens of arcade games sitting all in a row along the back wall and in front of them were another set of games.

  It was weird that he had brought her to this place that seemed as though it was fit for a kid. It was like Chuck E. Cheese on steroids in her eyes but it didn’t end there as he escorted her up an escalator to the second floor. At the top was a larger room with bowling, billiards, and shuffleboard games in a room a few feet away with the lighting dimmed a little creating a subtler environment. They headed toward the bar in the middle of the room and took a seat. It was then that she paid attention the signs around her displaying the name of the establishment, Dave and Busters.

  “Order whatever you like. It’s on me.” Truth said grabbing a menu then handing her one.

  “I’ve never been here before but I hear it’s great.” Goddess said grinning from ear to ear.

  “This is my favorite spot to unwind and clear my head.”

  “Unwind? What has you buggin’ so hard that you need ways to unwind?” Goddess asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “Shit, your grandmother for one and then work. Hell, I’m human I got problems.”

  When the bartender finally greeted them he ordered a top shelf blue motherfucka for the both of them and the Mountain O’ Nachos for an appetizer. He didn’t even ask her what she wanted, taking the initiative, assuming she would automatically love what he loved. Goddess didn’t mind. Everything he did and his whole persona in general reminded him of her one true love. It ripped her apart inside feeling like he was nothing but a reincarnate.

  “What do you see in her?” Goddess mumbled secretly hoping he didn’t hear her.

  “You know, most people would say I’m using her for money or she’s playing me for sex. But the truth of the matter is, I have real strong feelings for her. She’s more woman than I’ve ever dealt with and I respect her for that.”

  “But you have to be about my age. Can’t you see why people might get the wrong idea?”

  “Goddess, your grandmother doesn’t look like your average grandmother. I'm sure you know that. Besides, I don’t need her money cause I got my own.”

  “Really? Well, what do you do Mr. Truth? If that is your real name.” Goddess chuckled taking a sip of the drink the bartender sat in front of her, savoring the tangy taste of it.

  “I own my own barbershop and Truth is my real name. Truth Bailey. My mother named me that since my dad denied me when I was born. It wasn’t until I was five years old that he decided to claim me once a DNA test proved I was his.”

  “I bet he felt really shitty afterwards, huh?”

  “I’ll never know. He was murdered in the hood that same year by some gangstas who wanted his tricked out ride.”

  “Oh my God, Truth! I’m so sorry to hear that.”

  “It’s cool. He sold drugs. You live by the sword, you’ll die by it too. So tell me more about you. Venus told me your husband was murdered.”

  “Yeah…but I would rather not talk about me.”

  “Shit, I opened up to you. Don’t worry I won’t blast you on Facebook or nothing. What’s good?”

  Goddess laughed as she gazed into his adoring eyes and halfheartedly told him her story. She fought back tears, choking them up so as not to ruin the good time they were having and quickly changed the subject the moment she was done. They laughed at their childhood upbringings as they munched on the nachos the bartender finally brought and ordered a second round of blue motherfuckas. Feeling tipsy, the two decided to have some fun. Truth taught her how to bowl making sure to keep a safe distance behind her. After that, they used the arcade games to have tournaments against each other, laughing and joking the whole evening through. Exhausted from a night of gaming, they stumbled to the lobby waiting for the valet to bring the car around. Truth grabbed her by the arm and pulled her in for a nice tight hug. It was the first time that Goddess didn’t feel awkward being around him. Instead she felt safe, secured.

  “I haven’t had this much fun in…well, I haven’t had this much fun. Thanks for bringing me here, Truth.”

  “No doubt. Listen, why don't you plug my number in ya phone. Ya know, just in case you need a ride home out of the cold or something." Truth responded nonchalantly.

  "Do you think that's smart? What if my grandmother checks your phone and finds out?" Goddess lowered her head wondering what she was even doing there with him.

  Truth waved her off having already contemplated that issue an hour ago.

  "We'll just tell her it was in case of an emergency. She'll shut right up." He smirked as he tucked his hands in his pockets, pretending to look around her for the valet attendant.

  Chapter 9

  He’s Mine

  It was finally the last day of training at the bank and Goddess couldn’t have been happier. It was a long week of studying and cramming but she made it through everything. She was now sitting at the table fiddling with her pencil and hoping for the answer to the last few questions to come to her. She was a little distracted by the long sleeve green button down that Cole was wearing on this day. It seemed he loved to tease her with those tight fitting shirts but ever since he blew her off they have both kept their relationship as professional as could be. He barely even talked to her unless it was work related leaving her feeling alone and rejected.

  “Goddess, can you stop tapping your pencil while everyone is working please?” Cole snarled as he looked up at her from his newspaper. “Thanks.”

  He was really acting like a royal bitch and it was rubbing her the wrong way. The facial expression she exhibited made her want to punch him dead in the nose and shove that test down his throat. If it weren’t for the fact that she needed the money she would have done it too. She stared down at the test hard refocusing her eyes rereading the questions over and over again. She knew the answers in the back of her mind but for some reason they wouldn’t come to her. The clock showed only five minutes left before time was up. Cole didn’t even warn them about how much time they had left and it seemed he wasn’t planning it either. She knew he was on bullshit. Pulling herself together, she threw some random words on under the questions then headed towards him handing the test over.

  “I’m so nervous. I hope I passed.” Goddess smiled.

  “Mmhmm. You all this is the two minute warning.” Cole said looking past her unto the two rows of hopeful bank tellers.

  Goddess’ mouth dropped at his announcement slowly shrugging it off as she returned to her seat waiting as Cole graded her test. He finished in a heartbeat and tossed the paper to the side in a pile with the rest of the finished tests then continued to read his paper, emotionless. A few short minutes later his IPhone went off ringing a loud buzzing sound startling everyone in the room.

  “Pencils down! Time is up. If you have not finished then I’m sorry for you but you must turn the tests in now.” Cole recited sternly.

  The remaining testers reluctantly submitted their tests and returned to their seats. He skimmed through them rapidly not even looking at his cheat sheet to aid him in the grading. Once he was done he separated them into two different piles on the table then picked up one of them and stood in front of the table with a disappointed look on his face.

  “If I call your name please stand. Jermika, Latosha, Darien F., Jasper, Kayla, and…Goddess.” Cole paused slamming the papers on the table then crossing his ar
ms. “Congratulations you all made it. Everyone else good luck to you.”

  His voice was solemn and unenthusiastic. A sense of relief overwhelmed her as she hugged her celebratory coworkers then collected her things. The four people who hadn’t made the cut stormed out of the training room swearing and cursing the whole way out but it didn’t phase Cole one bit. He walked around the room handing out nametags and preregistered swipe cards to everyone else and gave them their schedules to work the following week.

  “Good Job, Goddess!” He finally spoke trough the silence.


  “Yeah. You actually got the highest score of the entire class. I gotta admit, I thought you would fail.” Cole said collecting his papers on the table.

  “Excuse me?”

  “After the other day, well, I figured you were just another girl looking for her average handout. You know, looking to glide through the process without any hard work.” Cole answered with a sly smirk on his face.

  “Hmm. That’s funny.” Goddess said returning the smirk.

  “Oh yeah. How so?”

  “Because maybe if you had asked me what my intentions were, you would’ve found out that I thought you were hot and hadn’t had sex in three years. Thought you might have been the one to pop my cherry.” Goddess sucked her teeth tossing her purse on her arm. “But now, I’m just like whatever. See ya Monday.”

  Goddess trotted out of the office leaving Cole there pulling his foot out of his mouth and his ass off his shoulders. He wasn't prepared for her words but shrugged them off letting her believe she had the upper hand. When he wanted her he would get her without any problem. No chick could resist his dark brown eyes and sexy alluring lips.

  "I passed Truth! I'm a working woman now!" Goddess yelled as she danced to the bus stop.

  “That’s wassup girl! Good shit. So you wanna celebrate?” Truth asked licking his lips.

  “Truth, we need to talk.”

  “Don’t move I’m coming to get you. Where you at?”

  “On the bus stop by my job.”


  Venus paced around the room pissed that Truth hadn’t been answering her calls the past few days. She knew she told him to give her some breathing room but she didn’t say ignore her completely. The old man had been long gone and she had regained her strength a little enough to get out of bed and get presentable to see him. She popped the already cracked top on her twenty-dollar bottle of white wine and poured a glass studying it carefully before downing it in one huge gulp. She poured another and devoured it as well. The more she poured the angrier she became as she blew his cell phone up ringing it off the hook.

  Hours later Venus found herself peeling her body off of her polished bedroom floor. She found tears crawling from under her eyelids as she reached for her cell phone and reluctantly dialed Truth’s number for what she believed to be the last time in her mind. Her fingers punched each number slowly as her soul hoped and prayed for him to at least just answer the phone. She didn’t even bother to wipe the tears from her face or the snot running from under her nose. Her short bobbed blonde wig was in disarray on her head and mascara ran all along her cheeks. Her eyes widened as the sound of ringing flowed through her ear.


  “What the fuck do you mean what? I’ve been calling you for days now and you can’t even have the decency to pick up the phone?” Venus snapped.

  “You said you needed your space so I’m giving you your space.” Truth said leaning back in his seat looking out unto the sparkling lake water.

  “That didn’t mean stop answering your phone nigga!” Venus had become enraged with every waning second. “You fucking around with that little bitch from before aren’t you?”

  “Who? Man, you swear up and down that I’m fucking somebody else but what you fail to realize is how I got time to fuck around. I’m always under you and when you call I’m there. You just dumb as hell!”

  “Don’t talk to me like that!” Venus snapped.

  “What you want me to do, huh? I’m not just some toy you can turn on and off when you want to. Two years I’ve been going through this shit with you man and I’m fucking tired of it!” Truth’s voice was beyond loud as he yelled into the phone.

  “So what are you trying to say, baby? Huh? What are you trying to say, Truth?”

  “I’m saying, it’s over! I’m done with you.”

  “You’re done with me? No motherfucka! I’m done with you! You were nothing but a little young fuck to me anyway. I had a real man all this time who was paying my bills and being the man in my life.” Sweat droplets slowly formed on her skin as she shook the phone wildly. “You’re nothing, you understand me little boy! Nothing!”

  Click. Truth hung up the phone and tossed it on the dash as he looked over at Goddess’ silky smooth brown skin. He was officially a free man and not only that but one who was out for a bit of revenge and he knew just where to get it. He had respected the fact that she was her granddaughter and never pursued her like he wanted to even though her thick curves drove him crazy every time he looked at them. It was clear to him now after that phone call that nothing was off limits as he reached over smirking and gently stroking her curly long dark hair.

  “So back to what you were saying.” Truth said attempting to continue their conversation.

  “Was that my grandmother on the phone? Were you just arguing with her?” Goddess asked watching the water refusing to look over at him.

  “Yeah. I’m done with her, yo. You ain’t even gotta worry about that no more.”

  “Truth don’t you get it? Even though we haven’t had sex or even so much as kissed, what we have been doing is still wrong.” Goddess began to freak out from his touches.

  “What have we been doing that’s so wrong, G? All we’ve been doing is hangin’ out, ya know. Just getting to know each other. What’s so wrong about that?” Truth yelled slamming his fists on the steering wheel.

  “Because it’s all been emotional and you know it. It’s wrong. Damn wrong. The way you pick me up from work and take me out, the way you caress my hair like you’re doing now and feed me exotic foods, it’s all wrong, Truth! I only came here to tell you that we can’t see each other anymore.”

  Truth rubbed his head roughly the way he did when he was stressed out. “No. I ain’t letting you go that easily. What we got can’t be broken baby. Not for anything in the world.”

  “I’m breaking it now.”

  “Even if you wanted to, you couldn’t. It’s solid and you fighting it is only going to make you more miserable.”

  “Truth, it’s wrong—“

  “And what she did to me for two years was wrong. What about us? We’ve been unhappy for too long, G. It’s out time now.”

  Goddess stared at the time on his dash hard, 7:22pm, then looked over at him staring into his beautiful entrancing eyes. He returned his fingers back to her hair loving the way it laid around her face. Her beauty captivated him making his heart beat like crazy. In the short time that they spent together he had learned so much about her that he felt as if he needed her around him always. He needed her to be by his side breathing the same air he breathed.

  “I’m not letting you go babe. We belong together.” Truth said leaning in towards her shiny full lips, pulling her head in towards his.

  “What are we going to tell my grandmother, Truth?” Goddess exhaled allowing her soul to give in to his warm loving embrace.

  “We ain’t gon’ tell her nothing. She don’t owe her any explanations.”

  As their mouths locked onto each other, the only thoughts rolling through Goddess’ head was finally being able to get her rocks off by a real man rather than the multiple vibrators she kept stored away for hard times. His touch was so sensual and his tongue felt like silk. She stroked his long powerful arms loving every muscle she rolled over. Her clit became more soaked than it had ever been before as he made his way down to her full double d breas
ts, grabbing and rubbing as if he had been waiting to touch her for years.

  Truth let the driver’s side seat all the way back and ripped his coat off then turned the car on blasting the heat all the way on high. Goddess unraveled herself out of her coat then looked around to see if any eyes were around. The Lake in the wintertime didn’t have many guests aside from the occasional jogger or dog walker. The downtown lights set the ambiance as she unbuttoned her tight purple button down shirt unveiling a beautiful set of rounds that were perked up in a black lace Victoria Secrets bra.

  “Come sit on daddy’s lap, baby.” Truth demanded salivating like Homer Simpson at her voluptuous delights.

  She mounted and straddled him allowing her thickness to swallow his legs whole. Truth leaned forward to get a mouthful of her lovelies pulling her bra down to get a taste of the large brown nipples engulfing her tits. She moaned softly desiring him to suck harder, caressing his bald fade. With his face still engulfed in her bosom, Truth reached down unbuckling his pants slowly then pulled out his twelve-inch long piece, which was already standing at attention. Goddess looked down with bulging eyes never seeing a schlong so long before. She had to admit it intimidated her and it read on her face.

  “Don’t worry baby. I’m gon’ be real gentle.”

  “Shit, I bet you are.” Goddess laughed as she worked with him to maneuver her pencil skirt up to her waist.

  Truth wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her thong to the side then used his waist to work his hard dick inside of her pulsating hot snatch. He slid his fat head in loving the way she fit tightly around him as she let out a shrieking moan. Goddess took it like the grown woman that she was, sliding all the way down surrounding his entire shaft feeling him tap her uterus. She bounced up and down on it like she was on a pogo stick ready to get off and he as well. Truth grabbed hold of her waist to help hold her steady but it was just like riding a bike to her, she held it down like a pro. Her humungous tits slapped him in his face as she road the shit out of him with his arms squeezing her waist to arch a back, pumping back into her. Goddess’ howled like a wolf feeling his junk pummel her pussy and enjoying every minute of it.


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