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Page 18

by Nicety

  “Sugar, are you still awake?” Nurse Abdula asked returning to his bedside.

  Truth shook his head feeling like she had been gone forever. The Hindu doctor returned along with two detectives who were informed an hour ago that he was out of his second surgery to remove the last two bullets in his abdomen and thigh.

  “I don’t know how much he’ll be able to say because we just recently removed the tube from his throat but he can talk.” Dr. Malhotra said leaning in to check his vitals on the machines.

  “Thank you doctor we just need a few minutes with the victim. We shouldn’t be long.” One of the detectives responded.

  As the doctor and nurse headed out of the room to give them their privacy, Truth began testing his vocal out trying to talk through the pain. “I know who shot me.”

  “Yes we were told you remembered what happened. Can you start at the beginning? Take your time.” The other detective asked sympathetically.

  Truth shook his head telling them no. The detectives looked at each other confusingly. Truth signaled for one of them to hand him a pen and piece of paper. One of them pulled out his notepad and favorite black ballpoint pen from his inside jacket pocket and handed it to him. Truth took it with the quickness, struggling to write since his arms and hands were massively swollen. One of the detectives walked over to hold the pad for him while he wrote.

  G.O.D.D.E.S.S. he wrote on the paper as the detective read it. “Goddess? Is that a name?” He asked watching as Truth shook his head.

  Y.O.U.N.G. he continued while the other detective jotted down what was going on in the room. Truth felt tired just from writing that bit information alone. He proceeded to talk trying to tell them exactly what happened but the more he pushed through the pain the worse it got.

  "So she came up behind you and when you turned around she had a face mask on. Is that correct?" One of the detectives asked.

  "Yes." Truth assured.

  "And do you know why she might have wanted to kill you?" The detective continued.

  Truth shrugged his shoulders slightly before his head nodded uncontrollably, nearly falling asleep.

  The detectives looked suspiciously at each other before the one closest to Truth folded up the notepad and snatched up his pen. He then patted Truth on the shoulder trying to keep him awake. A loud slow beeping sound filled the room that was very annoying.

  "On more thing buddy. This girl, were you all ever romantically involved?"

  "Yes." Truth shook his head allowing the codeine to put him right back to sleep.

  "Oh sorry sugars, but my patient just got his time released pain medicine so he's gonna be down for the count for a few hours. You're welcome to come back in the morning." Nurse Abdula said bursting in the room as upbeat as she could be checking his vitals and machines.

  As disappointed as the detectives were they were happy that had gotten any information at all since they had no leads and no witnesses. They left the hospital room with the notion that they would return tomorrow hoping to get some more and clear information on the case from their star witness. Truth, on the other hand, was out like a light from being doped up on schedule. He was more than relieved to be alive but wished he had never met a female by the name of Goddess Young, feeling that that name would haunt him for years to come.


  Goddess dressed slowly, fixing her hair perfectly into a nice high bun. She affixed her makeup on her face so flawlessly that she modeled in the mirror thinking that she needed to put her beauty on the cover of a high fashion magazine. Instead of spreading her usual Mac lip-gloss on her lips, she picked up her mother’s bright read Mac lipstick and smeared it on her lips. She went around a few times being sure to cover them well before patting her them together and blotting away any excess. She stood grabbing the check off of the vanity, clicking her heels all the way to the front sofa stuffing it inside of her satchel. One last look in the four small mirrors hanging on the wall in the corridor before she put on her grandmother’s brown Sean Jean knit bomber with the fur hood then snatched up her purse and headed out.

  She drove to the Jewels/Osco on 79th and Cicero and walked in heading straight to the TCF Bank with nothing but business on her mind. The money in her purse was going to indeed provide for her a life that she would never take for granted. A new life that she would love to start in Miami away from bullshit and drama. She was done with everything and everybody she had ever known, wanting to drop off the face of the earth from anyone who knew her. Just as she got to the window, her cell sounded off inside of her satchel.

  “Oh I can’t even believe this shit. Why the hell are you calling my phone?” Goddess asked as she handed the lady her old TCF bank account number and the deposit slip for the check.

  “Babe. I had to fire you. It was the only way we could be together without Desire getting in our business. I did it to protect you.” Cole said sounding like he was hyped up off ten cups of coffee.

  “Are you crazy or something? Goodbye Cole.”

  “No…Goddess don’t hang up!”

  The teller looked at the amount on the check and nearly had a heart attack as she placed her hand on her chest. She had never seen such a large amount before in all of her twelve-year career at the bank. She immediately flagged the manager down who quickly scurried to the window.

  “Uh, yes ma’am. I see you are trying to make a deposit today. Follow me into my office.” He said pointing his finger guiding her into the right direction.

  “May I ask what kind of check this is?” He said showing her a seat and offering her a beverage from the small personal refrigerator behind his desk.

  “My mother’s life insurance policy.” Goddess retorted lowering her head for show.

  “Oh. Well I’m very sorry to hear that. My condolences. Well all I need to do is verify this and I would be more than happy to deposit this for you today.” He said as he typed away at his keyboard.

  “So, how much of the money would be available today sir?” She asked raising her head with a single tear strolling down the side of her right cheek.

  “Um, well nothing. The check is going to take at least three days to clear. You should have it by the end of the week though.” He said rising from the desk with the check. “Please sign and put your social security number on the back and I will head to the teller for you.”

  Goddess signed and handed the check to the manager, watching as he disappeared out of the door and into the small area of the bank. She looked down at her phone as it stopped ringing to check and see that she had already missed five other calls prior to that one. They were all from Cole. Her eyebrows curved as she realized she was going to need to change her phone number. She stuffed it back down inside of her satchel as it began to ring again. Frustrated she turned the phone on vibrate, then sat back in the chair wondering what was taking the manager so long. Her palms grew sweaty while her knees grew weak hoping that everything was fine. That money was her ticket to financial freedom and the lavish life she used to live.

  “Okay, Ms. Young, we have deposited your check and you’re all set. Should you need anything, anything at all, please don’t hesitate to call me.” The manager said taking one of his business cards off the desk and handing it to her, grinning from ear to ear.

  “Uh, sure. Thanks.” She said rising up from the chair and heading out the door.

  All eyes were on her as she left the grocery store. The tellers were in shock that she had walked in there with a $425,000 check and it was legit. Goddess walked with confidence to her car wanting to go have dinner in a fancy place alone with a glass of exquisite room temperature merlot. She was feeling that damn good wondering how Truth would feel about himself if he knew she had more money than he could spend.

  “Goddess!” Cole jumped out from behind her car, walking up to her.

  “What the fuck are you doing here? Did you follow me?” She yelled angrily.

  “I always follow you Goddess. You need someone to pr
otect you. I can protect you.” Cole said grabbing her arm gently.

  “Cole, we are over and you need to get that through your fucking head.”

  “No. I can’t accept that. You’re just mad and that’s okay. But I can make you love me again. I can —“

  “Whoa, whoa. I never loved you. What gave you the idea that I loved you?”

  “We shared that special night together. You let me spoon you. Why are you acting like this?” Cole said moving in closer to kiss her.

  “Ew, Cole! Stop it! You need to get a grip. I don’t love you and I never will! Stop following me! Stop texting and calling! Just leave me the fuck alone!” She bellowed, snatching her arm from his grasp. “Got it? Just leave me the fuck alone!”

  She got in the car, pulling off wildly, anxious to be rid of his presence. Cole simply stood there watching her flee from the scene. He was a very well educated brother for the life of him he couldn’t figure out why the one woman he desired most of all didn’t want him. He had never been turned down so harshly from any woman and the more she did the more he wanted to wrap his lips around her pussy and lick until she screamed. He knew that was the key to every woman’s heart. His soul yearned for one more chance to make her, his.

  Chapter 24


  Her coat itched unable to wait to throw it on the floor next to the sofa along with her heeled boots, which ached her feet so. She lied back on the sofa dreaming of how awesome Miami would be and hot she would look in a string bikini. Since working a regular nine to five wasn’t working out well for her, she allowed her dreams to extend as far as working on a fit beach body and becoming some sort of model to showcase her infinite beauty. Her cell had rung off the hook nonstop since her run-in with Cole and it showed no sign of stopping. Beyond livid, she snatched up her purse pulling it out and checking the number on the face. It was unrecognizable, which made her leery of answering but her curiosity killed.

  “Who the fuck is this?” She screamed.

  “May I speak to Goddess Young?”

  “Who is this?”

  “Is this her?”

  “Who wants to know?”

  “You’re a fucking coward. Can’t even tell people who you are. Who are you running from Goddess?” The female on the other end shrieked.

  “I ain’t got time to dick around with yo chump change havin’ ass. When you get enough money to buy a clue bitch hit me back.” Goddess snapped ready to hang up the phone.

  “That’s mighty fine talk for someone with blood on her hands.” The girl laughed cynically.

  “What did you just say?”

  “You heard me bitch. Someone obviously forgot what project complex they used to stay in.”

  “Tara?” Goddess asked sitting up slightly.

  “You won’t get away with what you done bitch. One way or the other, you will pay.”

  “Oh, I’m shaking in my boots bitch. What are you like five years old trying to get revenge for your whack ass momma? Please, spare me the bullshit.” Goddess laughed.

  “Don’t talk about my momma! You don’t deserve to talk about her!” Tara snapped boiling over with heat and trembling with excitement. “You’ll pay, Goddess.”

  “Yeah, well, kiss my ass too!” Goddess hung up the phone tired of playing Tara’s little game.

  She figured Tara was sadly mistaken if she thought finding her cell number to harass her was going to scare her one bit. However, it did concern her as to why she chose then to call her when she had been talked to Venus weeks ago. Nevertheless, she wasn’t about to concern herself with foolishness when in a few days she would be shaking her ass in paradise.

  Ding, Ding, Ding!

  “Who is it?” She yelled as she looked through the peephole only seeing darkness. “Take your hand off the peephole or I’m not opening the door.”

  “It’s me, G. Open up.” Spliff spat calmly.

  Goddess opened the door grudgingly allowing him to enter then dove right back on the sofa burying her head in the cushion. Spliff walked over taking a seat right in front of her legs scooting them back so he wouldn’t hurt her then leaned forward playing with her ass cheeks.

  “What do you want Spliff?”

  “I told you I was coming back.”

  “Did you only come back because you stole the wrong check?” She said turning over.

  “Awe, baby. Com’ on now you know I wasn’t gonna do nothing with it. I just wanted to see how much it was, girl.” He responded friskily slapping her thighs.

  “Yeah right. I bet you were. Where’s Desire?”

  “I don’t know. We got into a fight. I left her ass where she was. Now how about we finish what we started earlier?”

  “You trippin’ nigga. I’m done with you.” Goddess said batting his hands away from unbuckling her pants.

  “Girl, you can’t quit me. We married and that shit is til death do you part. Remember?” Spliff began to kiss her hand making his way up her arm.

  Goddess snatched her hand away and pushed him up off of her. “Dude, listen. You got me fucked up if you think I’m gonna be stupid enough to fall for your bullshit anymore. I’ve had plenty of time to get over you and that shit the other day…we’re beyond over Spliff.”

  “But I love you, G. Don’t you love me?”

  “I will always love you. But how much could you possibly have loved me three year ago when you fell off the face of the earth?” She asked trying not to become choked up by the thought.

  Ding, Ding!

  “Ugh, who is it?” She asked walking over to the door.

  “Cole. Please I need to say something really quickly, Goddess and then I promise I will leave you alone for good.” He yelled.

  Part of her wanted to call the police but she felt it would truly do no good. Besides, she wasn’t in the mood to deal with them right then especially since she wasn’t entirely sure if they were looking for her or not. She opened the door once again, reluctantly but knew if anything popped off with him that at least Spliff would make him leave.

  “I’m listening, Cole. I’m kinda in the middle of something here.” She said extending her hand out towards Spliff.

  “Hey guy, I’m Spliff.” He said rising to shake Cole’s hand.

  Cole hawked Spliff down looking at his hand as if it were a diseased parasite coming for him. He turned back towards Goddess as Spliff returned to his seat disheveled by his rejection. She shook her head at the both of them acting like childish boys in a schoolyard.

  “Anyway, can we talk somewhere in private?” Cole asked pinching her elbow gently.

  “I don’t think so, Cole. Just say what you need to say right here.”

  “Goddess, I don’t wanna lose you. Just tell me what I need to do to make this right and I will do it. Absolutely anything.” Cole begged waving his hands and talking through his teeth.

  “Ugh, God! What is it going to take for you to understand?”

  “You don’t have to get loud, Goddess. I’m right here.” Cole said side eyeing Spliff who was pretending to mind his business.

  “Cole, I don’t want you. Your dick is little and you can’t fuck. You can barely eat pussy and that’s basically the reason why you got a chance to hit it in the first place. Stop playing yourself and go home. Just go home.” Goddess replied patting him on the shoulder feeling sorry that she whipped her pussy on the shmuck.

  Cole felt rage build up inside of him. He couldn’t control it as his arm had a mind of its own reaching behind then bringing it back around slapping the dog shit out of Goddess’ mouth. She spun round, landing on the floor at his feet clutching her cheek and looking up into his crazed eyes. Spliff rushed over pushing him into the dining room table and helping her to her feet.

  “Nigga what the fuck is wrong with you? That’s a female!” Spliff snapped rushing over to push him again.

  “Naw nigga ain’t shit wrong with me. Fucks wrong with you!” Cole yelled back as he pulled a black Glo
ck from behind his back and pointed right for Spliff’s head.

  “Ay, man. I don’t want no motherfuckin’ trouble.” Spliff lifted his hands in the air and backed back coolly.

  “Cole, what the fuck are you doing with that? Put that shit down are you crazy!” Goddess spat waving her hand at him so he would put the gun down.

  “Goddess, I don’t know why I keep letting you hurt me like this but you need to understand that I am the only one who will ever love you this way. You have to love me!” Cole shook violently. “Get y’all asses to the couch. Move!”

  “Where’d you get this one from?” Spliff leaned over whispering into Goddess’ hear jokingly.

  He stood there pointing the gun back and forth between both of their heads wondering whom he should shoot first. It was silent in the room. He waved the gun pointing over to the sofa for them to make their way there and have a seat. Goddess knew she would regret opening that door but didn’t know it would be life threatening. They sat on the sofa picking their fingernails and nudging each other while he sat on the staircase figuring out his next move.

  Hours went past while the day turned into night and Goddess still found herself a hostage in her own house. She wasn’t the least bit concerned about Cole shooting her feeling as though he didn’t have the balls to shoot a fly. Nothing was said or mumbled, but looks were tossed around very much so.

  “Cole, I gotta pee.” Goddess looked up at him growing tired of sitting on her ass.


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