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Page 27

by Nicety

  Cocoa sat and spent $10 on the slot machines losing every penny. She realized that her money was depleting fast. She was skeptical about going to the tables because she had never played at the low baller tables before. Cocoa thought that the people who surrounded those tables were con artists and thieves. She did not want a muthafucka to dupe her out of her last little money. Left without much choice, she headed over to the blackjack table. There were two other guys there that had a stack of chips sitting in front of them. She figured they had to be running some sort of scam because when she sat down they mean mugged her like they did not want her there.

  Cocoa sat down anyway. She played her money slowly, playing only $5 at a time. A while later, she was up almost $100. She was about to walk away assuming that would be the smart thing to do. As she was getting up the guy on the end began talking to her.

  “Hey honey. Ya leavin’ so soon? You don’t look like a quitter to me.”

  She wanted to ignore his ass but felt compelled to talk to him since she hadn’t had a decent conversation in months.

  “I was just stretching.”

  “Well that’s good ‘cause I would’ve missed that pretty lil’ face.”

  Cocoa knew this old white dude was just spitting game and was in no mood to be macked on then.

  Cocoa sat down and continued to play but just as sparingly as she did before. The guy kept smiling at her, winking his eye every chance she looked back. He chuckled and made jokes at the table that she couldn’t help to laugh at. The guy even bought her a drink. She sipped on it not wanting to get too messed up. Cocoa was having such a good time that she did not even realize that she had lost $75 of her winnings already.

  “Oh, Shit. I gotta go”

  She said counting the little shit she had left.

  The guy saw that she was distraught about her winnings.

  “What’s wrong honey?”

  “Nothing. I….I just have to go.”

  Her head was hung down. She couldn’t bring herself to look him in the eye since she knew it was a lie. The guy looked her in her face then reached over to touch her arm.

  “Well since you’re leaving could you do an old man a favor?”

  Cocoa hoped this old ass bastard wasn’t about to ask her for some ass because she wasn’t in the mood to kick some ass today.

  Her facial expression turned sour as she stepped into the guy’s personal space to let him know she meant business if he said the wrong shit.

  “What’s that, old man?”

  “Well I was wondering if you could get one of those pretty little waitresses over here to get me another whisky and you keep the change for your trouble.”

  She suddenly felt sheepish. Cocoa did not realize that not everyone was out to get her. She let her guard down and accepted the guy’s task.

  The man handed her a hundred dollar bill.

  “Wait the change from this is gonna be like $95! Are you serious about that?”

  The man looked up and smiled at her.

  “Just the very thought of you explaining that to me, let’s me know how pure your heart is. I don’t need that drink honey I’m fine. Why don’t you keep that for ya trouble.”

  Cocoa was flabbergasted by the goodness in this man’s heart.

  “Gee, thanks sir.”

  The man saluted her then turned around and began playing again. Cocoa left out and headed home feeling good inside. Until now she believed that only nice people existed in the movies. Guess she was wrong. ****

  Chapter 12- the worst it gets

  The next day she got up feeling a little less sorry for herself. It was beyond her beliefs but she headed down to the welfare office known in the hood as the public aid office. She used to think that people on welfare were lazy and ignorant until she realized they actually do help people and she would need their help. The bitches that worked there was rude and the lines were long. There were kids running around playing and babies crying for attention. Ghetto bitches talked on the phone about how their baby daddies weren’t shit. It was a mad house. Cocoa felt like she was in a time warp.

  Hours went by before someone finally called her name to the side door in the office. She went in behind the caseworker following her to her desk. The lady seemed uninterested in the fact that she even had a job.

  “What can I do for you?”

  She asked as if she did not know what the hell she did all day. Cocoa looked at her in disbelief.

  “Well, I would like to apply for food stamps.”

  Cocoa began clearing her throat hoping maybe that would help the lady wake up a little. The lady reached out her hand for Cocoa’s application without a word. She began typing various things from the application into the computer.

  There were a few things that she requested from Cocoa such as a picture I.D., and social security card. Finally after sitting in the office for hours applying and getting the silent treatment, she was done. $72 a month in food stamps and $60 a month in cash on a link card was all they approved her to survive on. As she walked out of the public aid office and down the street she found a sign advertising a club that was hiring strippers. She figured a job was a job and there wouldn’t be any harm in a job stripping. The little club was in the south suburb of Dolton called Danger Tail. She remembered hearing about the club from her old hoes when they used to talk about it. She decided to go in and audition.

  Later that night, when she got there, the first person to greet her was the owner. His name was Bob. He was an old beer bellied white guy that did not take no shit off anybody.

  “Sure you can audition. Turn around let me see ya.”

  He said to her looking at her like she was a three-piece chicken dinner. Cocoa turned around and as she did she felt as if pieces of her dignity shredded away. He sucked his lips and shook is head then told her that if the crowd liked her that he would take care of her no questions asked. Bob carried a shotgun through the club like he was wrangling cattle and had it propped up on his shoulder.

  "Do you lick pussy? Cause if you don't you better get used to it ‘cause girl shows pay more and that's more money for me. I mean you."


  As she walked to the dressing rooms the customers sized her up and the girls mean mugged her.

  "Alright you're on in 5.”

  A guy yelled from the side of the curtain.

  "Hey suga you're on with me. I'm Violet." a white girl said all smiles.

  "Better get going, Bob hates it when we are late on stage. You want me to eat your pussy or you'll eat mine? Oh almost forgot, drink this drink, it'll loosen you up a bit."

  "You do me."

  Cocoa said as she poured and guzzled 2 more drinks from Violet’s dressing mirror. The girls walked up behind the stage curtain and waited to be announced. Cocoa looked at Violet who appeared excited and ready to go. The more Cocoa thought about what she was about to do the more depressed she got. She had no choice but to choke it up though so she could get through the night.

  "Alright folks. Coming to the stage is a new comer to the game. We call her Honey. Show her and Violet some love with dem dollaaaaas.”

  It was game time now. Cocoa cleared her mind and relaxed her body. The drinks did ease her up a little bit for her to go out there to shake her ass around for some dollars.

  Violet was doing all kinds of tricks, going up on the pole and then coming down into a split. She crawled over to Cocoa who was bent over getting dollars stuffed into her g-string. She then lay down on the stage head up and pulled Cocoa's pussy onto her face. She caught Cocoa by surprise so when she felt that tongue she fell into submission. Violet licked her pussy so hard and good that Cocoa’s knees buckled. The more Cocoa screamed, the more money was thrown on the stage. There were plenty of customers that were gay women and old men. They would come to the club just to come in their pants watching the shit because to them it was a live porn show.

  After Cocoa came about 4 times, Violet crawled
out from under her and crawled on top of her licking and kissing and sucking all on her body and tits. Then tongue kissing her heavily. Violet rubs her pussy against Cocoa’s humping crazily. They were both feeling it so much that they began moaning loudly and chanting.

  “I’m bout to cum! I’m bout to cum!”

  As soon as the girls were winded down, Violet rolled over next to Cocoa and began playing with her pussy while popping hers in the air. Cocoa did not want to lay there doing nothing so she followed suit.

  Cocoa was so aroused that she did not want to stop. Suddenly there was a loud buzzing.

  "Well that's it babe. Times up!"

  Violet gets up and starts grabbing money from customers and the stage. Cocoa tried to gain her strength and composure back then started collecting as well. The girls headed back into the dressing room. Bob meets them back there.

  "You're hired!! I've never drooled so much in my life but you gonna have to lick some snatch around here if you wanna make it. Got a bangin’ ass little body though. Mmmhmm."

  He said as he walked out the door.

  Avoiding the annoyance of small talk, Cocoa leaves the dressing room to head home. Finally opening the door, Cocoa just grabs a seat over on the living room floor. With the lights off, her house looked almost abandoned but Cocoa had a few battery-operated candles that she used to light up the house. The candles proved worthy when she was a kid and her mother did not pay the bills. Cocoa went back to sit on the floor and thought about what life would be like if she sold the house to get some money.

  She realized she did not need the house or its memories anymore so why not sell it and get an apartment. She figured it was a good idea since too many people knew where she lived anyway and that would probably be perfect for them to come and finish the job. When she was happy with that decision, she decided to clean up the house. Even though she had a long night of work she couldn’t sleep. As she cleaned up the broken pieces of what she knew to be her life, she began to feel a sense of peace. Peace that she hadn’t felt in a long time.

  It felt so free, so innocent.

  Over the next few weeks, things got a little bit better to deal with. Cocoa would shake her ass and fuck bitches for money at night and handle bills and meeting with the bank to sell the house during the day. She figured the house had appreciated in value because of all of the work she'd put into it. So early one morning she decided it was time to head on down to the bank to speak with them about the house’s value.

  “Hi. I’m here to find out about selling my house.”

  She said all smiles. The customer service agent pointed her into the direction of the line she needed to be in. There was only one lady that could help her with that and she looked as if Cocoa did not fuck her right the night before. There was one person in front of her so she seized this opportunity as some time to brush up on her schmoozing skills. The lady yelled,


  As Cocoa walked up to her the lady asked, "How can I help you?"

  "Yes. Hi, I would like to find out information on selling my house."

  "Ok let me see your deed, paperwork, and two forms of I.D."

  Cocoa handed it to her.

  "And are you Nadine?"

  "Well no but...."

  "Then I can not help you."

  "But if you listen, I'm trying to explain that I'm her daughter."

  "It doesn't matter. I can't help you excuse me."

  Damn that shit was brutally cold. She was a real bitch. If she could have 5 minutes alone with her in a room she could bet she would fuck her up. She tried not to let it get her down but it was eating away at her. The stupid bitch wouldn’t even listen to what she had to say. She did not give her a chance to get a word in edge wise and now she did not have any clue as to what she was going to do about the house. Cocoa headed out the door with the feeling that someone was watching her. She got this prickly feeling on the back of her neck. Someone was mean mugging her on the way out of the door, some ugly looking dude in the corner of the bank near the water fountains. Some muthafuckas had real eye problems. Cocoa rolled her eyes as she walked out.

  That night she went to work in a shitty mood but she was adamant on not letting it affect her work. She went in, did her job, and left as usual. On her way home she thought about the house not being able to get sold and how she was going to save money. Cocoa thought about what other ways she could get rid of that house without her mother’s consent. It was times like this that made her think about her mother. There were so many unanswered questions that she had about why her mother’s life turned to shit and she needed them answered.

  Cocoa would often dance with problems on the brain. The angrier she was it seemed the hotter she danced. She’d shake her ass so hard and fast that niggas wouldn’t even pay attention to how much money they were throwing up on stage.

  Cocoa usually had the most money at the end of the night because she was willing to go the extra mile to get it. She also was the one with the least stretch marks since she had no kids. Every nigga that came to the club wanted to run up in Cocoa. Her pussy was the perfect color and her tits were the perfect kind of perky. They were the real perky and not the implant perky.

  Cocoa would love to tease the niggas as she bounced around on stage.

  “You want to lick my pussy, bitch?”

  Niggas would become so aroused that they would bang on the stage with their fists.

  “Mmmm. I know you do.”

  Bob would often have to kick some of the guy’s asses because they were fucking his stage up trying to get to her, not to mention that the bouncers worked for their money every night she worked. When Cocoa was done for the night, she often times had to leave out of the back door of the club not to be seen since there was always some pervert trying to wait outside to follow her home.

  Leaving the club, she decided that the bitch at the bank wasn’t going to destroy her thinking. Cocoa was determined to sell that house one-way or the other. She had finally made it to her side of town and as she walked up her block to her house she saw the fire and police departments running around and asking her neighbors questions. They were blocking off sections of the area and weren’t allowing people through. She ran up to her house praying that it wasn't.....

  "Hey!!!!!!!! That's my fucking house!!!!"

  Cops began to swarm her pulling her back and trying to calm her down. Cocoa was beyond hysterical. Her whole life up until now flashed before her eyes at this point. She had truly lost everything. This would happen just when things were starting to look up now she did not have a place to live. If it wasn’t one thing, it was another.

  "Do you have anybody you can stay with? If not I know a good shelter, ma'am." One cop said to her trying to distract her.

  The neighbors were all out there pulling on her to talk and hugging her into their bosoms sending sympathy. Some of these people she did not fuck with and barely fucked with her but wanted to extend their hand anyway. Cocoa did not have the strength to tell them to get away. She pushed to move around and looked up at her house all black and dripping wet and realized it was truly all gone. Cocoa dropped down to the ground while covering her face.

  Unbelievable. The being homeless thoughts sucked big time. Not being able to have a secure place to go really fucked with her. There was no selling the house now that shit it was all burned away. The insurance was also in her mom’s name and she probably wasn’t going to be able to collect on that either. Rather than put up with more unfriendly rejection, she decided to kiss the house goodbye. As she stood there watching the city board-up guys board up the house, she thought of who she could stay with at least until she got on her feet to get a little apartment.

  With the money she was making at the club she did not want to waste it on motel rooms but it looked as if she had no choice. She decided to go to this little hole in the wall motel a few blocks from her burnt house. Walking down Halsted Street made her feel weird. The thought of having to
go to the shabby motel was a hard slap in the face. The lights were so bright everyone could see her.

  She did not know why Drew had it out for her so cold, especially since she was nothing but loyal to him, but she knew he set her house on fire. She did not want anyone seeing her and knowing where she was going. She hurried to dash into the office door of the ugly ass motel. The old guy behind the counter was watching TV and wasn’t even paying attention to her standing there. She banged on the window. The man looked up finally acknowledging her.


  “Can I get a fucking room please?”

  “Yeah, hang on.”

  The guy took his sweet time getting the necessary things together for her to order the room. When he was done and she had paid, he finally slipped her the room key.

  As soon as she got in her room all she wanted to do was sleep.

  She triple locked the door and threw down her purse. Cocoa looked around the room realizing how her life had resorted to this kind of living. She plopped down on the bed and attempted to turn the TV on to watch the news but it wouldn’t work.

  This shit was frustrating her so bad that she just wanted to whoop some ass. Looking around the room, she took a huge deep breath then got up to throw some water on her face. Then she walked back into the room and stared at the bed wondering how many people actually slept on those sheets. After evaluating the bed sheets she lay down to finally get some rest. ****


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