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Page 38

by Nicety

  Sin said as he let one shot in James’ leg. He fell to the floor screaming in pain and holding it.

  “Man, what the fuck! This nigga just shot me!”

  Cocoa grabbed a crowbar and hit Cassie in the stomach with it. She bent over clutching herself then Cocoa punched her in the jaw dropping her to the floor. Cassie began spitting up blood and moaning in pain.

  "What a waste." She said as she spit on her.

  “What you wanna do with these muthafuckas baby?” Sin asked.

  “Wipe that gun.”

  Cocoa looked around the garage for some rope. Instead when she walked around to the other side of the car she spotted a can of gasoline sitting by the lawnmower.

  She thought for a minute about everything she had been through. She wondered if these bitches deserved to get what was coming to them. They were coming to murder her ass and did not give a damn about them so she wasn't going to spare their lives. This was it. Something in her brain suddenly snapped and it was time to draw the line. Her eyes grew eerie like and the sweat she had called fear dried up. She took the piece from him and held it in her hand examining it.

  "This is nice, real nice.“

  She picked up that can of gasoline and walked over to the assholes on the floor and drenched them in gas. Pouring every little drop out of the can until there was nothing left.

  Cassie and James lay on the floor screaming and crying. "You stupid bitch!" Cassie bellowed crying hysterically now.

  "I hate you! You’re fucking dead hoe, fucking dead!"

  Sin opened the door to get some air. Cocoa walked around them like a lioness circling her pray. Then she reached into James’ pocket and took out a lighter and flicked the switch.

  “Your days are canceled hoe. Now why don't you, Go To Hell Bitch!”

  Cocoa spoke in Cassie’s ear then tossed the lighter onto her body. As she walked out of the garage and closed the door she could hear the screams of them both as their flesh burned. She met Sin at the front of the house to meet up.

  “Come on baby! We Gotta go!”

  Sin said all hysterical.

  “Stop! We will walk to the bus stop on 79th and catch the bus to the train.” Sin did not want to sound like a lame but he was worried someone would see the fire and pinpoint their asses leaving the scene.


  There was a loud explosion behind them. The fire reached up higher than the trees it was so big. Cocoa did not seem to be affected by the fact there was an elaborate fire in the back of her old house. She merely kept walking and ignored the fiery blaze.

  “What are you doing with that piece, Cocoa?” Sin asked.

  For a minute, she had almost forgot it was in her hand.

  “I need it.”

  And that was that. She tucked the pistol nicely away in her boot and secured it. Sin had begun to start acting like a little bitch. He was all jittery and paranoid. That was a big turn off for her considering all of the bullshit she had been through. She wanted to tell him to man up so bad but she feared hurting his little feelings and starting an argument so she remained quiet.

  They rode the bus and train downtown to the Wacker bridge. Once on the bridge they both began looking down into the waters underneath. She looked down thinking that would be one fucked up grave. They stood around silently kicking rocks and watching luxury sedans ride by.

  Cocoa was becoming impatient standing there doing and saying virtually nothing.

  “What time is this car supposed to be here?”

  “Around sunset.”

  It was already sunset and still there was no car. She began to wonder if something might have gone wrong.

  “Baby I’m so glad you came back to me. I missed you so much.” Cocoa caressed his face gently, trying to take her mind off of all the bullshit.

  She leaned in to hug and kiss on Sin but he backed back acting real cold and shady. She went to wrap her arms around him again and he grabbed her arms and placed them down in front of her. Sin was appearing distant and less talkative.

  “What’s wrong honey?”

  Sin just shook his head as if to say nothing and stared out over the bridge.

  For a few moments their time was silent until Sin looked and spotted the car.

  “Here it comes.” He said quietly.

  It was amazing that he could pinpoint the car out of the plethora of cars that looked just like it. She looked into his face knowing something was wrong. He did not say anything and his face was stone cold. A black window separated the driver from them so she couldn’t see if he looked familiar or not. Cocoa kept her eyes out of the window trying to remember everything that they past so that if she’d never been to where they were going she could remember how to get

  back to the city. She looked over and reached for Sin’s hand. He allowed her to grab it but his was lifeless. She wasn’t feeling the bond that she felt when they first reunited.

  Cocoa leaned in for a kiss but Sin leaned back and decline. She figured she would try to put his mind at ease by giving him a quickie in the car. All of a sudden this nigga had changed into Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde on her ass. He batted her advances away.

  “Don’t do that.” He said.

  Cocoa really looked confused now. She couldn't believe that he was treating her like this so soon into their engagement. He was eerily silent which had to have meant something was going on that this nigga wasn't saying. The car turned into a forest. Her heart started beating really fast but she tried to camouflage it by pacing her breathing.

  It seemed so suspicious and it was actually pissing her off that her fiancé was not speaking to her for some reason. Was he scared? She had no clue what the hell was going on or what to expect but she had a feeling that now was the time to be prepared for anything. Beyond the trees emerged an elaborate house with picture windows all around it. If it wasn’t for the spaces in between the windows one might figure that it was a glass house. There was a huge black front door on this three-story building. It wasn’t a house it was a mansion. Cocoa thought it must have had seven bedrooms and ten full bathrooms, it was so big. The place took her breath away. She had never seen such a place in her life.

  She knew the security in this place would be tight so she stuck the piece a little deeper in her boot. Sin hadn’t moved, blinked, or said anything the whole time of the ride but when she stuck the piece in her boot he appeared to be watching closely. She did not know what was up with him but she had a feeling that she was about to find out. The driver pulled right up to the front door then cut the car off. Cocoa assumed he would get out and open the door for them but he did not. After a few minutes of waiting she decided to just go ahead and get out and to her surprise Sin followed.

  “You ready?” He asked.

  “Damn you talking to me now?” She said angrily.

  “It wasn’t that I was not talking to you. I have just been thinking about this moment. Let’s just go.”

  Sin grabbed her arm and led her up to the door that swung open immediately.

  Two guards at the door greeted them sternly as they walked in the mansion. Cocoa looked around mesmerized. The foyer was beautiful like something out of a magazine. There was a long staircase in the middle and beautiful furniture all around. There were maids watering plants and men standing there with pieces big enough to blow off an elephant’s head. Sin led her up the stairs and down a long winding hall. The doors were so big and there were authentic paintings hanging on the wall. There were beautiful crystal chandeliers hanging all in a row along the ceiling. One part did not have light shining upon it at the end of the hall because one of the doors was open casting the light into the shadow. ****

  Chapter 29 – Imperfect Deception

  When they reached the end of the hall just steps from the door, he slowed down and allowed her to continue on. She looked back and realized he had stopped but did not even question him. She stood there in front of the light, turned her head and looked at h
im. He just stared at her without a sound or movement. Cocoa turned away from him and slowly yet cautiously walked into the room. There was a fire glowing in the enormous fireplace, which besides the light illuminating from the windows was the only light in the room.

  Above the fireplace was a huge gold plated sign that read First Lady. There was a desk over in front of two enormous windows that were as long as a car. It appeared that there was no one in the nearly dark room. She looked around at the sofa set and other furniture including an elongated bar in the room. It was all very beautiful. The stuff looked as if most of the items were imported from Persia or some shit.

  “Would you like a drink?”

  A voice said emerging from the chair on the opposite side of the desk. The voice startled Cocoa almost making her heart jump out of her chest.

  She couldn’t bring herself to say anything. She wanted to wait until she saw the face behind the voice. It was a female’s voice and she knew who it could've been but it was so unbelievable that she had to see for herself. There was movement in the chair as someone fidgeted around and then that someone finally emerged from the seat. A woman stood up and walked around the desk and leaned against it. To put it in words she was simply stunning. She had long flowing hair and wonderful legs that she crossed as she sat on the desk. She was thin and as statuesque as a model exactly like Cocoa. There was no denying that this woman who looked as if she could be her twin, was her mother.

  “Hello Cocoa. Well aren’t you going to give your mother a hug?” The woman said.

  Cocoa couldn’t move. So many emotions were running through her so fast she couldn’t grab hold of one to process. Finally she gained the courage to address her emotions.

  “Where the hell have you been? Why did you leave me when I was a kid and how the hell did you get all of this? Why did you put me through all….?”

  Her mind was going a hundred miles an hour with questions. Nadine stopped her in mid-sentence though.

  “Honey. I know you must have mixed feelings about me and the situations that have happened in the past up till now, but you have to understand that everything I did was done because I love you. You needed more from me than I could give so I left until I could. Now, we are together again and that’s all that matters right?”

  Her mother walked over to her and touched her shoulder.

  “No, that’s not all that matters.” Cocoa said shrugging away from her.

  “Answer my questions.”

  Nadine took a deep breath and walked over to the bar next to the fireplace to make a drink. Then she took out a cigarette and lit it.

  “My drug habit had consumed me at that time in my life. I remember being in a crack house leaning against a wall hoping for death. When your father came into the room, I for the life of me to this day can't figure out where he came from or how he knew I was there. But he picked me up and took me to his house. This house.”

  Cocoa looked around for any sight of her dad.

  She started to wonder how the hell did he find her mother too but he couldn’t find her and take her out of the hell she was living in. Nadine continued,

  “Your father helped me to get clean by putting me in rehab and ensuring that I had no access to the drugs. We were due to get married last year but…” She paused.

  “But what?” Cocoa exclaimed.

  Her mother turned and looked her square in the eye.

  “But I found out that he was fucking all of these bitches from all around the world and he had never intended on being faithful to me or creating a family for you so….I shot his ass in the fucking head right between his fucking eyes.”

  Nadine said the shit with no remorse.

  Cocoa’s heart dropped. There was never the thought of a father ever being known because it could have been anybody. But finding out that there was a man who could be identified but there wasn’t any longer, really fucked her up inside. She would never be able to see the man who gave her life and question him on his whereabouts and why he left her with such a bitch drug addicted mother. Her anger started to rise.

  “I know that you’re mad now but in time you’ll thank me. He never cared about you or me. He only did things that was convenient for him not to better anyone else! The son of a bitch left us to fucking rot! He...never...gave..a shit!”

  Nadine by now was becoming hostile. Cocoa wanted to cry but her anger wouldn’t let her. Cocoa’s mother carried on.

  “I did all of this for you. I wasn’t really going to kill you as stated in those clues. I used that as motivation. I just did not want you to be afraid of doing it. You eliminated everything and everyone that would cause you harm or who would otherwise destroy you. Don’t you see? All of this is for you! I changed everything into your name the house, the bank accounts everything is in your name and now honey we can live happily ever after. We can get what we want! Shop when we want! Just live happy lives together.”

  Cocoa couldn’t hold it any longer. Her tears began rolling down her cheeks. She began to feel a lost sense of self and meaning. Everything that her mother was saying went in one ear and out the other. It was never about the money, it was about the love.

  “Your dad even has a trust fund for you. You can get it when you turn twenty-one! Aren’t you excited? Say something!” Nadine said.

  Cocoa did not know what to say. Her mind was collecting all of this new information and processing it putting two and two together. Suddenly her tears stopped. There was no feeling of sorrow left inside of her. The anger had returned and in full force.

  “And what about Sin?”

  She asked watching her mother guzzle her drink. She saw a smile arise on her mother’s face.

  “Honey. He’s a play toy. You don’t need him.”

  “I don’t need him and that gave you the right to FUCK HIM?” Cocoa screamed.

  “I helped you! That muthafucka ain’t no good for you. Besides he’s been in love with me since he got here. You think he wants your ass anymore! You’re nothing to him. He wants this pussy. You little ungrateful bitch! I did all of this for YOU! And all you can think about is some nigga. You can fall on top of any dick you want now bitch, you got money now. You need to start acting like you want this, you ungrateful bitch.”

  Nadine made another drink. Cocoa felt the rage slowly building up inside of her. Just as Nadine poured the cognac in her glass, Sin came in the room from a back doorway. He was dressed in black leather pants and a spiked dog collar around his neck. His pecks were glistening against the flame of the fire. He walked over to Nadine then began rubbing his body up against hers. Nadine slapped him on the ass

  and they began kissing and groping each other. Her mother grabbed his dick and he pulled out one of her tits and began sucking on it.

  “UGGHH!” Cocoa exclaimed as she reached for her piece.

  Sin pulled away from Nadine as she fixed her clothing and looked at Cocoa. She straightened up as not to alert them to her reaching for the piece. She did not know if Sin remembered she had it but she did not want to take that chance.

  “He’s my bitch. You don’t need him.” Nadine said nonchalantly smiling and taking a sip of her drink. Sin just stood there staring at her the same way he did when Drew was raping her.

  "What the fuck? What about us? About this?"

  Cocoa held her left hand up and showed Sin the engagement ring he gave her. He did not even give her an explanation he just stood there.

  "Oh, honey don't be naive. He only gave you that ring as reward from me. Job well done."

  Nadine said as she began to laugh. She laughed so hard that she choked on her cognac. Cocoa felt the blood rushing to her brain getting that nauseated feeling again.

  “I don’t know what it is Cocoa. I love her. She is more woman than I can ever imagine. I’ve been asking you to marry me for the longest and you wouldn’t. Now all of a sudden you wanna marry me. What the fuck? Your mother showed me so much shit. She's a real woman. I love her.” />
  His words pierced through Cocoa like glass.

  “Shut up bitch! I’m not finna listen to this. Go sit your ass down.” Her mother said.

  She walked over to the desk and pulled out a piece and laid it down flat.

  “Now. Are you with us or against us? Of course you’re gonna have to accept this at some point. Is this something you’re gonna be able to deal with or would you like to take a visit to your father?”

  As she spoke she walked over to Cocoa and played with her hair. Cocoa felt even sicker with every touch from her.

  “Why are you doing this Sin? I thought we were going to be together.”

  Cocoa pleaded.

  Sin just sat there. His bitch ass did not have anything to say. He did exactly what his master ordered him to do. Cocoa looked away into the fire.

  “Why do you need me? I mean if you been having all control over the money and everything why do you need me?” She asked her mother.

  Again her mother smiled that devious smile then faced Cocoa dead on.

  “You are so silly. You’re old enough to know the business. So here it goes. Your trust fund is worth one hundred million dollars. You father left that all to you and everyday it grows by five million dollars until your birthday, which is nearing. I’ve tried to break it but the banks are so touchy about those trust funds.

  Your father refused to break it. So I can’t touch that money. If you die all of that money goes to some bogus charity. So I need you to go and pull all of that money and put it into a regular bank account for all of us to share, of course.”

  “Wow, so all of this for money which you basically want for yourself. All of this shit was for your own selfish personal gain??”

  “Have you ever imagined being rich? Rich beyond your wildest dreams? You have never had this type of money. I’ve been watching you with your little drug dealing strip club establishment. With this kind of money you could open up your own extravagant strip club on an island that you bought and have what ever you want in there. You will never again have to run the dope game because it is all ran for you, here. We pay people to take care of all of that.” Nadine took a hit of her cigarette.


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