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Page 40

by Nicety

  Treach turned to her and looked her dead in the eye. “Because I did not want you to say any wrong information. You did not know what kind of shit your bitch ass mother was up to. I can assure you that from now on it will never happen again.”

  Cocoa felt okay with that. She figured that if her dad trusted him enough to keep him around for all this time she could trust him too.

  They arrived back at the mansion in no time. Cocoa was anxious to get to reading her dad’s memoirs. But since it was late she decided to call it a night.

  “See you in the morning Ms. Lady.”

  Treach said walking up close to her. She wanted to step back from him invading her space but something was drawing her to him. She felt comfortable and safe around him which was something that she hadn’t felt since her early days with Sin. The heat between them became very intense. Cocoa’s stomach began to flutter. He leaned in to kiss her.


  Cocoa said as she backed up and walked up the stairs. He stood there watching her switch her fine ass on until she disappeared behind the walls.

  She walked into the room that Star was in. Her little sister’s bedroom was like something out of a fairy tale with pink princess furniture and drapery everywhere. She was sitting at a desk coloring a picture. Cocoa walked over and sat besides her stroking her hair. She finally had a sibling. This was her chance for a real family and she wasn’t going to mess that up.

  “Where’s mommy?” Star asked

  “Mommy went to see daddy.”

  “Where are they?”

  “They are together in a place far, far away and will be gone for a long, long time.” Cocoa said giving her forehead a kiss.

  “I don’t like that idea one bit.” Star pouted. “I miss them.”

  It was at that moment that she realized that question might continue to come up. So she decided to keep making up elaborate stories until she was old enough to understand the stories of the game. The two of them sat there and colored pictures and played all night. They jumped on the bed and had a pillow fight laughing and giggling the whole time. They even watched Alice in Wonderland until they fell asleep. Star fell asleep in her arms and at that moment her life felt like it would be complete.

  The next morning Cocoa awoke to that nauseated feeling again. She ran to the nearest bathroom and barfed all in the toilet. After she was done she sat back on the bathroom floor trying to recuperate.

  She thought about the key Treach had given her the night before and got up then pulled it out of her bra. She walked out of the bathroom and into the office towards the desk. Amazingly there were no traces that a double murder had taken place at that spot at all. Nothing except for the blood-ridden list left behind by the men in her mother's handwriting. The list indicated all of the people her mother needed to get rid of but more importantly the people Cocoa had already murdered. This list was the connection that Cocoa had been looking for. It read:

  Shit List:

  Bike as bait for Asian boy

  Banker and boyfriend- knows too much about the money. Boy will take fall for diamond (switch with fake-I want that diamond!)

  Mayor's son- found my husbands body, need to get rid of

  Drew- wants his overseas connects for coke

  Cocoa realized that her mother was nothing but a manipulative bitch that would’ve only imprisoned her in her twisted little world. She never gave a shit about her. She was only all for her damn self. Cocoa picked her head up and balled up the paper. The fire in the fireplace was just beginning to burn out. She walked over and tossed the paper in the flames. There was no more reason to go on living in her past since she had a brand new future.

  She returned to the desk and searched for the drawer with the key lock. She opened the drawer and took out a big brown book like envelope. Her dad’s memoirs. Star came running in the room and hugged her leg tightly. She sat the memoirs on the desk and picked her up.

  “You wanna get some breakfast?” Cocoa asked her.

  Star shook her head yes happily smiling back at her.

  Cocoa did not even bother to get dressed or fuss with her hair she just put on shoes for her and her sister and went to get in the car. The driver was waiting outside the car for her. He opened the door for them with a smile and greeting. That was a nice turn from the silence she had gotten last night from him. They drove to a nice quiet diner downtown in the city. Her and Star had a nice talk about everything over breakfast. Cocoa found out that this little five year old girl was being treated way better then she could ever imagined. They bought Star whatever she wanted and took her wherever she wanted.

  Star was lucky. She caught the good end of the stick, the part that Cocoa had longed for. Having a little sister really helped Cocoa gain a small part of her youth back. After their great breakfast they walked hand in hand to the local drugstore across the street. She told her little sister to pick out anything she wanted and put it in the cart. Star wasn't a spoiled child. She mainly picked up little things she felt would benefit her coloring and drawing. That was her favorite activity.

  While Star was shopping, Cocoa went to look for an at home kit. Once she had picked out the one she liked she grabbed about six of them and called her sister over to the checkout line. On the drive home they hugged and sang songs all while sightseeing.

  "We are gonna have so much fun everyday just you and me. What do you say?" Cocoa asked her little sister.

  "Great! Can we go to the movies? I love the movies."

  Star said as she played with the ruffles on her dress. Cocoa shook her head at the girl and kissed her forehead. ****

  Chapter 32- An end to Bullshit

  The drive home killed Cocoa as the notion drove her insane about using the at home kits. When they pulled up the driver opened the door and they exited the vehicle. Star hugged her then ran to play at the huge elaborate playground in the backyard. Cocoa entered the house inspecting more thoroughly the mosaic-tiled ceiling now more beautiful in daylight. It was the first time in a while she thought happy thoughts. It hit her that this was the first time that her thoughts weren’t filled with the painful images of her retched childhood and her sleep wasn’t cursed by twisted dreams. She felt like the air was clear and clean. She took a deep breath and exhaled to the point where all of her stress was gone.

  Cocoa entered the kitchen area that mimicked something out of an Italian palace. It seemed like every room in this house was gigantic in size. The appliances were immaculately stainless steel and the counters were imported from Fleece. She felt around to get the feel of cooking home cooked meals here. She loved the idea of sitting down and having a nice family dinner.

  The maids entered the room and began cleaning and watering plants. She greeted them as they worked.

  “Would you like me to make you something to eat ma’am?” One of the ladies asked.

  Cocoa touched her arm gently.

  “No sweetie. That’s okay. Do you guys live here as well?”

  “No only the nanny for Ms. Star. She is in the den would you like to meet her ma’am?”

  “No, no. That’s okay. I’m sure we’ll bump into each other shortly. I’m just looking around getting the feel of all of this.”

  “Si, senora. Will that be all?”

  Cocoa shook her head as the maid carried on with her work. She knew that they must have suffered terrible torment from her mother and she would have to correct that feeling so that they might become friends and trustworthy.

  Cocoa grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge and stood gazing at the sun shining through the window. There was a remote control lying on the island in the kitchen. She grabbed it and pushed buttons to see what all it controlled. A TV came folding out of the counter near the coffee maker. She pressed another button for it to turn on. Flipping through the channels, she came upon the news channel. She copped a squat on a nearby stool by the island and sat there drinking her bottle of water.

  “…So fo
r our 10 day forecast, the weather looks very good. We got some 80’s and some 90’s so just make sure that you guys keep cool out there.

  Thanks Jon. In other news, a baby was found behind a high school on the 2100 block of East 87th Street. A group of carpentry shop kids found the baby crying and shivering and immediately reported it to their teacher. The baby is now at South Chicago Hospital in good condition. The police ask that if you have any information on the whereabouts of the birth mother or any other information please contact your local police station or South Chicago Hospital.

  Right now we take you to Gene Lipinski who is live at the Dirksen building awaiting a conference with the mayor. Gene.

  Thanks Anne. I’m here live at the Dirksen center where Mayor Shady is about to deliver a speech about some information he came across and the findings that police have on his son, Jacob’s murder. Let’s listen in…

  The mayor walks up on stage to the mics set up by the media:

  “Hello. I have been working closely with the Chicago Police Department on the murder of my son Jacob. As of last night the case has been closed. We have found the suspect known as the First Lady. Nadine Parker was the leader of the largest drug ring in the Midwest. In an attempt to get to me she was founded to have murdered my son and the 4 other bodies found throughout the south side and suburbs. She is also responsible for the double murder and fire in the south side home that was discovered.

  As a result of a shoot out between this deadly assailant and police, she is deceased. We have also discovered the missing French Diamond on the body of the suspect and have returned it to its rightful owner. Again, I would like to thank the city of Chicago for aiding the police in this lengthy investigation and for bringing my son justice. Thank You.”

  The reporters yell out questions for the mayor but he walks off stage.

  And just like that she was exonerated from everything she had done. Cocoa knew that none of this would have happened if it weren’t for her mother anyway so technically that bitch got what she deserved. She was a ruthless, cold and thoughtless bitch so fuck her. Cocoa did not have much remorse for her or that bastard ex-fiancé she had. She sat there for a minute taking in all of the information she just received. The time for her to get to work was close at hand. She knew eventually she would end up doing more business with the mayor and wanted to know everything to have her game tight for their next meeting.

  She got up and went back up into the office with her dad’s memoirs. Then she went into the bathroom and urinated into a cup. The kits instructions were very easy and she followed them exactly to make sure the results did not steer her wrong. She took the dipsticks from the box and dipped them into the cup each one at a time. The plus meant yes and the minus meant no. She looked at the timing on the box which indicated results in ten minutes so she decided take them all to the desk and laid them across the side of it.

  She then sat in the new chair that the men brought in and opened her dad’s memoirs. She began reading the very first page in the book:

  Hello my sweet. One day you will read this and then you will know how much I loved and missed you everyday of your life. Your mother was a whore and a junkie when I met her. But I kept her clean while she was pregnant with you. She took you away from me saying that I lead a destructive life and did not have room for you in it with all of the trafficking going on but that was a lie. I’ve always loved you and if you’re reading this it means I’m dead…. But I love you still. You are the only family that I’ve ever had and writing this makes me feel that much closer to you. You’ve always been first in my life and I love you my princess…

  There was more but it was so emotional that Cocoa looked away with balls of tears falling from her eyes. She couldn’t stop the tears from falling. There was an overwhelming feeling of joy and sorrow at the same time. The void in her life wasn’t just that her mother wasn’t there for her but that she had a father who loved her dearly that her mother kept her from. That she never knew she had this love and to read those words gave her the feeling of acceptance that she longed for.

  More pieces of her puzzle were coming together filling in blanks to her life and she felt as she read on in her dad's memoirs that many lost years would be forgiven.

  “Did you guys have a good breakfast?”

  Treach asked leaning in the doorway.

  “Yeah, we had a blast. Hey, I’m so glad you came in. Can I ask you something?” Treach walked up to her to take her hand in his.


  “What kind of things did my dad ever tell you about me?” She asked.

  Treach smiled.

  “He used to tell me how beautiful you were. He used to say that one day he would find you and bring you here. Your mother did a good job of hiding you guys plus she did not exactly have a stable address.”

  Cocoa smiled.

  “But what about when he found my mother? Did not he know where I was then?”

  “No. She kept holding the shit for ransom from his ass. He hired p.i.’s and everything but no one could find you.”

  “I know I probably shouldn’t ask this question but where is he buried?”

  Treach put his hand on her face and wiped her slowly dripping tears away.

  “Before he died I told him I would always take care of you no matter what. I know that now is not a good time, but you will be my wife.”

  They paused staring at each other.

  “I can take you to his grave.”

  Cocoa looked into his eyes full of shock. She did not know what he had up his sleeve but it made her heart flutter. Treach leaned in then pulled her head in for a kiss. One small simple soft kiss and then another on her hand is what he graced her with. He saw that she was stressed out about everything that’s been going on and decided to back down at this point.

  “I’ll be downstairs if you need me, lady. Alright?”

  “Hey Treach. Call me Cocoa.” He smiled then turned and left the room.

  The tears wouldn’t stop. It was then that she realized that what she had been chasing and searching for all along was probably staring her right in her face. The longing to be top notch, number one, to be the First Lady was all in her head. Cocoa realized just then that the fact that she maintained a grown lifestyle and endured everything under the sun since the age of ten meant she was a powerful lady all along. It was just some stupid title that didn’t make a woman. The woman made the title. She never wanted to follow in her mother’s shadow of evilness but to start a new and to continue on her daddy’s legend. She looked up and noticed that one of the kits had changed. She stood up and leaned over to look at it. What she saw on the stick amazed her. Then as she stood there watching that stick the others changed as well.

  Cocoa stepped back and walked over to the window almost hyperventilating. Star was out there in the yard playing and having a great time doing what kids did. She calmed down and smiled a tad.

  She began to think about all of the things that life would bring her way from now on. A family that could bring the love she so desperately longed for all of her life.

  There were many things to take care of. She needed to sit down and organize the finances and figure the amounts that came from every source. The coke that came in from overseas she needed to track those shipments. She also needed to handle her dad's businesses that he owned. These businesses were the “legitimates” that kept the government out of his ass for so long. Her dad’s book included the list of businesses and finances she needed to know. It’s what she always wanted and more. Everything she had dreamed of. She turned and stared at the sign above the fireplace. There was a feeling of power behind it. It represented more than just what her mother considered it to be.

  First Lady held the title of a strong willed, hard working, determined woman. It meant to be more of a woman than her mother could’ve ever conceived on being. She was no longer dreaming of being on top, she was the top. But she did not want to stop there. The sky was the
limit in her eyes and she was staying true to making it happen. No one could tell her shit, she rightfully owned it all and she would really be banging in a month when she’s turns twenty-one and gets her trust.

  She ran this shit now and there was not one bitch that could tell her otherwise. She was indeed untouchable and no longer dreaming it but living it. But first thing was first. She was pregnant.

  Her family was growing right before her eyes and this time she vowed that it would be more solid than anything else in the world. The emotional tears began to pour out and grew larger. Cocoa couldn’t be happier. But now the question was, whose baby was it?

  “I want my mother, now.” Star burst through the door with a disheveled look on her face.

  “Baby, she is gone.” Cocoa replied in a soothing voice.

  “What did you do to her?”

  “I…I didn’t do anything. She…Look, your…our mother was bad news. She did a lot of bad things to good people and now she’s paying for that.” Cocoa struggled to explain.

  “No you killed her! You fucking killed her!” Star charged at her swinging her little fists as hard as she could.

  “Hey you don’t talk to me like that. Calm down, Star. I know how you feel.”

  “You don’t know shit. You don’t know anything about me. I want my mother you sorry bitch!” Star ran off to her room crying hysterically, slamming the door behind her.

  Cocoa wanted to run after her, console her and tell her that everything was going to be good. She wanted to reassure her that she wouldn’t miss their mother at all, that it was best with her out of their lives but something told her that she wouldn’t even listen at this point. It was best to give her some time to breathe. As she sat there feeling bad for her, she realized that no matter how badly she felt right now Star would have to get over it…one day.




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