Book Read Free

Brand New Sky

Page 19

by Heidi Hutchinson

  “No. It didn't. He edited sober, and stop trying to change the subject.”

  Ryan usually got pretty belligerent during the editing stage. It helped her cope. Annie didn't care for it much.

  “All right,” Ryan conceded, putting as much insolence in her voice as she could muster. “I'll rework the stupid chapter.”

  Annie was silent for a few seconds. “What's going on?”

  “What do you mean?” Ryan asked, taking Clive's ball and throwing it for him to the end of the yard.

  “I mean, you gave up really easily on that one. I expected more orneriness.”

  “Really?” Ryan asked. “You were right. The scene needs work. Not much to argue about there.”

  “Uh-huh,” Annie said in disbelief. “Why are you being so agreeable?”

  Ryan huffed out a laugh. “Fine. I'll try it your way. Annie, I refuse to rework the scene because I'm a genius and you're not. How dare you question my method. You know I'm a sensitive artist. Is that better?”

  “Go ahead, mock me if you want. I'll expect the real meltdown around one in the morning when I'm busy making breakfast in bed for David Gandy.”

  “Ooh, David Gandy. You guys have been together for a while now,” Ryan teased.

  “If only he knew how devoted I am,” Annie said wistfully.

  “You're a nut.” Ryan laughed. “I should get going, I have some errands to run.”

  “You have a scene to rework and send to me,” Annie replied bossily.

  Ryan knew she was right, but she really didn't care. She could see Sway and Miles coming out of Tawny's house and she didn't want to be on the phone anymore.

  “You'll get it,” she promised.

  “I had better.”

  “I love you, goodbye,” Ryan said and disconnected just as Miles reached her porch. “Hey, bub.”

  Smiling at Miles was effortless. She couldn't help but smile with everything she had. Was it because kids have no pretense? They don't approach with an agenda, they just are. Miles returned her smile and she saw so much of his father in him.

  For a moment she wondered what Sway would have been like when Miles was an infant. What he would be like with his children in the future. Her brow furrowed. Who would their mom be?

  “Can I play with Clive, please?” he asked politely, probably having been coached by Sway.

  “Yes,” Ryan said, handing over the slimy ball that Clive had returned a second ago. “Not in the street, okay?”


  Ryan's attention went to the father in question as he made sure Miles was following her direction and then took a seat beside her. “Hey.”

  “Hey,” she replied. “You just can't stay away, can you?”

  Sway leveled those blue eyes at her. “Nope.”

  She felt that go straight to her gut and attempted to change the subject. If she could muster the use of her voice again.

  Sway got there first.

  “What's on the docket for today?”

  Ryan sucked in a breath, her hand clenching her phone in her hand reflexively. “Edits. I guess.”

  He chuckled. “You guess?”

  She curled a lip, rolled her eyes, and promptly changed the subject. “How's everything going with the father-son bonding?”

  Sway pursed his lips and turned his gaze back to his son. “I have no idea. We talked quite a bit last night about school and his many girlfriends. Speaking of which, I have to figure out how to get to his school.” He shook his head slowly. “A lot goes into this day-to-day parenting thing. I haven't had a routine in forever. I'm starting to get nervous I'll screw it all up. What if he's late for school tomorrow? Or what if I'm late picking him up and the school calls Child Services?”

  Ryan bit her bottom lip in an attempt to stop her smile. Sway glanced over to her and saw it.

  “What?” he asked, his head dipping to the side as he exhaled the word like it was heavy.

  She knew her smile had spread to her eyes. “Seeing you nervous is kind of amazing.”

  His eyes scanned her features while his face relaxed into pensive contemplation. She suddenly felt heated and exposed. There was too much transparency in his careful examination of her. She cleared her throat and nodded to the front yard.

  “Child Services rarely get called if a child is picked up late one time. And I can help you find the school and get your schedule sorted.”

  “What about your edits?”

  Ryan shrugged. “Annie will live.”


  As it turned out, Miles' school was within walking distance. They hooked Clive's leash to the big dog and took a field trip. Only about ten minutes from the house, Sway walked all around the school, becoming familiar with the location and driveway signs. He didn't want to end up in the “exit only” or accidentally block the bus pick-up area. No one wants to be that guy. He listened to Miles rattle on and on about the school and his friends and what Sway should look out for.

  Satisfied with his new-found knowledge, and trying to ignore Ryan's amusement at his mindfulness in this matter, he turned the group back towards home.

  The dog park nearby proved to be a bit of a distraction for both Clive and Miles, who tugged excitedly at Sway's arm.

  “Please. Sway? I can throw ball, like so far if we go to the park!”

  Sway sighed and flicked his eyes to Ryan, who shrugged, that damned amused smile on her face.

  “It's fine with me. The more Clive plays, the better he sleeps at night.”

  Sway nodded in defeat and Clive and Miles took off.

  Ryan fell in step beside him as they took a more leisurely stroll into the park. Sway steered her toward a bench under a large tree shedding the last remnants of its cherry blossoms. Pink petals scattered the ground around them, their fragrance catching Ryan's attention. She inhaled deeply and let it out in a satisfied sigh.

  “I love cherry blossoms.”

  “Have you ever been to the festival in New Haven?” Sway asked, waiting for her to take a seat first. She did, he joined her, being careful to be close without being too close. He wanted to pull her into his lap and nuzzle her neck until she giggled.

  Maybe next time.

  “No, have you?” she asked, surprise catching her tone.

  He chuckled. “Yeah. Gran loves the cherry blossoms.”

  Miles squealed with delight as Clive lost patience and tackled the boy to the ground, taking the ball away from him and running off in a new game of chase.

  “He loves that dog,” Sway observed.

  “I think the dog loves him right back,” Ryan agreed.

  Sway watched her watch the others. Her blonde hair hung free again today, contrasting nicely against her long-sleeved, navy thermal. And he had noticed her tight jeans very early on in the walk. Minimal makeup, but her cheeks were flushed from the spring air. Sometimes when he was looking directly at her, he couldn't believe how gorgeous she was.

  She slid her eyes his direction at that moment, a smile touching her lips, before she looked back to Miles.

  The smiles came easier now. All the time, truth be told. Of all the smiles in the whole world, Ryan's was his favorite. At first it was because they were so rare, they seemed magical. Now, it was because it was because they were the only perfect thing he'd ever seen in his life. She didn't just smile with her mouth. She smiled with her whole face, her eyes, her heart. Every smile was a reflection of everything she was inside. And she'd stopped hiding that from him.

  She looked his way again and examined him just as openly. Her hand came out to brush the backs of her fingers against the line of his cheek. His breathing changed just slightly. She hardly ever took the first initiative to touch. This was new too.

  “You haven't shaved since before the tour,” she observed softly.

  Sway rubbed the short beard that he'd begun to grow. “I've been trimming it. Does it bother you?” he asked.

  Something soft moved across her face, landing in her eyes. “No.”

�Okay then.”

  “Sway!” Miles waved with both his arms to get his dad's attention. “Come and throw the ball with me!”

  Sway grinned and turned to Ryan, who dipped her chin to encourage him. “Go. Play with your boy.”

  So Sway did.

  It was a good deal later, maybe even an hour. The day had gotten warm and Sway had shed his shirt and proceeded to wrestle and play with Miles and Clive in the short grass, Ryan watching from afar.

  It was impossible for Sway to not think about this as a future scenario. Family day at the park. Maybe a big fat rock on Ryan's finger and his kid in her belly. Was he getting ahead of himself? Maybe. But his daydreams were his to make them what he wanted.

  “Hey, who's that guy?” Miles asked, leveraging himself up from the tackle he'd had Sway in.

  Sway craned his neck around to where Miles was pointing and every muscle in his body tensed. It was the bearded asshole from the first time he ever met Ryan. He was hovering over her seated figure and Sway saw the dark frown on her face.

  Oh, hell no.


  Ryan had been laughing at Miles' and Clive's attempts to play keep-a-way from Sway, which resulted in a tangle of dog and people limbs, when her perfect day was ruined by the smell of chewing tobacco being spit into the dirt behind her bench.

  She knew her face twisted into a sour expression as she looked up into Liam's beady eyes.

  “Hey, Ryan,” he said, not taking a seat, but still standing closer than was appropriate or necessary.

  “Liam,” she said flatly.

  “You look like you're feeling better.”

  His tiny little eyes openly perused her body, lingering over her boobs for four seconds longer than most perverts. Ryan restrained herself from covering her chest with her arms, but she didn't stop the disgusted frown she gave him.

  “What are you doing here? You don't even have a dog,” she pointed out.

  “I live across the street. Thought I'd come over and see how you're doing. You haven't been home in a week.” Liam slid both hands into his pockets and tilted his head.

  Ryan shook her head in surprised irritation. “You've been going over to my house?”

  “What's going on?” Sway asked, joining them. Clive sat down on the top of her foot and silently stared at Liam as Miles hopped up on the bench beside her, patting the big dog's head. Ryan wanted to roll her eyes. All the men in her life. She loved them despite their testosterone.

  Liam took a second to look Sway up and down. Ryan didn't blame him. She'd been looking at Sway all day and liked everything she saw.

  He had started out with faded jeans on and old motorcycle boots. The gray t-shirt he had been wearing was tight across his chest and arms. But that had been shed some time ago and his lean, cut torso was on display.

  She'd seen his minimal tattoos before, but had never been bold enough to examine them or ask questions. A line of script ran vertical up his right side that read, “Drunk forgiveness, Sober love.” His right shoulder had a gorgeous and very detailed compass with the words, “Never too far” underneath it. The third and final piece of ink was on the inside of his left bicep. The Jolly Roger with pistols instead of bones. The skull had a cheeky grin and a rose through its teeth. Ryan couldn't help but think how much it looked like Sway.

  He was currently covered in a light sheen of sweat, his hair tied back in a short bun, and the most impressive scowl she had ever seen. Compared to Beardy... well, there was no comparison. Beardy had a little beer belly that was obvious through his shirt. It was just big enough to protrude over the lip of his jeans. And his arms weren't long, corded limbs attached to solid, capable hands. No, they were flat and smooth, zero definition. And Sway's new beard—though blond—was thick, and it made him appear more dangerous.

  Basically, everything about Sway screamed male, while everything about Beardy said notsomuch.

  “What are you doing here?” Liam asked, bitter disdain in his voice.

  It must be difficult to be faced with the physical representation of everything you would never be. Ryan almost felt sorry for him.

  Sway's eyes narrowed dangerously and Ryan's stomach tensed. It was obvious from their last encounter that Sway had a huge distaste for Liam. He had handled himself well enough before, but Miles was sitting right there, watching with wide eyes. Ryan had no desire for this to turn ugly.

  Sway took an extra breath to check himself and he glanced at Ryan. “You okay, brown eyes?”

  Ryan felt that new nickname slide through her like warm syrup. She liked it. Every time Sway called her something new, from sassy pants to brown eyes, it felt special. Not that she didn't enjoy the regular endearments that would get sprinkled into their conversations, but the unique ones made her heart beat just a little faster.

  “Yeah,” she gave Sway a reassuring smile and put her arm around Miles. “Liam was just leaving.”

  Liam's head jerked at her response and he spit off to the side. Ryan held back a snicker when Miles whispered, “Eww.”

  That's when Liam showed his true nature (not that he'd been hiding it really well). He sneered at Sway and turned his ugly look on Ryan.

  “I didn't know you were into slumming it, Ryan. That's disappointing.”

  Ryan's back went ramrod straight. “Excuse me?” Clive heard her tone and a low rumble emanated from him.

  Liam's lip curled and he jerked his head at Sway. “I thought you had more class. I didn't realize how cheap you really were.”

  He turned to walk away, but Ryan was not going to let that stand. Not ever, but especially not in front of Miles. She shot to her feet as did Clive.


  He turned around on her shout. Her whole body was shaking with anger. She vaguely felt Sway's hand land on her shoulder.

  “You couldn't be more wrong in your assumptions. Sway is a good man.”

  “Sway?” Liam scoffed, rolling his eyes.

  “Yes, Sway.” Ryan confirmed, clenching her fists at her side. “He's smart. Brilliant, in fact. And he's an amazing father and talented musician. And I'll repeat, he's a good man. Which is something you could never hope to understand.”

  Liam's body went stiff and his jaw clenched. Ryan was pissed. She decided she really hated this guy. Before, it was just a general dislike because he was creepy and annoying. But now he was a dick too. Apparently creepy annoying dick added up to her hating him.

  She waved her hand at him dismissively. “Go on. You can leave now.”

  Liam's eyes slid to Sway and he thought about it for a second before deciding to turn back around. He was all the way across the street before Ryan let out the breath she'd been holding and Clive relaxed as well.

  Sway's chuckle caught her attention and he folded her into a hug.

  “You are a wild card,” he said, his body shaking with his laughter. “What am I going to do with you?” He pulled back and rested his hands on her shoulders, his light blue eyes dancing with laughter as they looked her over carefully.

  “Sorry,” she mumbled. “I probably should have just let him walk away. But—that guy!” She stomped one foot, finding her anger renewed with the memory.

  Sway kissed her forehead. “Oh, sassy pants, I really like you.”

  Miles—who had been very quiet during that entire encounter—spoke up, “I'm hungry.”

  Ryan glanced down at him and grinned. “How about we take Clive home and then you guys can let me take you for pizza.”



  Ryan frowned at Sway's dismissal.

  He gave her a playful smirk. “I'll take you both for pizza.”

  She rolled her eyes and smacked his chest with the back of her hand.

  His still bare chest. Mmm.

  “You did it again,” Sway said low in her ear after he had tugged his shirt back over his head and they were following Clive and Miles down the sidewalk.

  “Did what?”

  “You said, 'mmm' when you were loo
king at me.”

  “I did not!” she protested, her cheeks heating.

  Sway tipped his head back to laugh. Ryan decided to watch.


  Miles listened to Sway and Ryan laughing behind him and he smiled. He liked Ryan. She was soft and pretty and smelled good. And she listened to him like he had important things to say.

  Plus, she had a dog. Miles had always wanted a dog.

  Chapter 22

  My Way

  “What if they don't like me?”

  Sway glanced to his right at Miles, who was watching the scenery pass. The cities and suburbs getting swallowed slowly by greenery and small farm houses.

  “They're gonna love you.”

  Miles sighed. “That's not the same thing.”

  Sway was reminded of a similar conversation he'd had with Ryan just a couple of weeks ago.

  Miles turned in his seat. “Why can't we go to the park with Ryan instead?”

  Sway grinned at the windshield. “You like Ryan, I take it?”

  “Yeah.” Miles replied, looking back out the window. “She's funny.”

  That made Sway feel fantastic, mostly because he couldn't agree more. Ryan was awesome. And she didn't stop being awesome. She just kept getting better and better.

  Their week had been interesting. Every morning would start out with coffee on her front porch until Sway had to take Miles to school. Then Ryan would spend most of the day working, leaving Sway to pick up, do laundry, and make dinner. The evenings he spent with Miles. Occasionally they'd go over and visit Ryan and Clive, but Sway kept it short, so that Miles would be sure to get to bed at a decent time.

  He was always busy. It kind of surprised him how much work went into just getting ready for the next thing.

  He wasn't getting his goodnight kisses from Ryan either, and that totally sucked.

  But they did flirt pretty shamelessly through text.


  He missed her like crazy.

  Now it was Saturday and the perfect chance for Sway to bring Miles out to meet his grandparents. He'd called them the day before to break the news.

  Gran cried and Pops scolded him for not telling them sooner. It was safe to say the visit would go well.


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