Baby By The Billionaire - A Standalone Alpha Billionaire Secret Baby Romance (New York City Billionaires - Book #3)

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Baby By The Billionaire - A Standalone Alpha Billionaire Secret Baby Romance (New York City Billionaires - Book #3) Page 67

by Alexa Davis

  I glanced down at her sleeping body, a massive smile on my face, and all I wanted to do was wake her up. So I leant down to kiss her lightly on the lips.

  “Ooh,” she moaned happily as her eyes flickered opened. “I don’t mind waking up like that!”

  “Good morning, beautiful,” I grinned happily at her. “What’s the plan for today?”

  I wanted her to tell me that she was taking the day off to spend it with me, but I also was aware that wasn’t possible. Self-employed people like myself and Annie only got paid when actually working, and it was possible that she’d already taken enough time off because of me.

  “I do have to open up Boffees later,” she told me a little sadly. “But you’re more than welcome to come in and see me.”

  Now was the time; it finally felt like the moment was perfect to tell her my big news. She might have assumed that me coming down to surprise her was my grand gesture, but she was wrong. I’d also done something else, and I couldn’t wait to tell her what.

  I propped myself up onto my arms and looked down at her. “I want to apologize again, I still feel bad for how the investment all worked out…or didn’t.”

  “Oh, don’t worry, I don’t mind. If anything, it made me realize that I really need to think everything through before moving forwards. I’m going to have to think smarter, to work out what I’m willing to sacrifice. I’m seeing it as more of a learning curve than anything else.”

  She was so sweet, so considerate. It made what I had to say next that much more satisfying. “Well, I might not be able to help you in the way we originally planned,” I told her with a smirk playing on my lips.

  “But I have done something different, instead. I’ve sent your book to a publishing company that I have good connections with. I invested in them when we were both in the early days of becoming what we are today. They absolutely loved it. They want to publish it, and they’re interested in speaking to you about writing more for them.”

  “Wha…what?” she gasped, totally blown away. “What do you mean? Are you serious?”

  “I am,” I insisted quickly. “What you’ve created in the pages of that book is something incredible, and I think it deserves a chance. Of course, you have to sign all of the paperwork, so if it’s something you aren’t comfortable with, you can refuse, but if not—”

  She stopped me in my tracks by flinging her arms around me and holding me tight. “I can’t believe that you’ve done that for me,” she sobbed into my neck. “That’s just amazing. It’s a dream that I’d totally forgotten about, and now I get to have it happen for real.”

  This had worked out even better than I’d hoped. I’d sent Annie’s book to the publishers because it was amazing, not because I loved her, but the fact that she was so grateful made it all the more exciting. She deserved this opportunity, and if that helped her and Rae to have an amazing future, then so be it. That was probably even better because she didn’t have to sell her soul to make it happen.

  I wanted to tell her that I loved her in that moment, but I didn’t want to bombard her with information. I didn’t want to overshadow the fact that she was about to become a published author.

  “Rae is going to be so proud of you,” I told her sincerely. “Especially when she gets older and she realizes how hard it must have been to look after her, run your own business, and be a writer, too. She’ll appreciate everything you’ve done for her.”

  That was it, she was sobbing, and she didn’t really stop until she left me to go home to get ready for work. Once I was alone, lying in that oversized hotel room bed, I threw my hands behind my head and smiled to myself.

  I wasn’t sure why I’d allowed myself to get so worked up by what Garrett had said, that was silly. I would never be like the image that he had of Dad, even if that version of him was the truth. I wouldn’t be a cheating, heartless man, not with Annie. I loved her, I wanted her forever, and I would never do anything to screw that up.

  Maybe Dad was a lying, cheating asshole. Maybe he did drive Mom to suicide, and maybe Garrett was depressed, too, but I was starting to realize that I couldn’t control what everyone else felt and did. I could help them, be there for them when they needed me, but that was about it.

  What I needed to finally do was start focusing on myself and what I wanted. I’d worked hard my whole life, and now it was time for me to be happy.

  And Annie made me happy. I just had to figure out how to fit her into the image of my life.


  “Hey there, gorgeous,” I smiled at Annie as I walked into Boffees. I knew that she was about to close up, and luckily, the place was empty so we could have some time alone to chat. “I know that you have Rae tonight, so I just wanted to stop by before I head back to Portland. I needed to see you before I go.”

  “Urgh, I hate that you’re leaving tonight,” she said sincerely, stepping close enough to me to hold my hands in hers. “But I’ll see you again soon, right?”

  “Of course, there won’t be any more non-communication, I can promise you that.” I felt terrible for doing that to her, and I knew for a fact that I wouldn’t make the same mistake again. Annie wouldn’t let me back in again, I was lucky enough to have been allowed to this time.

  “We’ll talk every day, and I’ll be back to see you at the weekend, if you’ll have me.” I didn’t want to make her come to Portland again, not when she had to disrupt so many people to do so.

  This wasn’t going to be easy, but we would find a way to make it work…somehow.

  “Okay, then I suppose I can let you leave,” she pouted playfully before placing a kiss on my lips. “But let’s have a coffee first.”

  As we sat opposite one another at the small table, I could tell that she had something on her mind, something important to tell me. I knew that I hadn't done anything wrong this time because she’d just been so sweet to me, so it had to be related to another aspect of her life. Maybe her past. I’d told her not to tell me about it if she didn’t want to, but I had to admit that I did want to know, just to help me understand her better.

  “Justin, I think it might be time for me to be honest with you about everything,” she sighed sadly. “I think that now things are becoming more serious between us, it’s time that you knew everything.”

  “Only if you want to,” I did my best to insist, but she wasn’t about to be stopped now.

  “I met Rae’s father when I was very young, so I didn’t catch on to his faults until it was far too late. He was cruel, abusive at times, and he drank far too much.”

  I gulped, all of a sudden wanting to stop her. After wanting to know for far too long, now I wasn’t sure that I did. I didn’t think I could sit there and listen to how someone was awful to the woman I adored so powerfully. But I had to – this wasn’t for me; it was for her.

  “I was about to leave him when I discovered that I was pregnant, but as I told him that he was about to become a father, he changed. He became a much better version of himself, and I started to believe that things were going to get better.”

  This story was all too familiar for me, but with Garrett rather than a partner. I’d allowed myself to fall for his trap over and over again, truly believing that he was going to be better. The only problem was even when he seemed to have really become better, he’d gone on to do the worst thing of all.

  I had the horrible sense that Annie’s story was going to go the same way. I held my breath, trying to mentally prepare myself for the worst.

  “Then, one night when Rae was only a baby, the police officers turned up in the middle of the night. Of course, I instantly knew that it was about him. He’d stormed off in a temper, so I didn’t doubt that he’d gotten himself into trouble. The worst instantly came to mind – I assumed that he was dead.”

  Oh God, poor Annie, poor Rae. I wanted to say something comforting, something to take the pain away, but nothing came to mind.

  “He wasn’t, though,” she stunned me by saying. “He’d gotten wasted and d
ecided to drive home.” This was becoming more and more like my life by the second. “And on the way he…he had a head on collision with a family. Killing them instantly. Mom, dad, child, baby…all gone.”

  Sickness flooded me, and I had to clamp my lips together to stop any of it from spilling out. I’d been whining on, making a massive deal about Garrett and his issues, without even considering that I might have been dragging up horrible memories for anyone else. Why she’d decided to forgive me was absolutely beyond me.

  “I’m so sorry,” I eventually managed to gasp out. “I’m sorry for bringing you into my family issues when you’ve been through it all before. I feel so awful.”

  “No, don’t,” she insisted quickly. “You weren’t to know. I didn’t tell you. I know how bad it was, so I understand completely.”

  “And Rae…does she know?” Urgh, what an awful thing for a child to discover.

  “No, she doesn’t,” Annie shook her head sadly at me. “Once the court case was done, I couldn’t face it anymore, so I moved away. I came here. I left everything and everyone behind; it was all too much at the time. I needed a fresh start, which was why I came here. Mom came a little while later, but for a while, it was just me.” She looked down at her hands, making my heart bleed for her.

  “Rae started asking me about her dad the other day, and I panicked so I told her that he’d died. She wants to see pictures of him, but I don’t want her to ever associate with him. I don’t want her to know that she’s come from someone so bad. I know a day might come when I’ll have to tell her everything, but for now, she’s just too young…”

  “You’re doing the right thing,” I insisted, moving my chair around to hers so I could pull her in for a hug. “I don’t imagine that he’ll be getting out of jail any time soon, so you don’t need to worry about him looking her up or anything. And you can always cross that bridge when you come to it.”

  “From what I’ve heard, his behavior in there is so bad that he won’t ever be getting out,” she told me seriously. “I just don’t want him to affect my daughter.”

  I knew all too much about that, and it made me want to do whatever I could to make everything better. I just wasn’t quite sure what.

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Annie – Saturday, One Week Later

  “Oh my goodness, you’re like an excitable child,” Mom giggled at me, as I checked the window again to see if Justin had arrived yet.

  I really was desperately looking forward to seeing him again, and even more so for him to meet my mom. Okay, so I was a little scared, too, but mostly I was looking forward to it.

  He’d been true to his word, calling to me every day, even sending me flowers once or twice throughout the week to Boffees, making me feel very special. This was different now; we were on the way up, and I was really pleased for it.

  It was actually him who suggested he meet my mother, and rather than feel nervous like the last time I’d introduced my family to a guy I was dating, I felt really positive about it. Mom would love Justin, I just knew it.

  “I know,” I smiled happily at her, glad that she could see me finally moving on. She’d been worried about me shutting myself off from the world ever since Billy got locked up, so it was nice to be able to show her that I was fully capable again. “I just can’t wait to see him.”

  “Ooh, it’s so lovely to see you so head over heels for someone, I honestly didn’t think that we would ever see the day.”

  “Me, neither,” I admitted. “But I’m glad that I finally got there.”

  “And this Justin seems amazing, too. Not only has he taken to Rae really well, but he’s got your book published, too. I always wanted you to do that.”

  Now that the publisher had come down to meet with me and I’d signed all the contracts, things were really moving quickly. It was obvious that Justin had impacted on them massively because they were rushing publication of my book to the front of the line. “I can tell that writing is a real passion of yours, and it’s lovely that you can focus a bit more on that.”

  She was angling to find out my plans with Boffees now that I had a three-book contract to complete, but I wasn’t giving away any details just yet. “I can’t wait to start writing again,” I admitted. “And it’s something that I can do in the shop during quiet hours, too, so I can combine them both… Oh my God,” my heart stopped dead in my chest as I spotted his car pulling up. “He’s here.”

  Rae rushed happily to the window, almost yelling out with joy as she spotted him. She really did adore Justin, and I was glad that I could bring him into her life easily. I’d always assumed that bringing a new man into her life would be hard, but the unusual way Justin had done so had bridged that gap for us. I hadn't yet told her that we were involved, but I was sure that she’d already worked it out. She was far too switched on not to.

  “Grandma, Mommy’s boyfriend is here,” she yelled as she ran to the door, proving my point exactly. Mom and I laughed as we followed her behind. I never wanted to hide anything from my daughter, except maybe the nightmare with her dad, but I didn’t think I could anyway.

  I’d explained to Mom earlier on in the day why I didn’t want to explain everything to Rae right now with regards to her dad. I wasn’t sure that she fully got it because she knew as well as I did that the truth would come out eventually, but she respected my decision at least. I wouldn’t keep it from her forever, because with the Internet, it hardly seemed worth it knowing that any other way of finding out would be so much worse, but I didn’t want to do it now. Not when she was still so young and innocent.

  Maybe one day, I would dig out pictures of Billy, but for now, I just needed to focus on Rae’s happiness. The subject hadn't come up for a while now, so maybe she’d decided to drop it for the time being.

  As I introduced Justin to my mom, I did so with a massive grin on my face. I could already tell that they were going to get on like a house on fire – probably too well for my liking – and the contrast between this and my last situation was apparent. Not only was Justin everything that Billy wasn’t, he was willing to stick his neck out to make Mom happy, too, which he proved by bringing her a whole selections of gifts.

  I wanted to leap on her to find out what she thought of him, but it quickly became obvious that I wasn’t going to be able to get her alone. Not that I needed to; it was obvious that she adored him from the offset. Even as she cooked, Justin helped, and he was entrancing her with every passing second.

  “Do you think that Grandma likes Justin?” I asked Rae quietly, still needing that second opinion from someone. That turned out to be a massive mistake, because the next thing she did was race into the kitchen to ask her outright, in front of him.

  “No,” she told me with a smile as she scooted back into the front room. “Grandma said he’s awful, but I think she was joking.”

  “Yeah,” I nodded happily. “I think so, too.”


  “…and then I watched through the window as she pulled off that awful, flowing skirt, to reveal the shortest mini skirt known to man,” Mom chuckled and I rolled my eyes at her.

  Maybe embarrassing stories were a big part of meeting the parents, but she hadn't stopped. She was about two seconds away from pulling out the old humiliating photographs of my geeky younger self to really complete the shame. “Her dad chased her down the street, and all the neighbors ended up coming out to cheer him on.”

  “Mom, I don’t think Justin wants to hear about my lame teenage attempts to be cool,” I said as firmly as I could muster. “We all know now that I was a nerd. Justin wouldn’t have even looked twice at me in school.”

  “Well, no,” he admitted with a sorry smile on his face. “But that’s partly because I was older than you, and mostly because I was an ass back then. Sorry for the language, but that’s the only way to describe me. I was an arrogant little sod, so you probably wouldn’t have liked me either.”

  He could probably see Annie the teenage nerd, but I couldn’t
picture him being awful. Ever since I’d met him, he had been nothing but lovely to me, the kindest person I’d ever known. Maybe it was good that we’d met when we had, when we were both ready for one another.

  “Ooh, I know,” Mom smiled, getting up from the table. “Why don’t I go and get some pictures?”

  “Of course,” I shook my head and laughed. “This wouldn’t be complete without terrible pictures.”

  “I want to see!” Rae insisted, making it so much worse. “I think you were very pretty when you were young.”

  At that moment, I held my breath, preparing myself for the mention of other photographs, but luckily, it didn’t come. Rae was far too involved in Justin for that. I knew that fascination with him wouldn’t last forever, but for the time being, I was really glad of it.

  “Oh wow,” Justin chuckled, taking a handful of images to look through carefully. “You really were very pretty. Maybe I would have paid attention to you, after all.”

  “Oh, ha, ha,” I teased. “Yep, you would have loved me with the braces, and the high-waisted, knee-length skirt that I had to wear to school.”

  “But that mini skirt…I might have enjoyed seeing that.”

  That night I wanted to go to a party with Billy, but Mom and Dad had flatly refused. It was back in the time where I thought I was finally coming out of my shell, becoming the butterfly that I’d always been destined to be, and I’d assumed, very wrongly I might add, that the mini skirt highlighted that. I’d thought for the very first time in my life that I looked sexy. Now, with hindsight and an adult wisdom, I could see that I just looked like a desperate fool.

  Billy had always brought out that side of me, which should have been my first clue. I could be myself around Justin. I didn’t feel like I had to worry about anything, and that was the way it should always be.


  Rae got herself so worked up that she actually ended up falling asleep in my mom’s armchair. I offered to get her up and to take the car asleep, but Mom insisted that she wanted her to stay. That was sort of the plan, anyway. I’d packed her an overnight bag, but I didn’t want Mom to feel overwhelmed.


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