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Stimulus (Arc Gap Trilogy Book 1)

Page 13

by Ryan Burnett

  building to collapse. Everything had been destroyed and even the mice that had

  been used as test subjects were roasted alive in their cages. “There appears to be no evidence to recover nor anything incriminating that would require further disposal.” said the Jack.

  The sirens had gotten louder now. The drones and police squads were rapidly approaching the University district which meant that he would have only a limited amount of time to stay on the scene. The Jack closed his eyes and both our visions turned black before the long range network scanner of Jack's VRN clicked and he was able to connect to one of the public terminals near the monorail station outside of the University. I could feel my heart race and my pulse quicken as I got ready for a glimpse at the interior of the Jack's VRN. The glimpse into the mind of a subordinate could give me even more information about the Jack whose mind, despite many long years of service, was still an enigma to me. Knowledge was my most valuable weapon. Knowledge meant control...and what use was a tool if you did not have

  control over it?

  The incinerated remains of the University building were replaced by clean walls of paper and wood. Underfoot a straw mat covered bare earth. There was no chair. No

  furnishings. The Jack himself appeared to be kneeling on the floor. Without a word or gesture he activated a program that was apparently some sort of police frequency scanner.

  “Station this is first response unit officer Mike Simmons, I was called in to assist the campus security about a possible student riot....but...this is something else. We are unequipped to deal with this and we need immediate. I repeat IMMEDIATE backup. We're going to need armed response unit and I would advise that they only enter once the riot drones have made a sweep, Hell we may need the whole ...” The voice cut off at another silent command from the Jack. He hardly moved from his kneeling position except to briefly glance up and notice what I assumed was the representation of the Damocles program. It appeared to him as a layer of black nimbus cloud hovering ominously near the ceiling of the room.

  I could not help but notice that the Jack had yet to speak within his own VRN. Very few people could operate their VRN without verbal queues. Talking was a form of communication that the brain readily accepted and interpreted. The fact the Jack seemed to control his virtual space by thought alone sparked some interest. As interesting as it was though it deprived me of a little piece of the knowledge that I sought. This was typical of the Jack. Effective yet always at some level at odds with my plans.

  “Local authorities will be surrounding the area soon. If they declare the University to be under a state of emergency movement in and out of the area will be severely restricted. The lack of bodies in the facility confirmed the news report that there were no casualties. Our scientists have most likely fled or have returned to our corporate headquarters by now but the student researchers are most likely on the campus grounds. There were no clues as to Alex's whereabouts so I will have to trust the contractors in our employ to advance the investigation. For now my objectives are to find and recover any of the student research team possible and insure they delivery to one of our corporate facilities. I should need no more than 12 hours.” Said

  the Jack out loud in the real world, right before his VRN faded and he returned his consciousness to the physical plane.

  I was shocked. The level of discipline and control that the Jack had was astounding. I knew simultaneous control and awareness of motor functions like speech while still fully engaged in the VRN was possible but it was an ability I had never mastered or even acquired for that matter. It was only recently that I had learned to activate certain commands without mentally using my “voice” but the Jack had done so effortlessly almost as if there was no other way to use the VRN.

  I could feel the anger well up inside me again but before I was fully aware of what was going on, I was back in Research Lab B retching onto the tile floor. The Damocles program pushed the limits of what was currently known about cross brain VRN interactions and so we both had a price to pay for its use. Under the best conditions when emotion and ego could be completely suppressed the Damocles program would still be mentally taxing. It also came with the side effects of temporary loss of concentration and slowed reaction time.

  It was truly a sword that cut both ways and that was why I used sparingly. Perhaps in a perfect world I could monitor all my underlings simultaneously with a master program. Perhaps something that contained a true kill switch? One that could interrupt vital processes like a

  heartbeat...but that dream was far from realization.

  I shuddered and shivered on the floor as the last of the fluid left my system. Then I started a slow and agonizing crawl back up onto my bed. I thought about what the Damocles program could one day be and despite my wretched state I couldn't help but smile at the thought of

  that kind of power. That kind of control. One day it would be mine if I could live long enough, science always prevailed given a long enough deadline. The march of progress may be slow in how humans measured time but it never ceased.

  I could not tell how I should feel about the Jack's mastery of his VRN or the fact that I had gained no useful information about him or how he thought at all. He was still the same human riddle that I had to somehow mold to my will in order to accomplish my goals. The lack

  of evidence as to Alex's location was irritating but the research students were valuable assets and I was certain that no one besides myself, the Jack, and the head of science at this research facility

  Dr. Edgar Frait knew of their importance. The Jack was right to attempt to secure them before they were lost or damaged in the pandemonium at the University.

  I was a bit uncomfortable with the ease to which he entrusted his fate to people he didn't know but ultimately that was his decision and he would bear the consequences of it good or ill. I shuddered and vomited over the side of the bed again. I would have to call a cleaning crew in here before things started to smell. I brought up my VRN visual overlay just long enough to

  take the floor of lockdown and sent a request that called for cleaning service personnel before beginning my descent into slumber. I wasn't going to bother to remain conscious. I am sure upon entering and seeing the twin puddles of regurgitated steak and lobster even they would be able to figure out what to do. I smiled to myself at this. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if they felt the need to wake me to ask for instructions on which sanitizer to use…. Well… that was one puzzle they'd have to figure out for themselves. I had my own to ponder.

  Chapter 12



  I burst into the staircase with my lungs burning from the sprint. I could see shining sparks dancing around the periphery of my vision their playful patterns at odds with my troubled mind. “Angie…you’re hurting me… “Tyra whimpered. I realized that I had been clenching her hand in a vice like grip and guiltily released her palm.

  The staircase was empty save for the smears of blood along the walls. The noise of the student union was slightly muted by the barrier that now separated us from the frenzied masses. “We have to hurry!” I said to Tyra in a whisper that held all the urgency of a shout. I grabbed the railing with my now free hand and started climbing the stairs as fast as I could. The staircase ascended in a squared spiral pattern and at each step I half expected a member of the mad horde to enter the stairwell and take notice of Tyra and I. Panic kept me from slowing down, and fear me from looking back. All I wanted was to get to the possible safety of a classroom so we could connect and get help.

  As we came out onto the third floor I was further disturbed by how foreign the familiar hallways and balconies now looked. The casual couches and chairs had all been removed and a great deal of it had been destroyed. I spared a look over the balcony and could see that a great deal of the furnishings had been thrown to the floors below. I was too nervous to look for long but I was sure that my eyes had caught the shape of bodies trapped underneath some of them, crushed
limbs and abdomens futilely struggling to get free. I pulled Tyra down the hallway towards professor Yodson's classroom as the acoustics of the upper floor made the horrible clamor and shouts from below echo around us. We made our way to the classroom as quickly as we could. Rounding the hall the doorway came into view and despite myself I had a sense of deja vu. This wasn't the first time I had barged into the class room breathlessly but the reason why had never been this dire. I hurriedly accessed my VRN and initiated my teacher’s aide authentication sequence, putting all my weight against the door handle even before it had fully unlocked. As soon as the mechanism released I flung myself into the room hesitating only long enough to make sure Tyra was able to follow me inside before slamming it shut again. I leaned with my back against the door and slid to the floor finally allowing myself to let go just a little bit. My whole body trembled and I did nothing but suck in air and let out one ragged breath after another.

  The room was barely illuminated by a small bit of sunlight from the windows, I knew I could remotely activate the lights in here with my VRN but I thought it would be better to draw as little attention to the room as possible. As I leaned with my back to the closed door I let my hair fall in front of my eyes. This morning’s careful brushing and arrangement had already been ruined by our frantic dash to the classroom and the floral aroma of shampoo was now tinged with the odor of sweat.

  “Don't move.” A voice rang from the back portion of the darkened classroom. I hear the sound of a gun being cocked immediately followed by the sound of Tyra’s breaths beginning to turn into sobs.

  “I don't know how you got in here ….and I don't care just turn around and leave.” the voice was masculine but it had an elderly wavering quality to it. It didn't sound like the type of voice that would shoot at two unarmed women.

  “Professor?....” I called out over the sound of Tyra and her attempts to mute her tears.

  “Angela? ….Angela…. Are you...err …..Um sane?” He asked, the kindness I was accustomed to already seeping back into his tone.

  “Yes Professor.... Do you know what is going on here...and why do you have a gun!?!?”

  I said refusing to let the confusion and exhaustion of the situation to let me lose what little control I had managed to regain. Tyra seemed to be gathering herself together as well now that the initial shock of yet another potential hostage situation had passed.

  Professor Yodson walked toward us from the darkened corner of the classroom and took a seat at one of the desks near the window. His brown suit jacket seemed rumpled and worn but his eyes were alert. He placed the black snub nosed revolved on the desk before taking off his glasses and massaging his temples. “Angela, I have no idea what is going on here or how you and the other young lady managed to stay out of this madness but I believe the situation is serious enough that I can tell you exactly what has happened to me without any pretensions of formal decorum...” the way he began his story reminded me of his lectures and I could feel myself being drawn into his calming spiel.

  “Professor Engle visited me this morning as I was grading papers in the library and she told me to leave campus immediately....that campus was dangerous now. I assumed naturally that she was referring to the fire and assured her there was nothing to worry about. I encouraged her to have faith in the police and campus security, and that undoubtable the arsonist would soon be caught... however she continued to insist that I go home. I thought nothing of it until she came barging into this room an hour or so ago. She seemed on the verge of hysterics making me promise to lock my doors and to disconnect the class from any of the school's public VRN networks....I didn't quite believe her at first but the ardor with which she spoke I was skeptical until she gave me this weapon and took me to the balcony and I saw the melee beginning to unfold below....tell it still going on?”

  I nodded my head, “Do your connection still work? One of our friends is outside and he is hurt badly and he is far from the only one. This riot seems to be getting bigger and bigger.”

  “Yes Angela and believe me, I have personally contacted every emergency service I could. We're to remain in here until someone comes to rescue us.” Professor Yodson replied.

  “Where is professor Engle?” asked Tyra who seemed to have regained some composure despite the makeup that had now run and become smeared.

  “She said she had to try to warn the others, they aren't too many classroom's on this floor so hopefully she is safe and barricaded in her office at the other end of the building room 33C.”

  I absorbed his words but something about them was puzzling. “So she went back out there but she left her best means of defending herself with you?”

  Professor Yodson's brow furrowed as he contemplated my words, “yes it does seem a bit strange, I was so taken aback by the entire situation that I hadn't really thought...” he trailed off mid-sentence lost in thought “She told me to disconnect the public VRN network so I assume she won't have hers operational either. As you're no doubt aware by now there is no phone signal either. Miss Angela I can still hear a ruckus going on but it doesn't sound particularly close, how safe is this floor” he asked with a pensive voice.

  I hesitated a little before responding “...We didn't see anyone on the way here..but I saw that furniture had been moved and thrown so they've been up here at some point.. But for the most point everyone's attention seems to be focused on the main floor. We could get there but...I wouldn't leave her without the gun.”

  “No!!!! No! We just got here and now you want to leave, the authorities are on their way, we're not going out into that craziness again! You two just can't go deciding to put our lives at risk! We have no idea who is out there.” Tyra exclaimed. One look at her and I could see she was terrified and wouldn't leave this small slice of safety with anything less than a full police escort.

  “Well we have to do something” I retorted, “You saw what happened outside this entire place could be overrun before enough drones arrive to restore order to the campus. That is if the police even have the resources to cover an area this large. It might be awhile before the police can muster up a plan to get things under control. Tommy’s life is in our hands and Professor Engle may be in trouble or hurt right this second. We have a weapon, we have a safe place to hide. I saw we should at least check her office.” Following my thoughts to their logical conclusion somehow still left me surprised at what I had actually said. I didn’t know from what source they came from but I did know I didn’t want Tommy to die while I hid away up here. If there was a way to save him we had to take that chance.

  “A small foray to her office might be a wise course of action, it is not very far and not many of the rioters seemed armed with anything more than their own hands or makeshift clubs.” Professor Yodson said as he looked out the window, gazing at another group of people in a tangled violent mass. The chemistry building was burning and it seemed as if several parties were fighting over who had the right to the chemicals and equipment salvaged from the inferno. One couldn’t be 100% certain at this distance but it seemed as if the groups out there were as quick to turn on each other as they were to turn on us. “But I would say it is safe to assume that we may be waiting for a while, whatever it is going isn't isolated to this building and it doesn't seem to be getting any better.” Professor Yodson observed.

  I took a deep breath and began to speak “Give me the gun. I can check real fast and you two can wait here. There's no reason to put all our lives at risk”. My words were met with a thick encompassing silence. The other two were apparently as shocked as I was… either that or they were overcome with relief that someone else had volunteered. I needed to go now but before fear and common sense made it impossible. In a flurry of movement I grabbed the gun and rushed out the door, I could dimly hear them call out my name as I carefully but quickly moved down the hall towards the teacher offices, I tried to ignore the sound of them calling me but I couldn’t help but noticed the sad and confused inflection in their voices. I could fe
el my heart beat was violently elevated again and already I ached for the comfort of the room I just left.

  I think somewhere deep in my subconscious I knew that while Tyra argued and the professor pontificated things were only going to continue to deteriorate, and as much as I hated to admit it I also knew that neither an elderly man nor a crying shopaholic would be an asset if we ran across attackers. I could attract a lot less attention by myself. Before his passing my father had insisted that I take self-defenses classes as a child. It had been years since those basic karate classes but I knew how to throw a punch without breaking my hand. I had never shot anyone before….and personally I wanted to keep it that way but I knew to protect myself if I had to. Point, aim, long as my shaky hands could hold this heavy thing steady.

  I ventured forward alone, despite the fact that I wanted nothing more than to feel the reassuring clutch of safety...a feeling that was becoming foreign to my psyche. The hallways on this floor were eerily empty as I stalked down the hallways with my weapon drawn. Office 33C appeared dark as I approached, similar to the many others I had passed on the way here. I paused at the entrance unsure whether I should risk knocking or announcing my presence before entering. Words bubbled beneath my tongue but I couldn't muster the will to give voice to anything louder than a whisper. Biting my lip I decided to activate my Teacher’s Aid credentials with my VRN once again and enter the office silently hoping that professor Engle wasn't waiting behind the door with a baseball bat. I was surprised to find that the locking mechanism to the door had been shattered. I took one last deep breath before raising my weapon and stepping into the dark room. I closed the door behind me and once it had closed I called out to the darkness in a small voice.

  “Professor? Are you in here” there was no response and the darkness of the room was unsettling. I began to access my VRN once again to see if I could operate the light controls for this room.


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