Book Read Free

Layers Crossed

Page 6

by Lacey Silks

  “Auntie Emma!” The scream of the youngest of the Cross clan greeted me. Julian and Kendra’s son, Jack, ran toward me, his four-year-old feet barely keeping up with the pace he wanted to give them. He slammed into me, nearly tipping me over.

  “You want a ride, Jack?”


  And the same way he did each time, Jack stepped onto my feet and clasped my legs. I wobbled like a duck toward the house, picking him up at the entrance.

  “Ok, double-oh-seven. Do you know what this dinner’s all about?”

  He shook his head up and down feverishly.

  “Aren’t you gonna tell me?” I crouched down to meet his gaze with mine.

  “Daddy said if I say anyphing he will phake away my iPad.”

  “Don’t you know that Auntie Emma would give you our secret one?” I patted my over-sized purse.

  “But Auntie Emma’s not at my home and I can’t use it if youw not phere.”

  “What if we find a secret place to hide it in your room?”

  “And what if I take away your gadgets, too?” Julian’s deeper voice sounded.


  “I didn’t say anyphing,” Jack said defensively, before running into the house.

  “I’m not five anymore, Julian.”

  “You sure act like it sometimes.”

  “That’s because you choose to see me as a child.” I rolled my eyes and pushed past him, desperately trying to find one of my sister-in-laws who I knew would save me from Julian’s grilling.

  “Don’t roll your eyes, Emma,” I heard behind me.

  “Hi Mom, hi Dad,” I hugged my parents. “What’s with the mid-week dinner?”

  “Ask your brothers. They set it up.”

  Great! I should have known.

  I made my way over to hug Kendra and Allie, both of whom sported seven-month tummies. “Please tell me you’re going on a vacation somewhere and taking my brothers away with you.”

  “Oh Emma, I’m so sorry they’re over-protective,” Allie said.

  “Believe us, we feel your pain,” Kendra added.

  “I wish they could fixate on something else. Where are Raleigh and Amme?”

  “They’re in the family room,” Allie said.

  “I’m just gonna say hi.”

  I hurried over to the couch, where my niece and nephew were sitting, listening to music with earphones glued on. I removed one ear-bud from each child’s ear and stuck my head between theirs so they could hear me.

  “I need double agents. Find out what this dinner is about, and I’ll add an extra ten for each of you.” I placed a five-dollar bill in the hands of each twin. Next to Jack, they were clever little spies, just as I’d been at their age. And they could work their parents better than anyone.

  Raleigh and Amme shot off the couch and went two different ways, so nonchalantly and without drawing attention I could swear they were professionals.

  “Emma, stop bribing your niece and nephew, and for once act your age.”

  “I’m not the one organizing family dinners mid-week. What’s this, an intervention of some sort? What are you up to?” I asked Tristan, resting my hands on my hips.

  My brother came closer and took me into his arms. The gesture was so welcome. I hated how much I loved it when he hugged me with so much care. He held me like that for a moment before whispering, “There’s no intervention, Emma. But your instinct is, as always, spot on. There is something we need to talk to you about. We love you more than you know, and I’m sorry we gave you such shitty cases that made you question everything in life.”

  Julian’s voice sounded from behind, and Tristan let go of me. “We should have realized sooner that dealing with cheaters on a daily basis could have consequences. I just hope you haven’t lost faith and hope and trust. And perhaps this new case you’re being so secretive about will bring some of that back. Maybe it will open your heart to new possibilities, so that you can finally grieve properly and move on.”

  My heart ached. Julian and Tristan knew how much I’d loved David, and how I never spoke about him. I couldn’t. Letting go wasn’t something I wanted to do – not yet.

  “Thank you. I really appreciate that. But to call a family meeting mid-week…”

  Julian led me toward the dining room as he continued. “You’re flying out in less than forty-eight hours, aren’t you? We couldn’t wait until the weekend, and wanted to get to know the man you’ll be staying with.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Hello, Emma.”

  My head flew up. Right there, at my parent’s house, was Eric. He stood up and away from the table as soon as I crossed the threshold of the room. Wearing a pair of darker jeans and a t-shirt, he was barely recognizable without his cowboy hat. Eric looked as stunning as the evening I’d met him. All tall and sexy as hell with his scarred brow rising by a fraction, knowing so well what the sight of him had done to my body in a split second. And a sleeve tattoo? My mouth dropped open as I took in his right arm, beautifully inked. I made a mental note to inspect the design when we were alone. If I’d thought he looked hot yesterday, well today Mr. Cowboy was scorching hot.

  “What the hell is this?”

  “Emma!” my mother scowled.

  “I’m sorry, Mom, but going behind my back and inviting my client to a family dinner is where I draw the line.”

  “May I have a word with you?” Eric took three large steps and was standing in front of me. He knew very well that at this moment there was no way I could or would say no to having a moment alone with him. Maybe he could give me an honest answer.

  He guided me out of the house onto the back porch. The slight touch of his palm at my lower back didn’t go unnoticed. In fact, it made me tingle with uncomfortably delightful heat, which spread from that spot all over my body.

  We leaned against the railing. The ocean waves hitting against the shore were louder this evening, and I hoped they’d camouflage our conversation enough that no one else could hear it. “I want you on this case. I don’t think I can trust anyone else with it, and please don’t make me retell my childhood story to your brothers. They just want to know you’re not going away with some wacko you just met. So play nice at dinner, answer their concerns, and Friday morning, we’ll be on our way to Ogden, without anyone else to question your work, authority, or research methods. Can you do that for me, Emma?”

  “When did they contact you?”

  “Last night. The message asked for utmost discretion. I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you, Emma.” He brushed the side of my hand with his, carefully so that no one would see it. I could already feel pairs of eyes staring at us through the window. “But I couldn’t risk the chance that they’d take you off the case. You still want me, don’t you? As your client.”

  Of course I want you! Why was I so confused? It was a simple job. Why were my brothers messing with my head so much?

  “This will be good for you and for me. I promise. I see you need this time away from home as much as I need you to help me. Show them the mature woman that you are. Prove yourself to them as the amazing investigator that I know you are.” His whisper, so close to my cheek, flew along my skin like a teasing ribbon of lust. I instantly felt my breasts swell and the butterflies in my tummy flutter with need.

  “How do you know?”

  “Call it a gut feeling, Emma. You were meant to come into my life to help me. I know that to be true the same way I know the sun will always rise in the East and set in the West.”

  The tingles in my hands and arms dissipated. This man had a way of easing my anxiety and soothing my worries. He made me feel like I was important and the only one in the world. Since David’s death, Eric was the first one to make me feel like a woman.

  “All right. If they’re playing me, I can play them even better.”

  “That’s my girl.” He grinned and everything inside me melted. Could I really concentrate on my job around him? I had to. I had to prove not only to my brothers
but also to myself and Eric just how good I was. Most importantly, there was no way I’d fail my Cowboy.

  We headed back to the dining room, and after proper introductions to everyone, we sat down to eat.

  “Is he your boyfriend?” Jack asked out loud, pointing to Eric.

  “No, Jack. Eric’s a client.”

  “Can he be your boyfriend? He gives good piggy back rides.”

  He does what?

  Eric simply shrugged and Jack continued. “I heard Mamma say to Auntie Allie phat you need a man who can give it pho you so good phat you’ll stop looking for a wooser.”

  “Jack!” Kendra interrupted him. “You need to stop eavesdropping and twisting Mommy’s words, honey.”

  Julian frowned at his wife, and I couldn’t help but giggle.

  “Some things never change in this house.” My father laughed out loud. “Too bad you can’t remember how you were, Em. I think Jack takes after you more than anyone.”

  “Thanks, Dad.”

  “What do you need to give her phat’s so good?” Jack’s attention was now on Eric.

  “Ok, Jack. I think it’s bath time for you, little man.” Kendra moved his chair back.

  “It’s all right,” Eric said. “What do you think it is, Jack?”

  “I think it’s chocolate. Chocolates always works on Mamma when she’s upset, and Daddy says he’ll melt the chocolate and lick…”

  “Jack!” This time Kendra covered her son’s mouth as he tried to mumble the final words from underneath it.

  Everyone at the table burst out in laughter. This certainly felt like the good old days. At one point, Eric’s arm rested over the back of my chair. This subtly possessive way in which he made me feel like we were a couple (which of course we weren’t) was certainly something that I hadn’t expected. Did I want more from him than I could take? Yes, of course I did! This man spiked my hormone levels to new heights just by looking at me. His body, his demeanor, old-fashioned yet understandable ways, and his scent. I found the proximity of him excruciatingly painful because I couldn’t actually touch him. He had my head spinning and heart hammering out of control. Why was he affecting me this way? What was it about him that made me feel all fuzzy and warm inside? I mean, I’d dated hot men before, but none of them seemed as down-to-earth and as comfortable with me as Eric was.

  “So, Eric. Emma seems not to want to share anything about your case. Why is there a need to fly out west?” Tristan asked.

  Here comes the interrogation I was waiting for, I thought.

  “If Emma thinks there is, I trust her. And I appreciate her confidentiality and discretion.”

  “You two seem to be clicking the right way,” my brother continued. I knew exactly what he was referring to. He’d seen the chemistry between the two of us. I couldn’t hide it, and neither could Eric.

  “We do. I think this partnership will work out quite well. And I already know we’ll have a great friendship even after this case is done. Emma’s a very confident woman with intelligence that’s difficult to find. Thank you for assigning her to me.”

  Julian’s jaw tensed by a fraction. I was sure it was because of the way Eric had said I’d been assigned to him.

  “Emma’s one of the best we’ve got. She’ll do a great job,” Mrs. Cross said. “And you seem like a man who will keep her safety in mind.”

  “I wouldn’t let anything happen to her. You have my word on that, ma’am.”

  “I’m quite capable to take care of myself,” I said, but no one seemed to have heard me.

  “Emma’s confidence likes to get the better of her lately, and she’s been quite adventurous.”

  “Hello, I’m in the room, you guys,” I said.

  “Her free spirit is what makes her perfect for the job,” Eric defended.

  “All right, if you guys are done with the inquisition, I’d like to go home and pack up. Mom, Dad, thank you for a wonderful dinner.”

  As soon as I pulled my chair back, Eric stood up, and my brothers’ jaws dropped to the floor at the gesture. I picked up a few empty plates and headed to the kitchen. Of course Allie and Kendra followed me with more dishes. I knew they wanted the scoop.

  “He’s hot, Emma,” Kendra said.

  “Really? I hadn’t noticed,” I chuckled.

  “Don’t pay any attention to your brothers. I think they’re more concerned about Eric getting in your pants than the dangers of the case. And he seems like the kind of guy you should be into. So polite and courteous.”

  “Well, I hope they keep out of my private business and let me do the job they entrusted me with.”

  “Then you’ll be hoping all your life. Stop caring about what they think and use your gut,” Allie said. “And did you see those arms? Jesus!”

  “Julian hit the boxing ring for the first time in weeks as soon as I asked him about your case,” Kendra added.

  “Emma, you need to make him take his shirt off in front of the guys.” Allie turned on the water, somewhat camouflaging our whispers.

  “You’re both married. And stop gawking at him like that.”

  “Like what?” They both kept peeking back toward the dining room.

  “Like you want him to mount you from behind.”

  “Oh, Emma. We have your brothers to do that for us. But looking at that fine specimen is definitely good for the sex drive.”

  “Eeww. I don’t want to know more.” I raised my hands, not bothering to dry them, and headed out, “I hope you don’t mind, but we have a busy day tomorrow, and it’s time to pack. Do you need a ride to your hotel?” I asked Eric.

  “Thank you, but I brought my rental.”

  “Good, then you can leave it here. I’ll have someone drive it for you the way I promised, and I can drop you off at your hotel on my way home.”

  A hint of nerves covered Eric’s face, but he turned to me saying, “Well, I can already see that Cross Enterprises delivers more than it promises. Thank you, Emma.”

  I kissed my parents good night and dismissed the questioning looks from my brothers. At this point, I couldn’t care less what they were thinking about me or Eric, because I had a case to solve. And no one was going to stop me.



  I gripped the arm rest of my seat. How in the world did I let this woman get me on a plane?

  “It’ll be quicker this way.” Her words stung my ears because I’d rather spend ten hours in a car with her than two on a plane, twenty thousand feet above earth, without soil under my feet. And why in the world was I feeling weak in my knees? Maybe because as odd as it might have sounded, I’d never been on a plane before, let alone on a luxury private jet suitable for the President himself. From leather seats to couches and tables – the bathroom had a frickin’ shower and marble counter tops! Most people lacked half of those accommodations on ground.

  “Ease up there, Cowboy, or you’ll rip these off.” She touched my hand, gently uncoiling my fingers, and my grip loosened as if on command. Her soft palm was so small compared to my large hand, yet so strong and caring and full of confidence. I’d never seen a woman with so much poise.

  “Why do you keep calling me Cowboy?” I asked.

  “Aren’t you one? I’m very perceptive. It comes with the job. And if you tell me you’re not, then that means you’ve hired the wrong person.” She grinned with certainty glowing through her eyes, knowing very well that I was a cowboy.

  “I am. I guess the hat and ranch and all would have been a clue,” I teased, slightly letting go of the flying nerves. “Not quite the city slick boys you’re used to dealing with, am I?”

  I wasn’t ready for her next words. To say they surprised me would be the understatement of the century. Emma Cross seemed to shock me more often than I was used to.

  “No, you’re definitely not. You’re much better.” The hunger in her eyes was the same as the day we’d met at the strip club. She leaned in closer, her eyes nearly begging me to take her right on that seat. I might no
t have been a private investigator, but I knew a come on when I saw one. Up until now I’d tried to restrain myself. I wanted her like no other woman, but I didn’t want to push her too far, too early. While I didn’t want to scare her by showing what I felt for her (which I wasn’t too sure of either), I wouldn’t have been surprised if she reciprocated my feelings.

  “So explain this to me. You’ve got a great job, looks like financial security, pretty much everything most women seek in life. Why would you dance at a strip club? Why such an outrageous bet? There’s plenty of stuff you could have done to feel free and alive and unrestrained. Getting naked on a stage seemed…”


  “Exactly. Not that you weren’t amazing and beautiful. I’ve never seen anyone as gorgeous as you.”

  The memory of her glistening body revived those long forgotten primitive needs.

  Emma let out an exasperated breath as if she was about to bare her soul to me. “Thank you. You’re very kind. Cross Enterprises is a serious business I’d known I’d be part of ever since I can remember. I mean, you’ve met my family. They’re my everything. I guess sometimes I just feel like doing things no one will expect me to. Doing them because I choose to. Whether it’s a bet or a dare – I’m still the one who’s making that final choice. And don’t get me wrong, I love my job, but the work I’ve been assigned thus far didn’t exactly fulfill my need to do something more worthy and important. My brothers get to chase the bad guys all the time. They got to go undercover for all sorts of assignments when they were younger; why can’t I? I’m trained just as well.”

  “But you’re a woman,” I blurted, immediately regretting my words. There was no way Emma would take to any kind of male chauvinism.

  “Seriously, you’re gonna go there? I know you’re from the country, Cowboy, but this is the twenty-first century, where a woman can do whatever she wants, whenever she wants, and whomever she wants.”

  That last part nearly caused my balls to contract. Her forward nature and strength would definitely take getting used to, yet was so stimulating. And most of all, I loved how easily we could carry on a conversation, taking my attention away from the fact that we were going at ten times the speed of an average car. I leaned in, tucking the stray hair behind her ear.


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