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Layers Crossed

Page 25

by Lacey Silks

  “The problem you have, you bastard, is that I just sliced your main artery. It won’t take long before you bleed out.”

  “Then I guess I better hurry.”

  He rushed at me again, but this time as he raised his arm I could tell he was struggling. His lower swing forced me to bend back as the machete came down, missing me again. I side-kicked his leg. His knees buckled for a moment, but unfortunately for me as I found my stance I stepped on the piece of glass he’d thrown to the side, cutting into my foot.

  Shit! Hopping on one leg I was useless. I knew if Huntz could get a good run at me with that weapon, he had a good chance of getting me. As I thought about a move that would do the least damage to my body, Huntz approached again, this time raging hellfire in his eyes. I sidestepped, but the pain that shot through my leg spasmed my muscles, and instead I fell to the ground, right in Huntz’s path. The machete was aimed straight for my head. He would fucking decapitate me in less than three seconds!

  People often say that life flashes before your eyes when you’re about to die. And they’re so right. I saw the face of each of my family members at our happiest times, when we laughed and joked; my niece’s and nephew’s cute little faces squirming when they tried a pickle for the first time; my brothers training me and spoiling me rotten when I was young; my sisters-in-law taking care of my broken heart when David died; and David. I saw his face too, smiling at me and saying, It’s not your time. And the face of the man whom I loved – Eric – as he soothed my soul with his kisses and mended my deepest fears of falling in love again. I was the one who had failed him. The justice he sought would never come. In that brief moment, I wished I could go back in time to change its course, foresee Huntz and his accomplice hitting me and Hunter on the head, step a foot further to the right to miss the piece of glass which would ultimately be the reason Huntz eventually bled out, but also the reason I failed to survive.

  A loud scream echoed through the forest.

  The next time I opened my eyes, I saw Eric flying from the side right into Huntz, pushing him out of the way and falling with him onto the machete.

  I jumped up to my feet, screaming. There was nothing else that would come out of my mouth as I saw Huntz fall back onto a broken tree limb protruding from the trunk which pierced his torso, killing him instantly. My entire body stilled as my gaze fell on Eric at Huntz’s side, with the machete sticking out from his back. Motionless, Eric lay face down on the ground.

  “No! No, no, no, no, no! Please!” I cried stumbling toward him. But he didn’t move. “Eric, please don’t die, please. I can’t lose you.”

  I touched the machete that had claimed him, pulling my finger along the trail of smeared blood on the blade. I followed red blobs with my fingers to under his arm, lifted, it and noticed that it had only skimmed the fabric of his shirt, lightly cutting into his skin, right between his torso and his arm.

  “Eric, baby. You’re all right. Please tell me you’re okay.” I gently rolled him over onto his back and heard a painful yet welcome grunt.

  “Open your eyes, please.”

  “I’m good, Em. I’m good.” He reached with his hand to his forehead where a bruise was already forming. A big gash opened, spewing blood onto his face. I ripped a piece of his sleeve off his shirt and pressed it to the cut to somewhat stop the bleeding.

  “Huntz…” He tried to sit up.

  “He’s dead.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “Eric, there’s a branch sticking out of his chest. I’m pretty sure that means he’s dead.”

  “Good.” He slouched, shifting his body in pain.

  “You’re going to have a nasty scar from that cut.”

  “I thought you liked scars.”

  “I love them, especially on the man I love.” I leaned lower and kissed the lips I thought I’d never feel again. “You saved my life.”

  “I’m glad I could be of some help, and I’m so happy this nightmare is over.”

  Far in the distance, a fire engine siren roared. The smell of smoke was now prominent, shaking us up and reminding us that there was another disaster not far away.

  I covered my mouth, saying, “Your parents.”

  “Let’s go.”

  Eric grabbed me under my arm and my knees, lifting me. “Eric, you’re weak. You cannot strain yourself.”

  “There’s no fucking way I’m letting you walk with that cut. Please don’t argue, Emma.”

  And the next thing I knew I was snuggled against his chest, feeling his heart beat on my cheek and his pecs rise and fall with each breath. Eric was almost running. I wasn’t sure how he knew the way, but I had a feeling his memory had been triggered. And now, all I could do was hope and pray that his parents were safe. As much as I wanted to expect the best, something told me we should get ready for the worst.



  By the time we got to the Waters farm, the family home was engulfed in flames. While the glow could be spotted from further away, the flames came into view as soon as we passed the forest. When Eric pulled out onto the main road, I didn’t expect there to be much left of the house. I wasn’t sure how Eric managed to drive with so much composure – or maybe it was the adrenaline feeding him – but I’d never seen him weave on the road past all holes and mounds so quickly.

  “Eric, slow down, please.”

  “I’m not going to crash, Emma. I just need to get there.” We were lucky enough to find Mr. Front, the butcher, along the way. He lent us his truck.

  “I understand.”

  I didn’t say another word until he pulled up behind over a dozen cars. The fire truck had run out of water and was turning around to get more from the lake. In a town this small, there were no hydrants or sufficient safety measures to fight these kind of blazes.

  “Stay in the car,” he ordered.

  Like hell I will.

  As soon as he ran off toward the fire, I stepped out of the car. My feet ached as I stumbled forward, skipping over every second step after him. Julian was the first to see me and he ran over, lifting me into his arms.

  “You all right, Em?”

  “Yeah, just a nasty cut on my foot. Huntz is dead.”

  “Something tells me there’s more to that story.”

  “We’ll chat when this is over. Bring me to Eric, please.”

  Julian carried me to where Eric was standing, pulling on his hair. His chest was rising and falling so quickly, I thought he might have a heart attack.

  “You were supposed to stay in the car.” Eric’s brows furrowed.

  Julian laughed. “I thought you already knew how well Emma listens.” But I don’t think Eric heard him. He just stood there, hopeless and speechless. All I wanted to do was hold him.

  “Casualties?” I whispered into Julian’s ear.


  “Then maybe someone should tell him!”

  Tristan put his arm around Eric, saying, “Don’t worry, walls can be rebuilt; lives can’t. We got here just in time. The ambulance took your parents to the hospital.”

  “You mean, they’re alive?” Eric’s jaw dropped open.

  “Yes, although they’re in critical condition. Huntz took some anger out on your father, but they’re in good hands.”

  I’d never seen a man fall to his feet and cry so hard.

  “Let me down, Julian. Please let me down.”

  My brother set me down by Eric. I took him into my arms and hugged him as tightly as I could from the side. Once he composed the first wave of emotion, Eric must have gotten another kick of adrenaline. I nodded, looking at his face, and said, “It’s time to go. There’s nothing you can do here now.”

  Max, the family dog found us, and buried his head in Eric’s lap.

  His friend Derek who was standing nearby, coughing into his sleeve, added, “She’s right, Eric, you need to go to the hospital too.”

  “Where’s Hunter?”

  “We sent him off in one of the ambulances a
s well.” Julian tapped me on my shoulder. “Come on, Em. We’ll take you guys. It’s over an hour drive.”

  He lifted me up while Tristan took Eric under his arm. I sat in the back seat of Derek’s truck, cuddling into my man, while my brother drove. It seemed like the longest trip of my life.

  “Thank you,” Eric said. “Thank you for saving them.”

  “We were lucky, Eric. You were right to send us there. And thank you for saving Emma.”

  “She’s quite the fighter,” he chuckled. “You should be very proud of her.”

  “We are.”

  “I would have died if it wasn’t for you, Eric. You know that,” I whispered.

  “Let’s keep that between us, please.” He gave me a humble kiss, and I leaned against him.

  At the hospital, at my brothers’ orders and flashing of identification cards, the doctors took care of my foot and Eric’s cut as if they were treating the President himself. Both his parents were in the recovery room. His father had undergone surgery for a broken leg, fractured ribcage that punctured his lung and apparently had brain swelling. He was in intensive care, in an induced coma, with his skull still open to relieve the pressure. His mother had a burnt left arm and would undergo long treatments to heal the flesh with future skin grafts. But the important thing was that they were alive, and that justice was finally brought onto John Huntz.

  Sitting in my bed, all I wanted was to go see Eric. Tristan got my crutches and helped me maneuver through the hallway, when I saw Missy sitting in a chair against the wall.

  “I’m so sorry, Emma. I didn’t know he’d come back to my house. He never has before. I’ve seen him a few times only. But not to my house.”

  “Missy, it’s all right. It’s not your fault. Are you okay? Are you hurt? Why are you here?”

  “Blake had to come in for smoke inhalation. The Fields brothers and your brothers pulled Mr. and Ms. Waters out of the house.”

  “You didn’t tell me it was that close.” I looked up at Julian.

  “We came out with Joanne first. It took a bit longer for Mr. Waters because of the broken leg. He was barely conscious, mumbling.”

  “Missy, there was someone else with Huntz when he hit me. Do you know who it was?”

  “No.” She shook her head. “I’m sorry, he never introduced me to anyone. And I didn’t see them.” I wondered whether that person was a threat and what Huntz had promised him in return for his help. Hopefully, it was just someone he hired. My gut twisted in an argument.

  “That’s all right. How about if I introduce you to your half-brother then?”


  I took her hand into both of mine. “Missy, you have a family your father deprived you of. You have a mother who had loved you very much, until the day she was lied to and told that you died at birth. There’s no need to hide any longer.”

  Her hand flew up to her chest as she repressed a sniffle. “And a father who wanted you to be his own and to love you as his own. The Waters are your family. Donna Jo is your mother. Eric and Annabelle Waters are your half-siblings.”

  “That’s impossible.” Missy shook her head sideways. Tears were running down her cheeks like a river.

  “You’re not alone. You never were. They had no idea who you were, and your mother mourned you for years.”

  I took her hand and stood up, leading her into Eric’s room. The reunion squeezed my heart. The connection between her and Eric was immediate. I’d never seen anything like that in my life, and it made this job so worthwhile. Even Julian shed a tear as he wrapped his arm around me.

  “I guess that family dinner should have an extra guest, then.”

  “You betcha. As soon as we can get Annabelle, Eric’s sister, into town, we’ll have a huge family dinner, with a bonfire and games and songs.”

  “I’ve missed you, Emma.” Julian kissed the top of my head.

  “I’ve always been here, just a little lost for a while. Eric found me. He helped me find me again.” I sat down at Eric’s side and kissed him on his cheek.

  “Thank you,” he said.

  “You have nothing to thank me for.”

  “You gave me my family back.” He squeezed Missy’s hand.

  “And you gave me the strength I needed to feel again, to love again, and to hope again.”

  I snuggled into his side while Missy did the same on the other. Julian sat down and was texting, Tristan was outside making a business call, and I couldn’t be happier that our adventure ended with everyone I loved and cared about alive.

  While deep in my heart I was jumping for joy that my first case was finally solved and behind me, something told me that this family’s troubles were far from over, and that it would be a long time before the Waters found true peace.

  * * *

  Dear Reader,

  The Waters family is not out of harm’s way just yet. In Double Crossed (book 2 in the Crossed Series), Annabelle Waters comes back to town to help her parents, but little does she know the trouble she found in San Francisco follows her home. And if you thought Cash Wagner was interesting, Grace’s brother will be back in UnCrossed (book 3 in the Crossed Series). Both novels will be available December 2014.


  Sign up for my newsletter to receive email alerts on release dates, promotions and discounts. I will not spam, nor give your email to anyone.

  About the Author

  Author of Erotic Romance, Lacey Silks writes her stories from life experiences, dreams and fantasies. She likes a pinkish shade on a woman’s cheeks, men with large feet and sexy lingerie, especially when it’s torn off the body. Her favorite piece of clothing is a ‘birthday suit’.

  When she’s not thinking about writing steamy stories, which is a rare occasion, Lacey enjoys camping and skiing with her family (not at the same time of course). She’s a happily married wife blessed with two kids who adore going to the library. She’s an early bird by nature, but loves the nightly adventures with her hubby which provide good content for her books.

  If you enjoyed the story, please consider leaving a review. All authors depend on the support of their readers to find an audience. Make your opinion count!

  More Work by Lacey Silks:

  Short Stories

  My First, My Last (Free eBook)

  Dance With Me

  Teacher’s Pet

  Over The Limit

  Bossy Request (Free eBook)

  My Neighbor’s Will

  Fantasy in Each Reality (Erotic Shorts 1-3) Collection

  Fantasy in Each Reality (Erotic Shorts 4-6) Collection

  Mistresses Series: Meet Claire, Casey, Lexie, Paige and Amber in 5 connected shorts in the “My Reason To Cheat” Series.

  New Adult/Erotic Romance Novels

  Dazzled By Silver (a prequel to the Layers Trilogy)

  Layers Deep

  Layers Peeled

  Layers Off

  My First, My Last: A Novel

  Coming Soon (Novels):

  Crossed (spinoff of the Layers Trilogy)

  Layers Crossed

  Double Crossed


  Sign up for Lacey’s newsletter for updates on new releases, special offers and discounts.

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  Switching things up a bit :)

  Writing this section is always most difficult. I’ve repeated the same words in most books, because honestly, you’ll always thank your parents, friends, children, spouses, editors, cover designers etc... And of course – I do. I thank them all for their invaluable input, support, faith and encouragement.

  But I also want to say a few words about the fellow authors in my AA group (you know who you are). No, the AA has nothing to do with alcoholism ;) I’ve never met a better bunch of people from all over the world, who without judgement on where you are in your ca
reer, share their knowledge, provide support, and encourage, making this publishing journey an exciting adventure. I will be forever grateful to you all. I look forward each day to chatting with you and learning from you. You inspire me to keep my butt in the chair so that I write.

  To my readers: I love your emails and adore your excitement. Believe me when I say this, I not only write for myself, but also for you. There’s nothing better than knowing you’ve enjoyed my work.

  To anyone who took a chance on my books – thank you!

  To my family, I could not do what I love without you. Mom, your go getter attitude has rubbed off on me. Dad, your humour is infectious. Mike, “all you need is love”. Maya and Alex, you are who I live for. You are my life.

  A special thank you to The Killion Group Inc. for the stock cover photo.

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