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CARSON_Satan’s Ravens MC

Page 20

by Kathryn Thomas

  “Damn that was good. I swear it just gets better and better each and every time.” He was trying to catch his breath, and she lay there listening to his heart and just enjoying the moment. She could have laid on him forever, and the truth was she wanted to. “Do you want to get something to eat?”

  “I don’t know if I want to get up. When we were talking before and you said the Ravens were thinking of moving to this area did you mean that you’d be around more permanently?” She knew that they were great in bed, and the small amount of time they lived together had been great even though it was under duress had been a great time too. She didn’t want to scare him away, but she wouldn’t mind staying in this apartment. Maybe finding a job and getting her life together would be something that she could obtain. She didn’t like being dependent on anyone, and she didn’t want him to think she was using him, but she didn’t know how to get from under the oppression of her father.

  “Yep. It’s looking like I’ll be around here trying to get you to be my old lady.” He tried to make it sound like a joke, but she hoped he meant it because in all honesty it was going to be hard to let him go.

  “Old lady? That doesn’t sound like a position I’d like to fill. What does the job entail?” She liked joking around with him. It was always so easy to talk to him about almost anything.

  “It would be a lot of fucking, pussy tapping, ass slapping, nipple pulling, talking, motorcycle riding, and maybe we could throw a few meals and some sleep in there every once in a while.” Carson actually had the nerve to look like she might say no to this very exciting offer.

  She lifted her head up and looked into the light green eyes that reminded her of her mother’s gems. “That sounds like a mix between a girlfriend and a friend with benefits.”

  “You are correct. I’ve checked all your references, your paper work seems to be in order, and the job is yours if you want it.” He pulled back from her to look at her, and she felt so exposed. Not because she didn’t want to do it, but because this forgiving man didn’t even give her any of the business, and she wasn’t used to that. There was only acceptance of what had happened and desire to move on. It was almost too much.

  She hugged him because he was saving her life. Kelli hated to cry because her father said it was like a weakness and she never wanted to be weak, but she didn’t know how chained she felt until Carson came along and offered her a key.

  “I’ll take that as a yes?” He lifted her chin and looked into her eyes. “I don’t know what we’ll be up against as we make this move to be together, but I’m going to tell you where I keep my money socked away. Then if something happens to me, you can have money that your father doesn’t control.”

  That was it. She couldn’t hold the sob inside any longer. It was horrible to feel so bad about crying, but that was how she was raised. Unfortunately these weren’t tears she could hold back, and they barreled out in loud gushing sobs. Carson gathered her in his arms and didn’t once tell her to stop crying or settle down. He patiently waited for her to stop. When she’d cried for longer than she’d ever cried in front of anyone, she lifted her head and he wiped her face with his t shirt before giving her a kiss.

  “What was that for?” She asked.

  “It was for trusting me with your tears and for agreeing to see where this goes and for making me feel so good.”

  “I hope I’m not more trouble than I’m worth.” She wanted that to be a joke, but she had a feeling that Carson didn’t know how low down her father could go when he wanted to.

  “You are worth all the trouble you’ll bring and more.”

  She looked at him and smiled. “I’m going to hope that you’ll always believe that because the Picernos are something to behold when they don’t get their way.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  The phone rang and woke both of them up, well it woke him up; she seemed content to just snuggle into him as she moved her head from one cheek to the other. Carson usually liked to be in a bed when he slept, and that was probably a product of not always having a bed growing up, but with Kelli stretched out on his chest, he was fine but disoriented. It was almost like a dream having her in his arms, and he almost had to shake his head a little because he wasn’t sappy, and those were some sappy ass thoughts.

  When the phone stopped ringing in the most jarring ring tone he’d ever heard, he breathed a sigh of relief but it didn’t last long, because the phone started ringing again almost immediately.

  “Someone wants to get in touch with you,” he said shaking her a little. Picking up the phone and looking at the caller ID told him the person on the other line was The Devil. “You may want to get this.”

  She reached for the device and looked at the screen. “It’s my Papa, and I don’t want to answer it.”

  “You’re going to need to talk to him, Kelli. You’re a grown woman, and you don’t have to go anywhere you don’t want to go, but this man has arms and eyes all over the city. You need to know what he wants.”

  She didn’t agree or disagree, but she did put the phone on speaker. “Yes, Papa?”

  “Where the fuck are you? I knew I shouldn’t have let you out of my sight.” The leader of the local underworld sounded pissed, and Carson moved Kelli off his lap so he could make a call of his own.

  “I don’t have to do what you say. You took away my money, my home, and my career so you could control me, but no more.”

  “So you ran to the man who killed Argo for protection? He’s only using you to get to me.” The man calmed down quickly when he found out her little girl wasn’t playing around and had found a way out of the jail he’d made for her.

  “I got a copy of a tape that I was told you knew about. Would you know anything about it? It was a tape of the way Argo was killed. It hurt me to my heart to watch it, but it showed that Carson didn’t kill Argo and that he was trying to save him. Argo was also telling him to go so he didn’t get killed by his men that were on the way.” She waited to hear what he’d say. Kelli looked like she really wanted him to confess what he really knew, but Carson could tell that would be hard for the proud man he’d met a few weeks ago. This was a man who liked having control, having everything go his way with little to no questions.

  “Everything isn’t what it seems, little girl.” Her father played the ‘you don’t know what I know’ card perfectly, but the look on Kelli’s face said she wasn’t going for it.

  “I’m not coming back. I had some resources stashed away in my office, and I’m thankful that you let me get it, but no one deserves to be treated like this.”

  “I know where you are and who you’re with. Let’s see if I’m in a good mood to listen to this nonsense from you or Mr. Hale when I get there.” The phone disconnected, and Kelli looked scared.

  “They’re coming for us. My Papa says he knows where we are.”

  Carson didn’t like watching her get so upset, but there wasn’t anything he could do to calm her right now. “Get dressed. We’re getting out of here.”

  He watched her throw on her clothes, and he called Beast.

  “Yo,” answered the man who rarely ever had a greeting for someone who called.

  “Beast, it’s me, Carson.”

  “Yeah, I know or I wouldn’t have said anything. What’s up?”

  “I’m here with Kelli. We met up to talk about what happened, and now her father is coming to get us.”

  “Fuck! Carson didn’t I tell you that I didn’t want to have to cross paths with him. He’s pissed at us for the mark we had on his right hand man. I really wanted to make a name for ourselves here and then attempt to join forces.”

  “Well I’m sorry to fuck up your plans, but I’m going to need some assistance. Where is everyone?” Carson had everything he needed; he just wanted to make sure he knew where his back up was.

  “They’re all right here. Are you at your apartment?” Beast sounded like he was getting up and walking around. Carson was grateful that this was working out the way it did
because if he’d have been in town alone, who knew how this would have played out? The last thing he wanted was to have her dad shoot him with her present.

  “Yes,” Carson said knowing that he was going to get shit for that one.

  “Well that’s stupid. He probably knows exactly where you are.”

  “I get that. We are on our way out the door now.” Carson gathered his keys and motioned for Kelli to come on.

  “All right then, head over to the Round House Bar, and we’ll meet you there. Be very careful. I think you have the makings of a time bomb on your hands, and the detonator has just been lit.” Beast hung up as soon as the last word left his mouth.

  “We have to get going,” he said to Kelli whose face was pale as a sheet.

  “If I would have known I would could get you killed, I wouldn’t have met up with you. I was so excited to see you, I didn’t think about how this would play out.”

  “Don’t worry about that now. Let’s just try to work our way through this.” He pulled her along after him as he took her down the stairs and out the exit in the back of the building. His motorcycle was right where he’d left it, and he gave her a helmet to put on as he put his on. Then they jumped on, and he took off. There was no other way to go but by the front of the building, and he saw the same cars that had come to pick Kelli up from the cabin. He counted seven, but there could have been more.

  She squeezed him a bit tighter because he knew she heard the man yell “There they are,” just like he did. They had the benefit of being on a motorcycle, and he used his skills and the ability to get through tight spaces to his advantage.

  He could hear them as they started to follow them, and he wondered how many of them were on their way up to his apartment. This was the closest call he’d ever had, but he was thankful her father got mad and told her he was coming to get her because it gave them time to make a plan and get out of there. Her father must have been heated when he figured out he’d been duped by his daughter, but Carson knew that he would be the one that would get the burn for it.

  Carson knew his way around the city, and that was a bonus. The men must have split up and tried to get him from different sides. The only thing that was saving him from being blown off this bike was the precious cargo he was carrying on the back. He turned the corner a bit quickly, and she held on for dear life. He wished he had time to comfort her, but he was trying to save both of their lives. His was more literal, but she was in danger as well. They weren’t far from the check point where he was supposed to meet the guys, but the car was closing in on them. The red light would put them right next to them, so he moved all the way over to the right lane so he could go through the light.

  The loud honking behind him made him almost smug… almost, but it was when he saw the motorcycles coming toward him the other way, he got a bit shaken. These weren’t the guys he was waiting for; they were not known to him. He’d surrender if they were going to do something to hurt Kelli. Carson could have pulled out his weapon, but that would only have led to there being more weapons aimed at them.

  Slowing before he got to the next intersection, he took a turn down an alley that was a cross street to the bar he was attempting to make it to. He could see his boys on the ready when he came out of the alley. He got a call in his head set from Beast on their helmet walkie talkies. Carson thought it was the dumbest thing to invest money in at the time, but now he wanted to award the genius of whoever created and implemented the use of such a helpful item.

  “We got a lock on a warehouse a few blocks from here on Hepburn Way. You know where that is?”

  He pushed the button on the side of his helmet. “I do. Follow me.” Carson really never thought past finding his guys to help out, but now that he thought about it, there was going to have to be some sort of face off, and he didn’t even want to think about how that would play out.

  Looking into his mirror, Carson could see that the whole group had joined together and there were Satan’s Ravens mixed in with the friends of Picerno and huge cars that were probably filled with gun-toting men who were ready to battle. When he turned the corner closest to the warehouse, he kicked in the turbo boost on his bike because he wanted Kelli to be somewhere safe when the shit hit the fan because it was looking like it was going to be one hell of a mess.

  “Where the fuck are you?” Beast yelled in his ears.

  “I’m going to put Kelli somewhere so she doesn’t get hurt.”

  “We’re too close. Don’t take off running with her or you’ll get shot. Just stand there. I think her being with you is safer for all of us than putting her somewhere.”

  Carson thought that on the drive over, but the hostility in the air wasn’t going to be healthy for anyone, and he’d hate for the peace loving woman she wanted to be deep in her heart damaged from all the violence. He had time to put his bike against the wall and then secure their helmets. She grabbed his hand and kissed the back of it.

  “I can tell that you wanted me to be somewhere safe, but I’m staying with you. All these people are coming together because of us, and no one is going to get hurt if I can help it.” She looked so determined, he hoped her father didn’t disappoint her any more than he has been.

  “Just stand behind me. There are a lot of people behind out there I don’t know.”

  The smile she gave him matched that billion dollar bracelet, and as much as he’d like the kiss that he knew would accompany that, it wasn’t the time or the place. The gangsters were lined up against the bikers, and Carson moved to stand in front of his men while Kelli’s father got out of the car with the tinted windows. It was difficult to make Kelli stand back, but she hung on to his hand with both of hers not letting him go.

  “This is a fine mess you’ve gotten us all into, Kelli. How about you come back home and everyone can go home?” Angelo stood there like he was over this whole situation, and he was calling back his child like she was a runaway teenager that had gone astray.

  “I’m not coming home, Papa. There are things you kept from me. That’s why you were being blackmailed.” Her voice was loud and carried to everyone who was listening.

  “Did he tell you that?” The man walked a few steps toward the imaginary line that their divide had made between the two groups, and then his people all drew their weapons, making the biker side do the same.

  “No. The person who gave me the DVD told me that. How would he know about all the horrible things you’ve told me about him?” She held up her arm and waved her sparkly bracelet in the air. “Looks like he didn’t sell it after all. Did he tell you he wanted to return it to me personally?”

  “I want to talk to both of you privately. Everyone put your guns away. My daughter is out here.” Angelo said as he walked back to the car. His second in command followed him, and when Carson went to follow him, Beast stepped behind him. “Where do you think you’re going?”

  “My guy isn’t going to be the only non-Picerno in the conversation. I’m the president of this organization, and we take care of our own.” Beast waited to see if there was going to be a problem. Since the guns had already been drawn and put away, there was no telling what was going to happen.

  Angelo didn’t say anything; he just got in the limousine and waited for everyone to follow suit. Carson got in before Kelli just in case this was some ploy. Then came Beast and the guy who was now second in command since Argo died.

  “I’m going to address you first, Kelli, because I’m tired of all your dramatics. You shack up with this guy who planned to kill your cousin.” Angelo, who was looking at Kelli, turned to Carson. “That’s a fact, isn’t it?”

  “I told your daughter about that and was trying to get the situation resolved when Argo was shot.”

  “By your own man? Sounds like a set up to me.” The man sat back in the seat like he was on the king’s throne with his arms crossed as if he was waiting for an answer. Carson didn’t have one for him because he wasn’t involved with that.

  “With all due r
espect, sir. We are independent contractors, for lack of a better name, that handle the dirty work for people who don’t want to get their hands dirty. Carson was trying to do something that we weren’t aware of, and honestly if he’d have told me what he was doing, I probably would have handled it the same way. I’m sorry for your loss, but it was business. You can understand that.”

  “Well aren’t you a piece of work? Sitting there all high and mighty when a man I considered like my son is dead and gone, and it’s just all in a day’s work to you?” The red of the mob boss’s face looked like he was going to stroke over any minute.

  “There have been many families that have come to you to ask for mercy when a loved one had done something they couldn’t repay, and how did you treat them, Papa? I know for a fact it has happened at least 4 times because I’ve seen all the family members beg you, and that’s before you took the person’s life.” Kelli’s small voice of reason had the effect that she probably wanted. He was listening and considering what she was saying.


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