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Dark of kNight

Page 13

by T. L Mitchell

  “Charlotte,” I paused for a moment reflecting back to how I felt with the first kiss. “How do I? I mean… what can I … ” I broke off as Casey walked in the room.

  “Hey,” I said brightly.

  “Hello, darling,” Charlotte spoke softly.

  Casey breezed by us without saying a word she ran up the stairs to her bedroom and slammed the door. Charlotte and I looked at one another, then got up and went up the stairs to check on Casey.

  “Casey?” Charlotte said knocking on the bedroom door lightly. “Darling, what is wrong?”

  “Nothing! I just need to be by myself right now,” she shrieked.

  “Casey, let me in!” Charlotte pleaded.

  “Mom! Please!”

  “Darling, please! Honey, I am your mother. Whatever it is, you know you can talk to me.”

  There was no answer. I touched Charlotte’s arm and looking into her worried face. “Just give her time to calm down.” She nodded and we both went back down stairs.

  For the remainder of the evening, Casey stayed locked in her room. She didn’t come down for dinner. Thomas tried to talk to her through the door-her response was still the same.

  We all went to bed that night worried about Casey. I lay on my back looking at the dark ceiling in my room, wondering what was so bad that she didn’t even want to talk it over with me. Casey was always the bright and cheerful one. Whatever happened had to be bad to make her withdraw from the ones that loved her the most.

  Rolling over on my side, I stared out the window into the night sky. My thoughts ran back to Nathaniel. Had he done something or said something to Casey to make her act this way? There was no way I was going to know until she found a safe place within herself to talk about it. Until then, I had to be patient and wait.

  Just one more day, and I would see Daniel again. So many thoughts ran through my head. I smiled as I remembered Charlotte’s words, which I was grateful for and very thankful that she was there. So many years had passed that I couldn't retrace. For now, from this moment on there was no going back. There was only going forward in a new life.

  Now I knew the truth of the new life I live; I am a Lycan. I planned to live it to the fullest. To enjoy everything that this new life has to offer. In one moment of loss, I gained so much more. I never imagined such bliss.


  Tuesday came and went with a blur. Today, Casey appeared to be herself again, as if nothing was wrong. She wouldn’t discuss whatever it was that had upset her.

  Yesterday evening, I made an attempt to talk to her concerning the relationship with Nathaniel. She didn’t want to discuss Nathaniel and even became irritated with me for bringing up the subject. Through the tears she shed, she told me that I wouldn’t understand and to let it go. Her defensive behavior only increased when I asked her why he was so different. I knew the relationship between the two of them had grown into a strong bond. She was protecting him, a true nature of a Lycan female. Protecting those you love even if it meant losing your own life. This type of behavior isn’t a choice for us; it’s a part of us.

  Lycans love like no others. The males and females both love with deep emotions and bonds. I could understand why the Lycans are the protectors of the humans. We will fight to the death to protect those we love because it’s what we believe. The natural instinct of a thousand year old love built into our genetic makeup.

  Yes, Casey was in love with Nathaniel and whatever he was, she would protect him at all costs. I couldn’t fault her because of my own love for Daniel. It was my only hope that Nathaniel loved her in the same way.

  I made the decision to focus on believing in the brighter side of my own life. Daniel was only moments away from me. I paced back and forth in the airport waiting to see him walk through those doors. I kept praying that I would keep my dignity. After all, it wouldn't make a good impression if Dr. Martin Knight’s daughter were to make a fool of herself in public. I sat down but couldn't calm my rush of excitement.

  To distract myself, I watched a young mother wrestling with her twin boys. They were both climbing on her as if she was a jungle gym. She would no sooner have one seated when the other started climbing all over her lap. My distraction didn’t last long. Peopled flooded through the opened doors. Immediately I stood, my heart raced while tiny beads of moisture formed on my hands. I fervently looked for that gorgeous man of mine and then there he was. My heart gave a giant leaped. Beautiful, tall, dark and handsome all rolled into one package. A package that was smooth as silk chocolate melting in your mouth. He hadn’t yet seen me. Daniel was talking to another man who was a little shorter than he was. Once they walked through the doors, it was as if I couldn’t move.

  Daniel glanced up and looked directly at me. My heart went into over drive. His huge smile showed off his perfectly white teeth. “JULIE!” he called with his arms held open wide.

  “Oh, damn the dignity!” I hissed under my breath and made a sprint straight into his embrace.

  My arms wrapped around his neck as the force of my body slammed into his. He let out a chuckle as he balanced himself and wrapped his arms around me tightly.

  “I will never leave you again. I have missed you terribly,” he said setting my feet down on the ground.

  “I’ve definitely missed you more.”

  “Mmm… ” he hummed, “I really,” he pulled me closer to his lean body. “Really don’t think so,” he whispered across my lips.

  Fire screamed throughout my body when his lips slowly touched mine. For a moment, I forgot where we were. I heard a low, “Uh-hum” when someone cleared their throat.

  Daniel released me and we turned toward the two people who stood in front of us. Daniel smiled a sheepish grin to the man.

  “Jason and Heather, this is Julie Knight. Julie, this is Dr. Mrs. Jason McLaughlin.”

  “Oh, the pleasure’s all mine. Daniel hasn’t stopped talking about you, not for a moment.” He held his hand out to me. The first thing I noticed other than his brown curly hair, was his accent.

  “It’s certainly nice to meet you. Your accent, is it Scottish?”

  “No, Lass, I’m afraid I’m one hundred percent Irish. Bred, born and raised. Ya’ know I grew up with a baby bottle in one hand and an Irish whiskey in the other,” he said laughing.

  “Well, I’m sure you did just fine,” I said laughing.

  “Yeah well, me own mum couldn’t wean me from the bottle. I still carry me whiskey flask ‘round with me wherever I go.” He patted his coat pocket.

  “Oh, don’t let him fool you. I can still drink him under the table at the local pub. My name’s Heather.” The small, attractive petite woman said holding her hand out. She couldn’t have been more than five foot four or five. Small round face and her red hair was close cut. She looked like a little fairy. Smiling, I extended my hand.

  “So, did you drive?” Daniel asked. I shook my head. “Oh,” he nodded. I pointed toward the front door to the limo that waited.

  The best thing about the ride back to the Maxwell’s wasn’t just the laughter we all shared, but it was that Daniel and I were together. It felt good to have him within my reach again.

  Jason and Heather appeared to be a perfect match. They were full of energy as they kept Daniel and me laughing. It was impossible to imagine Daniel working around those two and completing any work. I could see how they’d become such good friends. I enjoyed listening to the two of them talk. I adored Jason’s heavy Irish accent.

  Soon we pulled up in front of the house. We all departed from the limo and unloaded the luggage. I paused behind Daniel and waited for him while he opened the door to the house. It was customary to let the guest enter first. Jason and Heather walked in. I heard her gasp when she walked through the home. I passed through the door as Daniel followed.

  “You might want to turn left around the corner. That would be the great room.” Daniel said.

  The expressions on their faces were priceless. Heather’s eyes were wide as she looked around at
the paintings and out the window that overlooked Charlotte’s flower garden. I took a step to follow them around the corner when I felt a hand around my arm. Daniel pulled me around swiftly.

  Forcefully he grabbed my shoulders and pushed my back against the wall so hard it shook the pictures. His hand went to my face, while his fingers went slowly around to the back of my neck pulling my head closer to his.

  “We have unfinished business, you and I,” he growled quietly with his lips gently on mine. I could smell that soft spicy fragrance I’d longed for.

  “Yes, unfinished,” I breathed as my arms went around his neck. His kiss sent a fire flaming down my skin again. His body pressed closer to mine, covering the length of my body. My hands went to his head. Gently my fingers ran through his hair. Slowly his hands left my neck, letting his thumbs trace down my sides where he ran his hands over my back.

  My eyes opened when I heard Charlotte’s voice greeting Jason and Heather.

  “Where are Julie and Daniel?” she asked. All I heard was Jason’s chuckle.

  Daniel let me go and we both tried to compose ourselves as we walked into the great room. I stopped to set the picture back in place as Daniel let out a soft laugh. We walked around to see Charlotte with her arms held wide to hug her son. He embraced her tightly. Yes, there’s nothing like a mother’s love.

  Once we were all seated in the living room, I noticed Charlotte had a beautiful silver coffee and serving tray prepared with fresh coffee and homemade scones. Thomas and Charlotte sat across from Jason and Heather. Daniel and I sat in the large oversized chair together. It was very nice to feel him close to me again. He sat with his arm around me while I snuggled under him. I missed the smell of him, the wonderful smell of his cologne and his spicy scent. I missed the feeling of his warm embrace as his soft hands touched my face. I trailed off into my own thoughts when I noticed everyone’s attention was on me. To my surprise, my eyebrows raised, I looked down at myself and then to Daniel.

  “Julie?” Charlotte asked.

  “You have a surprise to tell me?” Daniel turned to me with a quirky grin.

  My mind wondered for a moment. How did I not hear what she asked me? I thought quickly as I looked at her.

  “Dr. Miller?” Charlotte coached.

  “Oh!” I said in exclamation. The conversation was one I’d hoped to have with Daniel in private. Since the puppy was out of the box, I might as well play with it.

  “Well, I’d been having these nightmares.” Daniel coughed out a little laugh and I nudged him in the ribs. “It turned out they were suppressed memories from when I was around twelve. The attack by the werewolf, according to Dr. Miller, was so traumatic I blocked the memory of the event. Anyway, after talking to Dr. Miller and Charlotte, I have my full memory back. I know everything about my father. I also know who I am. I know where I belong.” Daniel's arms were around me squeezing me tighter.

  “I cannot tell you how glad I am. How proud I am of you,” he whispered.

  Thomas jumped up and walked over to me with his arms open. I left Daniel’s arms and embraced Thomas. “Welcome to the family, dear. We have waited for this a long time.


  “That’s great!” Jason and Heather said at the same time sending me a warm smile.

  I returned to my spot under Daniel‘s arm and pulled my feet under me. He was my safe haven. I never wanted to leave.

  “I think this is totally amazing. So what’da you think of us Lycans now?” Jason asked.

  “Well, I guess there’s still a lot to learn. But so far, I’m kind of fond of one,” I smiled proudly.

  “So, when did you find out?” Heather asked.

  “Actually Monday.”

  “Well, we have more news to discuss. Not to take the attention away from Julie’s recovery.” Thomas began. “I am sure Daniel has filled you both in concerning our werewolf problem around here.”

  “So how many people have they killed so far? How many are missing?” Jason broke in leaning forward with his elbows resting on his knees.

  “At the moment, a total of six were found dead. Three are missing,” Thomas said pouring himself a cup of coffee.

  “So that means there may be three added to their pack?” Heather threw in.

  “I tried to track them the other day. I only caught a scent of two. They are somewhere nearby. I found a police officer’s body about ten minutes from here. The werewolves had pulled him from his car. I found his body behind the car where they killed him.” Daniel added.

  For a moment, everyone was lost in his or her thoughts. Casey appeared on the stairs. Walking slowly she went to Daniel first and hugged him tightly. Then she walked over to Jason and Heather.

  “Hello again, Jason, Heather.” She said hugging them both as they greeted her. Then she turned and sat on the floor next to the coffee table.

  “So what have I missed?” she asked in her same perky voice. There was something different about her. I couldn’t put my finger on it.

  “Well, I think that we should at least go on a hunt to see exactly where they are holding up.” Daniel suggested.

  “I agree.” Jason said.

  Thomas nodded.

  “Well, there’s one thing we’re forgetting,” I added. I didn’t realize with everyone’s attention on me how uncomfortable I’d suddenly become. “I have Barney Fife and his Deputy Dog sniffing around my house.”

  “Oh, that is right. I went out early the morning after the storm to find out the where the werewolves were heading. Apparently our Sheriff found my tracks, so now they are looking for a pack of oversized wolves.” Daniel added.

  “Well, that’s a bummer.” Jason shot back. “How much territory do you think we have to cover?”

  “The land tracks between Julie’s house and here are around a forty mile radius.” Thomas cleared his throat. “I figured we could split up.” He stood and then laid a map out on top of the coffee table. “Charlotte, Casey and I could take the western area surrounding our house. Jason, you and Heather could take the corner on the East.” He looked up toward Daniel and me. “Daniel, you and Julie will have the southern area around her house. We have until Sunday before there is a full moon.”

  “So what’s the plan if we find where they are?” Jason threw in looking at the map.

  “Set a trap.” Daniel chimed in. “We will draw them out. Find a local point and wait for them.”

  “Okay then, when do we start?” Jason said wide eyed with excitement.

  “All right, Irish boy, do not don your kilt just yet. We will have to be careful and move around the police. They are still combing the area looking for oversized wolves. Our best bet is to go out at night,” Daniel stated.

  “Tonight should be perfect. There is a half moon,” I added. Everyone nodded in agreement.

  “Tonight it is,” Jason said. “So Julie, this will be your first hunt with Daniel?” The way he said it sounded more promiscuous than a regular question.

  “I think it’ll be fun,” I said looking to Daniel. His face contorted into a frown.

  “I would certainly like to be there for this.” Jason said chuckling.

  “Oh, no you most certainly will not my friend.” Daniel shot back in a back-off tone. Feeling Daniel’s body tense, my head snapped toward him to see the angry expression.

  “Oh, it couldn’t be that bad,” I said trying to lighten Daniel’s tense mood.

  “Maybe it would be a good idea if they went on their own. At least for the first time.” Charlotte spoke in Daniel’s defense.

  Heather glanced at me and gave me a wink. “You’re going to enjoy it. Believe me. We’ll catch you on the second run.”

  Daniel murmured something under his breath I couldn't understand. I reached over and just patted him on the leg. My heart stopped when I felt the strong muscles in his leg. I pulled my hand back and folded my arms to my stomach. My thoughts became harder to control than before. The desire I had for Daniel was greater, making it more difficult for me to conce

  Casey had been so quiet. A smile crossed my face when I glanced at her. She forced out a fake smile, but I could tell there was something haunting her.

  My first hunt with Daniel, this would be exciting. Although, I had no idea what was involved. I was excited to be with him. The hunting shows on TV showed men going out in the woods with guns and walking around dressed in camouflage. How hard could it be? I glanced over to Charlotte. It was hard for me to imagine her walking through the woods dressed in camouflage and carrying a gun.

  “Okay, so where are we going to round up?” Jason asked.

  “Tonight we will head out around nine and meet back here. You do not think you two will get lost do you?” Thomas asked looking at Jason and Heather.

  “She’s got a better nose than me. I doubt it very seriously. I didn’t marry her for her cooking ya’ know.” I could tell Jason was going to be a lot of fun. I was disappointed they weren’t going with Daniel and me.

  “Okay, everyone, to the kitchen for a real breakfast.” Charlotte announced.

  “Mom, actually I am a little tired from the plane ride. Besides, I want to check out the perimeter around Julie’s house. Since no one has been there in three days, I want to make sure they have not tracked to her house.”

  Charlotte stared at Daniel for a moment. Her expression turned to concern. She glanced to me with a raised her eyebrow then returned to Daniel with a firm glare.

  “You both better be back here tonight.” Her firm voice commanded.

  “I promise,” I spoke quickly. The expression on her face told me exactly what I needed to know. Daniel and I would need to be careful in more ways than one.

  “Jason and Heather, I will see you both tonight.” Daniel said as we both stood.

  “Okay, buddy.” Jason said when he stood and took Daniel’s hand followed by a manly shoulder hug. He gave Daniel a little wink and patted him on the shoulder. Daniel then gave Heather a glance. She nodded to him as if he’d asked her a question and she answered.


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