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Dark of kNight

Page 15

by T. L Mitchell

  “I hope I’m not disturbing you. Charlotte wanted you two to have these,” she handed me the bag.

  We walked toward the living room and sat down on the sofa. Her eyes darted around the house taking in the large room.

  “I know,” I paused. “The glass walls,” I said smiling.

  “Yes. I’m very amazed. Your home is absolutely breathtaking.”

  “My father built it for my mother. She loved the woods and wanted to be able to walk through the house and see perfect views. Even in the cold winter months, the home is very comfortable. I guess my Dad had a good builder.”


  “So what do we have here?” I opened the bag and pulled out something that was a dark brown soft fabric. “A hooded cloak?” If I wear this I’ll look like the Grim Reaper.

  “Yes. You’ll need it. There’s one for Daniel as well.” She pointed to the bag.

  “Daniel’s upstairs taking a nap. I’ll give it to him when he wakes up.” I folded the garment neatly and placed it back in the bag. “Heather,” I began “I was wondering if I could talk to you.”

  Watching her pixie-like face brighten, she looked elated as if I were asking her for a favor. I motioned for her to sit down on the sofa and watched her while she gracefully sat down. Her small frame sat straight with her hands folded neatly in her lap. She appeared too proper to match her personality.


  The aroma of food filled the kitchen. The duck was almost ready. The table was set. All I needed to do was finish the sauce. I glanced at my watch, it was close to six and Daniel would wake shortly. I wanted everything to be perfect.

  “Something smells good.” I recognized the smooth voice immediately.

  “Well, I hope it tastes as good as it smells.” I turned to him as a smile crossed my lips.

  “So this is the surprise?”

  I nodded. “I promised, remember?”

  “Ah, yes. You did promise me you would cook dinner for me one day.” He walked toward me looking at the sauce. “So what are we having?”

  “Duck with a Cognac plum sauce.”

  His eyebrows rose. “Duck is my favorite. This is quite a delicate dish you are making for your first time. You must have had a good teacher,” he teased.

  “Charlotte.” I smiled.

  He smiled and nodded. “Yes, I guess I should have seen that one coming. So when do we eat? I am a little hungry.”

  “Just give me a moment to finish the sauce and I’ll bring it out to you. Go ahead and make yourself comfortable in the dining room.”

  Within a few moments, the sauce was finished. Carefully arranging the food on the dinner plates, I poured the sauce over the sliced duck. After a quick taste test of the sauce, I found it delightful. Grabbing both plates, I headed through to the dining room and I placed one of the plates in front of Daniel. He had opened the wine to let it breathe. He grabbed the wine bottle and poured a glass for me then him.

  “Well, bon appetite,” I said as I held my glass to him.

  “A toast. To the first of many dishes I look forward to you cooking. May the first bite be as lovely as you are.” He smiled.

  My eyebrows met together, in confusion. “You do realize that was kind of lame.” I laughed.

  “Well, I tried.” He laughed lightly, cutting into his food.

  I couldn’t touch my food as I waited in anticipation for his critique. My focus remained entirely on his reaction. He let the food settle in his mouth. Slowly chewing, a smile crossed his face. My breath held tight when his eyes lifted from the plate to me.

  “Truly, exquisite. This is absolutely wonderful.”

  A long breath of relief escaped me. With high expectations, I dug into my plate. He was right the taste was incredible. I would owe Charlotte a big one for this.

  “Oh, Heather came over and dropped off a couple of robes.” I watched him carefully. “She said Charlotte sent them over for tonight?” He nodded not taking his focus from his food.

  I figured it wasn’t a good time to talk about my little girl talk with Heather. It would be something I would keep to myself. I appreciated her advice. It would be something that Daniel and I would have to work through on our own. Every situation was different because of the individuals. Daniel and I were definitely different according to Heather and Charlotte.

  “You said you have a surprise?” I threw in.

  “Oh,” he wiped his mouth with his napkin. “I almost forgot. An old friend called me the other day. He has just opened a new club in Atlanta tomorrow night. He has given me VIP passes. I thought it would be fun if we all went.”

  “Club? Dancing?” I hesitated.

  “Julie, I know you can dance. I have seen you.” He shot me a seductive smile.

  “Yes, but, the place will probably be packed.”

  “Yes, and I will be with you. Besides, it will be fun,” he coaxed.

  I rolled my eyes and sighed. “You know this means Casey and I are going to have to go shopping for a dress. Heather, I’m sure she didn’t bring anything to wear.”

  “You are probably right. I guess I should take Jason for a shopping trip as well. My clothes would not fit him.” Taking a sip of his wine, he looked at me again. “I have a pass for six, so if Casey has someone she wants to bring … ”

  “I’ll see.”

  Dinner was as I’d hoped Daniel was pleased and enjoyed the meal. He helped me clear the table and wash all the dishes. Soon we had the kitchen nice and clean.

  We walked back into the living room. He grabbed the bag that Heather had brought over. Pulling out one of the robes, he handed it to me and pulled the other one out.

  “Well, I guess we should get started,” he said looking at his watch.

  Confused, I looked at the robe and back at him. If we were going on a hunting trip in the middle of the night, I couldn't see the connection between the robes.

  “Well? Strip off and put on your robe,” he said casually.

  “What?” I heard him clearly the first time, but it was more for my confusion that I had asked him to repeat his statement again.

  He looked at me and then stared for a long moment. “Get undressed and put your robe on. Wear nothing but your robe.” He said enunciating every word slowly and clearly.

  Not sure, I went to the hall bathroom. I couldn't believe what I was about to do. How did this have anything to do with hunting? It was making me nervous. My hands trembled as I stripped down to the nude and wrapped myself in the cloak. Great, I looked like the Grim Reaper. I walked out of the bathroom, back into the living room to find Daniel standing in front of patio door with the robe on and the hood pulled over his head. I tilted my head slightly to the side. He looked like a Jedi Knight from the movie Star Wars. Halfheartedly I expected him to pull out a light saber and start swinging it through the air. He turned to me when he saw my reflection in the glass.


  “I guess so, Master,” I stated flatly.


  “Nothing,” I reminded myself it was going to be an inside joke.

  “I want you to trust me,” He took my hand in his. “I need to show you something first.” He led me back to the bathroom.

  Turning on the lights, he stood me in front of the mirror. Standing close behind me, he leaned down to my ear.

  “Do you trust me?” His voice was soft and sensual.

  “Yes.” My voice trembled. “Daniel,” I managed to recoup, “you aren’t going to turn into a wolf, are you?” I tried to joke but it sounded a little strained.

  “Ugh - No,” he replied with a frown. “Now trust me,” he whispered. I nodded without saying another word. “Close your eyes.” I closed them and remained perfectly still.

  Daniel moved close to me until his body touched mine. His hands started with my shoulders and then slowly moved down my arms. A warm feeling stirred inside me. With one hand, we locked our fingers together. With his free hand, he touched the side of my face. I trembled when I felt the war
mth of his skin against mine. Slowly he pulled my hair back exposing one side of my neck. Gently, his face touched the side of mine. His lips touched my ear. His breathing was smooth and controlled. I shuddered when his lips touched my neck. They moved slowly up to my ear again. “Julie?” he whispered. “Tell me, what color are your eyes?” His breath on my ear sent a massive flame through my body.

  My heart raced. My breaths drew heavier.

  “Light brown.” The trembling in my voice embarrassed me.

  Slowly, his lips moved down my neck again. They moved to the base of my neck. My legs trembled. He released my hand and slid his hand around my waist to steady me against his body. I shuddered when I felt the muscles in his chest pressing firmly against my back.

  “Now…” he breathed heavily against my throat. His deep voice cooed. “Tell me what color are your eyes?” I felt his lips open and press against my shoulder. His hot tongue touched the sweet spot on my neck, sending a fire into every nerve ending in my body. I didn’t care at that moment what color my eyes were. “Open your eyes, Julie,” he breathed.

  Slowly I opened my eyes and looked at our reflection in the mirror. Focusing on him, I was relieved he was still a human. I then glanced at myself and for a long moment, I couldn't believe the reflection in the mirror. Leaning closer I opened my eyes wider.

  They were black. I blinked. I turned my head to look at Daniel, and I caught a glimpse of something shiny in the mirror. I turned back quickly. Still in disbelief, I blinked again.

  Turning to Daniel I looked into his face for answers; all I could see was the same dark black eyes.

  “How?” I tried to collect some manner of sanity. My hand reached up slowly to touch his eyelids as he closed his eyes.

  “If I were to tell you, I did not think you would believe me. It was something you had to see for yourself.” He smiled.

  For reasons I couldn't explain, I knew the answer to the question I was going to ask. I believe it was more for the satisfaction of hearing the answer spoken out loud from Daniel.


  “Lycan.” My breath seized to a halt.

  In one second, the world that I knew disappeared. In that one second when I heard the words whispered so gently and sweetly, my heart stopped. In this new world, my heart started a new rhythm. The first breath I took was of a new beginning. Breathing in this new found knowledge, meant I was taking my first step into an unimaginable life. A life my father hid from me. Suddenly, as if someone had opened the doors to flood gate, my soul rejoiced. Everything inside of me came alive. In that one moment, life had new meaning to me. A new purpose birthed forth. I knew who I was.

  Tears welled within my eyes, stinging my cheeks when they fell. Daniel’s hand gently rose to my face, his finger ever so tenderly wiping my tears away. Softly as a whisper, his lips moved across mine gently parting them. My breath stopped. I gingerly touched the side of his face with my hand. My heart swelled tightly. There was no fighting the rush of emotions. The floodgates of heaven poured from my eyes.

  Soon both of his hands were on my face holding me closer to him. His mouth found mine. His tongue touched the inside of my lips, inviting himself inside.

  Slowly, he paused pulling back from me. In that moment, I could hardly speak because my heart was so full. He stared a long moment into my eyes. Then smiling he whispered softly. “You have the most beautiful light brown eyes I have ever seen.”

  Somewhere in his tone of voice, I found a hint of humor, and managed to smile and then laugh. I turned and looked into the mirror to examine what he was seeing. My eyes were a soft light brown. There was an unprecedented glow about me. I turned quickly to him.

  “You have to tell me everything!” My voice was electrified by my new found world.

  He smiled down at me and hugged me. “I will. I promise I will never keep anything from you.” Just relaxing in his arms I felt safe and warm. He stared at me in question.

  “Okay, then we really need to talk.” I was out of my euphoria. “I want to do something!”

  “Like what?” Humor flickered in his eyes.

  “I don’t know! Something woofie!” Well, it was the only thing I could think of.

  Daniel suddenly burst into a roaring laughter. I felt like a cheerleader at the homecoming game, and he thought it was funny!

  “Okay then,” He grabbed my hand guided me back into the living room.

  He opened the sliding glass wall length door and we walked through. I heard the click behind us as Daniel closed it shut. We walked out onto the patio and down the steps. I followed him to the edge of the yard where the path began. He took me by the hand as we went deeper into the woods. We walked through the wooded area until we came out to the edge of the meadow.

  “I hope you are not bashful,” he said removing his robe. “If it bothers you, then turn away. There really is no other way to do this. Believe me, I have tried.”

  I wanted to turn away, but I couldn't. I guessed it was curiosity or a sense of excitement. Seeing his smooth, hard muscled chest made me want to walk over to him and run my fingers over it. I was afraid to ask what this nudity had to do with something woofie. Maybe he misunderstood what I meant, I kind of hoped he did. He had completely disrobed and my eyes widened. I gasped and turned away quickly. Okay this was going to be hard; well, bad choice of words. Difficult, yes, extremely difficult.

  “Do not be shy, Jewels. Trust me.” He said as he walked around behind me. Gently and slowly, he unrobed me. There I stood in front of him completely naked. The heart inside my body ran overtime, my mind was at a loss and Daniel stood only inches from my body.

  His smooth hands touched my shoulders. Lightly, his fingers traced my neck down my shoulders, I trembled slightly. The heat that came off his body was exhilarating. He leaned his head to my ear and whispered softly. “Are you ready for this?”

  That was an understatement. I tried to turn around and he grabbed my shoulders to keep me in front of him. “That was not exactly what I meant.” A soft chuckle followed his whisper. His lips touched my neck again, ever so lightly moving up to my ear. With his tongue, he pulled my earlobe between his teeth and gently bit it. My mouth opened and a moan escaped. “Okay, now give in to your senses. Feel everything around you. The wind in the trees.” He whispered softly.

  Slowly, I gave into my senses. I heard the wind and smelled the air. My overwhelmingly strong desire for Daniel side tracked me. I tried to focus, but it was difficult. His hand slid around mine and he started walking.

  “Give in to it, Jewels.” He started to sprint. I ran with him. My breathing changed. Suddenly, I became aware of everything around me. We ran faster. I wasn’t out of breath. A surge of heat erupted from the center of my stomach and ran over my entire body. A cool rush followed. The cool rush became cooler until I trembled.

  “Give in to it, Jewels!” Daniel shouted as we ran down across the meadow.

  My heart pounded loudly. I let go of his hand. Something happened inside of me. I wanted to be free, to let loose. I ran faster. The tremors ran throughout my body sending me into a sensation of bliss for a moment. I stretched my arms out in front of me and bolted into the air. My skin burned hot and fevered again. A blistering heat ran down the outside of my body. My outstretched arms caught my fall when I came down toward the ground. I landed and to my surprise, I was on all fours. Things looked pretty much the same, except I could see in the dark. I looked down at where my hands should have been and saw dog like paws. I raised my head and turned around to the noise of approaching footsteps. Instinctively, I turned quickly and a burst of air rumbled from my mouth. Surprised by the sound I made, I jumped back. Daniel was no longer Daniel but an extremely large black wolf. He walked toward me, his ears perked forward in a playful way. Somehow, I knew that he was letting me know it was him. I opened my mouth and what came out was not exactly words, more of an “Owe, moaw, moaw.” This frustrated me. I pulled back my head and looked at him. I could tell by his huff and short barks he
was laughing. He walked closer to me and nudged me with his head. Turning, he bolted into a run. I followed.

  There was no way I could explain the exhilaration from the run. We ran for miles. Suddenly, he stopped, his head went down to the ground and he sniffed. I threw my head up and sniffed the air. An odd smell filled the night air. The strong scent smelled of some type of rotten flesh. Instinctively a low growl rumbled deep inside my chest. Daniel turned around quickly and looked at me. He snorted once. We had just run into the scent of the werewolf. I knew we had to be cautious. He walked slowly ahead and I followed.

  Walking in a single file line we carefully listened while we moved through the thick forest.

  The forest was dark, but we had no problem seeing. The images in his eyes were in my mind as well. We moved together stepping in the same motions. I felt something was crawling on me. It bothered me. I kept moving forward behind Daniel. Suddenly, I felt a slight sting, it was now itching. Whatever bit me now ran over my skin. I couldn’t stand it anymore so I stopped. The only thing I could do was scratch at it, making matters worse. I moaned at the itch as I scratched. I bolted to my feet when Daniel stopped suddenly and jogged back toward me. I hit the closest tree I could find with a hard thud. The tree shook violently against my impact. I rubbed my back up and down it. Something had bit the crap out of me and I was in an infinite torture of itchiness. I moaned and moaned as I went back and forth against the tree. Daniel stared for a moment then snapped at me. My scent was now all over the tree. I released a low whimper. His ears perked forward as he walked around to my back. In a split second, I could feel his sharp teeth suddenly pinch down on my back where the bite was. He slung his head and rolled his tongue out two or three times. It was a bee. Big bad wolf, supposed to be able to kill a werewolf and can’t even handle a bee sting. Bee sting, I thought quickly. I’m allergic to bees! Daniel snorted once again, I whimpered then his eyes met mine. I realized when the itching stopped, my skin was healing. I rolled my eyes at him as he went on into a jog and I followed once again.


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