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Dark of kNight

Page 17

by T. L Mitchell

  Human beings are supposed to be intelligent creatures. We are capable of making rational decisions and precision thinking. Honestly, I don’t think that I could use the excuse of being a Lycan for my irrational thinking. Humans, well most of us, don’t take the words of an adult seriously. Like a small child who is told by its mother not to touch something that is hot, the child touches it anyway. What type of thinking is this? Does the child touch the hot item because of curiosity? Does this form a kind of discovery which the child has made in their own mind? Is this the type of thinking that is carried over from our childhood? When I managed to stand on my own two feet, I fell forward.

  Apparently, my legs buckled under my own weight. Trying to break my fall, I grabbed at the first thing my hands could reach. The bedside lamp on my nightstand came crashing to the floor with me.

  We laid there waiting in broken pieces. The lamp shattered along with my pride. Helplessly, I laid there on the floor, fully aware of the pain that increased all over my body. I closed my eyes and clenched my jaw when the sharp pains pierced throughout my muscles and joints. Tears formed in my eyes. I couldn't move. Irritated with myself, I remained motionless and face down on the floor.

  I heard footsteps running up the stairs and across the hallway. They stopped at my bedroom door. My prince in shining armor arrived to rescue me. The moment wasn’t one of happiness, but of dread and embarrassment. This was a lot worse than I’d ever imagined.

  “Julie?” his voice asked, totally filled with fear. He ran toward my invalid body.

  “Well, I guess when Charlotte said I wouldn't be able to move, I didn’t take her seriously,” I managed to say with my face plastered to the hardwood floor.

  Daniel released a chuckle, then picked me up ever so gently and placed me back on the bed. Every place where he touched me hurt. I didn’t want to let him know I was in such agony, but the expression on my face pretty much gave it away.

  “I’ll be right back with the pills.” His face looked as horrified as I felt. I have never seen anyone move as fast. I managed to prop myself up on the pillow.

  Looking at my alarm clock, it was afternoon. I slept for over twelve hours.

  Daniel returned with a glass of water and two of the pills that Charlotte had given me. I gladly took them while Daniel adjusted the pillow for me so I was relatively comfortable.

  “Can I get you anything else? A glass of iced tea. Are you hungry?” His voice was soft as silk.

  “Daniel, how long will this last?”

  “Usually twenty-four hours. Tomorrow morning it will not be as bad, at least you will be able to stand. I guess I should have warned you about that,” he said sitting down gently on the bed beside me.

  “Ya’ think?” I shot at him. His face dropped to the bed. I was trying to make a joke and it didn’t seem to come out that way. “I mean, I was just trying to lighten the mood.”

  His gaze slowly returned to me. “I just do not like to see you in pain, Jewels.”

  “I guess everyone has gone through this at one time or another.” If I could keep my voice casual then maybe he wouldn't be so sympathetic. However, it was one of the many things that I loved about him.

  “Yes, we all did. I remember the pain all too well and I know what you are going through. Mom said that it was far worse than childbirth. I could not relate to that, but for me it was like having the aches from the flu multiplied a hundred times.”

  “Well, for me, I would say getting hit by a bus and dragged down the street for about ten miles.” I said and managed a laugh that which caused even more pain.

  “Trust me the pills will help. I have made a smoothie for you as well.”

  “A smoothie?”

  “Yes, it will help you. Your body is metabolizing at an extreme rate right now. It is repairing itself. The smoothie is high in protein and contains certain vitamins and minerals that will help you.” His hand moved to touch my arm.

  “Repairing itself?”

  He nodded. “I will go and bring one up to you. Be back in a minute.” He said patting my arm. I squinted and frowned at the pain in my arm where he touched me. “Sorry.” he said and he dashed out the door.

  Great, a liquid diet. I wasn’t hungry, but all I wanted to do was sleep. The medicine was probably taking its effect. I realized something else was having an effect. I needed to use the bathroom. My bladder was ready to explode. This was the ultimate in humiliation. Daniel was going to have to carry me to the bathroom. Worse yet, help me off the toilet. I rolled my eyes and closed them tightly. Never again, I promised myself, would I have to go through this type of humiliation.

  Daniel returned with a tall glass of what looked like a vanilla milkshake. He handed it to me. I grabbed it with both hands, afraid I was going to spill it. I smelled it. So far so good, it smelled like a vanilla shake. I reached for the straw and took a sip. Letting the thick liquid settle on my tongue for a moment, I swallowed. It was actually pretty good. It tasted more like a vanilla milkshake. I barely tasted the cocktail he had added.

  “Not bad, huh?” He had read the reaction in my face.

  “Not bad,” I replied. My bladder stung, sending me the sharp signals it was full. “Daniel, I need to go to the bathroom.” The hot fire flamed my cheeks told him it wasn’t something I was comfortable asking him.

  He just smiled at me as if everything was normal. Taking the drink from my hand, he scooped me up in his arms, and as gently as he could, carried me to the bathroom. Sitting me on the toilet, I paused for a moment and looked at him. He caught the hint, walked out of the bathroom, and closed the door.

  Slowly I grabbed my panties and managed to work them down around my knees. I could hardly wait. It took forever to finish. Then I could feel the cramps in my bladder. I bent over holding my stomach. Bracing for the pain, I gritted my teeth and held the scream that tried to escape. A second later, it was gone. Sweat dampened my forehead. I was glad at least I’d taken a shower last night. There was no way that I would attempt such a feat in my condition. I finished and flushed the toilet, and pulled myself back together, preparing for Daniel to come back and get me.

  “Okay,” I whimpered.

  He walked in and looked at me for a moment. His face held a curious smirk.

  “What?” I said looking up at him. It hurt to even tilt my head up to look at his six foot four figure.

  “Well, I was just thinking. Since we are already in here, do you want to take a bath?”

  My eyes widened at his thought. He has to be kidding me. Then I frowned as the words came out of my mouth very quickly.

  “ABSOLUTELY NOT!” Apparently, he thought it was funny.

  He scooped me up again and returned me to the bed. Okay, this was as bad as I thought on the humiliation part. He pulled the sheets back over my legs and handed me my shake again.

  “Drink. It will help.” He smiled.

  Taking another sip, I realized that it was better than the first. “So where did you come up with this?” I asked taking another long sip.

  “Jason and I discovered it when we were researching the effects of transformation on the body. The body begins to repair itself at a high rate of speed, requiring a lot more than what your cravings would cover.”

  “Wow, a woofie smoothie.” It felt so good on the back of my throat.

  “Julie, try not to be a comedian. It will only make matters worse.” His voice was cautious.

  Finishing off the drink, I handed Daniel the empty glass with both hands. My muscles relaxed and the pain stopped shooting its lightning bolts.

  “The pills must be working,” He sat down on the side of the bed.

  I nodded. “Daniel, I am sorry for messing up your plans for tonight.”

  “The club? Please, do not worry about it. We can go another time.” He tried to assure me with a smile.

  “Well, I know how much that meant to you.”

  His smile broadened, and then he pursed his lips and touched my hand. “You mean much more to me.” />
  For a moment, I considered what he was saying carefully. Somewhere deep in my heart Daniel had reached in and stirred more than just desire. Daniel showed me his heart.

  He had grown into a very handsome and sexy young man, yet his heart was more beautiful than I had ever seen. Instead of just telling me that he loved me, he actually showed me.

  Since he came back into my life, I knew my life would never be the same again. The part that he opened within me would be a hopeless void if he wasn’t there to fill it. Even though I had told him the truth of how I felt, how could I show him? How could I return what he has given me? I knew in that moment, I couldn't lose him. I wanted him forever.

  “So what do we do now?” I asked breaking through the warm feeling from his smile. I knew he knew exactly what I meant.

  “I have considered a few options.” The look on his face was now serious. “You need to finish your last semester. I have the research clinic in Scotland.” He paused, looking out the window as if his thoughts had drifted.

  “Well, I can take online courses. I’ll have to arrange for my things to be moved here. And… ”

  “Julie, you do realize that your life has changed, right?” His eyes never left the window. “You can never go back to being, well normal. There are laws you will need to learn to live by.”

  “I know what I am. I know that my life will never be the same. I know that there are certain laws I can’t break. We may have to hunt a few werewolves here and there. I’m okay with that.”

  He turned his head and stared at me for a moment, as if he was considering my statement. “You have no idea how dangerous this is. It is not to be taken so lightly.”

  “Daniel, what do you want me to say about all this? It’s not that I have a choice. In a way, it may sound a little warped to you, but it does give me a sense of purpose.”

  The reasoning had set in. All jokes aside, I wanted him to understand that this life meant something to me. Charlotte said that it was my birthright. No, I may not know what it’s like to kill a werewolf, or even fight one. Maybe this was the reason he was so cautious with me.

  “Julie, I understand how you feel. I really do. It is just that everything is happening so fast for you right now. There is so much more.” His brows met in a frown. Not of anger, but one which was of concern.

  “Daniel, we have time. Between you, Charlotte and Thomas I’ll be filled in.” I touched his hand trying to reassure him in the only way I knew how.

  “No. We do not have time. We have until Sunday before the next full moon. Then… ”

  “Then… someone is going to have to show me how to fight.” I pushed in.

  “No! I do not want you to. Julie, I cannot lose you.”

  “It’s our responsibility, is it not?” I retorted.

  His eyes grew darker. His anger drew near.

  “Listen to me.” I leaned forward toward him placing my hands on each side of his face. The soreness in my joints made me wince a little. “If this is something we have to do together, then we will.”

  “You are definitely more than what I expected,” he said smiling.

  “And just what did you expect?” I returned his smile.

  “You are a lot like your father. He never passed up a good fight.” He took my hands from his face and pressing them to his lips, he gently kissed them.

  “Well then, let the Knight bloodlines live on,” I said and we both laughed.

  “There is one thing.”

  I raised one questioning eyebrow and waited. His lips curl into a grin.

  “I guess we need to make everything final.”

  “Final?” I blinked.

  “Since we are going to be mates, will you marry me Julie Ann Knight?” He asked holding my hands.

  Usually when a girl dreams of being proposed to, it’s an elaborate and romantic dream, where the man takes her out to an expensive dinner, or has a romantic evening planned. He kneels down on one knee and gives her a little black box that contains a beautiful diamond engagement ring. This, of course, was my idea of a perfect proposal.

  However, everything in my life for the past two weeks was different from anything I had ever dreamed. Why should this moment be any different? I sat on my bed, dressed in a nightshirt and could barely move. The agonizing pain rendered me helpless. The man that I had grown to love in such a short time, for whatever reasons, sat beside me and had just asked me to marry him.

  It was as if destiny threw us together on purpose, and we didn’t have a choice. I knew in my heart Daniel was my mate. It was more than apparent. He was right, it was something that was going to happen and we just needed to make it final.

  “You knew this was going to happen didn’t you? After all those years?”

  He nodded. “How?” I asked.

  Daniel paused for a moment looking down at our hands, then back to me. He spoke softly. “Some of us have certain gifts. Yours is your dreams. Mine? Well, it is hard to explain. There are certain things that I know will happen. I never know exactly when, but eventually they happen. I just have to sit back and wait for it. Like you.”

  “So you knew when?”

  “I knew when we were teenagers. I was eighteen and you were fourteen. It was the night of your birthday party when Casey had dared me to kiss you.” His expression changed to one of sadness. The event must have been a painful memory.

  I thought back for a moment. That was ten years ago and he remembered it. Vaguely the memory came back to me. It was not the kind of kiss you would remember, at least not for me anyway. There were several friends over and we all were having a great time. Remembering somehow Casey had challenged me to kiss Daniel. Apparently, she knew then that her brother had a secret crush on me.

  “When my lips touched yours, I had this knowing that you would be mine. I did not know when. After that I never wanted anyone else but you.” His voice rang the agony of years. It was as if a bell had been tolled. The sound of the heart rang loud and clear. The message was clear. The agony behind those years Daniel waited for love.

  “Wow.” I breathed. “Do you do this on a daily basis?” His gift was now my focus. How could he have known such a thing, that I would be his forever by one single kiss?

  “Sort of. It has become a way of life for me.”

  “I thought life was supposed to be full of surprises. Doesn’t that take the surprise out of life?”

  “Well, not really. It is a surprise when you know something is going to happen, yet a bigger surprise when it does. No, I guess I am grateful for the gift I have. It has brought me many nice things. Like you.” His voice was soft and velvety again. His eyes were dreamy as he looked into mine.

  “Well, in that case, I guess I have to say yes.” I smiled thinking to myself that this man will be all mine one day. It was not the same knowing that he had, but it served its purpose. I knew this was sudden, but at this point what did I have to lose. Daniel did indeed love me. I knew without a doubt I was in love with him. He was a good man and somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew that I would never find anyone like him again. It was a good choice, if I had one.

  “Good,” he said and gentle kissed me. It hurt for his lips to even touch mine. “Sorry.” A slight redness appeared on his cheeks when he smiled.

  “Well, I guess we have to decide on the details. How about April, next year? I need to finish college and then… .”

  “Jewels, April is fine. I would rather it to be earlier. Scotland… ”

  “I would rather stay here. I mean, Scotland?” I wasn’t too thrilled with the idea of moving.

  “It is very beautiful there. Rains a lot, but the fishing is good,” he joked.

  “Well, I… ” I guess I was saved by the bell from my protest when the doorbell rang. Daniel left to answer the front door.

  A few minutes later, a set of footsteps were heard coming up the stairs. The brief chattering of voices remained low and unrecognizable. Soon Daniel appeared in the doorway with Casey behind him. She stood there f
or a moment with a platter covered in plastic wrap. It didn’t take long to guess Charlotte sent over food.

  “Mom sent over beef enchiladas. She figured you two wouldn't be coming over to eat.” She held the plate up.

  “Here let me take those to the kitchen.” Daniel took the plate. “Would you like me to bring you a plate back?” He paused and looked at me.

  “No, I’m not hungry. BUT, I will take another one of those shakes.”

  Casey walked over to me with a glow on her face. Gently she sat on the side of the bed and smiled.

  “So, you got your first run last night. How do you feel today?” She asked casually.


  She nodded. “It always is the first time. Dad had to carry me around to the bathroom. There was no way I could walk. My whole body ached.” She laughed.

  It was good to see her smiling and laughing like her normal self. Her new relationship with Nathanial must be going well.

  “Daniel had to pick me up off the floor earlier.” I laughed. “Of course, it wasn’t nearly as embarrassing when he had to carry me to the bathroom to pee. Casey, I thought I was going to die!” We both laughed.

  “Julie,” she paused, her expression turned serious. “I want you to know that I’m happy for you and Daniel. I mean,” she looked carefully over her shoulder, making sure no one stood in the doorway. “I’m really sorry for the way I’ve been behaving lately. I don’t want you to think it had anything to do with you.”

  “Casey, I never did… ” She held her hand up. Casey reminded me so much of Charlotte.

  “No, listen.” She spoke quickly. “Nathaniel is great, really. We get along wonderfully. I’ve never been so happy. He’s,” she paused and checked over her shoulder again.


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