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Dark of kNight

Page 30

by T. L Mitchell

  “How about I get us something to eat,” Daniel whispered in my ear.

  “Sounds good,” I replied.

  “Casey, would like to go with me?” Daniel held his arm out for his sister. She nodded and touched Nathaniel’s arm slightly as she left.

  “This is a lovely party,” Leona began.

  “Thank you. Actually Daniel’s mother and sister put it together for us.” I smiled. “Is there anything I can get for any of you?”

  They all shook their heads. All right of course, vampires do not eat food. My thoughts ran back to Richard.

  “So how long have you and Daniel known one another?” Richard asked.

  Adrianna’s head snapped toward him in a stare.

  “Basically my whole life. Our parents were close friends,” I responded smoothly.

  “Arranged marriage then?” he tossed in.

  “No.” I tried to control the tone of my voice.

  “Si’l vous plait, Richard. De nos jours.” Adrianna’s voice was short and firm. “This is truly a lovely occasion. I love weddings,” she said, her attention directed to me.

  The uneasy feeling was coming back in the pit of my stomach again. What did she mean “not our time”? My hand went to my head to steady the dizziness I felt.

  “We’re quite excited,” I politely replied.

  “Casey tells me she will be your matron of honor?” she continued.

  “Yes. Casey and I have been best friends since childhood. She’s the closest thing I have to a sister.” I smiled, fighting the woozy feelings.

  “I was a Matron of Honor once. Years ago.” Her voice trailed off when Richard shot her a glance.

  My stomach tied into a knot. Here my dreams had become a partial reality. I looked into the face of the same woman in my dream. Daniel arrived, and not a second too soon, with a variety of food on the gold trimmed china plates.

  “I had the waitress bring drinks over for everyone.” He glanced at Nathaniel. “It could at least look ‘normal‘.” He tried to convey his concern.

  Nathaniel’s face brightened with Daniel’s idea. “Yes, I suppose you’re right. Shall we?” He stood and the rest of his family followed his actions. Soon they all moved to the buffet line. Even Richard followed behind his brother.

  “So did I miss anything?” Daniel peered around the table.

  “No,” I replied.

  “Richard grilled Julie on her upcoming marriage to you.” Jason added.

  Casey and I both sent Jason a look that would kill. “It was nothing more than curiosity.” I tried to speak calmly.

  “I have to agree love. Richard is interested in you.” Heather chirped out.

  “Well, I guess that does it then.” Daniel abruptly stood.

  “What are you going to do? Daniel! Sit down!” I hissed at him.

  “No, I’m going to go ahead and piss on you! Maybe then he will get the hint!” Daniel said chuckling. For a moment, I thought he was serious. Jason and Heather found Daniel’s joke amusing. I truly didn‘t.

  “Look Jewels, I know you are mine and no one else’s. Richard may try if he likes- but baby, you are all Daniel’s.” He said smiling. “However, if he does try then well… ” He paused. “I’ll just have to kill him.”

  My eyebrows shot up while I looked to Casey for help.

  “Well,” she began, “there is a little more to Richard’s interest in Julie than all of you know. Daniel please don’t take this personally. It has nothing to do with you. Richard is a nice, well, person. He has one of the biggest hearts I’ve seen next to Nathaniel’s.

  “Richard was deeply in love with his wife. She was the center of his world. Her name was Juliet. Juliet and Adrianna were sisters. The story is still unclear as to how he lost her. Can you imagine how lonely he must have been? He spent the rest of his life protecting and taking care of his younger brother after their parents died. When he saw you, well, according to Nathaniel you are an exact double for Juliet. I think you can understand why he is interested in you, Jewels.” Casey trailed off when Nathaniel and his family approached the table with plates of food.

  My heart melted from hearing his sad story. Never did I know that a heart was capable of holding so much love for one individual as I had for Daniel. Slowly I glanced at Daniel. My heart grieved for Richard and his loss. His story touched me in more ways than anyone could imagine. The memories of my father and mother came back.

  “Are you all right, mon cheri?” Adrianna smoothly spoke.

  I nodded. “Please, excuse me a moment.” I pushed my chair back when Daniel stood to hold my chair for me. I needed to step outside. A breath of fresh air would clear my head. My heart broke into a thousand pieces. Quickly heading for the closest exit, I stepped outside and wrapped my arms around myself.

  Tears flooded my eyes. The sorrow and loss Richard suffered must have been an eternity of hell on earth. I couldn't live like that. If something were to happen to Daniel, I couldn't live. I know this. The door opened behind me.

  “Julie?” Daniel took me in his arms. “Sweetheart.” He held my head to his chest.

  “Daniel!” I pulled back and looked at him. “Promise me you will never leave me!” I gritted my teeth while the dam inside of me burst open.

  “Listen to me. I’m not going to leave you.” He looked me squarely in the eyes. “Why are you so frightened?”

  “Daniel, I can’t live without you! I can’t! I will die!” I gasped through my tears. “I promise you I will die!”

  Daniel glanced toward Casey. Her hand touched my back.

  “Julie, we are your family now. I’m here for you and will always be there for you. Sweetheart, you’re safe, all right.”

  I shook my head, wiping my eyes with my fingertips. “Promise me!” I hissed again through gritted teeth.

  “I promise.” His words were strong. He pulled me to him, holding me securely in his arms.

  Casey’s arms went around us. “Jewels, you know I’ll always be there for you too. We will always be there for you.” She cried out with me.

  My tears became stronger hearing Casey’s words. She and I both knew she would be there always. It was a true statement for her. She would be an immortal in a matter of a few days. Daniel was my world. He was the very air I breathed. The day I would lose Daniel would be the day I died.

  After I stopped trembling, Daniel stepped back and wiped the tears from my eyes. Kissing me gently, his finger moved a few pieces of my hair back in place.

  “Let’s get you back inside now. You need to get something to eat before you pass out.” He smiled at me. “It is going to be all right. You will see. Just have faith.” The assuring whispers of my angel.

  After a moment or two, we returned inside. Pulling myself together, I approached the table with a smile on my face. As I returned, I looked at Richard a little differently. Still haunted by his uncanny ability that frightened me, I truly felt sorry for him. For the first time, I saw the agony in his eyes when he looked at me. It must have been pure torture for Richard to see me that first night. To see someone who was identical to a person you once loved and then lost. I wanted to say something to him at some point, but realized it may not be in my best interest.

  Watching Daniel, his reaction was different concerning Richard as well. He was no longer so defensive and jealous. In a way, I believe Daniel understood more of Richard’s loss than I could. A man could give his heart and hurt deeper than a woman. They were fragile creatures. Nathaniel was correct when he said vampires do have a heart, although it may not beat the same as ours, but the emotion for love was still there.

  The rest of the evening went smoothly. The donations were well over what we had expected to receive for our charity. Daniel and I managed to give a short speech to thank all of our guests for their donations. We talked of our plans for our own research center in Chattanooga, and our hopes of finding more cures for adults and children as well.

  As in our family tradition, we left the party earlier than our guests. Ca
sey left with Nathaniel and his family. Giving me a huge hug and kiss, she reminded me she would see me soon. Jason and Heather rode back with Daniel and me to the house. I barely spoke a word all the way back home. It was hard to fight the thoughts that crept back into my mind. I managed nicely to think of wedding plans. This kept Daniel safe from the real nightmares which threatened me. He didn't need to worry himself over my extensive imagination if it were an imagination at all.

  Arriving back to the house, we all went our separate ways. I changed into a beautiful silk nightgown that I purchased on my shopping spree with Casey. Needing the time to think on my own, I walked downstairs and stepped out onto the patio. Leaning on the railing, I looked out to the wooded area. The full moon lit up the sky with a beautiful glow. My thoughts drifted to the last few weeks of my life.

  The dark veil, which covered my life for so long was no longer present. No longer would the darkness cover me, preventing me from seeing who I was- a Lycan. Within the last few weeks, changed into a woman who willingly stepped into a new world my father secretly hid from me. There were commitments and obligations I had by right. My courage to walk in my own heritage had grown inside of me. The bloodline I carried dated back a thousand years for a purpose to become a guardian.

  The truth of my mother and father would always be in my heart. Their love held as true for me as does Daniel’s love. Here I found myself in love with the most wonderful man; Fate had thrust us together. Because of our love for one another, we survived. Willing to die, self-sacrifice to prove how much we loved each other. In what way could Fate have denied this kind of love?

  Fate again granted us with new friends. Casey had found love in Nathaniel. It was a very strange union. How would all this play out? Who knows? We only have this one life to live and it is better to love for a moment than live a lifetime without knowing love.

  Truly, we live for the moment each day. Striving for the best that Fate offers us. We learn to believe in that which is the unknown and have faith that only the best will come.

  No matter what tragedies we face in our lives, we believe and hold on to the belief that there is a greater purpose. A destiny that waits with its arms opened wide to embrace us, we walk forward into the call. Never should we look back, never worry, but go forward stronger and running breathlessly into the world of the unknown. As Fate casts her web around us, she guides us and wields her sword directing us where she would have us to be. Yes, we believe, but it is better to believe and walk than to believe and stand by.

  Never should we watch life pass by us.

  My thoughts broke when a noise came from the woods. Peering deep into the dark, I saw it emerge slowly. I wasn’t afraid and remained calm when the large grey timber wolf walked out into the yard. Slowly it moved closer while carefully eyeing me. Standing approximately twenty feet from where I stood, it stopped.

  It looked directly up to me. A slight change occurred within me. My teeth emerged slightly. My eyes saw the animal more clearly when I focused on its grey eyes. A chill ran down my spine when I remembered my father’s grey eyes. Slowly the wolf raised its head and snorted. I didn't move but stood still. It wasn’t from fear but from respect. I knew he was an older and much wiser wolf. I nodded my head to him. Lowering his head, he turned slowly and trotted back to the edge of the woods. Stopping one last time, he turned and looked at me. With the moment it took to catch my breath, his head rose while he opened his mouth to loosen a mournful howl. He was alone. My heart broke when he slowly turned towards the woods. A tear fell from my eye while I watched him walk off into the dark of night.

  That night, as I snuggled against Daniel, I had the most beautiful dream. My soul was at peace as I slept. In my dream, I stood in Charlotte’s rose garden and one rose stood out among the rest. It was a beautiful pure white rose. Its name was Peace. Never before had I seen such a delicate rose. Its scent was by far more fragrant than its neighboring roses. It was the scent that drew me in like the scent of my lover.

  The fog settled around me, moving slowly through the rose garden. I reached my hand through the fog to collect my prize. My peace.

  If you enjoyed

  Dark of kNight

  Take a sneak peek


  The upcoming sequel

  Fall of kNight

  This preview is being provided to in an unedited form.

  Fall of kNight


  T.L. Mitchell

  It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.

  ~Charles Darwin~


  The sound of ghostly drums began beating all around me, drawing my soul into another realm or dimension. I was not sure which one. The only thing I was sure was the fact I was in pain. Does death come so easily to those who choose it?

  I wondered. It was a question that seemed to stand out in my mind. My body and mind were in complete torture as the war rage inside of me. Killing me slowly. Indefinitely.

  Killing me beyond all knowledge of the present or past. Even the future was not certain at this point.

  My agony was my own demise. My decision. My choice. I barely noticed the days as they swept past me as my body continued its war. Visions swept across my mind of war, a battle actually, between a Lycan and a dark being. Was it real? Or was I actually dead and caught in the infinity of hell?

  The already tortured heart inside my body, burned beyond recognition. A woman scorned. Finally, it stopped beating. Yes, this was the end. I thought. The last ounce of precious blood squeezed from my heart. The pain was intolerable as my mouth opened to gasp for the last moments of air. I wanted to scream. To cry for help in some way. But I remained silent in my agony.

  Moments of recent events flashed before my eyes. A glimpse of all the madness. The deception. My mind was now flooded with the lies that had brought all this to a head.

  Yes, there was one unsettling factor that I held onto like a safety net. It was not over. The softly spoken words by an angel were the only glimpse of hope. The hope that drove me through this agony. “I love you, Julie.” His words whispered against my neck as they etched themselves in my heart forever. His love for me was far greater than I could have ever imagined. It was patient, kind and everlasting. The kind of love you would gladly die for.

  All the darkness that had clouded my mind ended abruptly. Clarity hit me like a strong northern wind, chilling me to the bone. Yes, in one unfathomable moment I realized my life was not as it had seemed.


  The darkness crept closer around me, surrounding me with the eeriness of the night. My footsteps were only echoes against the silence of the darkness. Slowly, I padded along the path in my dream.

  Deep within the wooded area, I smelled them. The werewolves. The stench of the rotten flesh that clung to them. I gave into my senses, moving slower. Cautiously through the depth and darkness of the night. I tilted my head upward, lifting my nose higher to the air. The scent of lilies and carnations filled my nostrils. It was a scent I was all too familiar with. Vampire. One must be close by.

  Behind me I heard the sound of approaching footsteps and I stopped. My ears perked forward. I listened intently as their pace quickened. The leaves and twigs crunched under its feet as it approached. My breath held tight as I braced myself for the oncoming attack. The thick brush parted as the creature moved into full sight. Its fierce teeth bared as its red glowing eyes flared with a killing rage. It would be over soon now. The killing. The death.

  A low growl rumbled from deep within my chest. My lips curled back revealing my threateningly sharp teeth. My feet planted firmly onto the ground as I braced myself.

  My tongue involuntarily slipped through my teeth. This time I sent one last warning. A snarl of deadly valor. One clean bite and it would be over. A shiver ran down my spine. The hairs on my back prickled on their ends. My head lowered closer to the ground. I began to circle the creature as our dance began. The
dance of death. My heart quickened its pace. A huff of air escaped my mouth as the muscles tensed in my hind legs. My eyes were firmly locked on my prey. The dance was coming to an abrupt halt. My front paws braced against the cold ground, I bolted forward toward my prey.

  The powerful muscles in my shoulders tensed. The leg muscles underneath my skin flexed as I gained speed, pushing my body forward. My feet pounded against the earth beneath me, lifting my body higher in the air. Quickly I moved toward the wiry-haired beast. The chill of the air blistered against my face. The breath held in my chest as the wind blew into my nostrils. The foul stench of the werewolf was now in my senses. Yes, my senses were alive as the killing rage overtook me. Death was certain. It would not be my blood that spilled this night.

  My eyes locked onto the creature. I was focused for the hind leg. I was faster. I could make it. No time for mistakes.

  A white flash moving in front of my eyes blinded me for a second. Distraction. Not good. The impact between my prey and I were no more. A pale arm quickly wrapped around the creature’s neck. On top of its head rested a pale hand. A quick jerk. Loud cracking noises filled the air. It was over. The smell of death was now immanent. The body of the creature slowly dropped to its knees. The foul scent of werewolf blood filled the air. I snorted twice to clear the offensive odor from my nostrils.

  Richard Macarthur stood before me. The pale skinned inhumanly beautiful vampire. The most dangerously seductive vampire or human I had ever known. As always, his attack on the werewolves was flawless. I thought for a moment as I stared at him. His killing methods have been perfected by over a century.

  The thick mist on the ground moved under my feet as I exhaled slowly. My body jerked forward. I was now human again. The coolness of his pale hand reached under my arm, pulling me to my feet. Richard could kill me with one quick snap. Even though I was extraordinarily strong, he was faster. He pulled me slowly to him. The blue diamond-like eyes peered deep into mine. Fear screamed loudly throughout my body. I was now afraid. The words I wanted to say to make him stop were not coming to me. I wanted him to release me and set me free. Release and save me from the end I feared so.


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