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Exceeding Boundaries

Page 5

by Mia Downing

  Bending, she grabbed the condom out of her pocket and tossed it to him. He sheathed his eager cock quickly, and she sat on his lap. Immediately, she was shocked by the warmth of his skin, the insistent thrust of his cock against her ass. She bit her lip, suddenly not so brave.

  “Kiss me,” he ordered, taking her by the chin with one hand, guiding her hips with the other. She did as she was told, glad to be directed. His mouth was hot, insistent, his tongue demanding. The hand on her hip skipped down her pussy, his fingers thrumming her clit. Need returned, and when his cock bobbed forward to stroke her pussy, she slid down on the head, taking just the tip inside.

  “Look at me,” he demanded.

  She took in his blue-eyed gaze, and he gently thrust upward, his cock stretching her channel as he sank deeper. He stilled and she bit her lip.

  “It feels so different than last night.” She gave an experimental push of her hips, her pussy milking the entire length of his shaft. His cock twitched, bumping her G-spot, and she closed her eyes on a soft sigh of delight. “Different in a very good way, though.”

  “You like?” He thrust upward, and his fingers pinched her clit, sending new shivers over her skin. His other hand stole to her ass where he used the moisture of her pussy to lubricate her other entrance. She held her breath as he slid the tip of one finger inside her anus.

  The sensation was almost too much—his cock stretching her pussy, pumping her gently, his finger thrusting in the same rhythm. She let her head fall back on a sigh of bliss. Adam was definitely better than her vibrator. “It’s acceptable.”

  He removed the hand from her clit and slapped her ass. “That’s punishment for not being enthusiastic.”

  The sting bridged on sinful and made her pussy clench with deeper need. She bit her lip as her arousal heightened, her orgasm building. Would he spank her again? She hoped so. “It’s really nice?”

  His palm struck hard, twice, and she moaned and ground her clit against his pubic bone, driving his cock as deep as possible. He added a second finger to her anus, and she sped to the top of the orgasm ladder, ready to tumble down.

  “Barely acceptable,” she whispered, churning her hips faster against his. He spanked her again, the sting almost unbearable, and she came, grinding faster, harder, his cock and the fingers in her ass thrusting in perfect time. He groaned and found release, tensing beneath her.

  She rode his cock in one last languid stroke then laid her head on his chest. She whispered between pants, “It’s fucking awesome.”

  He laughed softly in her ear, his hands folding around her, holding her close. “That’s my girl.”


  Adam glanced at Megan as they drove back into the city, watching her juggle the fast food bag with the tray of drinks. “The bag is hot, damn it. Hot.”

  “Give it to me.” He took the bag and placed it behind her seat on the floor. “Better?”

  “I will be, after we eat.”

  “So impatient.”

  “So hungry!”

  He laughed. “Next time, we’ll have lunch before we play.”

  “Damned straight,” she said, smiling at him before she looked out the window.

  He wouldn’t have changed the morning in any way, shape, or form. First the glory of watching her skate, seeing her smile as she handed his ass to him over a game of hockey, then seeing her face flush with desire as he spanked her into orgasm, his fingers deep in her ass, his cock seated just as deep in her eager pussy.

  If he could be patient, he knew a perfect submissive lurked under her hesitant surface. She’d been too glad to give him the control, to let him guide her once her braveness faltered. She’d loved his fingers in her ass and had even bated him into spanking her more than he had anticipated. He only meant to give her one smack, but she had eagerly wanted more.

  The more comfortable she became with him, the more she allowed him to stretch her boundaries. At this rate, he dreamed of having committed spring sex outside while she was bound by his necktie. Or maybe even a fuzzy pair of handcuffs.

  The possibility thrilled him to the core—he was all Dom and craved control, needed to direct the sexual tension. BDSM was sexual crack for him, and if he could get her to play his game one day, he’d never leave her bed. He had to go slow, though. To her, submission showed weakness. If only she knew how strong a submissive had to be, how trusting, and how much control they really had over the Dom.

  “What are you thinking?” she asked, her hand stealing to his thigh, then up to cup his erection. “Something naughty, I think.”

  “I was thinking about work.” They had reached her house, and he eased the car into her driveway and shut it off.

  “Liar.” She grabbed his hard cock through his jeans and held him tight. “Tell me.”

  “I was imagining you bound and naked and begging for my touch.” He looked at her, wanting her, knowing he’d have to wait until she made the first move. “That’s what guys want.”

  “Active imagination,” she said, darkness in her eyes.

  He stopped her hand from pulling away from his crotch, instantly sorry he shared. “It’s only my imagination. I will take you however I can, bound or not. You can’t blame a guy for dreaming. I used to dream of threesomes, but now I’m a lot more realistic. What woman would want to share this,” he said as he gestured to her hand, cupping his crotch.

  A hint of a smile played at her lips, and she squeezed his cock in her hand, caressing the length. “I guess I should be lucky you only picture me bound, then?”

  “Absolutely.” He grabbed the fast food bag from the back seat and motioned to her door. “Let’s go in, before this gets cold.”

  His phone dinged—a text coming in—and he dug in his pocket. The text was from Sarah, one of his mother’s full time, personal nurses at the nursing home she lived in, and all it said was, call me.

  “Oh, shit,” he whispered. He rolled down the window as Megan reached the front steps. “Megan, I’m sorry, but I have to make a quick phone call. Do you mind getting lunch ready, and I’ll take care of this? It’s a family matter.”

  “No, not at all.” She looked concerned as she turned and made her way up the porch.

  He dialed Sarah’s number and drummed his fingers on the steering wheel while the phone connected. Sarah answered on the first ring, and he said, “Hey, what’s up?”

  “Your mom isn’t doing well today. I’m worried she has an infection brewing. There’s no need to run over here. I know you said you’d come later, and that’s fine. But I wanted you to know.”

  He closed his eyes for a moment, glad this wasn’t more serious. “Thank you, Sarah. Yes, I’ll be by later. What time are you leaving?”

  “Not until nine, and if she doesn’t improve, I’ll stay the night.”

  He’d fight with her about that, later. He had more than enough money to hire another nurse. He didn’t need his mother’s best advocate getting sick, too. “I’ll be by later. Call me if anything changes.”

  Chapter Five

  Sarah. Megan had seen her name on Adam’s phone before she turned away from his car in the driveway. The name flowed through her mind, the green letters etched forever in her memory. She set the fast food bags on the table, knowing she was being petty for wondering who Sarah was, why she was calling. Megan didn’t own Adam. He could talk to whomever he liked. But damned if jealousy didn’t rise up and cloud her judgment.

  The front door opened and closed, and then Adam entered the kitchen a moment later.

  “Everything okay?”

  “Yes.” His smile didn’t reach his eyes. “Nothing that won’t resolve itself eventually. It’s my mother. She’s not feeling well.”

  “Oh. Do you need to go?” She tossed the ketchup packets on the table. His mother…he mentioned her before, briefly. A car accident had put her in a nursing home. The stress of something so catastrophic had to have put quite the strain on him, and she studied his face as he put a straw into his drink. He was definitely
tense, though he did his best to hide it. “Really, Adam. Go to her, if you need to.”

  “No, I’ll go see her later.” He gestured to the table. “Where would you like me to sit?”

  She didn’t want to press him to give her information, so instead pointed to the chair he occupied the night before, a blush creeping warmly to her cheeks.

  “Ah, the seat of honor.” Oh, that wicked grin of his could melt an iceberg. She didn’t mind if he remembered, as long as it helped him find a little peace. He sat and she pushed his order toward him and tossed him some ketchup packets.

  “Don’t be stingy, woman. Share.” He cupped his hand in a ‘give it over’ motion.

  “Mine,” she said, sliding them all closer to her. “There’s ketchup in the fridge.”

  “The packets are better,” he grumbled.

  “Do you want to get laid later?”

  “Of course. I’m a guy.”

  “Then hit the fridge.” She pointed with one hand toward the appliance, the other still curled protectively around her ketchup packets.

  He laughed, the tension lining his face gone. “I’m good.”

  They munched for a moment, and when Megan finally polished off her burger, she asked, “Want to play twenty questions again?”

  “Sure.” He bit into a fry, one elbow on the table, the other hand around his drink.

  She never pictured him this way, so normal, masculine, like anyone’s boyfriend. Like her boyfriend. She crumpled her burger paper. “Do you really have a knee injury? And you have to tell the truth—it’s in the rules.”

  He winced. “We can’t play truth or dare?”

  “You’d rather take a dare for that?” When he nodded, she sighed at his ego. He didn’t want to admit he’d cheated. “I’ll take that as a no.”

  He shrugged. “My turn.” How coy he looked over his drink. The next question wouldn’t be nice. “Did you like being spanked?”

  Definitely not nice, but one that gave her delicious tremors at the thought of those strong hands on her ass again. “Yes. More than I thought I would enjoy it. Do you spank women often?”

  His laugh was sharp. “Only naughty ones.”

  “How many women have you slept with?”

  He frowned, and his eyes glittered with something she didn’t quite understand. The mask went up, and she saw a different side of him, one that scared her just a little but sent shocks to her pussy. “Don’t ask me what you don’t want to know.”

  She started to protest, and he shook his head. “You think you want to know. But whatever I say, be it two or a hundred, you’re not going to be satisfied. Trust me on this.”

  He was right, damn it. It seemed like a good question, but she didn’t want to picture him with anyone else. She looked away, ashamed he knew her so well.

  He brushed her hand with his finger. “How many men have made you orgasm?”


  She looked back at him and the mask was gone. This was her Adam again, incredibly sexy and egotistical. “That’s all I need to know.” She tossed an extra straw at him and he caught it. “Hey, don’t get sassy. I’ll have to spank you again.”

  “Until I come?”

  “God, woman. Shut up and eat. I can’t take another round with you until I am nourished, if you can call fast food nourishment.”

  “What would you rather be eating? Besides that,” she added quickly when he leered in her direction. Her pussy reacted anyway, and she wiggled in her seat.

  “Roast beef, rare. A baked potato, maybe some sour cream.”

  She pursed her lips, expecting something more sophisticated. He just didn’t add up. “For dessert? Not fruit.” She shut down that option before he could give her another suggestive grin. “Vegetables?”

  “Chocolate cake or cheesecake. I like both.” He shrugged. “I like meat and potatoes. I’ll eat the veggies because you’re supposed to, but don’t go out of your way to make something fancy.”

  “How about I cook for you tomorrow?”

  His brows flew up, arching over his gorgeous blue eyes. “All that?”

  She nodded.

  “That would be acceptable.”

  Ass. She tossed her balled hamburger wrapper at him, and he caught that as well. “You have to be appreciative. I don’t cook often.”

  The devilish smile returned, and he cocked a brow, his appraisal of her form suggestive, possessive. “I have ways to show my appreciation.”

  “I look forward to seeing how grateful you can be.” Did she ever.

  He glanced at his watch, concern brushing the corners of his eyes, and she leaned over to squeeze his arm. “Why don’t you go, Adam? I understand. Just go.”

  “Thank you.” He nodded and a muscle in his jaw twitched. His palms slid up her arms, across her shoulders, then back down to cover her hands with his. “What time do you want me here tomorrow?”

  “Whenever you like—if your mom is okay, of course. I don’t have plans.”

  His kiss was brief, gentle. A promise. “I’ll see you tomorrow, then.”


  The next morning, Megan put down the mixer and looked at her phone when it chimed. Adam’s text was simple. All’s well and good. I’ll be there soon.

  Bring Sadie, she replied. The poor dog must be lonely, with Adam gone the entire weekend. Her backyard was fenced, and they could even take her for a walk.

  Sadie says thanks, but she’s with Nana for the day.

  Well, that explained how he could be out and about so much and still own a dog—Adam’s grandmother helped out. She pulled her hair back into a ponytail and set to work frosting Adam’s cake.

  She didn’t have the ingredients for cheesecake so she’d gone with chocolate instead, digging out her grandmother’s famous recipe for the cake and frosting. She hummed to the song on her MP3 player, slathering frosting around the sides in one swipe, then smoothing it in another.

  Then a masculine hand covered her eyes, another stealing around her waist, and she bit back a scream of terror. She shoved her elbow into the lean stomach and grabbed the arm holding her eyes, ready to haul him over her shoulder and to the ground, just like she learned in self-defense classes.

  An ear bud popped free from her ear, and he shouted, “Megan,” just in time.

  She froze, recognizing his voice. “Oh, Christ, Adam. I’m so sorry.” Her hands trembled as she released him. Turning, she stared at him frantically. “You can’t sneak up on me like that.”

  “Sweetheart, come here.” He held out his arms, and she went to him, cradling against his chest. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  “I would have broken your arm. Kicked you in the groin. There would have been no orgasm for me later.” The succession of her thoughts didn’t quite make sense to her, but there it was.

  He kissed her cheek. “I’m glad you’re able to put it all into perspective.”

  She peeked up at him. “I still would have cooked for you.”

  He laughed, and the tension in the moment slipped away. “It looks like you’re off to a good start.” Still holding her, he stuck a finger into the frosting bowl and tasted it. “Wow. I’m going be working hard to show you my appreciation.”

  “You like? It’s my grandmother’s recipe.”

  “It’s almost as good as my Nana’s. Ow,” he said, reacting to the elbow she gave him in the gut. “Careful, I think you broke a rib earlier.”

  “Sorry,” she said into his chest. “I took self-defense classes after… Well, you can see what I learned.”

  “I wouldn’t want to meet you in a dark alley.” He lifted her chin, caressing face with his fingers. “Tough girls are hot.”

  “How hot?”

  He dabbed his finger into the chocolate and tapped her lips with it. “I want to finger paint on your body, with frosting.”

  Her skin tingled at the thought. His lips, tongue, lapping the frosting… “There won’t be enough for the cake if you do that.”

  “Then you�
��d better find something else to tempt me.” He took her hand, dipped a finger in the frosting, and licked it clean, his mouth sucking, his tongue running the length. “You wanted anal sex before. That’s very tempting.”

  A squeak escaped her lips. He looked up from her finger, puzzled. “What? You want me to exchange finger painting with frosting for something exciting like…” He pursed his lips in thought. “Board games?”

  “I don’t know if it’s right to talk about what you want to do to me.” Megan scooted away and picked up the spatula, finishing the cake before he devoured all of her frosting and left it bald.

  “You’re the one who brought it up originally.” Adam sat at the counter on a stool, his hands folded as he watched her work.

  Yes, she had brought it up, but she had been seducing him. Talking about anal sex while frosting his cake was…weird. But oh, so sexy. “What if I can’t do that anymore? Or don’t want to do that anymore?”

  “You don’t have to do anything. I’ll do all the work.” He looked so hopeful, she laughed. But he smoothed his features to one that was more serious. “I’m just joking. But you said you liked it, and you liked what I did to you yesterday.”

  Yes, she did, more than she wanted to admit. But his fingers in her ass was one thing. His cock another.

  “Can we just have sex and see where it goes?” she whispered, needing him, but unsure.

  “Of course.” He rose and rounded the counter. He slid the spatula from her hand and set it down. “Does the cake need to go anywhere?”

  “In the microwave, maybe? To keep it safe,” she explained. He picked up the plate and put it away, then he turned to her. “Let’s go to bed.”


  “What do you mean, no.”

  “I can’t on the bed. What about the…” She thought wildly. “The floor, in front of the fireplace. I lit a fire earlier. It’s cozy, and there are big pillows.”

  “Megan. Why not the bed?”

  “I can’t.”

  He sighed. “You’re going to have to give in eventually. We’re going to run out of spots, and I’m going to grow tired. I can’t sleep in a chair, with you on top of me.”


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