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Tell Me You Want Me

Page 8

by Amelia James

  Austin downed his wine and refilled their glasses. "Would your mother like me?"

  Jane laughed. "Not at all."


  "Although I suspect you could charm her for a while before she figured out how wicked you really are."

  "Yeah, I've been charming women since the day I was born. My mother could never stay mad at me. I just had to smile at her and flash my baby blues, and she would melt."

  "Why am I not surprised?"

  "I can get away with anything. My sisters hate me for it, but it works on them too."

  "Are you the baby of the family?"

  "Nope. Middle child, but I'm the only boy."

  "Spoiled rotten."

  "Yes I am."

  "Is your father a charmer like you?"

  His smile faded.

  "Oh, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked about him."

  "It's okay." He gulped his wine. "Yes, he is. I learned a lot from him, but most of it comes naturally." He winked at her.

  "What else did your father teach you?"

  He groaned. "Now that's a question you definitely shouldn't have asked."

  "Oh." She bit her lip and looked down at her plate.

  His lips formed a hard line as he pushed his chair back and crossed his arms over his chest. "My father taught me that love is for romance novels, Hallmark cards, and getting laid on Valentines' Day. Romance doesn't last, so just have a good time—no strings attached—and no one gets hurt."

  She took a bite of chicken and thought about that. "There's nothing wrong with having a good time." Isn't that why she'd decided to go out with him? "But don't you want more than that?"

  He gave her a blank look. "Like what?"

  "Like commitment, a relationship, someone you can spend the rest of your life with?"

  He didn't budge. "Nope."

  "Oh, sorry, is that too boring for you?" She scowled at him over the top of her wine glass.

  "No, not boring. I just don't think it's possible. I know it isn't."

  She glared at him, searching his eyes for that mischievous sparkle, but he stared right back at her, completely serious. "I think it's possible."

  "Well, that's where you're wrong."

  "It is possible if you meet the right person." Her protest was a little more desperate than she'd intended.

  He cringed. "And who would that be? I can't possibly be the right guy for you—or anyone. It's not that simple."

  "How would you know if any girl is right for you if you don't stick around long enough to find out?"

  "My parents—"

  "Oh please!" Jane slapped her fork down on the table. "When are you going to stop blaming your parents for your pathetic love life?"

  Austin pushed his chair back hard and stood up. "For my what?"

  "You heard me." She got to her feet and advanced on him. "Your dad couldn't stay with one woman, so you use that as an excuse to do the same thing."

  He stepped back. "It's not an excuse. I like variety."

  "Is that what you want?" She stood with her hands on her hips, searching his eyes again for some hint at the truth. "Is variety what makes you happy?"

  "Happiness has nothing to do with it." He broke their gaze, turning away from her and running his hands through his hair.

  She held her ground. "Really? You're just looking for a good time?"

  "A variety of good times." He looked back at her and grinned, but he quickly got serious. "It's who I am, Janie. I am what my parents' pathetic relationship made me." He sighed and put his hands on the back of his chair, leaning on it for support. "If that's not good enough for you—"

  Jane shook her head, cutting him off. "I don't buy that. I could've turned into an uptight prude like my mom, but I learned to think for myself. I make my own choices."

  "What choices have you made?"

  She sat down at the table, took a sip of wine and thought about it. "I chose to play soccer. I chose to go away to school. I chose to be here with you tonight." She looked up at him, her lips pressed together, wondering if she'd made the right choice.

  The hard set of his jaw disappeared. "That was your choice? I thought you couldn't resist me."

  "Yeah, that might have something to do with it, but remember...." She tried to give him a disapproving look, but couldn't get rid of her smile. "I said no first."

  "I remember. I also remember how you couldn't keep your hands off me in the library." His eyes slid down her body. "And in the park."

  "You started it." She looked away again.

  "You didn't stop it." He sat down and reached across the table, making her look at him. "Tell me you want me, Janie."

  "No." She tried to defy him. "You tell me."

  "I already have. That's never been a secret." Austin withdrew his hand and met her eyes. "I don't lie. If anything, I'm a little too honest."

  "So I've noticed."

  "I say what's on my mind, and I don't give a shit what other people think."

  "I've noticed that too."

  "For example, I think your bare feet are the sexiest part of your body I've seen so far, and I can't wait to see the rest of it." He slid closer, but didn't touch her. "And to get my hands on it. Again."

  Her skin got hot and her heart pounded. Oh God. One smooth line from him, and she was willing to forget all about their argument and crawl into his lap. "You don't know when to quit."

  "Should I?"

  She shook her head.

  "I didn't think so." He grabbed her behind her knee and pulled her closer, chair and all, and slid his hand up her thigh.

  He wanted to sleep with her tonight; she could see it in those gorgeous blue eyes. Oh God. Oh— "Damn it."

  "What did I do wrong?"

  "I forgot to make dessert." Jane hoped he couldn't tell she was stalling. She'd crawled all over him when she knew he wouldn't do anything about it, but now she knew he would, and it scared her.

  "You're my dessert." He stood up and held out his hand. "Come sit on the couch with me."

  "What about the dishes?" Was he testing her? Did he want to see how far she'd let him go?

  "They're not going anywhere. Come on." He took her hand and practically dragged her to the living room.

  She sat on the couch the way her mother had taught her to sit in church: straight up, knees pressed together, hands in her lap. Austin sat beside her and slid his hand into her hair, massaging the back of her neck. She tried to let his touch relax her, but it didn't work.

  Why am I nervous? Sara wouldn't be home until tomorrow morning, and Jane's bedroom was right down the hall. Jane knew all of that; she'd planned it that way. But for some stupid reason, she could only think about that awkward first time—clumsy groping, sloppy kissing, pain. It won't be like that with Austin, will it?

  His hand moved in slow circles under her hair, down her neck, across her shoulders. He reached out and touched her face with his fingers, stroking down her cheek until she turned and looked at him.

  He didn't say a word, but his eyes told her everything she needed to know. It would never be awkward with him. She relaxed and shifted to a more comfortable position.

  He grabbed her ankles and lifted her feet onto his lap, rubbing them one at a time.

  "Mmm... you're so good with your hands." She sighed as the tension finally left her body.

  "So I've been told." He gritted his teeth. "Red is a good color on you." He stroked her painted toes.

  "Thank you."

  "Did your mother forbid you to wear nail polish?"

  "No, she didn't. That's the weird thing. Her nails were always painted bright gaudy colors. She almost had a fetish for it."

  "That is weird." An evil smile twisted his lips. "Do you know what I have a fetish for?"

  "I'm afraid to ask."

  He laughed and ran his fingertips down the center of her foot. "Tickling pretty girls."

  "Eek! Don't do that." She jerked her leg away.

  He caught her foot again and rubbed it while she clos
ed her eyes and sighed. "Actually, I have a fetish for touching. Girls in general; you in particular." Then he tickled her.

  "Stop it." Jane giggled and pulled her foot away again, and tucked it under her.

  "You know I can't resist a challenge."


  "Sounds like a challenge to me." He grabbed her ankle and tickled the bottom of her foot, holding tight as she squealed and squirmed.

  "Austin, no!" She gasped and flailed, wrenching her foot free and kicking him in the head.

  "Uh," he grunted.

  "Oh my God." She scrambled to her knees. "Are you all right? I didn't mean to do that." She gently touched his temple, searching for any permanent damage.

  "Yeah." He closed his eyes and leaned back. "Remind me never to tickle a pretty soccer player."

  "I'm so sorry. That was a total reflex." Jane scurried to the kitchen, and returned with some ice.

  "It's okay." He held the ice to the side of his head. "A kick to the head will probably do me some good."

  "I'm sorry."

  Austin groaned, but his eyes sparkled just a bit as she frowned and picked up the ice pack. "I don't see any bruising or swelling." She kissed his cold skin.

  "I'm kinda dizzy." He slumped sideways, his face landing nicely between her breasts.

  His moan sounded a little too happy. He slid his arms around her waist and nuzzled closer, the skin inside the V of her shirt vibrating as he hummed against her. "Feeling better?"

  "Mm-hmm." His tongue slipped under her shirt, searching.

  His mouth on her skin felt hot and soft, sending little jolts of electricity all through her body. She wanted more. How could she tell him that? What's holding me back? Free from her mother's rules, free from her mother's guilt, but her own insecurity still got in her way.

  Jane took a deep breath and made up her mind. Yes. She wanted Austin, and refused to let anything stop her tonight. She lay back on the couch, stretching out beside him. "You know, if you want to fool around, all you have to do is ask." She draped her legs over his lap, keeping her feet a safe distance from his head.

  "Nope." He pressed his lips over her pounding heart. "Why bother asking when I have you right where I want you?"

  "Do you, now?"

  "Oh, hell yes. Let me show you."

  He caressed the length of her body, sliding his hand under her jeans from her bare ankle to her knee. When he couldn't reach any higher, he pulled his hand out and palmed her thigh, slowly rubbing in circles, cupping her bottom and giving it a squeeze before sliding his hand around to her hip. His fingers traveled just under her jeans and stroked her bare stomach. Then he moved his hand up under her shirt instead of down, caressing her ribs, skimming along below her bra.

  She held her breath, waiting for him to keep moving up. He did, but over the top of her shirt—not under it as she'd hoped—caressing her shoulders and neck. His gaze followed his fingertips as they traced inside her neckline, down one edge and up the other, exploring her breasts as they rose and fell under his touch. Her body tingled everywhere he touched her. When her eyes met his, he lifted her chin in his wandering hand and kissed her.

  His tongue played with hers, and he continued to her neck, tasting her flesh with tiny bites. His mouth moved down, kissing every inch of bare skin he found. Her shirt offered quite a lot of it, but he didn't stop there. He lifted her shirt up a little and kissed her stomach, tickling her ribs with his tongue.

  This didn't feel awkward or clumsy. This felt exciting and scary, hot and shivering. She hoped he would pull her shirt off, both relieved and disappointed when he didn't.

  Slow... mmm... gentle... mmm.... Yes, that was the way to go... for now. She ran her hands under his shirt, tracing the lines of his muscles with her fingertips, smiling when he moaned.

  "Trying to tickle me now?"

  "Maybe just a little."

  "Troublemaker." He laughed when her fingers floated over his ribs. "I gotta punish you for that."

  "Oh!" she gasped, and her heart skipped at the flicker of pure mischief in his eyes. "Is that a good thing?"

  He kissed her deeply. "No, It's a bad thing." He whispered on her lips, "So. Very. Bad." He pushed her shirt up over her bra and stroked her lace-covered nipples with his thumbs.

  She squirmed beneath him. The lace did nothing to shield her from his touch. It actually added friction to the heat from his hands, and her body responded in a fevered rush. His hands caressed her breasts, but to her surprise and delight, she felt a hot wet throbbing pulse between her thighs. Please please please touch there too. She couldn't say the words, so she arched into his hands, her body begging for what her lips couldn't.

  "Tell me what you want, Janie." He looked straight at her, as if he needed permission to continue.

  How could she tell him what she wanted? She wanted to be naked under his hands. She wanted to feel his mouth on her bare skin, but she couldn't say the words. Not yet. "More," she whispered.

  "More what?"

  "More." She couldn't explain. "Bad things."

  Austin laughed and unhooked her bra with one hand, pushing it out of his way. His mouth teased one nipple while his fingers stroked the other one. "So pretty, so soft, so much better than I imagined. So. Very. Good."

  She forgot about feeling nervous. She forgot about feeling awkward. She forgot about everything except feeling his touch, his kiss, his flickering tongue. Her body ached all over, wanting more, needing more, especially the hot wet place between her legs. Could she tell him that? She didn't need to. His hand left her breast to stroke her thighs, sliding between them and up until he rubbed the place she needed him the most.

  But her nipple needed him too. "I wish you had more hands," she groaned.

  He grunted, as if his over-stimulated brain couldn't handle a clever reply. He kissed, and licked, and touched, and kissed her all over again. "Oh, Janie, you turn me on so much." He kissed her mouth, his tongue teasing hers.

  She closed her eyes so he couldn't see her wondering how many other girls he'd said those same words to. It didn't matter. He was saying those words to her, and he was saying her name. He wanted her.

  He lifted his head and stared down at her, catching his breath. "You're the most erotic thing I've ever seen. So damn sexy." He kept watching her face as he unbuttoned her jeans.

  She held her breath as he eased the zipper down, and she opened her eyes.

  "More?" His fingers tempted her vulnerable flesh.


  He leaned over and kissed her, his hand sliding into her open jeans, caressing her hot skin. He sat back and peeked at the deep purple lace that matched her bra. "I approve."

  She laughed and caught her breath as he caressed the long length of bare skin between her pushed-up bra and her open zipper. It was a lingering, deliciously thorough stroke—up, down, circling her nipples, reaching under her panties. He bent down and sucked her nipple into his mouth while his fingers searched under the lace between her legs.

  "Ooohh." She let out a long, loud moan when he found what he was looking for.

  "Like that?"

  "Oh yes."

  "No. It's, 'Oh hell yes'."

  She giggled.

  He pulled his fingers away. "Say it."

  "Oh hell yes!"

  "That's my girl." He kissed her and stroked her soft wet flesh. "I want you," he whispered into her mouth, then kissed her soft lips, her hard nipples, her quivering stomach. "You taste so good. I could spend all night nibbling on your yummy little body."

  His mouth on her skin consumed her mind, and she barely heard a word he said. The things he was doing to her felt so.... She couldn't find the words, but it went way beyond good, way beyond wonderful. Could she do the same to him? She had to try. She reached for his belt buckle and fumbled with it. He tried to help her out, but he couldn't do much better.

  "What's wrong with us?" Jane sat up to get a better angle on it.

  Their fingers tangled as they struggled with it. "Got it." Austin
kissed her.

  Then they heard the doorknob turn.

  Chapter 9

  In one swift move, Austin pulled Jane's shirt down and threw a blanket over her as Sara opened the front door.

  Her eyes narrowed when she looked at Austin. "What are you doing here?"

  "What are you doing home?" Jane countered, zipping up her jeans.

  "My sister and her husband had a fight so they came home early. I didn't feel like staying there while they were arguing, so I said goodnight to the kids and left." She looked at Austin and snarled. "If I'd known you'd be here, I would've stayed far away."

  Austin took a step back, pulling Jane close as if he needed protection. Or was he trying to protect her?

  "Austin, this is my roommate, Sara." Jane did her best to maintain some civility, but the other girl wasn't cooperating. "Sara, this is.... Apparently, you know who Austin is."


  "What did I do to deserve this?" Austin frowned. "Have we met?"

  "Seriously?" Sara gasped, then turned on Jane. "I told you going out with him again was a bad idea."

  "But I like bad ideas."

  Jane sighed, and Austin laughed.

  "I'm glad you think this is funny," Sara shot at him. "I'll be the one picking up the pieces when you're gone."

  "Who says I'm gonna leave her?"

  "Back off, Sara." Jane stepped between them. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you Austin was coming over tonight, but he's here now, so let's just try to be nice to each other."

  "He doesn't deserve it."

  "Wow." Austin took a step toward the door. "I know when I'm not welcome." He reached for Jane and took her hands. "I'd better say goodnight."

  "No." Her body still throbbed. He had to be feeling it too.

  "I'll see you tomorrow. We'll make other plans." He held her face in his hands and kissed her. "Thank you for dinner. It was delicious." He pulled her close and pressed his lips to her ear. "And so was dessert."

  She answered him with a smile.

  "Sara, I'd like to say it was nice meeting you, but...." Austin winced.

  Jane followed him to the door, whispered "Sweet dreams," and closed it behind him.


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