Tell Me You Want Me

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Tell Me You Want Me Page 17

by Amelia James

  "That's awesome," Jack said.

  Austin nodded. "Do it. You'll be a great chef."

  "Thank you. I'm a little nervous about it."

  Was that all that was bugging her? Austin moved closer and kissed her, tugging at her lower lip with his teeth. "The only way you'll fail is if you don't try."

  "I know." She snuggled against him, seeking comfort from his arms. "I needed to hear that."

  "You'll be great," said Jack. "I'll be first in line when you open."

  "No, I will," Austin argued.

  "Don't think so," Jack shot back.

  "I'll have my own personal chef." Austin grinned, thinking for the first time ever about having a future with a woman.

  "Is that what you think?" Jane tried to scowl at him, but he didn't buy it.

  "Uh-huh. You can serve me breakfast in bed, lunch in bed, dinner...." He kissed her, softly, sweetly, promising more.

  "And what have you done to deserve all that?"

  "I—" Fell in love with you.

  Austin didn't deserve it—he didn't deserve a woman like her at all—but he loved her. His parents' messed up relationships, Natalie's rejection—all that pain and humiliation left him when he'd acknowledged he loved Janie. It scared him to death too, but Janie was smart and beautiful and had an inner strength he envied—and needed. He would probably end up hurting her, but until then he would love her as much as he possibly could.

  He had to tell her. But he couldn't do it now, not with Jack there.

  Then they heard the doorknob turn.

  "Damn it, she has the worst timing," Austin grumbled.

  Sara took two steps into the hallway and glared at Austin. Jack startled and waved. "Hey, Sara, you live here?"

  "Yes." Sara's gaze moved from Austin to Jack, and her eyes softened a bit. "You didn't know that?"

  "I knew Jane had a roommate named Sara." Psycho roommate, Jack had called her. "I didn't make the connection."

  Sara fixed her eyes on Jane. "I thought you were going to tell me when he was here so I could avoid him."

  "It was a spur of the moment thing," Jane said. "I didn't have time to tell you."

  "Nice." Sara's eyes darkened. "I should've expected as much from you. He's a bad influence."

  Jane's eyes turned shiny and wet. "Why are you being so mean?"

  Austin moved closer to Jane. He'd faced defensive linemen three times his size every day without fear. He could take Sara's abuse, but he wouldn't let her go after Jane. "Leave Jane out of this. I'm the one you have a problem with."

  "That's putting it mildly."

  Austin stood up and stalked toward Sara, and she met him head on. "I'd like to know just what the hell your problem is."

  Jack got to his feet and moved between them.

  Sara snarled at Austin. "You don't remember."

  He wished he could, but he had to admit he didn't. "Sorry. You'll have to enlighten me."

  Sara ripped off her coat and threw it in the closet. "Second semester, freshman year. We dated."

  He still didn't remember.

  "It lasted longer than I expected it to—almost a month. I thought I'd changed you."

  Sara... pretty, blonde, with a smile that lit up the room. Was she the same Sara facing him now?

  "But no. Some ditzy cheerleader got your attention. You didn't even bother to dump me."

  Jane sat on the couch, chewing her lower lip.

  "Sara... I remember dark blonde hair, sexy blue eyes and big beautiful...." His eyes slid down her body to her breasts—


  --and then snapped back to her face. The blue eyes he remembered had once burned with lust, but now they burned holes right through him. "You didn't wear glasses back then."

  "Brilliant, Einstein."

  "No, I did break up with you." He didn't remember how exactly. "I always do."

  "That's what you tell everyone, but I know it's not true."

  Jane's face went white. "You cheated and you lied?"

  "You cheated on me with—what's her name—Hayley. I'd like to say I was surprised...."

  "Hayley! Now I remember."

  "Great. You remember her." Sara's fingers curled and Jack grabbed her arm.

  "Hayley was a hottie. I couldn't resist her."

  Jack cringed. "Um, Austin, not good."

  "I was young and stupid."

  "You still are," Sara snapped.

  "We both were. You thought you could change me, and I thought... I thought with my dick."

  "You still do," Jack said, and Sara echoed his chuckle without any humor.

  Austin ignored them. "I told you that maybe we should see other people, and I thought we were done."

  Sara rolled her eyes. "I hate maybe. Do you know what 'maybe' means to a woman? It means there's hope. It means maybe you'll come back, maybe it's not over."

  "Sara, I had no idea—"

  "And then you forgot all about me! That really pissed me off. You've been with so many women, you can't even remember them all."

  He couldn't deny it.

  "If it helps, I didn't remember you'd dated Austin." Jack looked at Sara with an apology in his eyes. "I can't keep track of his women either."

  "No, it doesn't help." Sara looked like she wanted to slap Jack, but snarled at Austin instead. "I got over you eventually, but seeing you with Jane brought it all back. I'm still over you, so don't go thinking I want you back. I just don't want you to hurt Jane the way you hurt me."

  "I would never hurt Janie."

  "I think you'd better tell her that, and you'd better hope she believes you. I wouldn't."

  That pissed him off. "I don't care if you believe me or not! I broke up with you before I started seeing... what's her name. You got hung up on the word maybe. That's your problem, not mine."

  "I don't care what your problem is. I gave up trying to figure that out a long time ago. Right now, you have bigger problems than me."

  Austin turned to Jane, still sitting on the couch. Her swollen red lip stood out in sharp contrast against her pale skin. "Janie," he breathed.

  Jane wouldn't look at him. She got up and took the dishes to the kitchen.

  "I knew you would hurt her." Sara spun and walked out the door, leaving her coat, her keys and everything else behind.

  "You take care of Jane," Jack said. "I'll go after Sara."

  Austin started into the kitchen, but turned back. "What do I do? What do I say to her?"

  "Don't say anything yet. Listen to her. Then you'll know what to do." Jack grabbed his coat and took off out the door.

  Austin ducked through the kitchen door, running his hands through his hair. He watched Janie put away the cake, load the dishes in the dishwasher, wipe off the counter—doing everything but acknowledge him.

  Listen. How hard can that be? It would be a lot easier if she would speak to him.

  He couldn't stand the silence anymore. "Janie?"

  Chapter 17

  Oh God. He was lying. The knots in Jane's stomach tightened.

  Austin had cheated on Sara, and he'd forgotten he even knew her.

  Would the same thing happen with Jane? She thought she was going to be sick. Cheating, lying, one girl after another—all the rumors about Austin were true. Why hadn't she listened to Sara?

  "Janie, please say something," Austin begged.

  "I have one question for you."

  Austin listened.

  "How long will it take you to forget me?"

  "Janie, I could never forget you."

  "How do I know that's true?"

  He didn't answer.

  She finally turned and looked at him. "You were with Sara for a month, and you forgot all about her. We've only been together...." She counted on her fingers. "...a week and a half."

  "Sara and I only had a few dates—"

  "Did you sleep with her?"

  Austin looked at her as if she were nuts. "Do you really have to ask?"

  She threw him a disgusted look. "It doesn't ev
en bother me that you slept with my roommate. What really makes me mad is that you didn't even remember what you'd done to her after you saw her again. Are you that heartless?"


  Austin hadn't known his heart still worked until he'd met Jane. He hadn't known love was possible without hurt until she'd challenged him and made him change his way of thinking. Should he tell her that? Should he tell her she'd healed his heart? Not yet. She wasn't in the mood to listen to him, so he would take Jack's advice and listen to her.

  "That's why Sara didn't want me to go out with you. She knew exactly what you were capable of. She knew you would leave me for the next pretty face you saw. It happened to her. It almost happened to me. How could I be so stupid to think that I would be the one to tame the heartbreaker? Me—plain Jane Elliot—finally got Austin Sinclair to settle down. Yeah, that could happen. God, I am such an idiot. After three years of sleeping with every girl on campus, you finally got around to me. Yeah, you'll settle for me, but not because you want to—because you're out of options."

  "I'm not out of options!"

  "Well, that's good to know."

  "That's not what I meant. Damn it. I never settle for anything."

  Jane was silent for a moment, considering what he'd said, and when she spoke, her voice was soft and calm. "I believe that."

  He had no idea listening was so hard. He'd heard a lot of unpleasant things: he was a heartbreaker; he couldn't settle down; he wouldn't stay with Janie. No... she thought he might settle down, but she didn't think it would be with her. She didn't believe he would stay. That's what he heard. Was that what she was saying?

  "Janie, do you believe that I want to be with you? That I'm here right now, facing a very angry, very scary woman because I choose to be here? I could be with anyone else right now." God help me. "I could've left with Jack, but I'm still here because I don't want to lose you. I have other options—damn it—and I sound like an idiot right now, because I've never done this before. You were right. I've always left at the first sign of trouble. I've never stayed and fought for what I wanted."

  She didn't say anything; her turn to listen to him.

  "I want you, in case you haven't figured that out yet, and I'm staying and fighting with you—for you."

  She still didn't say anything, and he could see the doubt lingering in her eyes. Could he tell her he loved her? Would she believe him?

  "I know," she said softly. "I know how hard it is for you to stay."

  "Janie." He tried to pull her close, but she resisted. "I...." He couldn't find a way to say it. "I'm sorry for all of this. I never wanted to hurt you."

  "I know." She came to him. "Just hold me for a while."

  He wrapped her in his arms and held her tight. Her warm body warmed his empty soul and fearful heart.


  Jane sighed and snuggled closer to Austin. She loved him, and couldn't deny it anymore. Why did she have to fall in love with him? He said he wanted her, but what did that mean? It felt so good to be in his arms and that was all that mattered. She would worry about feelings and meanings later.

  "Where is your father?"

  "You're thinking about my father?"

  "I just want to be sure he isn't going to take you away from me tonight."

  "Nothing can take me away from you. I'm all yours."

  All hers... what a wonderful thought. Tonight she would believe it was true, and after that—

  She refused to worry about after. Instead, she rode the sudden wave of happiness that swept over her. "Kiss me."

  "I would but that lip looks like it hurts." Austin caressed her swollen lower lip with his thumb.

  "I can take it."

  "Think so?"

  "Yes. Please?" She gave him her most tempting pout.

  Austin held her face in his hands and kissed her, gently at first, being careful of her lip. When he knew he wasn't hurting her, he ran his hands more firmly through her hair, and pulled her head back, feasting on her lips like a man starved for affection.

  She was equally starved for him. Neither one could get enough. They fell back against the kitchen counter, an urgent tangle of hands and tongues—tasting, touching, stroking. The buttons on her blouse gave no resistance, but she fumbled with his.

  "Nope." Austin forced her hands back onto his shoulders. "I'm in charge this time."

  She trembled.

  "Do you like that?"

  She bit her lip briefly before he kissed her again.

  He pulled her blouse open, exposing her emerald green bra, pinching and kissing her hard nipples through the thin lace. "Ah, Janie." He sighed on her skin. "You are better than sex." He pushed her bra cups down so he could taste her naked breasts.

  She arched back over the cabinets, giving him all he wanted, silently begging him to take more. His tongue circled her nipples, drawing them into his mouth. Her body heated in an instant, especially that aching spot between her legs.

  Austin's hand slid down her bare stomach to the button on her jeans. He opened it and unzipped her, and cupped her face in his hands. There was still some fire flickering in her, left over from their fight. If he stoked it just right, and she expected he would, that passion would spark into an inferno they would never forget.

  Jane's gasp turned into a moan. She knew he was good with his hands, but feeling him stroke her with his hard body was even better.

  "Mmm... I know what my Janie likes."

  Good God, does he ever! And he kept finding new things for her to like.

  "You like it hard." He crushed her against the cabinet.

  She gasped, taking the full weight of his hard body and wanting more.

  "You like it hot." His heated words scorched her nipples.

  She forgot how to breathe.

  "And I'll bet you like it dirty." He spun her around, bent her forward and jammed his erection against her ass.

  Oh, that's new. He closed his mouth on her neck, sending a trail of goose bumps down her body. She liked that already. Her knees buckled and he slid his arm around her waist, holding her tight against him. He slid his hand inside her jeans, seeking, stroking, and she spread her legs to give him more room. His fingers slid deeper.

  "Don't stop," she moaned.

  "Never." He yanked her jeans down to her knees, and her panties went with them. One hand caressed her nipples while the other slid between her legs, fingering her. "Come for me, Janie. Come hard."

  The first wave crashed into her. She braced herself on the countertop, barely able to stand. The second knocked her back into Austin. The third would've sent her to her knees, but Austin held her up, impaled on his fingers.

  "That's it, Janie. Ride it out."

  She shuddered in his arms, catching her breath as his belt buckle clanked. Hearing him unzip was even hotter than seeing it. She leaned on the countertop, looking back over her shoulder. He had his cock in his hand, stroking himself as he prepared to enter her. She tried to spread her legs, but her jeans around her knees kept her firmly bound. His cock slid between her tightly squeezed thighs, dragging against her hot, wet flesh as he leaned over her again.


  She was so hot and tight he could barely think straight. Austin turned her face and kissed her, pretending to search for her entrance with his cock.

  "There are times for slow and gentle," he whispered hot into her ear. "This is not one of those times." He grabbed her hips and slammed it home.

  Jane cried out, reaching up to grab the cabinets and thrust back against him. Her entire body shook, and she let out a little squeal, her thighs trembling and her skin getting hot. She arched and let out a wail that would have frightened the neighbors. Austin held her while she rode it out, giving her soft kisses on her back and shoulders.

  Oh God, I'm going to come. He couldn't stop it; he didn't want to stop it. He'd never known a girl who could get him off so quickly and leave him wanting more. Damn, it feels so good.

  He closed his eyes and let the explosion rip through
his entire body, leaving him sweaty and shaking. He rested on Jane's back, feeling her still throbbing around him. A happy little smile curled his lips as he felt that familiar tingle. He was far from finished.

  Give him a few minutes and he would take her all over again. He just had to figure out what to do with her in the meantime.

  "Let's see how many times I can make you come." He lifted her onto the counter, spreading her legs as he sank to his knees. He freed her from her jeans and threw them on the floor.


  "Oh," Jane gasped, leaning back on her hands.

  She felt exposed in that position, especially since she was naked and he was still dressed. Exposed, vulnerable, and... dirty. Yeah, she liked that. Having Austin's mouth between her legs made her feel—oh God—so naughty. Listening to him moan and make yummy noises while he licked her nearly made her giggle. He was enjoying it as much as she was.

  Oh, that feels so.... Would she ever get enough? Oh—yes—more, more, more!

  She shifted her weight and lifted one hand to touch her nipple. Yes, that's what she needed. Austin slid a couple of fingers inside her. Yes, she needed that too.

  "Please," she said.

  She knew what she was begging for this time, and that he could give it to her. She just had to be patient and wait for him to find that perfect spo—

  Oh yes! right there! Her hips lifted right off the counter.

  "There's number one." Austin kissed the inside of her thighs while he waited for her to come back down.

  "I think that was number three."

  He laughed and touched her with his tongue. She squirmed and gasped, ready for more, and ran a fingertip across her nipple.

  "Help me out," he said, taking her hand and guiding it between her legs, playing inside her with his tongue while she made circles with her fingers.

  Jane wasn't uncomfortable touching herself, but she'd never imagined doing it with someone else. This definitely felt dirty, especially with Austin looking at her. She closed her eyes so she couldn't see him watching. When she did it herself, it could take a while, but this wasn't going to take long at all.

  Austin traded places with her, twisting his finger with hers and pushing them inside her while he licked her pulsing nub. "I want you to feel what I feel when you come."


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