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Awakening (Telindell Book 1)

Page 22

by Darren Lee

  Teelia looked across the square and shouted, “All those who wish to leave the trai’atonos side… we offer you a place amongst us. I plead with you, do not die for their crimes!”

  Adanna and Manat’s forces fell into disarray. A few attempted to break ranks and join with Oryn. Screams echoed through Alinshahar as they were cut down immediately.

  Adanna looked upon his forces, then turned to Oryn and snarled. “This has gone on long enough. I will not surrender, nor will you.”

  Oryn looked to Teelia. “Indeed, it has gone on long enough.”

  Teelia snarled and raised her short swords. Archers emerged on the rooftops and lined the building’s edges. Councilor Stala emerged among them.

  Adanna looked upon the archers and shook his head while mumbling, “You conniving traitors…”

  Stala raised her hand just as the archers pulled their arrows back. She screamed, “Fer’ial Alinshahar!” Her words echoed through the square as the archers bows snapped and released their arrows. Arrows darkened the skies of Alinshahar while they rained down towards the enemy councilors and opposing forces. Adanna and Manat broke away from Oryn’s group. They ran toward their forces as the enemy Elves began to erect their own magic shields. Arrows blanketed them, striking some as the shields were erected.

  Teelia screamed, “No!” She threw one of her short blades towards Manat’s back. Manat’s eyes widened. She looked down to see the blood covered tip of Teelia’s blade protruding from her chest before falling to the ground, dead. Oryn, Elinar and Teelia turned and ran toward their forces. Oryn pointed at Daleth.

  Daleth nodded and screamed, “Fireal’arto!”

  Half of the Elven magic wielders dropped their shields. From their hands, large destructive balls of fire launched toward the Council Chamber. The flaming artillery smashed against the walls and exploded. Chunks of stone rained down upon the square. The enemy Elves retaliated with magical artillery of their own, striking the Elven archers under Stala’s command. Oryn, Elinar, and Teelia rejoined their forces.

  Oryn drew his large sword and pointed it toward the council chamber. He screamed, “Cha’leth!”

  The Elven army screamed as they broke ranks. They charged valiantly across the square. Adanna climbed the Council Chamber stairs. He turned to see the charging army. “Push them back!”

  Adanna’s forces charged forward and clashed with the approaching army. Stala’s archers rained arrows down on their rear ranks. Oryn, Elinar, and Teelia led the charge. Elinar’s blade clashed with his enemies and cut through them one by one. Teelia attacked with an unmatched fury. She dodged her attackers and hacked at their limbs. Oryn engaged his foes with a grace and brutality not witnessed in a thousand years slaying all who clashed with him, one after another, quickly and efficiently. Adanna watched in horror at the sight of his forces being overwhelmed and cut down.

  Adanna quickly approached the magic wielders holding the shield trying to protect the council chamber. “Focus half the artillery on the buildings. Collapse them on the enemy. The other half, drop in the middle. I want Oryn to be nothing more than charred remains!”

  The Command Sorceress looked to Adanna. She stood before Adanna in her form-fitting leather armor, her blonde ponytail waving in the wind. Chainmail protected her shoulders and sides. Her blue eyes gazed upon Adanna in shock. “But, Councilor! We’ll kill our troops as well… what if there are innocents in the buildings?”

  Adanna grabbed her shoulders and screamed, “Do it now, Command Sorceress Alisia!” Adanna turned away and looked back. “That is an order!”

  Alisia slowly nodded. “Ye… Yes, Councilor.” She looked to her magic wielders and shouted, “Artillery! Target the buildings and the center battle field!”

  Oryn looked up as he saw the fiery artillery launch into the air. It crashed against the buildings, causing them to crumble. Elinar fought at his side. Oryn saw a ball of hellfire coming straight toward them. He grabbed Elinar and dived out of the way. As the two scrambled to their feet, Oryn looked at Elinar and shouted, “Adanna is mad! He’ll kill everyone to win this! Even his own people!”

  Elinar gripped his sword tightly. “We must push forward!”

  Oryn shook his head. “No! We must pull back and strategize. We stand to lose too much even in victory!”

  Elinar gritted his teeth. “But father!”

  Oryn swung his blade and cut down an approaching foe. “I’m sounding the retreat! Get Teelia!”

  Elinar nodded and darted across the battlefield, slaying any who stood in his path. He approached Teelia, who was in heavy combat. Elinar swung his blade and decapitated her adversary. “Teelia, we must withdraw! Father is calling the retreat!” His blade clashed against another attacker.

  Teelia quickly engaged another enemy and screamed, “No! Not until I gut that bastard!”

  Elinar turned his head at the sound of a flat-toned horn. Oryn was calling the retreat. Oryn’s magic wielders showered the field with fire. Arrows from Stala’s archers rained down heavily in an attempt to cover the retreat.

  Elinar engaged Teelia’s foe and shouted, “We will get him! We must pull back!” Elinar cut the enemy down. Teelia let out an angry scream. Elinar grabbed her arm and pulled her into retreat.

  After the retreat, Adanna’s forces barricaded the square. Buildings in the surrounding area lay in complete ruin or were badly damaged. Stones from the battle littered the streets, as along with the corpses of hundreds of Elves from both sides. Oryn walked through the ruined building his forces were using as a makeshift refuge for the wounded. He looked mournfully at the covered corpses of the many that had been lost.

  Oryn entered a large room where his commanders were waiting. “Report,” he said, looking at each of them

  Daleth quickly spoke, “There are more wounded civilians than soldiers, General.”

  Oryn shook his head. “Those surrounding the area were to be evacuated.”

  Daleth sighed. “Some simply refused to leave their homes.”

  Oryn clinched his fists. “Damn that Adanna…”

  Teelia shook her head and shouted, “We should not have retreated! We should have pushed forward!”

  “No. Look around you,” said Oryn. “These are not the bodies of warriors. They are the bodies of the innocent. Just as your daughter, my granddaughter, was innocent.” Oryn dropped his head. “We must limit as many civilian casualties as we can. They must see that we are not the enemy.”

  Stala nodded. “General Durothill is right, Lady Teelia. The majority of Alinshahar has rallied behind us. Adanna’s reckless move will have created doubt amongst his ranks. We must hope they have a sense of morality left.”

  Teelia nodded reluctantly. She knew they were right, despite her anger and heartache.

  Elinar looked to Oryn. “Father, we must make the illusion spellcasters a priority.”

  Oryn nodded. “Indeed. If Lian Telindell attempts to approach us, we must be visible.”

  A feminine voice spoke, seemingly from nowhere, “I may be able to help.”

  Oryn and the others glanced around the room in search of the voice’s source. A cloaked figure appeared in the room next to Oryn. Elinar and Daleth quickly drew their swords and pointed them at the figure’s chest. The figure slowly removed her cloak. It was Command Sorceress Alisia.

  She looked to Oryn. “Command…” Alisia paused for a moment and took a deep breath. “Formerly, Command Sorceress Alisia Alinsora.”

  Oryn studied her for a moment. “What brings you here?”

  Alisia looked around the room at each person before her. “I do not wish to fight against the interests and wellbeing of Alinshahar and her people.” Alisia looked to Teelia. “May I?”

  Teelia stared at her for a moment and slowly nodded.

  Alisia approached Teelia and dropped to her knees, looking up at her with tears in her eyes. “I beg your forgiveness. Had I been aware of the truth, I would have come sooner. A great atrocity has been committed against you.” Alisia stood
and turned to Oryn. “I beg your forgiveness as well. The blood of all these innocents is on my hands. I carried out Adanna’s orders to attack the buildings and even our own soldiers. Once he is defeated, I will happily stand trial for my crimes.”

  Teelia shook her head slowly. Tears welled in her eyes. “My daughter’s…” Teelia looked to Elinar. “Our daughter’s murder was not your doing. You have nothing to be forgiven for. I do welcome your aid, anything you can provide to bring down Adanna.”

  Alisia nodded. “It would be my privilege…” She looked to Oryn. “And my honor to serve Alinshahar.”

  A slight smile crept across Oryn’s face. “You will have it. What would you suggest?”

  “I can take a small group,” said Alisia, “myself and two others, through the square. I am experienced in the invisibility spell.”

  Oryn crossed his arms. “Hmm, it takes great power to cloak yourself, as well as others.”

  “It does,” said Alisia, nodding. “It will weigh heavily on my abilities… but if we can get through the square without spawning another conflict… maybe we can take down the illusion spellcasters… without the cost of more innocent lives.”

  “Admirable,” said Oryn. “Three of you will not be able to approach the gates undetected. Conflict may be our only option.” Oryn looked to his commanders. “Do any among you volunteer to accompany the Command Sorceress?”

  Elinar raised his hand. Daleth glanced to Elinar. “I, as well.”

  “It is settled then,” said Oryn. “Elinar and Daleth with accompany Alisia.” Oryn looked to Teelia and Stala. “Teelia, you will assume Daleth’s role as forward commander under my direction. Stala, you will remain in command of your archers.” Teelia and Stala nodded. Oryn walked to a window and peered out to see his soldiers preparing for the next inevitable conflict. “May Elintae guide us.”

  Chapter 20: Rescue

  Sunlight shined down on the southwestern border of Kynlynn. Kane had tracked the slippery Sarath for nearly two days. She had fled all through the region of Riverwood. Kane and Lian had now found themselves in vast flat lands, surrounded by plains of tall grass. Kane sniffed along the dusty road and then he looked back to Lian.

  “What is it?” Lian asked. Kane shook his head and continued walking down the dirt road. Lian shook his head. “I knew she would have a head start, but I thought we would have found some sign by now.” Kane whined a bit with his next few steps. Lian wiped the sweat from his brow. “Is it me or is it getting hotter?” Kane looked back to Lian and nodded his head. “We haven’t passed a stream, lake, or any body of water for quite some time,” he said. We don’t have much left from the village we stopped at yesterday.” Kane snorted at Lian and continued on. Lian nodded. “You’re right. We won’t last much longer if we don’t find something soon.”

  Kane’s ears twitched slightly as the two continued down the dusty road. Lian sighed. “Are we even in Riverwood any longer?” Lian looked around and studied the area. “Far too dry for a river… certainly no woods around.”

  Kane’s ears twitched again. The wolf stopped and raised his nose into the air, sniffing rapidly. Lian looked hopefully at Kane. “You smell something?” Kane continued sniffing. He lowered his head and looked to his left across the plains. “Well, what is it?” Lian stared across the tall grass. “I don’t see anything.” Kane looked to Lian then back to the plains and growled. He took a few steps in that direction and turned his head to Lian. “That way?” said Lian. “There isn’t anything out there.” Kane shook his head at Lian. He raised his paw in that direction. Lian nodded. “Alright, Kane, let’s go.”

  Kane nodded and took off across the plains. Lian followed swiftly. Grass brushed against the two, rising nearly to Lian’s chest. In the distance, a cluster of trees slowly became visible in the blinding sun. Lian took note of smoke rising into the air from within the cluster of trees. “Is that where we’re going?” Kane looked back and continued running. “I guess that’s a yes.”

  The two drew closure to the lone island of thick vegetation. Kane slowed and crouched down. Lian knelt behind him. Kane looked back to Lian, then slowly started inching forward toward some bushes at the edge of the trees.

  Lian and Kane heard voices coming from just beyond the bushes.

  “You wanna know why you’re still alive, don’t you, bitch?” a man said.

  A familiar voice quickly replied. “I imagine I’d rather not know,” said Sarath.

  Lian recognized Sarath’s voice immediately. He and Kane peered through the bushes where she sat, bound to one of the trees with a thick length of rope. Her clothes were torn from a struggle and her mouth was bleeding. Lian observed the area to see two men. One was butchering Lian’s horse away from the fire. Lian smelled the meat roasting over the fire.

  “Those bastards are eating my horse!” thought Lian.

  The men were covered in dust and filth. They had obviously been in the area for an extended period of time.

  The man carving the horse shouted, “You’re alive because with you, we might be able to go home!”

  “That’s right,” said the other man. “We ain’t been able to show our faces since you killed that miserable brat Arthur.”

  Sarath’s eyes widened. “Why would you be concerned with Arthur? We’re beyond Kynlynn.”

  “I knew we weren’t in Kynlynn anymore…” thought Lian. “And who’s Arthur?

  The man looked down at Sarath and shouted, “We were part of Lord Draken’s security detail for Arthur’s wedding night! We nearly lost our heads after you killed him!”

  Sarath chuckled. “Tough luck. I suppose Draken didn’t reward slackers.”

  The man snarled. “I don’t know how you got in there. We had the entire castle locked down.”

  Sarath smirked. “Magic.”

  The man carving the horse turned his head and shouted, “Nonsense! I listened to Draken and that wench babble on about magic and Elves for years!”

  Kane looked back to Lian. Lian nodded at the mention of Elves.

  Sarath rolled her eyes. “So, what do you plan to do with me?”

  The man carving the horse stabbed his knife into the carcass. He stood and walked over to his comrade. “We’re gonna turn you in to Lord Draken and get our honor back!”

  Sarath giggled. “Draken’s dead.”

  The man’s eyes widened. “Dead? When did this happen? I had heard about the King but not Draken?”

  The other man looked to his cohort. “Don’t believe this bitch. She’d say anything to get outta here with her ass untouched.”

  Sarath sighed. “Believe what you want.”

  The man tugged at the belt holding his dirty, worn trousers. “Well, I know what I want.”

  “You got a good idea there,” said the second man. “Arthur had her to himself all those years. Now, we got her, all helpless tied to a tree.”

  Sarath glared at the two. “I’ll die first.”

  “Then Draken will have to make do with your half rotted corpse by the time we get back,” he said. “I can just slit your throat. You’ll keep long enough for us to have some fun.”

  Sarath turned her head. “You disgusting bastards.”

  Lian looked at the two and saw his sword slung on the hip of the second man. He leaned over to Kane and whispered, “Wait until I get the first one. Then you take the second.” Kane glanced to Lian and nodded. Lian slowly crept from behind the bushes with Kane right behind him. Sarath saw Lian and Kane hunkered down, slowly approaching the two villainous men.

  Sarath looked up at the two men and smiled. “You know, I think your days are numbered.”

  “Our days in this dry wasteland are numbered after we turn you over to Draken,” said the first man, as the second began to laugh.

  “Just call it my woman’s intuition,” said Sarath, laughing. “But you’re both about to be hurting.”

  Lian was a few feet away from the two. He looked to Kane. Kane nodded. Lian sprang toward the first man. His right hand gra
cefully slid around the man’s neck and gripped his chin. Lian placed a firm grip on the back of the man’s skull. A spine-tingling snap was heard when Lian twisted the man’s head, snapping his neck. The man fell limp to the ground at Sarath’s feet.

  Sarath looked to the second man as he let out an angered scream. Sarath’s eyes widened and she shouted, “Lian! He’s got your sword!”

  Lian turned to the second man just as he started to draw the sword. Kane let out a deadly growl and jumped, latching onto his arm tightly and dragging him to the ground. The man screamed in pain while he attempted to struggle against Kane. Kane quickly locked his jaws around the man’s neck and clamped down. Blood splattered into the air as Kane ripped the man’s throat out.

  Drops of blood splattered against Sarath’s face. She made a sour face and shouted, “Disgusting!”

  Lian looked at her and turned away. Sarath watched Lian walk away. “Untie me!”

  Lian knelt down next to what was left of his horse. Kane approached Sarath and growled, blood dripping from his teeth.

  Lian glanced back to Sarath. “You let them eat my horse?”

  Sarath glared and shouted, “I didn’t let them do anything!” She looked to Kane. “Get this animal away from me!”

  Lian looked back to Kane. “Easy, Kane.”

  Kane looked to Lian then back to Sarath. He snorted at her and sat down, keeping a watchful eye on her.

  Sarath struggled against her bindings and shouted, “Untie me!”

  Lian turned towards Sarath. “Why should I? You might rob me again.”

  Sarath shook her head. “From the looks of it, you don’t have anything to take!” Sarath sighed and looked away. “Besides, I didn’t mean to rob you. I panicked.”

  Lian stood. “Panicked?” He took a step towards her. “You tell me you’re going to help me… while in the process of sleeping with me… Then you panic and rob me?”

  “Well…” she said before nodding her head. “Yes.”

  Lian sighed. “Was sleeping with me necessary? And robbing me? You could have just said you changed your mind.”


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