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Ancient Traces

Page 28

by Michael Baigent

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  Page references in italics refer to illustrations.

  Africa, and the evolution of man 82, 85–6, 94–5, 103, 106–7, 115

  agriculture, and culture 129, 131

  alchemy and Boyle and Newton 212–15

  and modern science 215–17

  origins 196, 199, 200–206

  technical 211–12

  and Zosimus of Panopolis 208–11, 218–19

  Alexander the Great 193–4

  Alexandria (Egypt) 193, 194–6

  Alvin (submersible) 40–41

  Amanniyazov, Professor 20

  Amasis (pharaoh) 141–2, 202

  Amon-Ra 194

  amphibians, and evolutionary theory 30–31, 32

  Andel, Tjeerd Van 132

  animals, classification 27

  Antarctic, a site for Atlantis? 155–6, 162–3

  Aquinas, Thomas 207

  Aristotle 206–7

  artefacts, human 2–3 in ancient rock or coal 3–14

  and culture 12–13

  and early man in Europe 107–12

  and early man in North America 104–6

  from the world’s first town 118

  Artephius 217

  Ashmole, Elias 219

  Atlantic Ocean, a site for Atlantis? 139, 153–4, 156–61

  Atlantis 137–63 refugees flee to Egypt 163–4

  Atlas 138, 149, 151–3

  australopithecines 96 humans descended from? 81–99, 100–101

  Lucy 80–83, 95–6, 97, 98

  Austria, artefact found in coal 13–14

  Azores, and Atlantis 156–61

  ‘baboon marker’ 93, 94

  Bangweulu, Lake 62

  Barnaby, Frank 216

  Bauval, Robert 162, 164, 181, 182, 183–4, 188, 189

  belief systems 206–7

  Bernath, Stephen 116

  Beyond Natural Selection (R. Wesson) 31, 34, 36

  Bloxham, Arnall 237

  boats, development of 121

  body form, stability of 28

  Bolus of Mendes 204–6, 207–8

  bones in ancient rock/coal 15–16, 113–15

  butchered by early tools 108–10

  Bonifay, Eugène 111

  Book of the Dead, The 191–2, 202, 204, 224–5

  Books of Hermes Trismegistus 195, 196–7, 205, 218

  Bousfield, Edward 50

  Boxberger, Leo von 61

  Boyle, Robert 212–15

  Breasted, J. H. 169

  Breuil, Henri 112–13

  Brewster, Sir David 13

  Bronze Age cultures, and a Mediterranean Atlantis 144, 145–53

  Budge, Sir E. A. W. 169

  Burroughs, Wilbur 16, 19

  butchering, ancient 108–10, 111

  ‘Cadborosaurus’ 47–51

  California, ‘Gold Rush’ 3

  Cambrian Explosion 1, 21, 26

  Capellini, Professor 108, 109, 111

  Carcharodon megalodon (shark) 42–4, 46

  Çatal Hüyük, civilization at 117–19, 127–8, 133, 134, 135, 148

  Cavallari, Francesco 200–201

  cave paintings of boats 121

  dinosaurs depicted in? 71–2

  and writing 131

  chain, gold, in a piece of coal 10–12

  ‘Champ’ 53

  Champlain, Lake 52–3

  Champlain, Samuel de 53

  Chaos Theory, and evolution 36–9

  chaousarou 53

  Chavaillon, J. 115

  Christianity 207

  civilization origins of 117–36

  see also culture

  Cleopatra (alchemist) 219

  coal, human artefacts found in 10–12, 13–14

  coelacanths 44–6

  Coffin Texts, The 191, 192, 204

  Congo, relict dinosaurs? 57–61, 65–70

  Corrigan, Philip 225–8, 235

  creatures, mysterious aquatic 40–55

  on land 55–6, 70

  living dinosaurs? 57–78

  Cremo, Michael 102, 116

  Crete and Atlantis 146–50

  early colonization 134, 135

  Critias 141

  Critias (Plato) 141

  crocodiles, giant 70

  cryptozoology 46–7 see also creatures, mysterious

  Culp, S. W. 10, 12, 13, 14

  culture 2 development of an urban culture 119–21, 131–2

  and gold artefacts 12–13

  sudden advances in 128–9, 131–2 see also civilization

  Dalai Lama 220–22

  Danakil Desert and Highlands 94–5

  Darwin, Charles, theory of evolution 23–5, 32, 34, 39

  Dastin, John 212, 214

  Dawkins, Richard 24, 39

  Deepstar 4000 (submersible) 41

  Deucalion 132

  dinosaurs 1–2 fossil footprints 17–20

  man existing before/with 11, 13, 17–20

  still extant? 57–78

  Diocletian 208

  Dobbs, Betty 214

  Drosophila, and evolutionary theory 32

  dwarf animals 54

  Edwards, I. E. S. 182, 190

  Egypt, ancient alchemy 196, 208–11

  ancient texts 181, 190–93, 195–9, 224

  a cultural melting pot 204

  dinosaurs still extant in? 70–71

  links with Greece 193–6, 202–4

  pyramids 185, 190

  and reincarnation 224–5 see also Giza complex

  Elawar, Imad 231–4

  Eldredge, Niles 25, 35


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