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Lady Beware

Page 24

by Jo Beverley

  Thea didn’t hear from Maddy for weeks, but then a letter arrived. She took it onto the terrace to read in sight of the calming lake and swans, but expected only salacious gossip. Instead, it was a wild rant.

  I am so ill-used, Thea! Mama has taken against Fox, and for no good reason. How can it matter that he has no fortune or title? I have a handsome portion, and our family influence can provide lucrative positions and I’m sure he’ll gain a title anyway one day. As if I care for such things.

  Yes, he does want to marry me! I am completely aux anges, or would be if he wasn’t in horrid Lancashire, and Mama wasn’t forbidding me to write. As if I care for that. I send letters daily.

  But she’s written to Father, and he’s written to me forbidding all contact and it is more worrying to cross Father, so I pray he never finds out. I would use you to pass on letters if you were in Town. Can you not come to London? I’m surprised you’ve not trailed Dare back here.

  True, after three weeks at Long Chart, Dare had been completely recovered and restless, and had decided to return to London. Thea couldn’t argue with his reason. Canem Cave’s problems were in some part his responsibility and he must do what he could to help. The duke had already returned to continue parliamentary work. Thea could have gone, too, but she’d said she preferred the country and the duchess had approved.

  It had been possibly the greatest test of willpower she’d ever faced. Not because of Dare—now that he was completely recovered, she found the ties loosed. She still loved him, but he had his own life to live and he clearly missed Mara like a severed limb. The daily letters they wrote back and forth had become a loving joke. Her temptation came all from Darien.

  Now she was rewarded a little for her willpower. In London, Maddy would constantly try to entangle her in deceptions. It had happened before. She thanked heaven to be out of that, but the sting in the tail of her cousin’s letter hurt.

  Lord Darien is seen everywhere and truly does seem to be extinguishing his family’s shame. Lacking Fox, I amuse myself with the hound whenever I can.

  Thea glared at carefree swans, trying not to think of Leda.

  She managed to resist the urge to race to London and fend off danger. He’d promised and she’d promised. She had to wait and see where their feelings led.

  Darien returned home from a session at Jackson’s to find a message asking him to visit Nicholas Delaney. In all the Rogues’ support, he’d seen little of Delaney. He gathered he didn’t much care for the ton’s amusements, but he suspected the man was staying out of his way because he thought Darien found him particularly irritating.

  That could be true. He’d been particularly irritating at Harrow.

  It hadn’t been anything he’d done. He’d simply been relaxed and confident in a way no fourteen-year-old boy ever should be. It hadn’t been the confidence of an Arden, certain of his wealth and future power, or a Ball, bulwarked by brilliance. He’d simply been happy to be himself, and he hadn’t changed. Darien had accepted help and the responsibilities that came with that, however, so he obeyed the summons.

  He’d not visited Delaney’s home before. He wasn’t surprised to find it much like his own architecturally, as most London houses were, but inside the atmosphere was the extreme opposite to Cave House. Light, life, but a kind of peaceful harmony.

  Delaney greeted him warmly and took him to an extremely well-stocked library. So well stocked, books were piled on the floor. One thing the house wasn’t was tidy.

  “Sorry about this,” Delaney said. “The longer we stay here, the more books I buy. Eleanor prays nightly that we can leave. I’m trying to decide which to take to Red Oaks and which to leave here.” He saved one from sliding off the corner of the table, glanced at the spine, then handed it over. “You may like that. The Century of Inventions.”

  “Which century?” Darien asked, simply for something to say. Delaney should have been a fusty scholar, but he glowed with vigor.

  “As in one hundred. A frustrating number of forgotten devices. Dare’s here. He’d like to speak to you.”

  It took Darien a heartbeat to catch up, and another to think of a response. “He thinks the dog will bite?”

  Delaney’s eyes sharpened at the choice of words. “He probably thinks he deserves it.”

  “Good God, am I supposed to give him absolution?”

  “I told him he should simply call on you, but he doesn’t want to force a meeting if you don’t want it.”

  For some reason, it mattered that Dare Debenham was Thea’s brother, but Darien couldn’t decide in what way. He didn’t want to talk to the man until he knew, but this was ridiculous enough as it was.

  “I have no objection,” he said.

  “Then I’ll tell him. He’s talking to Eleanor, but I’m sure Francis will want to feed again—he might as well be a leech at the moment—so she’ll appreciate rescue.”

  He left. Darien opened the book in his hands and puzzled over a strange diagram. When the door opened, he took his time about closing the book, putting it down, and turning.

  Dare Debenham looked very well indeed. He’d been physically fit when Darien had seen him at the ball, but freedom from opium had completed him.

  “Will a long-overdue apology embarrass you?” Debenham asked.

  “Probably. Do you need to make it?”

  Debenham smiled. “A good question. Yes, I think so. Not for the words. If I hadn’t come up with cave canem, someone else would have soon enough. But for hardly noticing the results and not caring at all. I would wish that undone, which is what an apology is about, isn’t it?”

  “I suppose so. But I’m hardly in a position to cast stones, am I? I made everyone as miserable as I was able, and maimed poor Trigwell. I did write to him and apologize a few years back. He was gracious, but then he is in Holy Orders.”

  “Is he? I suppose he was the type.”

  An awkward silence threatened.

  “Your family’s been very good to me,” Darien said. “I think any debt has been paid.”

  “My debt, paid by others.” But then Debenham said, “Did you really see me fall?”

  Darien stared at him. “You think I lied?”

  Debenham colored. “Apology again. I just found myself thinking. Opium does strange things to the mind.”

  “If I hadn’t witnessed it I might have lied. If that makes sense.”

  “I follow it. Thea said you’ve gone through all this in your brother’s cause. Is it won?”

  Even her name caused a moment of paralysis, but then Darien found his voice. “I don’t know. I’ve kept Frank informed, but it’s in his hands when to try his luck again. A good part of me wants him to tell the Dynnevors to go hang themselves, but love knows no reason, does it?”

  “I thought it was ‘love knows no laws.’”

  “That frequently proves the case,” Darien said, suddenly realizing that he’d worked through his problem. Dare Debenham was Thea’s beloved brother, therefore to be cherished. “There is no enmity between us,” he said. “From what Austrey says, you can’t help but be happy with Lady Mara, but I offer you my good wishes anyway.”

  He held out his hand, and they shook. If Debenham looked a little puzzled, so be it.

  “What will you do in the summer?” Debenham asked, as they both turned toward the door. “I know my mother would be delighted if you visited Long Chart.”

  Such temptation, but it would break the pact.

  “Impossible,” Darien said lightly. “First I must see out this sitting of Parliament, which looks likely to last till Christmas at this rate. Then I go on to pummel Stours Court into civilized shape. If I have any life left in me after that, there’s a godforsaken spot in Lancashire that’s mine to deal with.”

  “I often rejoice,” said Dare as they strolled into the hall, “in being a younger son.”

  “I was one once,” Darien said, but he made it light and they parted, smiling.

  Chapter 32

  When it came time t
o travel to Lincolnshire for the wedding, Thea recognized a flaw in her bargain with Darien. She’d forgotten that the journey would take them through London. It was the only sensible route, and they had to gather up Dare and the duke there and stop for the night.

  They arrived in the late afternoon and would leave the next morning, and did not plan to attempt any social event, so Thea thought she was safe. Except from her own ravening temptation.

  She hadn’t counted on her mother summoning Darien for a recounting of events, nor had she any warning. If she had, she wouldn’t have been with her mother in the small drawing room when Darien was announced.

  His eyes met hers—and lingered.

  Hers ate him up.

  How could he be different? She hadn’t forgotten him, but it was like seeing him for the first time, but now more relaxed, easier in his smiles. More handsome.

  He bowed. “I hope you enjoyed your time in the country, Lady Thea.”

  “Yes, thank you, Darien. Will you go into the country when Parliament prorogues?”

  Their eyes, the air between them, said other things. He still cared and so, by all that was holy, did she. If her mother hadn’t been present, all questions between them might have ended in violent explosion.

  When the footman returned to say that Miss Debenham was below, Thea seized on that and escaped. She found Maddy in a reception room in evening finery.

  “When I heard you were here I had to stop by. You could have told me!”

  “We’re only breaking the journey.”

  Maddy grasped Thea’s arm. “You have to persuade your parents to speak on Fox’s behalf. Everyone’s still fussing over Darien, and he’s a Cave! There’s nothing disreputable about Fox’s family other than lack of title and money.”

  “You know Mother doesn’t put huge weight on things like that.”

  “Then she’ll take up his cause, won’t she? I mean, when the poor man was wounded so horribly to protect us all, it is atrocious to be shunning him!”

  “I don’t think anyone’s shunning him, Maddy. He’s in Lancashire.”

  “It’s the same thing!”

  Thea shook her head. “Sit down. Calm down. Would you like tea?”

  “Tea! How can I drink tea? Do you have wine?”

  “Wine?” Thea echoed in surprise.

  “Why not? Oh, you’re so dull!”

  “Then I don’t know why you’re here,” Thea snapped.

  “To seek your help! I’m dying for love, Thea. Dying! Fox is the only man I could ever marry. You can’t imagine how it is to feel such passion.”

  “Thank you.”

  The dry tone made an impression. Maddy frowned at her. “Well, you can’t,” she said in a less high-flown style. “Some people have grand emotions and others don’t. I’m sure it’s more comfortable. Please say you’ll talk to your parents. If they lend their weight, you know mine will give in.”

  Awash in her own forbidden longings, Thea wanted to help, but she said, “Will he make you a good husband, Maddy?”

  “The perfect one!”

  “But his regiment’s going to India. I’m not sure—”

  Maddy laughed. “Silly! He’ll sell out once our wedding is allowed, but there’s so little time. Please!”

  Thea had taken Foxstall in dislike, but she really had no reason. She’d been deeply prejudiced against Darien, and he was not at all as she’d thought.

  “I’ll try,” she promised.

  Maddy kissed her and hurried away. Thea sighed, but then her thoughts flew to Darien, who might still be with her mother. She could return. But no. Better not. Because she kept her promises, she raised the subject of Maddy and Foxstall the next morning over breakfast with her mother.

  Her mother grimaced. “In this case, Thea, I fear Margaret is correct. Of course she wants a title for Maddy, and a comfortable income. Why not, indeed? Poverty is not at all romantic. And there’s Marchampton, smitten. But now it’s said Marchampton’s father opposes it because of her behavior. I don’t know what will become of that girl.”

  “Perhaps Foxstall is the man for her, then.”

  “Sadly, no.”


  “It’s not really suitable for maidenly ears, but you’re sensible enough to understand, dear. At Margaret’s request, we had inquiries made. Captain Foxstall’s string of conquests is long.”

  Thea tried to be fair. “Most men are not religiously virtuous, Mama, and can reform with marriage.”

  “Yes, but there’s a matter of extent.” The duchess sighed. “Even while paying attention to Maddy in London he was involved with other women.”


  “Very distasteful. Most were women on the fringes of society, but one—for your own ears only, of course—was Maria Harroving.”

  “Good heavens. But he was at the masquerade with Maddy.”

  Her mother shrugged. “He was also spending much time with Lady Harroving there.”

  “I remember Maddy saying she’d gone with someone else but had planned to meet Foxstall there.”

  The duchess shook her head. “No sense of decorum. If Margaret had asked, I would have advised her not to allow Maddy to attend. You could be trusted to keep the line, but given any opportunity, Maddy exceeds it.”

  Thea felt horrid guilt and it made her try harder. “But if that is Maddy’s nature, might not someone like Captain Foxstall be the right husband?”

  “Not at all. He drinks, he games, he is cruel. He’ll make anyone a terrible husband, but especially someone like Maddy. She doesn’t have an obliging nature. She’ll demand too much of him, and he’ll punish her. If Maria Harroving would marry him, it might suit, for she’s worldly wise and has ample money, but she has too much sense. His regiment goes to India soon, so it will all blow over and then we’ll look for a more suitable match. A firm older man who’ll treat her well but put up with no nonsense.”


  “It’s that or she truly will ruin herself, Thea, believe me.”

  Thea gave in. She’d done her best, but didn’t relish explaining that to Maddy, so she was relieved to leave London after breakfast, even though every turn of the wheels took her away from Darien.

  Despite what she feared was a broken heart, Thea was able to fling herself into the merry wedding celebrations. Dare claimed Brideswell was magical, and perhaps he was right. Everything felt lighter there, and even her future seemed promising. Thea found herself dancing around the bonfire hand in hand with two village swains. She wore her yellow dress and her hair down, amused by how astonished the villagers would be to learn that it was “country wear.”

  She thought of Darien the whole time and didn’t try to stop herself. She even imagined, during the ceremony, that she was saying her vows to him. For better or worse, for richer or poorer. That was what marriage was about, not the careful safety of equal fortunes and perfect security. Yes, now she truly knew her heart and mind.

  Because of this, she didn’t struggle against her mother’s decision to linger in London awhile on the return journey. After all, she hadn’t promised not to return until autumn. She’d simply assumed it.

  Thea arrived back at Yeovil House in a nervous fizz and she’d rather not have wasted it on Maddy, but her cousin arrived only hours after they did.

  “Thank heavens you’re here!” Maddy declared as soon as they were in Thea’s room. “I’m at my wit’s end.”

  “What’s happened?”

  “Mother won’t let me see him!”

  “See who?”

  “Don’t be provoking. Fox! Who else?”

  “But he’s in the north.”

  “No, he’s here! A fortnight’s furlough before they sail.” Maddy untied her complicated bonnet and tossed it on the floor. “We are determined to marry.”

  “Oh, dear.”

  “Don’t be like that. I know you don’t like him, but that’s because he’s strong meat for a delicate bloom like you.”

  Thea held her patience.
“Maddy, if you want a kindly listener, don’t insult me.”

  Maddy stared at her. “No need to be vinegary, Thea. I’m desperate. I’d run off to Gretna, but then Father would probably not pay my full dowry. It’s most unfair that only part of it is fixed by law. The rest he added only by promise as he became wealthier.”

  “He might be persuaded after a while. When your marriage is happy and Foxstall proves admirable.”

  “Oh, for pity’s sake. Can you imagine living under that scrutiny, afraid to act boldly or have a quarrel?”

  Thea shook her head. “Maddy, what do you want from me?”

  “Sympathy. But I see the well’s dry.”

  “I truly do sympathize, but I don’t see what I can do. No words of mine will persuade your parents to see things differently, and my parents feel as yours do. He is not obviously an ideal husband.”

  “He’s the one I want,” Maddy said mutinously. “Mother’s just hoping I’ll give in and take March, but I won’t.”

  “Certainly not, if you don’t love him.”

  “I love Fox.” Maddy leapt to her feet. “I adore Fox. I can hardly bear a moment away from him!”

  Thea watched this volcanic performance, recognizing her own feelings, though she’d never behave so wildly.

  “Promise you’ll help me,” Maddy said.

  “To do what?” Thea asked cautiously.

  “I don’t know yet, but when I think of something.”

  “I’m not going to help you to elope.”

  “You are such a dull stick. But as I said, that wouldn’t serve. Just promise.”

  Thea wanted to get rid of her. “If I can, I will.”

  Maddy grabbed her bonnet and put it on. “I will marry Fox. I thought of having your hound instead. But really, in comparison, he’s almost as dull as you are. You two really should make a match!”


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