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Innocent Secrets [Pine Valley 3] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 6

by Keyonna Davis

  “Riley, I have to be honest. I haven’t had too much to drink tonight. As a matter of fact, I couldn’t even finish my first one.”

  “Then why did you pretend—”

  She lifted her hand to cut him off. “Just let me finish before I lose the nerve to tell you this. I didn’t know how to say this because the last time I told someone, it didn’t go too well. Ali and Cane thought if I pretended to have too much to drink I could just pretend not to remember anything in the morning if things ended badly.”

  “You’re kind of scaring me a bit.”

  Jessica could see the tense grip Riley had on the steering wheel. “Okay, there’s no easy way to say this, so here it goes. I’m an erotic romance writer by the name of J. Red and I’m still a virgin.” She hadn’t wanted to blurt it out like that, but she had to admit she already felt a hundred times better getting the news out in the open. She sat quietly for a few minutes letting him take it all in, but his silence at her statement didn’t give her a lot of confidence.

  Now he was the one scaring her. She would rather him say anything than give her the silent treatment. Her past experience with her ex started creeping to the front of her mind. Was Riley going to be the same way? Would he expect more from her than she could give him? The sad thing about it was she was willing to give him everything. All he had to do was ask and it was his. He was the man she wanted to grow old with.

  “Aren’t you going to say anything? I just told you the most important secrets of my life. Surely you have something to say.”

  “I’m just trying to find the right words to say so that I don’t ruin this. We’re almost to your house. Can we wait and finish this conversation when we get there?”

  Jessica could only nod. The lump in her throat wouldn’t let any words past. This was it. These few minutes with Riley would be her last. What was it about the word virgin that either had men running scared or thinking they were put on this earth specifically to deflower her? Too bad Riley was in the former group.

  The drive to her house seemed to take forever and Jessica could only sit and think about the past. It was while in college that her writing took a turn toward erotic. Jessica had just broken up with a guy she thought had “potential.” Turns out he was just another toad like all the rest. Jessica was a firm believer in happily ever after and finding her prince. She just hoped she didn’t have to kiss too many more frogs before finding him. She went back to her dorm that night to put her emotions down on paper, but instead ended up writing about what she dreamed the perfect relationship would be. The story took on a mind of its own and after days of nonstop writing and a few missed classes, Jessica’s first erotic novel was born.

  There was no way that she planned on ever letting anyone read it, but it still felt good to see her fantasies come to life. Unfortunately, her grandmother had other plans. Somehow she found Jessica’s manuscript while she was home on break and took it upon herself to submit it for publishing. She chose not to reveal what she had done until she surprised Jessica with an acceptance letter from the publishing company. Once Jessica got over the embarrassment that her sixty-seven-year-old grandmother had actually read about her sexual fantasies, she was ecstatic. Until that point, she had only written to escape and never imagined that she could be a published author. She had to admit that her grandmother was pretty awesome. She even came up with the coolest pen name, J. Red. Jessica went back to college after break with a new sense of purpose. She was a writer, and from that point on she threw herself into her work.

  Now at twenty-five she was a five-time bestselling author, but she had a few setbacks getting to that point. The first was her grandmother dying unexpectedly. It took Jessica a long time to get over the passing of the only person she ever loved and had loved her. She pulled herself out of her misery by telling herself that her grandmother would have wanted her to live and enjoy life instead of wallowing in grief. She moved back home and took over the library no questions asked. She couldn’t stand the thought of someone else living in her grandmother’s house. Besides, it gave her the time and peace and quiet to work on her books. She had a nice cushion in her bank account from her royalties, so becoming the Pine Valley librarian wasn’t a hardship for her. Jessica dedicated her next book to her grandmother and moved on.

  The second major setback she had was really a mistake on her part. She made the mistake telling a guy she was dating about her writing career. He was fine with it at first, even read a couple of the books. Then he had the bright idea that since Jessica wrote about sexual fantasies, then she must be experienced in them. If he only knew. Needless to say, she never kissed that frog again. Who would want to stay with someone after being called a “frigid bitch”? After that she didn’t reveal her pen name or what she did to any guys. She figured they would all want to get in her pants because they thought she was easy if they found out about her writings. She wanted a guy that liked her for who she was, not what she wrote or her “potential” as a bed partner. So if a life of celibacy is what it took for her to be able to continue doing what she loved, then that is what she would do.

  At this point, the only thing Jessica feared was that her true fans would find out how much of a fraud she was. If they found out that she had no experience other than kissing and a few touches or that everything she wrote came from a very vivid imagination, would they still read her work? Jessica sure hoped so because she wasn’t about to give up her life’s work for anyone. Not even Riley, who she was falling hard for. Jessica’s nerves were on edge by the time they arrived at her house. Riley followed her in silence to the door and then over to the sofa. She thought of stalling the coming conversation but decided against it. She would rather get it over with so Riley could leave as soon as possible. Jessica could feel the familiar burn in her eyes that signaled tears not far behind. She had already bared herself to him. There was no way she was crying in front of him as well. Crying would lead to begging him to stay, and she wanted to keep a little dignity.

  “Sit down, little rabbit. I won’t bite.”

  She hadn’t realized she was standing until Riley’s warm voice washed over her. She would never admit it to him that she loved it when he called her little rabbit. It wasn’t the best of nicknames, but it made her feel special. It meant that he at least cared about her a little to take the time to give her a pet name.

  Jessica sat on the opposite end of the couch from Riley. Obviously not satisfied, he slid over until their bodies were touching and took her hand in his. She felt a little hope flutter in her heart but was scared to acknowledge it. He could be just trying to let her down easy.

  “First of all, I knew about J. Red. I’ve known for a long time now.”

  “You knew?” Jessica was shocked. “Why haven’t you said anything? Did Cane tell you?”

  “No, Cane didn’t tell me. Although, she does know that I know. I found out from your ex by coincidence. I was at the school library one day and I bumped into this guy. To make a long story short, we got to talking and when he found out I was from Pine Valley, he was all too eager to tell me about this girl he used to date from there. Of course, I was shocked when I realized he was talking about you,” he said, smiling.

  “Anyway, he went on and on about how you were this erotic romance writer. The guy was an asshole. I wanted to punch him in the mouth to get him to stop talking.”

  Jessica couldn’t believe her ex. How many other people had he told? She was starting to wonder what she ever saw in the jerk. “Okay, that explains how you found out. I still don’t understand why you never said anything to me.”

  “Well, for one, you were always running from me,” he joked. “Two, I figured if you wanted me to know, you would tell me yourself. Plus, Cane made it clear that you didn’t tell too many people.”

  Could it be that easy? Riley had already known about her alter ego, and he hadn’t changed. He hadn’t pushed her one bit or assumed she was as promiscuous as the sex scenes she wrote about. In fact, he was the perfect gentle

  “And what about the other thing?” Jessica asked, taking a deep breath and bracing herself for the answer.

  “I don’t care about that.” Riley laughed. “That came out wrong. I meant I care, but it’s not a problem. I won’t pressure you or anything. When you are ready to give up your virginity, I just hope it’s with me. Until then, I’m happy with whatever you give me.”

  Jessica fell in love with Riley right then and there. She was already head over heels for the man, but the moment he said he wouldn’t pressure her and he could wait sealed the deal. She loved Riley Matthews, and she wasn’t giving him up. Leaning up, she pressed her lips against his, trying to put all of her emotions into the kiss. Riley responded with a growl and deepened the kiss. With hands gripping her hair, he tilted her head sideways and thrust his tongue into her mouth. This was no gentle invasion and Jessica loved it. This was a passionate kiss of two people who couldn’t keep their hands off each other.

  He’s not leaving. He’s not leaving. Those thoughts played over and over in her head as Jessica lifted to her knees and straddled Riley’s lap. She couldn’t get close enough to him. How did she tell him that she was ready? She had been ready to have sex with him since the moment he first kissed her. She rocked her hips back and forth, grinding her pussy against the rigid length of his cock. She moaned at the feel of him through her jeans and his. If it felt this good through so many layers of clothing, Jessica couldn’t imagine how it would feel when they were both bare.

  “God, Jessica, baby, you feel so good.”

  He took the words right out of her mouth. So far, he was the only man who could make her go up in flames this fast. Her past experience was more like children experimenting compared to how Riley made her feel.

  “Riley,” she panted. “I need more.” She had no idea what she was asking for, but she was willing to beg for it.

  Riley gripped her behind her knees and stood. “Shh, I’ve got you. I promise.”

  He easily carried her up the stairs, stopping when he got to the top. Jessica pointed in the direction of her bedroom, too busy mapping the corded muscles of his neck with her lips and teeth to speak. When he found her room, Riley slid her to the floor next to her bed. This was it. The moment she had been waiting for. She was about to give herself to Riley. She was surprised to find that she wasn’t nervous at all. She was definitely excited, but not nervous. That alone told her she was making the right decision. Jessica lifter her shirt over her head and tossed it to the floor. She went for the button of her jeans, but Riley grabbed her hands to stop her.

  “Let me.”

  It was a command that she was all too happy to obey. Too bad he didn’t immediately go for her button. Riley started at her neck and gave her the same treatment she had given him earlier. He nipped her neck and then soothed the bite with his tongue, sending shivers down her body. She felt moisture flood her already-soaked panties and pressed her thighs together. She whimpered when the seam of her jeans brushed against her sensitive clit. Hands on her nipples through her bra brought her attention back to Riley as he pinched her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers and gently squeezed.

  “Oh, God. Yes,” Jessica hissed. She had done this hundreds of times to herself, but there was no comparison. When Riley did it, it felt like electrical sparks shooting through her nipples. They stood hard and ready, waiting for more of his special attention.

  The moist heat of Riley’s mouth on her breast almost had Jessica coming in her jeans. The man reduced her to incoherent moans and the only thing she could do was grip his hair and hold on for the ride.

  His lips scorched a trail down her stomach until they got to the waistband of her jeans. Jessica held her breath as she waited to see what came next. Her hands itched to touch Riley, but she held still. If this was a dream, she didn’t want to wake up. He unbuttoned her jeans and pushed them down her legs. Using his shoulder to steady her, she lifted each leg as he helped her out of the pants. When he was done, he stood, stepped back, and just stared at her. Jessica felt those absent nerves starting to make their presence known. She knew what most people saw when they looked at her. She was either too skinny or too pale. Did Riley think the same? She was in nothing but her bra and panties, and he was still fully clothed. Was this how the night was going to end?

  “Damn, you’re beautiful. I don’t know where to start.”

  Well, that certainly shut the voices in her head up. Was he reading her mind? Jessica gave up all thoughts when Riley started to undress. He lifted his shirt over his head and she felt her mouth water at the smooth chest and stomach he revealed. Riley was lean, but Jessica could see the definition of each muscle. She wanted to trace each line with her tongue. She stopped breathing when she heard the rasp of his zipper and trailed her eyes down just in time to see him push his pants down his legs. The imprint of his hard cock through his boxer briefs caught her eye. If the size of the bulge was any indicator, the man was huge. Jessica gulped and reached out to touch him.

  “No, not yet.” Riley grabbed her wrist before she could reach him. “If you touch me now, this will all end before we even get started.”

  From the grimace on his face, Jessica had a feeling he was telling the truth. He had given her orgasms twice now and had been left unfulfilled. She was determined there wasn’t going to be a third time. She may have not been experienced, but she had one hell of an imagination. She was pretty sure she could figure out a way to make him feel just as good.

  Lying down on the bed, she watched as Riley slid his briefs down his legs before climbing on top of her. He straddled her waist and Jessica was able to see his cock as it rested against her lower stomach. He was hard, and the moisture she could see glistening on the end of the red tip told her he was just as turned on as she was. Her palms itched to touch him, but she waited to see what Riley would do next.

  She didn’t have to wait long as he leaned down and kissed her. Jessica relaxed into the bed and put everything she had into the kiss. She trailed her hands down his back, marveling at the pent-up strength she could feel as his muscles bunched and relaxed. Jessica did what she had wanted to do for years. She moved her hands down to his butt and squeezed. Just as tight as I imagined.

  Hands at her waist turned her attention back to what Riley was doing. He gripped the waistband of her panties and stopped to stare at her. Jessica answered his silent question with a nod of her head, giving him permission to continue. As he slowly slid her panties down, Jessica moaned when the cool air blew against her damp curls. When Riley was finished, he gently gripped her knees and pushed her legs apart. He then lay on his stomach between her legs with his face level with her pussy. Jessica held her breath and waited for what came next.

  “Relax, little rabbit. I promise you will like this.”

  Riley didn’t give her a chance to respond before he licked her. He trailed his tongue from her clit to her opening and back again. The breath Jessica had been holding came out as a scream. She had written about oral sex numerous times in her books, but having never experienced it before, she realized her imagination hadn’t done it justice. She felt like she was on fire. There were so many sensations going on at one time that the only thing she could do was lie there and just feel. She was already close to coming after just a few licks. Riley used his fingers to spread her cunt apart and the only thing Jessica could do was hold on for the ride. She unclenched her fists from the bedspread and used them to grip his hair. Jessica tilted her hips back and forth when Riley sucked her clit between his lips and began flicking it with his tongue. She could feel her orgasm coming and knew it was going to be explosive. The bite of pain from Riley nipping her clit was what finally sent Jessica over the edge. She had a feeling she was hurting him but couldn’t bring herself to release her grip on his hair as she screamed and rode out her climax.

  * * * *

  Riley panted as he lay against Jessica’s thigh, trying his best not to hump the mattress. He was so hard. He knew all it would take wa
s a touch to have him shooting. No one had ever made him feel the way Jessica did. Her innocence turned him on way more than it should have. It made him feel good to know she chose him to share each new experience with.

  When Jessica’s grip on his hair eased, Riley forced himself to roll over on his back next to her and not start all over again. If he wasn’t so close to coming, he would have happily eaten her pussy all night just to hear her scream as he made her come over and over again. It was something that was definitely on his to-do list in the near future. Until then, he needed relief. He wondered how Jessica would react if she saw him masturbating. A soft grip on his cock had him opening his eyes to see Jessica smiling down at him.

  “Is this okay?”

  “It’s definitely okay, but you don’t have to do this. I didn’t do that just so you would return the favor.”

  “I know I don’t have to,” Jessica said as she moved her hand up and down his shaft. “I want to though. I want to make you feel as good as you made me feel.”

  There was no way Riley was going to argue. He groaned when Jessica’s grip tightened. It seemed like everything was in slow motion as he watched her lean over and flick her dainty tongue against the head of his cock.

  “Oh, God, Jessica, I’m not going to last long.”

  His statement seemed to encourage Jessica because she wrapped her lips around the head of his cock and began to suck as she twisted her hands up and down his shaft. The moist heat of her mouth had him gritting his teeth in effort not to come too soon. As it was, he was hanging on by a thread. Jessica lifted her mouth and smiled at him. She tightened her grip on his cock and used her other hand to massage his balls. When she leaned down to lick a drop of pre-cum off his dick, Riley was lost. His climax roared through his body as drops of cum splashed onto his stomach and chest. Jessica continued to massage his shaft until he was completely spent and began to soften.


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