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Dark Runner: LodeStar 3.5

Page 17

by Cathryn Cade

  He nodded. “You too, Kiri. Even if it means you stick with Logan Stark. I mean it. Goodbye, starry girl. Good luck.”

  He broke the link himself, and lay there for a moment, sifting through all that had happened in the past weeks. He’d traversed the galaxy, nearly died, and watched one beautiful, brave warrior take down a murderess. And the whole thing had begun with Bronc Berenson’s visit to Flash.

  He wasn’t sure whether to kill Stark’s security expert, or buy him an expensive gift as a thank you. Hadn’t been for him, Tal wouldn’t have met Scala.

  * * *

  He woke refreshed and stronger than he’d been since that viperous bitch had tried to kill him. With lip gloss, no less. God, if word of that ever got out in New Seattle, he’d be a laughingstock. Darry had researched the matter and learned that the woman had taken an extra course of anti-venin herself before donning the murderous cosmetics.

  “She was fucking crazy,” he said. “Imagine risking that, even if she was a Serp.”

  “Yeah,” Scala said dryly. “So much simpler to laser a man in the gut when he’s panting over you.”

  “That bitch did not interest me,” Tal said. “Beyond wondering just what she’d pull. I figured I could slip a blade between her ribs if I needed to. I had a little poison up my sleeve myself, you know. Nearly had it in the drinks she was serving, when you went all warrior woman on her guards, and while I was distracted, she and the pilot pulled weapons on me.”

  “Not my fault you walked into the serpent’s den,” she said, glaring at him.

  He shrugged. “I knew you’d save me once we were back outside.”

  Darry chuckled, and Trix grinned. “We’ve got it all on the holovid, Scala. So we can watch it over and over.”

  “Yeah, well I hope you saved the holovid where he let that Serp put her mouth all over his face,” Scala said sourly. “You can show it to him when he gets too arrogant. But wait, that’s every five minutes.”

  She slammed out of his stateroom, leaving silence behind her. Tal glanced over to find Darry and Trix watching him with identical looks of mingled worry and wariness.

  “So,” Darry said finally. “You’re gonna ask her to say, aren’t you?”

  “Yeah,” Trix added. “Because she saved your life. She was the only one of us who knew what to do.”

  “Or had the right stuff. Told me to take as much of her blood as I needed,” Darry added solemnly. “I did, uh, take a bit too much. Stopped in the nick of time, according to the medtechs. They hooked her up to a pump at the same time they did you.”

  “Yes,” Tal said. “You told me already. Nothing wrong with my memory. And I plan to thank her, as soon as I’m not flat on my back like a drooling baby.”

  “Good,” Trix said. “So … you’re over that Kiri, right?” She made a face. “She was all wrong for you. Too star-dusty.”

  Tal raised a brow. “Guess you’ll just have to wait and find out, won’t you?”

  She and Darry exchanged a look. They didn’t look too worried.

  He lifted his arm, sniffed and grimaced. “I’m getting up. I need a showerdry. And some privacy,” he added when they didn’t move. Truthfully, he didn’t want them to see his wobble like a drunk.

  Darry rose, tugging Trix with him. “All right, but don’t screw this up ... please. I really wanna fuck her.”

  Trix gave Tal an impish grin over her shoulder. “And I wanna help you both do her. Good luck, boss.”

  Tal’s showerdry felt really good, as did the protein energy drink he downed. Even though he knew he was still not completely over the effects of the serpent venom that had taken him to death’s door, he felt ... light and free. Easy, as if some invisible chainropes had dropped from his shoulders.

  He’d felt that way since he spoke with Kiri. He shook his head, laughing silently at himself. He was an idiot. He’d been so sure he wanted her, that he’d ignored the fact that she was just a pretty woman. She was nothing like the kind of woman he wanted, needed.

  He hated like hells to say it, but Logan Stark was welcome to her. And Tal hoped Kiri made the quarking magnate absolutely miserable, for the rest of his life.

  Yeah, that he’d like to see. Humming the chorus of a tekrock tune from the club, he bound his damp braids back in a ponytail, pulled on a black lii silk tee and sleep pants, and went in search of his sweet, fiery Serp.

  When he found her, his good mood evaporated, burned away in quick fury. She had her duffle out on her bed, and all her things piled beside it, including the new things he’d bought her at that fucking resort.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” he demanded.

  She didn’t even turn to face him. “I’m packing,’ she said, her voice listless.

  Like he couldn’t fucking see that. “Why are you packing? When we reach New Seattle, we land right on the roof of my place, and I’ve got people who will come and bring our things down to the penthouse.”

  She stiffened. “Because I won’t stay and watch you with her, that’s why.”

  Ah, now this was getting interesting. He moved to her side and cocked his head to look into her face. Hells, she was pouting, that sexy mouth turned down, her eyes stubbornly avoiding his.

  “Watch me with who?” he asked. He slid his hand into her duffle and pulled out handful of lacy underthings. Mmm, he couldn’t wait to see her in the cream lace. So innocent on his dirty girl.

  She grabbed the things out of his hand and stuffed them back into the duffle. “With Kiri,” she said. “Don’t play stupid.”

  He picked up another stack of clothing and gave it a toss. It slid to the floor in a heap.

  “Hey!” she snapped. Ah, that got her to face him.

  Tal smiled at her. “You’ve got this all wrong, Snake Eyes. I don’t want her.”

  She glared at him. “Of course you do, she’s—she’s ... I don’t know, everything I’m not.”

  That did it. Tal grabbed her and hauled her against him, with one arm around her and the other hand cupping the nape of her neck, his favorite grip.

  “Sweet fire,” he said tenderly, “she’s nothing you are.”

  She stared up at him, her eyes wide and uncertain, her lush lips parted. On her, the look was vulnerable and sexy as all hells. And he had to kiss her before he lost his mind.

  He did, and she kissed him back, her sexy tongue tangling with his, her lips melding with his.

  Finally he had to stop, dizzy. He leaned his forehead on hers, breathing hard as if they’d been sparring. “Sorry, no stamina. I’ll do better, I swear.”

  He looked into her eyes. “Stay with me, sweet fire,” he asked. “Stay. Who’s gonna save my life when I need it? Yeah, I know about that.” His eyes darkened with emotion. “You saved me. Gave me your own blood—too much, from what Darry told me. Reckless, foolish, brave Serp.”

  She bit her lip. “But… can you trust me?”

  “You tell me,” he asked. “Can I?”

  She stroked her hand over his chest, her fingers warm and calloused. “I’m done lying,” she said. “To you, anyway. I’m sorry I had to lie in the first place.”

  He nodded. “Good enough for me. I swear I’ll never use my mojo on you again either. And you can have your own room, although I’ll be lonesome in my bed without you. It’s fucking huge—I get lost sometimes.”

  She laughed, as he’d intended her to, and now both her hands stroked his chest. “You won’t get lonely, not with Trix and Darry.”

  “Babe,” he answered the uncertainty in her voice. “Trix and Darry are ... they’re mine, and I hope they’ll always be around. But you ... you’re special.”

  “I am?” she whispered, wonder dawning in the golden depths of her eyes.

  He groaned. “Yes. Give it up, woman. I’m gonna fuck you until you agree to stay for good.”

  “In that case, I may never agree.”

  He glared ferociously, and she kissed him again, her lips soft and damp. “Fool, because I want lots of sex with you. And maybe w
ith Trix and Darry sometimes.”

  “Oh, you’re getting that either way. If you stay of your own free will, maybe less of it will happen while you’re cuffed to my bed.”

  She narrowed her eyes at him. “You’d keep me with you by coercion?”

  Color washed his cheeks, but he ignored it, his gaze implacable. “Just until you figure out where you belong.”

  She caressed the strong line of his jaw with gentle fingertips. “And where is that, Tal Darkrunner?”

  “In my—” he bit off his words, then started again. “By my side. In my bed, my ship, and my businesses, if you like. You wanna work, you can pick where. You wanna follow me around and look at me like you are right now, that’s okay too.”

  She tipped her forehead against his cheek, her arms tight about his neck. “I like,” she got out.

  His arms tightened as well, until there was no space between them. “I’ll get you a full pardon, too, so you’re free to go everywhere you want to set your pretty little feet. Places even I’m not exactly welcome myself, but you’ll be able to go there if you want.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Oh, lizard shit, oh quarking hells. Scala should have known this moment was going to come sooner rather than later. She’d hoped ... she didn’t know what, maybe that it never even had to happen. Not that he’d ask her to stay, because she wanted that desperately. But that she’d have to tell him the entire truth.

  She was such an idiot.

  Tal held her tightly. “No, I mean it. You just wait. It may take some time, but I’ll do it. You know how I mentioned the wealthy slumming in my world? I know things about a whole lot of important people. I'll have them jumping to please me.”

  She peered up at him. “Uh, Tal. About that ...”

  “What? I can do it, I swear. I’ll call in as many markers as it takes for you.”

  She winced, guilt searing her. He was offering her everything, and she’d lied to him. “Oh, great God. Tal, stop. Stop. You don’t need to do that.”

  His grip hardened, along with his face. “What? Why not?”

  She touched his face placatingly. “First, I meant what I said. I want to stay with you. More than anything. Just ... don’t forget that, okay?”

  He did not respond. She let out a shaky breath, watching the warmth in his gaze slowly fade. “I’ve already been pardoned.”

  He stared. She looked down at her hands, unable to bear the dawning suspicion in his gaze.

  “Well, who did you think I was working for? I mean, keeping tabs on you. It was partly for the IBI.”

  His lips barely moved. “What? The fucking IBI?”

  She nodded, her eyes searching his uncertainly. “I told you—that I was sent here, I mean.”

  “I thought you meant you were working for Stark’s people, to keep me off his back.” His face was white under the ink. “Fuck, why me? Why my ship?”

  “Okay, here’s where it gets complicated,” she admitted. Then she gasped as his hand fisted in her short curls, yanking her head back. His eyes blazed into hers.

  “Sounds pretty simple to me. You’re not just a spy for Stark, you’re a fucking plant from the biggest law agency in the galaxy.”

  “Well, yeah, but only because—” Her words were cut off as he shoved her violently away from him, so hard she flew backward and landed across the table. She skidded on her back, catching herself only by hooking her leg and hand on the edge.

  He glared across the small space at her, two red spots burning on his taut cheekbones. “Yeah, I get it. Because I’m a criminal. A very successful, wealthy one.” His eyes blazed with contempt and rage. It emanated from him in suffocating waves. “Get out. I want you off my ship in five minutes, or I’ll throw you off.”

  Her heart pounding in her throat, fear nearly suffocating her, she flipped off the table, moving between him and the door.

  “No, Tal.” She shook her head, one arm outstretched to him. “No. Not like this. You have to listen to me.”

  “I’ve gotta do nothing,” he raged, his voice full of loathing. “You may be with the big cops, but you’re still nothing but a whore. You whored yourself to find out my secrets for them? What did you get, eh? Not as much as you were about to. Should’ve kept your secrets till I gave you the keys to the kingdom.”

  He stalked toward the hatch, but she plastered herself against the panel, her jaw trembling with her turmoil of hurt and grief. Enough. Even if this was the end, even if she never saw him again, she’d had enough of the blazing contempt in his gaze.

  “You listen,” she ordered, pointing a trembling finger at him. “You call me whore? You think you’re the only one with a sad story? Yeah, I whored myself, Tal Darkrunner. After my mother died when I was fifteen, and none of my illustrious relatives could be bothered to take me in. I whored myself to stay alive, to stay unharmed by the pimp who got hold of me, and the men he sold me to. I whored myself to stay fed and clothed and warm, and I did it for two stinking years, until I was strong enough to escape. And you wanna know how I did that? I killed him. Yeah, not with a fancy kick. I waited until he was drunk and pushed him in front of a transport. He’d just finished beating me for not bringing him enough credit. I hadn’t eaten for two days, but he had enough to buy his drugs.”

  He stared at her with what looked humiliatingly like pity—or maybe deeper disgust—dawning in his gaze, but she raged on. “I worked whatever I could find, dirty jobs, anything but going back to what I’d been. Then I met a man who promised to take care of me and set me up in life, because that was the only way I knew to get along, the only thing I knew how to do—what my mother had done. He got me into the academy, where I finally learned a skill I could use. I learned to fight, to use my body for more than sex, how to maim or kill with one blow. And to do it on the side of the law. I thought I’d landed in heaven. Then we got hired on the Orion.”

  He shook his head once, lifting his hands toward her, but she cut him off. “It was a cush spot, but of course my man got greedy. When he told me we were going to steal the ship. I was so stupid I told him to his face I wouldn’t do it, wanted out. That’s when he showed me I was trapped, because I’d told him I killed that pimp. He told me he’d have me fired, blackballed from guard duty throughout the galaxy. I didn’t know what to do, where to turn. That’s when he started to hurt me. And he told me he wanted another woman in the guard as well, an innocent girl. He wanted to do us together, wanted to hurt her too, because the captain was in love with her, and Ssaar hated him.”

  She hugged her arms around herself, staring into the past. “That did it. I wasn’t going to stand by and let him rape another woman, not while I was there. So we fought him. She was going to let me escape, for helping her. But they caught us. That’s when I found out he wasn’t going to just steal the ship, he was going to murder everyone on board. They believed me when I said I didn’t know about that, but they still had me for theft. And you know what my life’s been since then.”

  Finally she was done, spent. Her anger was gone, leaving her reeling with the surge and ebb of adrenaline. She leaned against the bulkhead, so drained she could hardly stay upright. All she wanted to do was sink to her knees and moan like a wounded animal. She’d been so close to having something real, something precious, and it had slipped through her hands, like always.

  “So how did I come into it?” Tal asked, his voice only a thread of sound.

  She focused on him with an effort. His face was still pale, but the rage was gone, replaced by something just as dark, just as turbulent, but different. She gave up the effort to decipher him.

  “After you ... grabbed Kiri,” she said. “Everyone knew you and Stark hated each other. When he disappeared and holed up in New Seattle, they thought you’d kill him if you found him. Kiri was grateful to me for saving her on the Six-Pac, so she got them to pardon me, in return for my help making sure you stayed away.”

  “So it’s all been … you’ve just been spying on me,” he said. He sounded almost …

  She looked at him in disbelief, and then rolled her eyes. “You’re such an idiot, Tal Darkrunner. No, I haven’t been spying on you, not really. They knew what you were doing, chasing Slidi, yeah. But you notice anyone after you to arrest you for murder now that she’s dead? Nope, because no one cares that there’s one less slaver. I was just supposed to report in if you headed back to Earth II before they found Stark. So, that’s it. That’s my grand sin. Now you can throw me off your ship, never to darken your door again, blah, blah, blah.”

  “Blah, blah, blah? They teach you that in tough-girl school?” He’d moved closer. Too close.

  “You stay away from me.” She drew a breath that became a dry sob, and then turned away, leaning into the hatch, and fumbling for the control. “I can’t do this anymore. You want me gone, I’ll leave. But I can’t—”

  His voice was suddenly in her ear, and his hands on her, warm and strong. “You’re not going anywhere, sweet fire. We got some unfinished business.”

  She heard something snap beside her ear, and turned her head. A pair of soft restraints dangled beside her, from one of his long fingers.

  “Oh, no,” she said, pulling at his grip. “For God’s sake, Tal. You’re not going to cuff me. I said I’d leave.” What would be next? Following through on his humiliating threat to send her naked from his ship?

  “Nah,” he said. “I thought maybe this time, you’d like to use them on me.”

  She couldn’t even process the strangeness of that offer.

  “You know, oddly enough,” she answered, “I don’t really feel like having sex right now.”

  He held onto her, managing despite her struggle to turn her to face him. “Oh. Then maybe you’d like to just rough me up for a while. Until you think I’ve paid enough for being such a stupid, suspicious fuckhead.”

  She gaped at him, and he grimaced. “Trying to say I’m sorry, Snake Eyes. Evidently I’m not doing such a great job.”


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