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Change Of Plans (New Adult BBW Romance)

Page 6

by Hunter, Adriana

  Stunned, she dropped down onto the bed. These clothes weren’t simply fancy evening attire; they were the clothes a brazen woman would wear, someone who was confident with men both inside and outside the bedroom. Clearly Brendan was expecting her to play the vixen tonight; but was she going to be able to pull it off? Part of her worried that she would look like a fool; that when she walked into whatever club or restaurant she was expected at tonight, that everyone would look at her and know that she didn’t belong in these clothes. That she wasn’t confident enough in her sexuality to wear them.

  Worse, she worried that Brendan would know, and that he would change his mind about wanting her.

  What the hell are you talking about? A voice in her head snapped. He’s the one who’s trying to woo you, not the other way around. If he looks at you tonight after you put on this getup and decides he doesn’t want you, that’s his problem, not yours. You sure as hell didn’t ask for him to chase you.

  Firming her shoulders, Callie stood up and took a good look at herself in the mirror. She was curvy, there was no doubt about it. So maybe she wasn’t vixen material, but that sure as hell didn’t mean she wasn’t good enough for Brendan. She’d put on Brendan’s outfit and own it, but on her terms. And if that wasn’t good enough, so be it.

  Stripping off her clothes, she headed for the shower. She didn’t have a lot of time, and damn if she wasn’t going to look perfect.

  * * *

  Brendan took another sip of wine and tried not to glance impatiently at his watch… again. He was sitting on a surprisingly comfortable wicker couch on the Sky Terrace at the Hudson Hotel, his feet propped up on a matching ottoman, staring up at moon that shone through the veranda roof overhead. Trying not to be worried about the fact that Callie was nearly fifteen minutes late, he looked out at the view, where he could see the Hudson River shimmering in the moonlight just beyond the New York City skyline. It was a breathtaking view, one of his favorites in the city, and he wanted to share it with Callie tonight.

  Did she not receive the invitation? he wondered. Or worse, just decided to ignore it? Maybe she was sitting at home right now, kicking her feet up on her own coffee table, maybe even enjoying pizza and a movie with a friend. Or maybe even another man.

  No, that didn’t seem right, he decided. His driver would have called to let him know if she’d refused to come. And there was no way she was seeing another man right now; not after she’d fucked him only a few days ago. His Callie just wasn’t that kind of girl. More than likely, she’d probably spent too much time getting ready, even though he’d taken the guesswork out of her wardrobe by picking her outfit for her tonight.

  Part of him relaxed at the thought. He liked the idea of Callie taking extra time to look nice for him, even if it meant he had to cool his heels a little longer. Oh man, he couldn’t wait to see her in that red dress. If she looked even half as good as he’d envisioned when he’d seen it in that 5th Avenue shop window…

  Click, click, click. The sound of stiletto heels on the white tile distracted him, and he looked over. “Brendan?” Callie’s sultry voice called out of the darkness.

  “Callie?” Rising, Brendan squinted his eyes, trying to figure out where she was; the lighting out here was dim, which provided great ambiance, but also made it hard to see approaching figures. A moment later her curvy silhouette appeared, and then she stepped into the warm, amber glow from the lights.

  His heart stopped, and for a moment, he could only stare. “God, you look great. So fucking beautiful.”

  “Is that right?” Callie’s smile was flirtatious, her lips painted the same red as the halter dress, which hugged her curvy body like a second skin. She stroked the teardrop ruby pendant resting between her breasts, and his mouth actually watered at the sight of those round globes, which her dress showed off to perfection. “Well, I did have a little help from the post man. He delivered a special package for me.”

  “Well I hope you found everything you needed in that package,” he said, closing the distance between them in just a few strides. He placed his hands on either side of her waist and ran them up and down her sides, enjoying the feel of her satin-covered hips beneath his palms.

  “Well, I have to say I’m finding things a little breezier than usual,” she admitted with an affectionate squeeze of his shoulder, “but I’m getting used to it.”

  “Oh yeah?” His blood pumped a little faster at the thought of her bare pussy exposed to the air, and he slid his hand lower toward the hem of her skirt.

  “Uh-uh.” She smacked his hand, effectively stopping him in his tracks. “I don’t believe you’ve earned that yet tonight.”

  Brendan grinned sheepishly, looking at Callie with newfound admiration. She was being more brazen, taking more control than he was used to, and it was really turning him on. “My apologies. Let me make it up to you, my lady.” Taking her by the hand, he pulled her beneath the canopy, leading her to the veranda railing, where a table for two had already been set.

  “Wow,” she said, looking around the veranda as he seated her. “This is like a cross between a boudoir and a secret garden.” He watched her sparkling eyes travel over the brick columns covered with ivy, the plethora of potted plants sculpted into artistic shapes and scattered between the furniture. The veranda was narrow in width, but it stretched all around the side of the hotel, with winding pathways leading from canopy to canopy. Their particular canopy was set up with a dining table, a couch, ottoman and lounge chair, and even a bed that was piled with decorative throws and pillows. “How come it’s so quiet?

  “Because we’re the only ones here.” Brendan lifted the silver covers off the dishes on the serving tray that had been left nearby, then carefully placed them on the table. “I hope you don’t mind lobster tail and steak.”

  Callie stared at him. “What do you mean, we’re the only ones here?” She looked around again, as if she was trying to scan the shadows for any potential people he might have overlooked. “Is this just an off night for the hotel?”

  Brendan laughed. “No. I just rented out the lounge and asked that the hotel staff stock the bar and bring our food early.” Reaching over the table, he took his hand in hers, stroking his thumb over the back of her hand. “I wanted us to be left alone.”

  “I see.” Callie sat back, wonder in her eyes as she looked around the veranda again. “You really know how to impress a woman.”

  “Well, the Giants did do a private concert for the owner’s son’s sixteenth birthday, so it wasn’t exactly hard to twist his arm over this.” Brendan winked, then picked up his fork and steak knife. “Try the lobster tail. He told me it’s the best in the city.”

  They ate in companionable silence for a few moments, Brendan enjoying his meal as much as he enjoyed watching Callie eat. She cut her meat with an almost-surgeon like precision, steady and careful, and then slowly lifted each bite to her ruby red mouth before catching it between her perfect white teeth. Every so often he’d catch a flash of pink tongue as she licked a drop of meat juice from her lips, and sometimes a small moan would escape from her lips as she enjoyed what must have been a particularly succulent bite of meat.

  Jesus, he thought, shifting to try and accommodate his growing erection. Who knew watching a woman eat could be such an erotic experience?

  “The Indians,” Callie said.


  “The Indians,” she repeated, a wicked sparkle in her eyes that told him she knew exactly what he’d been thinking – shit, he’d probably said it out loud. “Sex was a true art form for them, one where they carefully considered and planned each step of their seduction. Before a seduction, a man might order special foods brought up to his room that were aphrodisiacs, that he and his lover would feed to each other in preparation for their tryst.”

  “Well damn,” he muttered. “Didn’t know beef was such a turn on.”

  Callie winked. “It’s the rib-eye, specifically.”

  Brendan gaped. “Are you serious?”
He would have to start stocking his freezer with this stuff, 24/7.

  She laughed. “No, I’m just teasing you.”

  Brendan just shook his head, hardly able to believe he’d fallen for that one. “How do you know this stuff, anyway?”

  Callie shrugged one perfect, bare shoulder in response. “College,” she said, offering her profile to him as she admired the view. “From one of my anthropology classes. Cultural anthropology, I think. My professor really liked to discuss sexual customs amongst different cultures.”

  “Mmm.” He took her hand in his again. “Then you must have something of an education in the area.” This stuff was all news to him; he didn’t know Callie had much depth of knowledge in sexual practices, since their sex had always been so vanilla in the past.

  “I… suppose I do,” she hedged. “Though it’s mostly anecdotal rather than from experience.” Smiling, she changed the subject. “Dinner was delicious. I’d really like to stretch my legs for a bit and explore this little outdoor oasis. Can we walk around?”

  “Of course.” Standing, Brendan helped Callie out of her seat, then made sure her wrap was securely fastened around her shoulders. The outdoor area was kept fairly warm with the aid of heat lamps, but it was still just chilly enough that he wanted to make sure she had the extra layer. “Right this way.”

  Tucking her arm into the crook of his elbow, he led her down the winding path, taking it slow, letting her explore what was beneath each canopy area. Some of them had beds like theirs, others chaise lounges, and there were a few that even had fire pits. The path led them to the bar, which stood unmanned but fully stocked, and he went behind the counter to mix them some drinks.

  “I didn’t know you could mix drinks.” Callie leaned an elbow on the table, offering him a mouth-watering view of her cleavage as her bust hung forward. Brendan found himself wishing the dress were a little looser; if it didn’t hold her breasts so firmly in place they might have actually spilled out.

  “I learned a few things during my music career that were a little beyond my required skill set.” He set her sunshine margarita on the table in front of her, then fished a bottle of Guinness out from beneath the counter for himself. “Comes in handy sometimes.”

  “I’ll say.” She picked up the glass, then took a cautious sip. Her eyes widened. “It’s good!”

  “Did you have any doubts?” Grinning, he took a long pull on his beer, then tucked her arm in his again so they could continue their little tour.

  “It was more like I was reserving judgment,” she teased. Her eyes lit up as they approached the next canopy. “Ooooh… is that a hammock?”

  “It is.” Brendan guided her into the enclosure, where a large, lace-trimmed hammock swung gently in the breeze between two of the columns. Two green and white pillows and a matching blanket rested inside. “Would you like to try it out?”

  “Hell yes!” Callie nearly squealed, eagerly tugging off her shoes. Setting her drink on a nearby table, she trotted barefoot across the tile and flopped herself down into it with a child-like enthusiasm that was uncharacteristic of her. Instantly she started swinging, giggles escaping from her mouth. “I haven’t done this since I was a little kid.”

  Brendan chuckled. “I can see that. Now quit hogging it.” Stepping forward, he caught her on the upswing, grabbing the fabric of the hammock and using it to pull her flush against him. “My turn,” he murmured, ducking his head to capture her lips.

  A small sigh escaped her as he kissed her slowly, his mouth gently moving against hers as he enjoyed the texture of her full lips against his. He only meant for it to be a quick kiss, but she felt so good pressed up against him, her breasts crushed against his chest, her delicate hands on his shoulders, that he found himself sliding his tongue beneath her lips to taste her. She opened her mouth eagerly, catching his tongue between her teeth and then suckling. He growled involuntarily, sliding his hands around to cup her ass through her tight little red dress.

  “You taste so sweet,” he rasped against her mouth.

  “Mmm.” Tugging at the lapels of his jacket, she drew him down onto the hammock with her. Sandwiched together, their bodies pressed impossibly close, he cupped her face in his hands and kissed her again. This time the kiss was more consuming, more urgent as he tangled his tongue with hers, savoring the sweetness of her mouth as her fragrance filled the air around them. He felt her hands at his shirt, undoing the buttons, and then they were on his bare flesh, gliding over his muscles and sending ripples of pleasure through him.

  “You feel so good,” she murmured, her hands traveling lower toward his belt buckle. He sucked in a breath, sensing her intentions, but her fingers only hovered there, hesitating.

  “Callie,” he murmured, “you don’t need to be afraid. There’s no one here.”

  “I know.” She sighed. “It’s just… I’m self-conscious.”

  Sitting up a little, he brushed his knuckles against her cheek, wanting to soothe her. “Do you know why I picked this place for our date?”

  “Because it’s beautiful?”

  “Yes,” he said softly, “but not just that. I remember how you were back in Central Park, how you were entranced at the same time at the prospect of us making love in the gazebo.”

  “I wasn’t – ”

  “Shh.” He pressed a finger to her lips. “I know you wanted to do it. That you were scared, but also excited at the idea of us making love in a public place.” He swept his arm out, gesturing to the space around them. “Well, that’s what this is. It’s technically public, and full of charm and greenery just like the park, except that I made it private by renting it out to ourselves. We can do whatever we want up here, and as long as we stay beneath the canopies, no one will really see us.”

  Callie’s eyes softened. “Oh, Brendan.” She nuzzled him. “You didn’t have to do this for me.”

  “But I wanted to.” He nipped her nose gently. “I want you to explore your wild side, to indulge in your fantasies and desires with me.” He stroked his palm along her side, savoring the dips and valleys of her curvy figure. “Come now. There’s nothing to fear.”

  She was silent for a long moment before she nodded. “Can we move to one of the beds, though? I don’t want to accidentally fall out of this thing,” she admitted with a sheepish grin. “Or have it collapse beneath us.”

  Scrambling out of the hammock, they collected their shoes and made for one of the other canopies, turning it into a race. Laughing and breathless, Brendan was ahead when Callie leaped at his back, tackling him onto the bed. Giggles filled the air as they rolled around amongst the pillows and blankets, tugging at one another’s clothes. Brendan lost his jacket, and Callie’s dress ended up pulled down to her waist, revealing her beautiful breasts to the moonlight.

  “I see you wore the pasties,” he observed with a grin, tracing the heart-shaped outline against her breast. She shivered in response, and he eased his teeth beneath the edge of the silicone, pulling it off to expose her nipple to the cool night air.

  “I figured I was supposed to, since you put them in the box,” she said, the last word ending on a gasp as he flicked his tongue against her nipple. Pulling her on top of him so that her breasts hung down in front of his face, he lapped at her taut buds, whipping her into a frenzy – she’d always been so sensitive there. Her gasps soon turned to moans as she started grinding herself against his cock, seeking release, and then he remembered the crotchless panties he knew she was wearing underneath.

  “Turn around,” he commanded, his hoarse tone nearly unrecognizable. “I want to see your sweet ass.”

  Shooting him a smile so sexy it ought to be illegal, she did as he commanded, pushing her dress up to bare her practically naked ass to him. Squeezing her cheeks, he groaned as she undid his pants and took him into her mouth, nearly seeing stars. Nudging her legs wider, he lapped at her pussy, relishing the way her juices dripped so readily onto his tongue – she was so wet, so ready. His tongue found her clit, and he felt h
er entire body convulse as he started circling around the tight little knot. Her muffled groans egged him on as she continued to suck him, and he pushed her up a little higher, then sucked on her clit.

  Legs trembling, she let out a muffled scream as she came, her juices gushing out from her pussy all over his face, and he eagerly lapped up every drop, reveling in the satisfaction of bringing her pleasure. Stroking her ass, he waited patiently as she came, encouraging her with soft strokes of his tongue. Eventually her tremors died down, and she collapsed against him, her head resting against his thigh.

  “Brendan?” she whispered after a moment.


  “I want you to fuck me from behind.” Climbing off him, she stripped her dress off, revealing her naked body in all its full glory. Then she got down on all fours and glanced at him over her shoulder, a shy, but still incredibly sexy smile on her face. “And… and I want you to play with my ass.”

  “Yeah?” his eyes lit up at the prospect. It definitely wasn’t the kinkiest request he’d ever gotten from a woman, but for Callie, it was huge.

  “Yes.” She bit down on her already swollen lower lip. “I… I’ve never done it before, but I’ve always wanted to try it. I think I’d like it.” She shook her ass a little bit, the creamy mounds jiggling a little in the moonlight, and impossibly, his cock grew even harder.

  “I’ll make you like it,” he growled, stripping off the rest of his clothing. Getting onto his knees, he joined her on the other side of the bed, settling his hands on her hips. Leaning over, he pressed soft kisses along the length of her spine, enjoying the little shivers beneath his lips. He made his way down to the base of her spine, then her ass, before lifting his head and positioning himself at her entrance. “Are you ready?” he asked, sliding his hand between her legs to toy with her clit. She was still wet, still dripping, but he had to ask.


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