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Page 9

by Laura Lovecraft

  Bill fell back onto the pillows with a strangled moan. Nothing could have prepared him for the exquisite sensations she was arousing him. And I thought Cassidy was good in bed, he thought with a smile. Her motions were slow and gentle, teasing him until he wanted to throw her on her back and rut with her, mindless as a stallion and his mare.

  Even as the thought crossed his mind, he heard her breath catch. Looking up at her he could see her face bright with excitement and feel her fingers tremble on his chest.

  “Would you do that, Bill? Take me like an animal, thrusting hard into me, make me scream like a wanton?” Her strokes sped on his cock and she bent over him, kissing him roughly, sharp teeth nibbling on his lips.

  Catching her mood, he gripped the firm curves of her ass in his hands, nails scoring the pale flesh. She moaned into his mouth as he clutched her, and the motion of her hips stopped, the head of his cock poised at her gateway.

  “Tell me,” she said, her eyes intent on his.

  Somehow, without asking, he knew what she wanted. He spoke with all the love in his heart.

  “I love you, Snow Maid. I have loved you since I first met you. I am yours.”

  With a sigh, she kissed him. Slowly, how slowly, she opened her innermost self to him. Her nether lips parted and his cock slowly slipped into her tight silky depths, their heated flesh finally joining. She paused for a moment, then knelt up on the bed, splendid in her beauty. Her hips rose, and he marveled at the sight of his cock sliding in and out of her folds.

  Polina drove toward her orgasm, as confident in her journey as a migrating bird. Below her, Bill's hands and tongue and lips danced on her skin, awakening sensations in her flesh she had thought gone and lost forever. He was back at her breasts, now, and she smiled as he nursed at her nipple. His free hand squeezed the other nipple, and she gasped as her inner muscles clamped down on him.

  Eyes wide, she looked down on him. “Do that again,” she asked.

  His fingers tightened on her nipple, and she groaned ecstatically as a surge of delicious pleasure lanced from her breast to her innermost core. She fell across his chest, kissing his face frantically as his hands continued to pleasure her heaving orbs. Polina rose and fell on his shaft, hips pumping lewdly, as the feeling in her belly tightened and tightened and tightened and…

  High One!

  Her climax hit her like a wave, thunderous and prolonged. Her inner muscles rippled with release and her breasts heaved as she screamed her ecstasy to the heavens. Tears of joy streaming down her face, she watched as Bill's face changed, looking inward toward where his own pleasure lay. Slowly she picked up the rhythm of their lovemaking again, rejoicing as she felt the muscles of his cock twitch and spasm, pumping into her, flooding the walls of her womb with his seed.


  “You gave me my life back,” she said softly, as they lay entwined in the aftermath of their coupling. Her head was on his shoulder, and his hand was stroking her hair and back, making her shudder in sensual pleasure.

  “You gave me mine,” he replied. He kissed the top of her head. “You can read minds?” he asked.

  “What? Oh, that,” she said, dimpling as she remembered her reaction to his passion. “Sometimes, yes. If I wish. Not usually. Only if the emotions are very strong and the mind was open. Which yours was,” she said, kissing his nipple, tongue stroking the sensitive bud. She rolled onto her side and placed a cold hand on his thigh.

  “Snow Maid,” he said, laughing softly. “You act like no maid I have ever heard of.”

  “The term doesn’t quite translate properly into your language,” she said, hand rising to cuddle his cock. “Are you familiar with the legend of the Triple Goddess?”

  Bill nodded. “Maid, Mother, and Crone,” he said. “I studied it in a folklore class when I was in school.”

  “Well, my creators had their own interpretation of that legend. Mother and Grandmother are obviously the Mother and the Crone. But the Maid,” she said with a twinkle in her eye, “is not quite the virginal maiden other peoples tell of. The Maid could be better described as an unmarried, sexually active young woman of child-bearing years. But that doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue, does it? When they made me with their faith, they imagined a young woman like many they knew in their own tribes; blond-haired and blue eyed, small but strong, merry and serious by turns, and with a lusty capacity for sex that would make any man who was lucky enough to win her the envy of his fellows.

  “Of course, they idealized me as well. More beautiful than any woman they had seen; more power than they had, poor, simple things; and with a sex drive that was almost frightening in its intensity.”

  “So that is why you ran from me last night,” Bill said, understanding now.

  Polina nodded. “When the Snow Maid rose up inside me, after so many years…” she trailed off and shifted languidly, nipples peaking with arousal, blatantly sensual. “By the High One! It was like having lived in a dark room for decades, and then being brought into the light. If I hadn’t run, I would have raped you then and there.”

  “I might have enjoyed that,” Bill said with a smirk.

  “I would not have,” replied Polina firmly. “We were friends then, but our relationship was not between equals. How could it be, when I am so much more powerful than you? To take what I wanted, without asking, without respecting your wishes? That would be a terrible betrayal.

  “And there is self-preservation at stake. If I had hurt you, or frightened you, or caused you to turn away from me in anger and hate? How long would I last as the Snow Maid if the power of your faith was stripped from me? So in that way, my love, you have a dreadful power over me as well.

  “Truth be told, Mother Snegurochka enjoys sex as much as any woman alive. How not, when she has born so many children? But the feeling when she was…subsumed was indescribable. Frightening. What had happened in a week as I transitioned from Grandmother to Mother was accomplished in an instant. The Mother was gone and the Snow Maid was in her place.”

  “What was it like?” Bill asked. “You told me earlier that you are not three separate personalities, but one. But that as you grew younger different parts of your personality grew stronger or weaker.”

  Polina wrinkled her brow, searching for the right term. “It was like…like finding a book you thought had been long lost, but as soon as you saw it, you remembered every word within. Like a prisoner being released from a cell in my mind, rampaging through my brain, and taking up the reins of my will.” She slid her hand from his groin to his shoulder, a long lingering caress which made him shudder with pleasure. “I was no longer Mother Snegurochka. I was the Snow Maid.

  “But she is not gone, Bill,” she said, noticing his look of dismay. “She is merely subsumed. She did not die. When we need her, she will give me her strength. And when we need Grandmother’s wisdom, it will be there for us.

  “If it makes you easier, think of us as three women sharing one body, two of whom are in deep slumber, but who may be roused if need demands it.”

  “And what should I call you?” Bill said, laying his hand over hers. “Snow Maid seems a little awkward.”

  “I am Polina,” she said firmly, raising her face to his and kissing him deeply. “Always and forever Polina. And you are my love.”

  Their kiss deepened, and by some magic Bill found himself on top of Polina as her hands stroked his sides and flanks. His cock, which had been hanging limp only moments before, stiffened in an instant as Polina rubbed it with the soft firm flesh of her thigh.

  He propped himself above her on his elbows, smiling down at her beloved face. A thought struck him, and he withdrew for an instant. Before she could voice her protest, he had turned her over on her back and his mouth was dropping kisses on the sensitive flesh of her buttocks. She squealed with glee and canted her hips higher to allow him easier access as he spread her thighs and licked at her delicate folds. Finding the angle awkward, he turned her over yet again, a
nd heard a hiss of exasperation.

  “Choose a side, child. I am not a rug, to be tossed to and fro!”

  “Really, love? You may change your mind when you see what I have to offer.” He bent his head to the junction of her thighs and dove into the sweet flesh of her vulva.

  He shuddered as he tasted her nectar for the first time, the warm, salty tang of her innermost fluid contrasting strangely with the cold flesh of her lips. Above him she gasped, hips rolling, yearning towards him as his tongue dove down into her depths, then licked up wickedly, sweeping the full length of her slit in one long stroke. Her petals opened under his questing mouth, shyly unfurling in answer to an unspoken question, and his tongue aimed itself unerringly at her bud.

  His tongue circled it hesitantly, teasing her, until her hips thrust up into his face and she voiced hoarse commands, demanding that he pleasure her. Smiling broadly, he bid his tongue dance upon her sensitive clit, lips pulling and suckling at her button until her hands were locked on his scalp, her heels beating a frantic tattoo on his back.

  Suddenly she arched upward, her panting voice lost in a keening wail as she thrashed beneath him, trembling with the force with her release.

  Quick as a flash he had turned her back over onto her chest. His hands slid under her belly, reaching up to cup her breasts, fondling her as he split her sheath with one sure plunge.

  If she thought that she had known pleasure before, it was nothing compared to this. He spread her thighs wide, the hard muscles of his belly slapping into the firm flesh of her ass as he thrust into her. Still trembling with the aftermath of her first orgasm, she was stunned to find herself approaching a second within moments.

  “Oh, by the High One,” she moaned. “What are you doing to me?”

  “Exactly what you want,” he said, hands busy on her magnificent breasts, fingers pulling her nipples until they were rigid. “I am taking you like a stallion takes a mare.”

  Even in the throes of her passion, she giggled like the young woman she so resembled. “Stallions don't have hands, and you...oh!”

  Dipping his head, he plunged into her, hips bucking as his restraint gave way at last and he drove toward his own climax. His lips, gentler than the rest of him, caressed her shoulders and neck, and then her cheek and lips as she turned her head to meet his. Overcome by passion, love, and desire, he lost control and thrust mindlessly, the thick length of his cock plunging into her innermost core.

  Polina gasped, her muscles aching, clenching, spasming, gripping his member as her release bore down upon her. At the same time, Bill felt his cock stiffen and grow, rigid with lust.

  Their orgasms hit them at once, a thundering crescendo of pleasure, and Bill shouted hoarsely as he felt his cock pump Polina full of his essence. At the same time, she writhed in his grasp, shaking as the force of her climax swept over her, leaving her limp and boneless with joy.

  He collapsed on her back, then slowly slid off, overcome by the rapture that their lovemaking had brought upon them. Her eyes were bright and her lips curled in a smile.

  “Thank you,” he said, kissing her softly.

  “Thank you.” she said, returning it. She sighed and closed her eyes, snuggling into his embrace. With one arm he brought up the blankets to cover them, closed his eyes, and wished the lights off.

  They were both asleep within moments.


  Polina woke before Bill did, her head pillowed on his shoulder, brown hair tickling her nose. Safe within the circle of his arms, she studied his face. The marks of his terrible journey had been erased, the raw red skin of windburn healed, and the gaunt angles of his body slowly filling out with good food and rest.

  Stretching sensuously, she reveled in his warmth, so different from her body's eternal chill. Almost without thinking, one hand crept down to cradle his cock, softly teasing, breath quickening as it stirred and filled her hand.

  A quick glance told her that he was still asleep. Moving quietly, she pulled the blankets off them, so that his small lean body was completely exposed to her view. She leaned over his shaft, and gave it a soft lick, enjoying the taste, reminiscent of their love-making the previous night.

  Her lips and tongue danced on him, encouraging his growth, until he was hard under her touch. With a wide smile, she opened her mouth and let the first portion of his manhood slip between her lips, humming happily as his heated flesh invaded her mouth. Her head bobbed gently as her lips stroked him, tongue softly licking the bulbous head, wickedly grazing the so-sensitive slit from whence his seed came.

  The thought set up an echo in her mind. A child? The idea made her womb spasm longingly, and Mother Snegurochka blinked awake for a moment. Although legend said that the Mother had many children, Polina had found that to be true only in the abstract, and had never borne a child of her own.

  I would though, with him, she thought. For him I would dare anything. A girl-child with my face and his sweet temper? Or maybe a little boy with his dark eyes and my pale skin?

  A moan from above cut off her thoughts. Bill stirred, blinked, and woke, taking in the scene with a startled smile.

  “Good morning, Snow Maid. I was going to ask you what you would like for breakfast, but it seems that you have found something to eat already.”

  Polina giggled as she let Bill's phallus slip out of her mouth. Her hand caught it and pumped it gently in one spit-slickened fist.. “Wicked boy. Yes, I found something to my liking. But it would be rude for me to dine alone.” She turned on the bed and crouched. Taking the hint, he wiggled down the bed to meet her until she could lower her cleft to his face. Bending down once more, she took his throbbing head back into her, the tips of her breasts brushing the trembling skin of his belly.

  From behind her, she heard him say, “I'll try, but I was never terribly good at this. Working upside down, I mean.”

  She smiled around his cock, tongue circling the glans. “Just do your best, darling. You have plenty of time to learn. And I'm afraid I'm not getting out of this bed until you have made me come.”

  “Wonderful,” he breathed happily, and drew her down to him again. She felt his tongue hesitantly touch her folds, and moved slightly, opening the way for him, shuddering with pleasure as he traced a path back and forth among the creases of her sex. At the same time, he grasped her breasts and fondled them lovingly, fingertips softly teasing her nipples until they stiffened, twin testaments to her desire.

  Polina kissed his shaft, taking it into her mouth, making love to his hot length. Her fingers tickled his testes, marveling at the way they drew up in the hairy sac of his scrotum. She wet a finger and ran it from his sack down the cleft of his cheeks, taking pleasure as he moaned and twisted under her.

  There! At last he had found the spot he sought, and her guttural moan of bliss proved that he was where she desired him. Lapping with his tongue, he fought for control as her head bobbed more urgently on his pole.

  Too soon, God, it is too soon. “Polina, I...ohhh!!” he gasped as he lost his battle and his cock spurted into her mouth. He heard her moan happily as he filled her with his essence. Even through his spasms, her mouth continued its joyful work, and he clutched the mattress in his hands and shook as his sensitized body learned the true meaning of pleasure.

  At last he was done, and she let his limp cock fall out of her mouth, striking his thigh with an obscene slap. She looked over one shoulder at him, golden hair framing her face. The slightest trace of semen dotted one lip as she swallowed. She raised her eyebrows at his stunned expression and wiggled her hips in reminder.

  “Your meal isn't finished, child. Clean up your plate, or there is no desert for you.”

  Bill laughed and raised his head again, mouth unerringly finding her bud of pleasure, hands reaching up to cup her breasts in loving hands. She sighed in his grasp.

  “You really do love my titties, don't you, Bill?” she asked. Mouth filled, he grunted assent. “I love them too. But especi
ally when you play with them. Your hands are so soft, but they make me burn inside.” One of her hands cupped a breast, joining his, tweaking the erect nipple. The other stole down to her mons, flat palm pushing urgently at the rise of her pubis.

  Her orgasm came upon her, slow and sure and inevitable. Her hips rolled back and forth under the loving strokes of Bill's tongue, thrusting gently as he found her clit and pulled it between his lips, the tip of his tongue flicking the bud. Her nipples caught fire, her hands reached down and locked around Bill's legs as she whimpered and shook, thighs and belly shaking under the force of her climax, her ears full of Bill's words, telling her how beautiful she was, how much he loved her.

  She staggered out of bed and looked at herself in the mirror. Her hair was a tangled rats-nest, her face flushed, wide eyes dilated with passion. She was smeared with the traces of their lovemaking from her hips to her belly to her groin, and her pubic thatch was matted to her skin by the sticky residue of both of their bodies.

  Absolutely wonderful. She grinned at her reflection and turned to her lover.

  “Now that we've eaten, let's have breakfast.”


  The next several weeks were the happiest of Polina's life. Drawn out of her gray, miserable existence, she gave herself to her lover with happy abandon. Appetites which she thought had been dulled or lost forever surged back into her body, and Bill indulged her every request, seemingly as happy as she.

  Not all of their time was spent exploring the delights of carnal knowledge. There were still chores to do; water to haul and wood to cut; meals to prepare and dishes to wash; floors to clean and windows to scrub, as she refused to surrender to the temptation to let her power do all their tasks for them. It did one no good at all, she said, to sit around idle when there was a task that needed doing. And as Bill noted one afternoon while they cleaned cobwebs from the corners, the anticipation that built throughout a days' hard work gave extra zest to their periods of passionate, mind-bending sex.


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