Edge of Awareness

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Edge of Awareness Page 17

by C. A. Popovich

  “I’m yours to undress.”

  Maria slowly pulled Dana’s jeans from her hips. Her skin was smooth and soft, and so much sexier than anyone she’d ever been with before. How could she not have known? Being with Dana felt like discovering herself. She was thinner than Maria, but not skinny. She tossed aside Dana’s jeans and slid her hands along the inside of her thighs. The warm skin felt like velvet under her fingers. She felt the muscles tense and heard Dana’s swift intake of breath as she reveled in the softness of Dana’s skin.

  She slid her fingers across her belly and under the waistband of Dana’s briefs. She caressed the curves of her breasts and watched in awe as her nipple puckered when she circled it with her finger.

  “Is this what you like?”

  Dana arched her back, pushed against her, and at the same time grasped her hand and pulled it tightly to her breast. “Yes. God, yes.”

  “What shall I do, sweetheart?” Maria was finding it hard to breathe. Dana’s raw need and trusting abandon were creating a nearly unbearable tension and waves of heat coursing to her center.

  “Flick it with your tongue.”

  Maria did, and then gently sucked on it like she remembered Dana had done to her. That sensation had shot straight to her clit, and she hoped it would be the same for Dana. She’d never before wanted so desperately to please someone. With her lips still on Dana’s nipple, she placed her hand flat against Dana’s chest and slowly inched her fingers toward her abdomen.

  She reached the waistband of Dana’s briefs again, but this time she didn’t stop. She needed to feel Dana’s heat. She needed to feel the wetness that was Dana’s gift to her. She moved her trembling hand further down Dana’s abdomen and ran her fingers through her soft pubic hair. Dana arched her hips, her hands fisting the sheets, her moans leaving Maria dizzy with her own excitement.

  She circled Dana’s hardening clit with her finger, mimicking what she’d learned while touching herself. She squeezed, then circled some more, then pressed just below her clitoris. Dana’s moans and the scent of her arousal had Maria on the edge of her own orgasm. She fought to hold back, but when Dana grabbed her hand and pushed her finger inside her, she pressed herself against Dana’s hip and they spilled over together. She held Dana until their breathing settled and she could speak. “Take my jeans off now. Please hurry.”

  Dana quickly slid off her briefs, then Maria’s jeans and panties, and pulled her into a searing kiss. The first touch of Dana’s hand sent tremors up Maria’s spine. Her orgasm began as a tingling deep in her belly and radiated across her thighs and through her body. Dana slid her fingers around her wetness just as Maria reached to feel Dana.

  “Oh God!” Dana pushed against her hand and writhed under her. She grabbed Maria’s hand to stop her. “I’m going to come again in about two seconds if you keep that up.”

  Maria was captivated. “Is that a bad thing?”

  “I want to go slow. I want you to enjoy this. I love how your body responds.”

  Maria stopped her own roaming fingers. Dana didn’t stop running her fingers around Maria’s clit, and when she probed her opening with one finger, she soared over the edge. Her orgasm surged and raced through her as she cried out in ecstasy.

  “I can’t seem to get enough of you. This is so much better than doing it without you.”

  “Without me?”

  “Yeah. I’ve been practicing on my own. You know. Touching myself to see how it feels. It’s much more fun touching you. I nearly came again when your contractions squeezed around my finger. It’s amazing.”

  “You’re amazing, baby.” Dana stroked her cheek as she leaned over her. “I have to have one more kiss, and then we probably should get up and take Frankie out. What time do you have to leave for church?”

  “Oh, no! What time is it?” Maria half sat up to look for the clock.

  “It’s seven thirty.”

  “Whew. Good. We’ve been making love for an hour and a half?”

  “Yep. Had enough?”

  “Not hardly.” Maria kissed her hard. “So far, I’ve relied on my practice to guide me. Now I want to start on my fantasies.”

  “Anything I can do to help, baby. Anything at all.”


  Maria rolled over and stretched before acknowledging Frankie’s frantic whines. “Okay. Let’s go outside.” She gently kissed Dana’s bare shoulder and pulled the covers up over her sleeping lover before stepping out of bed.

  She walked Frankie to his usual potty stop, which took them past Maria’s parking spot. They were nearly to their destination when Maria glanced at her car and recoiled. MINE BITCH! was spray-painted in red across the whole driver’s side. “Damn. My new car.” Her anger was instantly replaced with fear as she glanced around the lot and building. Seeing no one around, she dashed back inside.

  Maria rushed through the front door and saw Dana coming out of the bathroom.

  “Good morning, baby,” Dana said. “I woke up and missed you.” She went to Maria and wrapped her arms around her waist. “Is something wrong?”

  “I think Leanne was here last night. Come on.” Maria took Dana’s hand and led her out to show her the damage.

  “I can’t believe she’d do this.” Dana walked around the car, raking her hand through her hair. “I wish there were a way to prove it was her. I doubt the police could do anything. Maybe we should file a report anyway.”

  Maria sighed and stepped into Dana’s arms. She needed to feel her strength. “I’m getting worried now. She might really be dangerous.”

  Dana wrapped her arm around Maria and led her back into the building.

  Chapter Twenty-two

  The choir room was cold when Maria arrived, but the leftover heat from their lovemaking cocooned her in comfort. Lovemaking. She contemplated what that meant. Amazement, wonder, disbelief, and surprisingly, acceptance. She hadn’t expected to be struck down by lightning, but she’d thought she would experience some sort of uneasiness. She considered her worry at not feeling any distress. Her biggest fear seemed to be that she didn’t fear it. Being with Dana was the most natural thing she’d ever experienced. Nothing that beautiful, natural, and loving, could possibly be against God’s will. She believed her father was correct when he told her that whom we love isn’t as important as the capacity to love. She wanted more than just the physical that they’d explored. She wanted to spend time with her and share memories with her. She wanted to know what she liked to do in her spare time, if she liked to read, her hopes and dreams for the future. What that meant was scary for her to consider, but she’d never shied away from fear before. God knew their hearts, and she’d follow wherever her heart led her. Maria felt at peace with her decision to be with Dana. She wasn’t so peaceful about what would happen with Leanne, however. They’d filed a police report about the car, but they couldn’t prove that Leanne had done it, so there wasn’t much the police were willing to do. She studied the hymnal she knew by heart to prepare for the service and to put the disturbed woman out of her mind.


  “Hey, kids. You aren’t going to believe this.” Dana turned the light on her fish tank and set up her coffeepot to give them time to wake up before feeding them. “I slept with Maria last night. It was the most remarkable night of my life.”

  Dana had considered going to church with Maria, but all she had were the clothes she’d worn dancing the night before, and she was tired from their marathon of lovemaking. Dana made herself bacon and eggs and relaxed with her coffee. She’d drive to Port Huron after the service. Maybe Maria would like to go to watch the freighters. She could tell her life was going to change. For now, maybe for longer. She liked the thought of that.

  She went next door to her mother’s place.

  “Hey, Mom. Are you up?” Dana knew her mother got up at the crack of dawn every morning, but she didn’t want to disturb her.

  “Come on in, honey. I told Poppy I’d be at the service today and I’m running late. Are you going by
any chance?” Her mother looked hopeful until she saw Dana’s rumpled shirt and jeans.

  “I hadn’t planned on it.”

  “You went out last night didn’t you? I know I didn’t see your car here before I went to bed.”

  “Yes. I went out last night.” There was no reason not to tell her mother that she’d been on a date with Maria. Her mother liked her, and Dana felt like shouting it from the rooftops.

  “Why don’t you come to church with me? I know Maria would love to see you. I think she’d make a good friend. She’s a straight woman, isn’t she?”

  The question of the day, Dana thought. “Actually, Mom, she’s who I went out with last night. We went on a date.”

  “I guess she’s not a straight woman after all. I’m happy for you, honey. She’s very sweet.” Her mother hesitated, looking like she wanted to say more, but remained quiet.

  “Give me a few minutes to clean up and I’ll come with you.” Dana took a quick shower and put on some clean clothes before meeting her mother outside.

  “I’m glad you’re coming with me. You drive faster than I do. Maybe we’ll make it in time.”

  They pulled into the church parking lot just as the service began. Dana could hear the organ playing the opening hymn and the congregation singing. They slipped into the back pew, and Dana’s knees nearly buckled when Maria looked right at her and beamed.

  “You okay, Dana?” Her mother bumped into her as she stood frozen by longing. Memories of every touch, every sound, and every scent of their lovemaking rushed through Dana, and she plunked down on the seat.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. I just…” Maria was grinning at her, and she was sure everyone in the congregation knew what they’d done last night.

  “If you don’t feel well we don’t have to stay.” Her mother looked concerned, and Dana pulled herself together.

  “No. I’m okay, Mom.”

  Dana looked everywhere but at Maria, who stood in the middle of the first row of the choir. Dana braved a glance at her and saw the blush creep up her cheeks. Was she remembering too?

  “Let’s say hello to Poppy.” After the service, her mother pulled Dana through the crowd to where Poppy was standing talking to a few people.

  “Lucy.” He did that hand-kissing thing again, but this time her mother leaned in and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. His grin indicated his pleasure at the response. “And, Dana. I’m glad you could make it today. Do you have time to stop for brunch again?” He hadn’t taken his eyes off her mother except for a brief glance at Dana.

  “Dana? Could we?”

  “Of course. It sounds lovely, thank you.” Dana’s thoughts were on Maria. What was she doing this afternoon?

  “I’ve invited the choir this week too. They’ve been working so hard and doing such a good job that I wanted to thank them.”

  Dana relaxed. She was going to spend some time with Maria after all. Alone would be preferable, but this would work. For now.


  Maria waved to Dana and Lucy as they left the church and mouthed, see you soon. She’d hoped to have time alone with Dana after church, but it was such a nice gesture on Poppy’s part to invite the whole choir for his fast-becoming renowned omelets that she couldn’t decline, and she was sure Dana and Lucy would be there. She’d been busy talking to the other choir members when Dana signaled they were leaving, and although she was sorry she wouldn’t be riding with them, she knew she’d see them there later. She idly wondered if this craving, the constant wanting, whenever she thought of Dana would end. And did Dana feel the same way? She put her music and hymnal away and hung up her choir robe before heading to her car.

  “I told you to leave her alone. She’s mine.”

  Maria recognized the voice, but it took a moment to register. She never would have expected Leanne to show up here. She tried to move away from her without appearing frightened.

  “I saw you two schmoozing at the bar last night. I waited all night for Dana and then she shows up with you.”

  Maria’s nervousness must have shown because Leanne leaned close to her and sneered. “Scared, bitch? You should be.” Leanne turned her head side to side as if looking for someone, then grabbed Maria’s wrist and twisted her arm behind her back. Leanne was surprisingly strong, and Maria’s nervousness ratcheted up to fear. The parking lot was empty except for one lone red convertible at the back, probably Leanne’s, and her own defaced little wagon.

  “What is it you want, Leanne?” Maria’s arm was beginning to ache.

  “Shut up. I don’t want anything from you except to leave Dana alone. It seems you’re not able to do that. In fact, I bet you fucked her last night, didn’t you?” Leanne pushed Maria toward the back of the building into a shaded area behind the church’s Dumpster and shoved her against the metal bin. Maria turned her head just in time to prevent her nose from being smashed. She could smell the garbage piled inside, and her cheek was cold where it pressed against the steel. Nervous perspiration tricked between her breasts, and she scrambled to remember something, anything, she’d learned in the one self-defense class she’d taken. “I’ll have to do something about that lovely face of yours, won’t I? Dana won’t want you then. Nobody will, bitch!” Leanne yanked Maria’s arm higher up her back.

  Maria’s mind raced. Everyone had left after the service, but she knew the janitor was due soon. She had to keep this deranged woman occupied until he arrived.

  “Maybe there’s someone else you can find who’ll appreciate your devotion, Leanne.”

  “I am devoted.” Leanne’s voice faltered for a second. “And Dana is who I want. We’re meant for each other, and I’m not losing her.”

  Leanne leaned against Maria, trapping her arm between them and smashing Maria’s breasts against the container.

  “There were quite a few good-looking women at that bar, Leanne.” Maria shifted her feet to try to relieve the discomfort.

  “Stand still.” Maria couldn’t see Leanne’s face, but she shivered at the growl she heard and the force she used to pin Maria in place.

  “Maybe one of them would appreciate you more than Dana does,” Maria said. Her voice quivered. “It sounds like Dana doesn’t appreciate how much she means to you.”

  Leanne’s growling stopped and her body stiffened behind Maria, but her grip on her wrist remained strong. Maria kept talking, desperately hoping that janitor would show up soon. “I understand that you’re angry about Dana going out with me, but there are so many other deserving women who would appreciate, and return, your love.”

  “It’s Dana I want. We were so good together,” Leanne whispered. “We were so, so good together.” Leanne’s voice trailed off, and her body relaxed against Maria. She let go of her wrist and wrapped her arms around Maria’s waist pulling her tightly against her body and swaying to some private memory. “We are so good together, lover.”

  Maria appreciated the relief from the discomfort of being shoved against a trash bin, but she worried what Leanne would do next. She seemed lost in some internal struggle.

  This woman is nuts.

  Maria tensed and readied herself to make a sprint to her car when she heard the faint sound of a car engine. She prayed it was the janitor.

  “What the fuck? You think you’re getting away, bitch?” Leanne grabbed Maria by her hair and threw her to the ground. Her knees scraped on the cement, tearing her stockings and leaving bits of gravel embedded in her skin. She rolled to her side just in time to avoid Leanne’s fist aimed at her face. Obviously, Leanne had come out of whatever trance she’d been in and was intent on hurting her. She’d lost her balance when she swung at Maria and scrambled to remain standing.

  Maria crawled as fast as she could away from the enraged woman, but her palms were in the same shape as her knees and she didn’t get too far. Where was that janitor?

  “This is it, bitch. You will not touch Dana again.” Leanne picked up a good-sized fallen tree branch and raised it above her head, prepared to strike.
/>   Her thoughts were of Dana as Maria curled up into a ball and covered her head with her arms, and prayed.

  “Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name…”

  Chapter Twenty-three

  “Police! Put it down, now! Get on your knees!”

  “She’s mine! Mine! The bitch has no right! Let me go! Dana, Dana, tell them you love me. Tell them!”

  “…the kingdom and the power and the glory forever—”

  “Maria. Maria it’s okay. Baby, are you all right?”

  Maria unfolded herself from her fetal position and threw herself into Dana’s arms.

  “I was so scared.” Maria buried her face in Dana’s shirt. “Is she gone?”

  “She’s gone,” Dana said, pulling Maria close and kissing her forehead. Her heart ached as she gently ran her finger over the bruise spreading across Maria’s cheekbone. The police car door slammed, and she saw that her mother stood speaking to the police officer. Inside the car, Leanne clearly continued to rant, although they couldn’t hear her now. “I’m so sorry, baby. But we don’t have to worry about her anymore. We called the police on our way over here. She’s in custody, and they’ll charge her with assault with intent to do great bodily harm.”

  “We?” Maria looked over Dana’s shoulder. “Lucy.” Maria reached out and Dana’s mother quickly took her hand.

  “I’m so glad you’re all right. You are all right, aren’t you? When you didn’t show up at Poppy’s, Dana…well, she told me about you two and the Leanne character, and she was so worried that I had to come with her.”

  Maria took a deep breath and shuddered in Dana’s embrace. Dana cradled her face in her hands and kissed her lightly. “I’m fine now, Lucy,” she said, her gaze never leaving Dana’s face. “I need to change, and I could use a hot shower and a cup of coffee though.”


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