Edge of Awareness

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Edge of Awareness Page 18

by C. A. Popovich

  “Oh no. You’re going to the hospital, young lady,” Dana’s mother said.

  “I don’t think I need to. Really.” She glanced at Dana’s mother before turning her attention back to Dana. “But thank you for your concern. My cheek, my knees, and my hands are sore, but she just wrenched me around some. I believe I’ll be all right with a couple of days of rest. How did you know I was in trouble?”

  When you were late, I got worried. I went out to my car to come back and saw a note under the back windshield wiper I hadn’t noticed before. It said something about me being hers and making sure no one would come between us. So I grabbed Mom and we called the cops on our way over. They got here in time to see her standing over you with that tree branch. They tackled her before she could hit you with it.”

  “Good. Hopefully, she’ll get some help, wherever they take her,” Maria said

  Dana didn’t want to let go of her. She had just gone through the trauma of Leanne, and here she was, sweet, sensitive, loving Maria, hoping the crazy woman would get some help. Dana just wanted her gone. If the police had shot her dead, she wouldn’t have regretted it. She would have shot her herself if she’d had the chance, just for doing what she’d done. Maria was hers, and she’d protect her by any means necessary.

  “I sort of agree with my mom, baby, about the hospital. Maybe you should get checked out by a doctor.”

  Maria leaned against Dana and rested her head on her shoulder. “I think I’ll be fine if I can relax and feel you holding me. That’s all I need.”

  “Are you going to bring Maria to your place?” Dana’s mother asked.

  “What do want to do, baby? We can pick up Frankie and get you cleaned up first. I’m not comfortable with you being alone tonight.”

  “I don’t want to be alone. Oh God. Frankie! You don’t think Leanne did anything to him, do you? I have to get home.” Maria pulled away from Dana and picked up her purse, which had fallen next to the Dumpster.

  “Whoa. Take it easy,” Dana said. “We’ll follow you back. I’m sure Frankie’s fine.” She didn’t add that Leanne’s intent had been to hurt Maria. Hopefully, that didn’t extend to her pet.


  Dana and her mother arrived at Maria’s right behind her, but Maria didn’t wait for them. When Dana opened the door to her shop, Maria was sitting on her bed, tears streaming down her face, holding Frankie.

  “He’s okay,” Maria said rocking back and forth, clutching him.

  Dana sat next to her and wrapped her arms around her. “Good, baby. That’s good. Let’s clean up those knees and put some ointment on them.”

  “It looks like you have the situation in hand,” Dana’s mother said as she handed Maria an ice pack she’d retrieved from the kitchen. “I’m planning on making a pot roast tonight. You two are welcome to come over later, if Maria’s feeling up to it. Is it all right if I take your car home, Dana?”

  “Sure, Mom. I’ll just help Maria pack a few things and bring her home. Is that okay, baby?”

  “Yes. Of course and thank you, both of you. You probably saved my life.” With the last words, Maria’s voice broke and more tears fell.

  “I’m just glad you weren’t hurt worse. I’ll give Poppy a call and let him know you’re all right, but I’ll leave the Leanne details for you to tell him. I hope to see you later.” Dana’s mother kissed Maria’s cheek before heading out the door.

  “Can we just lie here together for a minute?” Maria put Frankie down and reached out to Dana with open arms.

  Dana took Maria’s hand and stretched out on the bed, gently pulling her close. Had it really only been that morning she’d awakened in this bed with Maria in her arms? She winced at the knowledge of how close she’d come to losing her. “For as long as you need, baby. How are you feeling?”

  “Like some crazy lady accosted me, I’m hungry, and I still want a cup of coffee.”

  Dana laughed, relieved that Maria seemed more like herself. “If you don’t mind me rummaging through your cupboards, I’ll take care of the food and coffee. You just rest a bit and grab a shower. If you’re up to it, the police want a statement from you. They agreed to let me bring you by the station later today or tomorrow. The sooner you go, the sooner this will be finished.”

  Maria sighed and massaged her temples. “I suppose I should get it over with. There are a few eggs in the refrigerator and bread for toast. Not much else.”

  Dana finished cleaning up after their meal while Maria packed an overnight bag and took Frankie out for a short jaunt around the parking lot. They loaded up Maria’s car and headed to the police station.


  Dana unlocked her front door and held it open for Maria.

  “What a beautiful fish tank! You didn’t tell me you had an aquarium.” Maria removed the icepack from her cheek and studied the fish suspended in the crystal clear water. “I love them. I bought Justin a ten-gallon tank when he was a kid, but when all the fish died I never replaced it. “Hey, fishies.” Maria walked closer to the tank and giggled as the fish wiggled at her.

  “They think you’re gonna feed them.” Dana walked up behind Maria and pulled her close. “I’m glad you like them. They’re great listeners.” She nuzzled her neck and pulled her closer. The moan that escaped from Maria and her warm hands covering her own nearly brought her to tears. She’d almost given up believing she could find someone to respond to her touch. Memories of her mother and father holding hands, cuddling, and hugging each other engulfed her, and she hugged Maria tighter.

  Maria turned in her arms and kissed the corner of her mouth. “Can I have a glass of water?”

  “Of course.” Dana released her hold and went to the kitchen to grab a couple of bottles of water. “Would you rather have a pop or a bottle of Labatt?”

  “No, I’d just like water for now. I took a couple of ibuprofen after we left the police station. I’m glad I got that over with. Thank you for going with me. I hope they’ll be able to charge her with something for damaging my car too.”

  “It was good that you still had that note she sent. It may not be enough evidence, but if she knows they have it, maybe she’ll confess.”

  Maria wandered to the glass door, slid it open, and stepped out onto the tiny balcony. “You have a view of the river.”

  “Every so often, a freighter goes by. I enjoy it out here. Wait till you see Mom’s. Her balcony extends the whole length of her condo.”

  “You have room for a couple of chairs. I like it. I miss not having a seating area outside, but I guess it gets me out for more walks with Frankie. Can we sit out here for a while?”

  “Of course. You’re welcome to lie down if you need to. How do you feel?”

  “I’m a little tired now that the adrenaline’s worn off, and my knees and palms sting, but the ibuprofen’s kicked in, so it’s tolerable.”

  “It’s a little chilly. You might want to keep your coat on. Bring Frankie. Maybe he’ll like it out here.” Dana pulled her plastic Adirondack chairs next to each other and sat down.

  “It’s nice here.” Maria leaned her head back and closed her eyes.

  “Yeah. It’s nice having you here. I’m glad you agreed to come. How’s your cheek? You left your icepack inside.” Dana kissed her lightly.

  “My cheek is numb. I’m tired of holding ice on it.” Maria opened her eyes and turned to Dana. “Thank you again for saving me. I don’t know what would have happened if you hadn’t shown up when you did. Leanne is really sick.”

  “Yeah. She is. But she’s gone. The police locked her up, baby. You’re safe now.” Dana leaned over to kiss Maria more thoroughly.

  “This isn’t very comfortable, sweetheart. The arm of this chair is definitely in my way. Can we go inside?”

  “You keep calling me sweetheart, and I’ll follow you anywhere.”

  “I worried that it bothered you. It just seems to come out when I think of you. I’m glad it doesn’t. Let’s go in. I want you.” Maria sat on one end of the couch and
held her hand out for Dana to join her.

  Dana stood an arm’s length away. She shook with desire, and her stomach clenched with the need to fall into Maria’s arms, but she anchored herself in one spot. “Maria, I…”

  “Sweetie, you’re shaking. It’s okay. I’m all right. Just sit with me a minute.”

  Dana sat, careful not to touch her. She needed a minute to gather her thoughts and her control. Maria had just gone through a traumatic event. She didn’t need her jumping her, and if they made love again, she’d be lost. “I want you, baby. Like I’ve never wanted anyone.”

  “You’re still worried about the heterosexual thing aren’t you?”

  “No. Actually, I’m not. I don’t believe you’re playing games or experimenting. You’re too honest for that. I’m worried about my heart.” Dana took Maria’s hand. “Every time I’m with you, talking or laughing, kissing or just sitting quietly, I fall further. I know that if we make love again, I’ll be way beyond the point of no return. I’m scared that you won’t feel the same way. I’ve fallen head over heels for you, Maria. I love you. I know that to be truer than anything I’ve ever known.”

  Maria lifted Dana’s hand and rested her lips on Dana’s knuckles. She took a deep breath before speaking. “I’ve spent my life believing that I loved my husbands. Believing they loved me. When I met you, I realized that I deserved more than just what was expected of me. The feelings I have for you don’t compare to any I’ve ever had before. I’m finally allowing myself to be led by my heart. I have no doubt that we”—Maria gently tapped Dana’s chest over her heart, then tapped her own heart—“were meant to be together. Do you know what Justin said to me when I called him from the police station? He said he loved me and all that mattered was that I was happy. If my son can instantly accept that love is all that matters, so can I. You’re right. I don’t play games, and I try to be as honest with myself as I’m able. I’m not sure what God has in store for my future, but I truly believe that he brought you to me for a reason. I don’t believe I ever really knew what love was. It’s so much more than physical. I think maybe that God gave us the capacity to feel the physical connection, so we can better define and explore the emotional one.”

  “Baby, you’ve lost me. I don’t have a doctorate in theology. I just know the connection I feel with you.”

  “I feel it too, sweetheart. I’ve never had a feeling so intense that it was impossible to ignore. I’m used to words of love. I love you, I need you, and I’ll be faithful to you. I associated those words with love. They turned out to be just words. When we’re together, when I know your touch, hear your words, and look into your eyes, I feel the love between us. I’m in love with you too. I know that absolutely, in my heart.”

  “People will call you a lesbian.”

  “Is that worse than being called a ‘church bitch?’” She smiled.

  “You know what I mean. Being with me means people will label you. It could be awkward for you.”

  “If people want to call me a lesbian, so be it. I guess I am. I just know that I need to be true to my heart. I want you. I love you. I want us to make a life together.”

  Dana pulled her close. “Those are the most precious words I’ve ever heard.”

  They shared a long, sweet kiss, and Dana knew she’d found what she’d always wanted. Love, in its purest and most honest form.

  “I love you, Maria. So much I can’t believe I’ve managed to live without you all my life.”

  Maria smiled and nipped at Dana’s lower lip. “Now you get to live with me for the rest of it. Come show me how much you love me.”

  Dana followed her to the bedroom. “I’ll show you if it takes me a lifetime, and that won’t’ be long enough.”

  About the Author

  C.A. Popovich, a Michigan native, has worked in the automotive industry for most of her life. During the many layoffs in the unpredictable field, she earned a certificate in dog grooming, an associate’s degree in veterinary technology, and worked in maintenance at a condominium complex. She’s been working as an AutoCAD operator since 2009 and looks forward to retiring to be able to write full-time. She believes her passion for writing began at birth and has maintained a journal since high school.

  Since discovering Bold Strokes Books, and her love of lesbian romance, she’s written numerous short stories with happily-ever-after endings. In 2012, she had an article titled “The Choice” published in Sinister Wisdom. It describes her experience on a flight aboard the tiny plane into Provincetown, MA.

  She hates spiders, loves to read, write, spend time with her family, and travel to as many BSB events as finances allow.

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