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Aiding the Dragon (Stonefire British Dragons Book 9)

Page 4

by Jessie Donovan

  So, Teagan logged into her computer and pushed aside thoughts of having a mate to lean on. She could handle things on her own, as she always had in the past.

  Chapter Four

  Aaron tried his best to hide his exhaustion as he walked toward Teagan’s office. If he wasn’t careful, he might yawn in Teagan’s presence and he’d never hear the end of it.

  His beast spoke up. If you don’t let one out, you will yawn.

  You’re not helping.

  I am. Yawn now and it’ll be out of the way.

  No. I’m not about to show weakness on my first full day on Glenlough.

  His dragon huffed. To make things worse, his beast curled up and went to sleep. It wasn’t the first time Aaron thought his inner dragon was more like an annoying sibling than a partner in life.

  His beast opened one eye and promptly shut it. Aaron would probably pay for that thought later.

  Taking a deep breath, Aaron closed his eyes a few seconds and opened them again. Killian had been straight to the point about debriefing him. The clan was waiting for a challenger to come and try to take over Glenlough. While Aaron appreciated the information, the lack of alternative solutions had grated. He could’ve told Killian his idea but had decided to save it for Teagan. That way he could watch the surprise in her eyes.

  If he worked hard, he might be able to surprise her more than she could him.

  His dragon shook his head and went back to feigning sleep. His beast must be exhausted to miss the chance at teasing him.

  Aaron arrived at the old oak door at the very end of the hall. He knocked, and Teagan’s muffled voice told him to enter.

  Opening the door, he spotted Teagan frowning at her computer. His gaze then drifted to the multiple piles of paper stacked around her room—on her desk, table, bookcase, and even the small sofa. Before he could stop himself, he blurted, “How do you find anything in here?”

  Teagan’s frown deepened as she looked up at him. “I have a system. Shut the door.”

  He closed the door before asking, “Care to share that system? It looks like a rubbish heap to me.”

  “Ask me to find something.”

  He motioned around the room. “Where are last year’s birth records?”

  Teagan pointed to a stack on the table against a wall. “There. We had twelve babies born. I can list them by name and birth month, if you like.”

  He blinked at her quick response. “Er, no. That’s okay.”

  Satisfaction glinted in her eyes. “If you’re quite done criticizing me, then sit your arse down. We need to chat.”

  “I would take the sofa, but I don’t want to disrupt your system. I’ll have to settle for the hard wooden chair instead.”

  After he sat in one of two wooden chairs in front of her desk, she carried on as if he hadn’t commented. “While Killian is in charge of your assignments whilst here, I want you to know that despite your tendency to irritate me, you can come talk with me at any time, provided we’re not in the middle of a crisis. If someone is mistreating you, I want to know.”

  He hooked an arm over the back of his chair. “I can handle myself.”

  She shook her head. “That’s not the point. Tensions are high as we wait and see if the other clans will attack. I can’t afford a brawl to turn into something more. More than one male will probably have a penis-measuring contest with you as it is.”

  “Not literally, I hope. I don’t fancy blokes myself.”

  “Caruso,” she growled in warning.

  Aaron decided to just be forthright and not continue to beat around the bush. Otherwise his gaze might linger on the adorable frown on her forehead. “Regarding high tensions about the possible threats, I have an idea.”


  The corner of his mouth ticked up. “There’s more to me than muscles and brawn.”

  She cleared her throat. “Of course there is. You just changed subjects rather quickly. So what’s this idea, Mister I-Just-Arrived-But-I-Already-Know-Better?”

  He nearly plopped his feet on her desk for her snarky comment, but somehow resisted. If he angered her, she wouldn’t listen to him, and that would only prolong his stay. “Invite the other Irish clan leaders to come here for an official challenge.”

  She motioned with a hand. “Explain.”

  He shrugged. “Instead of waiting around to see who comes knocking, just put out an invitation. The other Irish leaders are all male, aye? The invite will put them on the spot. If they truly believe you weak and incapable, they’ll come. If not, they’ll stay away. However, if any do come, it gives you the opportunity to prepare and ensure you can knock them on their arses.”

  He watched Teagan’s face, but it remained neutral. For once, he willed himself to be patient. Rushing the female would be counterproductive.

  She finally sighed. “What is it with males and wanting to beat the crap out of each other? You would think in the twenty-first century, we could simply talk and hash out details.”

  He tilted his head. “Is that doubt I sense? Have you let yourself go that much?”

  She gave him the double-finger salute. “Not bloody likely. Winning Glenlough wasn’t easy, yet I succeeded. I can do it again and take any southerners who come knocking.”

  He nearly said, “That’s my girl,” but caught himself in time. His dragon chuckled. You’ll see it my way soon enough.

  He ignored his beast. “So does that mean you’ll use my plan?”

  “That depends.” She pointed a forefinger at him. “Are you going to lord it over me?”

  He knew her question held a deeper meaning. “Not in public. I know how important appearances are for clan leaders. But in private? I will remind you often of my cunning and intelligence.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Why didn’t Stonefire send me another female instead of a male?”

  “Bram sent the best available. That would be me.”

  “You’re pretty sure of yourself,” she drawled.

  “Are you any different? I can’t imagine you belittling your skills.”

  “Fair point.” She placed her hands on her desk. “I need time to think on this. I don’t know what you usually do, but I don’t rush into things when something important hangs in the balance, if I can help it.”

  “Just don’t wait too long. If you issue the challenge once they’re knocking on the front gate, it won’t be as surprising. It’ll be perceived as a panicked decision.”

  She frowned and he couldn’t help but look at the cute creases again. The look really did diminish her badass appearance.

  His dragon spoke up. We all have many sides to share.

  Stop sounding like a bloody fortune cookie.

  Teagan’s voice prevented his beast from replying. “Judging from your eyes, your dragon has a few words to say. Care to share?”

  His beast chuckled. Tell her she’s gorgeous and clever and that I’d like to strip her naked before I—

  No. Aaron focused back on Teagan. “He’s hoping you use my plan.”

  “Is that so?” she drawled. “While I think you’re lying, it’s probably best I don’t know the truth since I’m familiar with what male dragons often think about.”

  “Female dragons think the same, but just hide it better.”

  Teagan’s pupils flashed. “Oh, believe me, you don’t want to know what she’s thinking.”

  His own dragon chimed in. Invite her to shift, and we dragons can sort things out in dragon form.

  Not going to happen, mate. Aaron said, “Can we focus back on the plan? Are you going to use it? I rather think it’s your best shot at putting the others in their places.”

  She put a hand on her chest and feigned surprise. “It almost sounds as if you want me to win and put the males in their place. That can’t be right.”

  The O shape of her mouth made him think of what she could do with those soft lips.

  His dragon spoke again. Yes, like this.

  His beast flashed a naked image of Teagan as
she swallowed his dick to the back of her throat.

  It took everything he had to keep from choking, let alone keep his cock soft. Not wanting the distraction, he gave a warning. Do it again and I’m going to lock you up.

  I only show what you try to hide.

  Maybe he needed to find a female for a quick fuck to clear his head. A female like Teagan expected to be bedded and wooed, and he had no interest in the wooing.

  Teagan’s voice cut through his thoughts. “Your dragon is fairly chatty.”

  Aaron shrugged. “It happens. Now, with regards to wanting you to win, me and Bram already know who you are. Getting to know a new clan leader, especially one who might not want to form an alliance with Stonefire, would just make things difficult. I’m merely being practical.”

  Her own eyes flashed, but it was brief. She answered, “I’ll talk with Killian and consider the pros and cons. For now, get some rest. Not only will you start your new duties this afternoon, but we’re also having a welcoming dinner in the great hall this evening in your honor.”

  “Why are you saying that with a devious glint in your eyes?”

  She tilted her head with a smile. “Oh, nothing. You’ll find out.”

  He didn’t like the tone of her voice but knew she wouldn’t expand further. “Just know there’s little you can do to embarrass me.”

  “Oh, is that so? I’ll keep that in mind.”

  Aaron stood. “Clan leader or not, if you try to pull a prank on me or put me on the spot, I’m going to return the favor when you least expect it.”

  Teagan leaned forward and rested her forearms on the desk. He resisted looking at her breasts. “We shall see, Caruso. There’s more to me than you think you know.”

  His dragon grunted. I want to know all of it.

  He didn’t dignify his beast with a reply. He moved toward the door. “Challenge accepted, Teagan O’Shea. There’s plenty I can do without publicly challenging your leadership.”

  Before she could utter another word, he exited her office with a smile. Maybe his time on Glenlough wouldn’t be completely tedious. He could even have a hand in strengthening the alliance. That would award him bonus points back home.

  His beast sighed. It wouldn’t be tedious if you kissed her. She could help pass the time.

  Teasing her will be enough. I don’t need the complication of a relationship, let alone a mate.

  I never said she was our true mate.

  He missed a step. The way you’re acting says otherwise.

  A dragon can want a female for many reasons.

  And what does that mean?

  You’ll just have to find out for yourself. Kissing her won’t start a frenzy, so your ‘I don’t want a mate’ excuse is null and void. It’ll be fun to see what you do next.

  As his dragon fell silent, Aaron wondered if his beast was jesting him to see if he would kiss Teagan or not. In his experience, a dragon rarely wanted someone so strongly without a true mate pull.

  Then he remembered how Stonefire’s head Protector—and Aaron’s boss—Kai Sutherland had mated a human female who wasn’t his true mate. However, if anyone tried to take Jane Hartley from Kai’s side, they would be on the ground and restrained within seconds, if not worse. Kai and Jane’s bond appeared as strong as any of the true mate couples he’d seen. More so in some cases, such as when compared to that of his own parents who had been true mates.

  He wondered if Kai’s dragon had wanted Jane desperately, despite her not being his true mate.

  Not like Aaron was going to ask him. Talking about females with Kai would be awkward since Kai wasn’t chatty to begin with.

  Aaron would just have to forget about his dragon messing with his mind. He had no intention of pursuing any female beyond a quick fuck in the near future.

  Besides, there were more important matters to think about, such as if Teagan teased him, then he would be free to give payback, and he’d have to think of something good. No matter what his dragon may say or imply, Aaron wasn’t going to miss his chance to embarrass Glenlough’s leader in an officially approved capacity. Even though it meant donning a smile and charm for a few hours, he looked forward to the evening celebration.


  As the light dimmed and the day turned into evening, Teagan watched as Colm MacDermot spoke with a fifteen-year-old boy named Emmet. Colm was a tall, fair-haired male who was a few years older than Teagan. He taught the older children how to fly and control their beasts, and did especially well with the difficult students.

  While she tried her best not to listen, she couldn’t block out Colm’s words. “I know your parents always say that sneaking off the clan’s territory is dangerous. But while I encourage exploration to a point, I agree with your parents right now. You know other clans might attack at any moment, so explain to me why you thought it was okay to sneak off this morning.”

  Emmet raised his chin and tried to stand taller. However, he was still a foot shorter than Colm. Teagan bit back a smile, remembering her own bouts of trying to prove herself at fifteen. The boy said, “Gannon suggested I was scared and should go back to the younger class. I couldn’t let him think lesser of me.”

  “Aye, and why is that?”

  “Because,” Emmet replied, “if I want to be a Protector, I need to be strong.”

  “Strength comes in many forms, son. Do you think if someone insinuated Killian was weak for not fighting a bear, that he’d go off and find one to wrestle?” Colm asked.

  Emmet frowned. “Of course not. That’s ridiculous.”

  “And so is letting one classmate get to you. A Protector focuses their energy on important matters. Accepting every dare isn’t one of them. You’ll lose focus and it’ll consume you. Trust me, my cousin refused to believe he didn’t need to prove himself to anyone who challenged him, and he died before he hit eighteen.”

  Emmet’s posture slumped a fraction at Colm’s words. “I forgot about that.”

  “Aye, well, you were a young child at the time. So when I say accepting dares and trying to prove yourself to everyone is a waste of time, I mean it. You only need to impress Killian and Teagan if you truly want to be a Protector. That means demonstrating restraint to show off your good judgment.”

  Teagan decided that was her cue to break her silence. She strode toward the pair as she said, “He’s right, you know, Emmet. Improve your skills, demonstrate good judgment, and show you can obey orders. That will go a long way toward achieving your dream.”

  Emmet’s cheeks flushed. “Of course, Teagan. I’ll try better.”

  “Good. Then run home and start fresh tomorrow. If you show us you can change, then Mr. MacDermot and I may just forget to tell your parents about your little transgression.” She looked to Colm. “Isn’t that right?”

  Colm nodded. “But I need to see a change of behavior straight away. I’m not going to give you chance after chance. If being a Protector is what you truly want, then you have to earn it. There are no second chances in a life or death situation.”

  “I understand,” Emmet answered quickly.

  With that, Emmet ran off and Teagan chuckled. “I sometimes forget how difficult that age can be. Between dragons trying to seize control at any moment and human hormones rushing through their bodies, I’m not sure how any teenager survives it.”

  Colm snorted. “I think you just don’t want to remember how adventurous you were yourself.”

  She smiled. “Aye, I was a handful.” She sobered. “But we’ll have to save reminiscing for another day. I have a favor to ask.”

  Colm raised an eyebrow. “Which is?”

  “Before I get to that, just know that I’m not trying to rub in winning the leadership trials, I promise. But your experience is what I need.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Unlike Hugh, I don’t hold a grudge. You were the best, and you won, end of story.”

  Along with Colm, Hugh Burns had been one of her opponents during the clan leadership trials. “Good.” She lowered her voic
e. “I’m going to hold another challenge, and I’m going to need your help with planning and running it.”

  Colm frowned. “Are you stepping down because of the arseholes who think you’re too weak? You don’t need to, Teagan. The clan has your back.”

  “I know, and I’m not stepping down anytime soon. However, if I invite Orin Daly from Killarney or any of the other leaders who wish to challenge me to a formal trial, then I can once and for all dispel the myth that females are too weak to be leaders.”

  Colm grinned. “Just thinking about Daly on his arse would make my day. Of course I’ll help.”

  “Good. Then come to my office tomorrow during the midday break. I want to formally announce my intentions tonight, but I didn’t want to do it without securing your help first. I can’t do it on my own, and I’d like to have the second-place winner at my back.”

  “You always have my help, Teagan. If you doubt it again, I may have to challenge you myself.”

  He winked and she shoved him. “Fine, then I won’t. Just remember to come, aye?” Colm nodded and she continued, “Then I should go change before the formal celebration. Unless there’s anything else you want to talk about?”

  “No, my students are doing fairly well overall. If Emmet truly tries to prove he’s Protector material, most of the other lads should fall in line. He may not realize it yet, but they look up to him. He’ll make a good Protector one day.”

  “Agreed.” She turned away. “I’ll see you tonight, hopefully. If not, then tomorrow.”

  Colm waved and Teagan walked briskly toward her cottage. Her dragon spoke up. Are you sure you want to announce it so soon? It might be better to wait.

  Everyone is uneasy. If they know we have a plan, then they can breathe a sigh of relief and maybe even help prepare. I can’t do this on my own.


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